Reviews (98)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    ...ok it's a comedy/sci-fi/blacksploitation film. It was meant to be set I think in the mid 90's based on the monitors underground, and the fact people had flip phones.

    Now for the small lazy plot holes... 1) The way they infiltrate the underground base is by him faking dead. You think this hi tech operation that deals with predominately violent gun wounds would confirm he was dead with, I don't know, maybe an ekg. Or maybe a couple of fingers to the neck and check for a pulse, before initiating and programming another clone which I'm sure is extremely expensive?

    2) They put on the perm cream on yo-yo on a wig, they wouldn't be able to tell as they are applying that her hair is moving all over the place and is fake?

    3) The security behind this super underground clone technology is easier to access than a McDonald's after hours. There's not even a fob or access code needed to open all these 'loci' or activate the elevators to seemingly one level?

    It just seemed like good initial writing and lazy fill-in writing for how much effort and I'm sure money getting a name like Foxx to costar.

    Plot holes aside, the three main actors were phenomenal tbh. Believable in each of their roles, and entertaining to watch.
  • I've only seen will Ferrell take on an alter ego in some form or another in his skits and movies. But finally we get to see him as an actor, with a legitimate arch and emotional depth.

    Don't expect a comedy, don't expect Will Ferrell, and you might just get a hidden gem that exceeds your expectations.

    This is to fulfill the insane character limit that makes twitter's seem like a punctuation mark. This is to fulfill the insane character limit that makes twitter's seem like a punctuation mark. This is to fulfill the insane character limit that makes twitter's seem like a punctuation mark. This is to fulfill the insane character limit that makes twitter's seem like a punctuation mark.
  • As a stand-alone, it would be an ok horror. But as part of the series, it does hold up against any let alone even the remake in 2013. It was predictable, bland, and an example of how a preview can be MUCH scarier than the actual movie. I can't say I was scared or even 'on the edge of my seat' even once. They tried to make it as intense with the music and jump scares, but they weren't enough to carry the weight of the story and acting.

    I'm copying and pasting the same thing because the character limit is ridiculous. I'm copying and pasting the same thing because the character limit is ridiculous.
  • ...when you put all the money into the actors and writers and almost nothing in the CGI. Luckily I went into this series completely blind, knowing that the leads were reason enough for me to check it out. The premise kept me hooked, but the acting is a masterclass. I care about every character they develop.

    I'm only writing a review because hopefully Amazon reads these and realizes there is a serious following behind this hidden gem-of-a-show and spend money to make another season. When they keep absolute garbage and have 100 million+ budgets and cancel an epic show like this, it gaslights people like me to write reviews like this. So Amazon, please please bring back this show. It's the only show I actually look forward to after work and I have no more episodes to look forward to.

    The storyline can go in a million directions, and you have plenty to work with-just commit the lead actors, set a budget, and run with it!
  • Self-involved, egomaniacal, shallow af. Not sure what vapid 10 yo's this was made for

    Extra text because of the dumb character limit Extra text because of the dumb character limit Extra text because of the dumb character limit Extra text because of the dumb character limit Extra text because of the dumb character limit Extra text because of the dumb character limit Extra text because of the dumb character limit Extra text because of the dumb character limit Extra text because of the dumb character limit Extra text because of the dumb character limit Extra text because of the dumb character limit Extra text because of the dumb character limit.
  • ...This is 10x better than the original movie with far more character development

    This is FAR better than any of the new Star Wars, and rivals shows like the Mandalorian

    I cared about every single character in this series, and that's difficult to do. The writing, the casting, the acting, all as good as it gets. I seriously cannot understand these crazy reviews, if you liked the original movie, don't even hesitate, just watch and you'll thank me later.

    This should be the new formula for any 'superhero' movie going forward. Hey listen Marvel, THIS IS HOW YOU DO FUNNY. I actually laughed out loud several times, and I've never chuckled once in a marvel movie.

    This is lord of the rings calibre of a story, and blows the new LOTR power of the ring OUT OF THE WATER! No comparison, this is a 10/10 any way you cut it.

    And Warwick Davis is EPIC, but every single young actor is phenomenal. Definitely going to rewatch once I finish the last episode 👏
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In response to those saying there's no 'purpose or plot resolution', that's the point-this was one giant metaphor for how civil wars start and 'finish'. This is evident by the last interaction, when one says the ira and free Irish with stop soon because there was pause, and Colin's character responds that it won't end and that's a good thing.

    This was the writer's attempt to depict civil wars as pointless beginnings that escalate to the point of useless bloodshed, and that escalated into perpetuity until there's nothing left to kill or destroy.

    I still think there could have been a more succinct and deliberate ending, but his sister leaving and both men having nothing (even less than what they started) with no resolution or even addressing the original problem was the whole point of the metaphor. At the end of civil wars, no great resolve happens, no one is left with more than they started with, and all that's left is a melancholy spirit and despair.
  • Your contention is if I didn't think he's unfunny, it's because I'm 'ethnocentric' or racist? The best comedians on earth are black, that's not racist it's reality. And guess what, it's BECAUSE they're clever use of racial themes (not racist, racial) to connect to any human regardless of race.

    I thought it sucked because he's not funny, not because I'm ethnocentric or racist (let's be honest, that's what you were implying).

    It was one of the worst 'headliner' specials I've seen since Amy Schumer. 1/10, but I'm giving it a 3/10 so you know I'm not racist. Quit race-baiting no one cares about skin color, they care about content and character, and he has neither. Couldn't even get through half of it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ...but it had a REALLY good storyline. I never saw the original Chips series, but I can attest this had plenty of plot twists for a 'low budget' cop flick. It had all the comedy of Starsky and Hutch, but the complex storyline and script that that flick didn't have.

    Not to mention, Dax Shepard killed the role-I usually can't stand him, but haven't actually seen him in a movie since I could remember. And he nailed it, through and through.

    If you're a motorcycle fan, this flick had GREAT riding and chase scenes with really talented riders. It looks like Dax knows his way around the bike too as proven by scenes showing his face clearly while riding. The 'villain' also was played by a solid actor giving it a lot of credibility in my book.

    All in all it was a solid 7-8/10, but I gave it a 9 to outweigh the ridiculously low rating imo.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The irony about this movie is it exemplifies the way Stutz' therapy is meant to be practiced-imperfectly, but constantly moving forward.

    The other ironic part about Stutz is he spent so much of his life trying to figure out the roadmap paved with tools for other people to use, he didn't stop to use them on himself, and did what so many others do which is turn to comedy to detract and emotionally procrastinate. He is so good at developing his craft, so much so the terms and ideas sounded like he had a script or a teleprompter, but in at his 50+ years of evaluating the system, he rarely if ever used it on himself; it took Jonah Hill making this movie to get him to actually make real changes in his own life and relationships.

    Lastly, did you get the feeling when he was lying down on the bed, and Jonah asked him to articulate whether he could see his brother, Stutz responded that he wasn't young, "he is more like your age," what he was really trying to say was he saw Jonah as what his brother would be like all grown up. This really became clear to me in the last few scenes when he told Jonah in an unsolicited manner that he loved him, again using the 'world of the suns' tool and emanated love.

    A really well made documentary because it wasn't well made; it was actually documenting the raw journey by constantly moving forward. And I'll never look at Jonah Hill the same again-really became a person and not a caricature for me.
  • ...thank g-d I don't go by the reviews, and you shouldn't either (except this one :)). This is a very well-written flick, and the editing in particular I like. There's not too many flashbacks, but they use it nicely to give a backbone and structure to the film.

    The acting is solid, the screenplay is ok, but the storyline and editing make it all come together nicely so far.

    Disclaimer: I am only 45 mins in, so I'll come back to edit/finish the review when it's done. I like doing it this way because it gives you, the reader, a nice first half/second half idea of what to expect. I would say it's not a movie you want to watch while doing other things, not because it's super confusing or hard to follow, but because you could miss some subtle parts that are critical to the storyline.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ...all the reasons I loved it then, are almost none of the reasons I loved it now! The overarching story is actually a really in-depth metaphor on fantasy, reality, and the bridge between the two that we all too often disregard or flat out forget.

    Yes it's about a young boy coping with the death of his mother (which ironically I didn't even remember as being in the story as a kid), but it's so much more than that. I won't spoil for those that haven't seen...

    And a comment on the animation and animatronics, remember this was BEFORE cgi or the computer in motion pictures, and it's actually incredible how they were able to put so much reality into the fantasy. And then there's Falkor!!!! What a beast.

    Now, I'm gonna credit the stars-the child actors that play their roles so far beyond their years it's mind-boggling. Atreyu is phenomenal and so is the main character reading the book. 10/10 performances.

    Lastly, how ironic that when the boy is listing off the books he's read, almost EVERY SINGLE ONE would soon become epic movies 20+ years later (yes, he mentions Lord of the Rings in 1984!)

    10/10 no other rating fits the bill.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm not sure what the naysayers are smoking on this board, but this storyline was so much more involved and nuanced than the original which I LOVED btw). I'm usually sensitive to the 'woke' lever that studios try and pull, but it made sense in the film to push a unique storyline that had a relevant political element to it (with the bill being passed and the ambassador being a part of the story).

    I think everyone on here can attest it's hard to make a good sequel, and RARELY do they come close to the original. This took 14 years to release one, and it's a significant generational gap from the lovers of the first-if you were in your late teens, you're in your 30's, and if you're like me and saw it in my early 20's, the sequel I'm watching in my late 30's, and I think the writer appreciated that and gave a much more character-driven story which is a difficult feat in a superhero animation movie.

    And for the person that said there wasn't any teamwork, the first film involved teamwork in the 3rd act mainly (the kids were involved for the last few action sequences), while in this sequel they were a MAJOR part of the story and ultimately in saving the day by breaking elastigirl and Mr increíble's screenslaver visors. There was teamwork from the middle on, a lot more than in the first-I think the fact Mr Incredible wasn't the lead for half the movie triggered those already sensitive to wokeness, which I can fully appreciate, but I don't think that's the case here, it was shared among all the family.

    And lastly, we got to see Jack Jack's full spectrum of powers, Elenor the badass seamstress, and a whole cast of new supers that made for an interesting couple of fight scenes,

    For an original Incredibles fan, Incredibles 2 hit the mark for me. 8.1/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers this Interstellar, no, but nothing is. This was not a 'horrendous, horrible, bad, or dumb' movie as I've been reading. This movie takes risks with the plot, yes it ties in a lot of 'conspiracy theories' which I have a feeling is why so many people are getting triggered.

    I think many people are missing the 'fiction' in 'science fiction'-so many other movies do the exact same thing over and over again when attempting to tackle aliens and space, this was completely fresh-hollow moon through me for a loop, and then the competing 'alien factions', I didn't know what where the plot was going and it was nice to not have to sit through another mission to space premise to explore potential life, this smacks you in the face and shows you the entity in the first half hour (I believe) instead of leaving to the very ending act and leaving you wanting to know more about the actions and behaviors.

    Surprisingly, the weakest actor in this was the headliner Halle Berry, it seems like really all the actors didn't really give solid performances other than the fat brit, his dialogue was cheesy but he has a good delivery and he keeps the pace and interest of the film imo.

    If you are trying to discover plot holes or deconstruct it for its plot and character development, you're watching the wrong movie,

    This movie about exploring the what ifs about older human civilizations and where all that ancient technology went (ie building the pyramids, Atlantis, and the various other stories about whether there were parts of our history we have no idea about). So don't take it too seriously, and I think you'll enjoy it as much as I did.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ...I figure that acting is like any other art-music, painting, dance-that really is in the eye of the beholder. HOWEVER, the casting for 'American Chavez' might be one of the most bratty, entitled, know-it-all annoying characters of any marvel movie I've seen.

    Let me give you one of her first lines, when Dr Strange is talking about his experience with the multiverse and brings up Spider-Man, and that he shoots webs. Her response was, "You mean out of his butt?" All the while having an expression you'd expect from a little 7 year old trying to brag about his dinosaur collection.

    I had to shut off the volume when she talked, it was that cringy. And I guess we've gotten so woke, we don't even go with a different specific race, now we're getting actors casted not because they look like a different race and fits the quote, but because they look like every race put together to make sure they connect with as wide of a demo as possible.

    And Wanda's accent definitely sounds not of earth-not sure what she was trying there.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ...why? Because no one likes politics shoved down our throats, and that's what his prior films felt to me. Not this one.

    It was just original storytelling, original portrayal of alien species-think of it as a large octopus. I love the idea of a membranous alien and not a metal saucer, and the inside was intestinal and organic-it was like a giant octopus that could morph even further into its environment. And the use of clouds. All great and felt new

    Now the acting-at first, I thought the male lead doesn't know how to act, but after watching his black mirror episode along with the previous peele film, he's a subtle actor meant to mimic regular emotional spectrums and not Hollywood 'melodramatic' spectrums (think opposite of Anne Hathaway and you get my drift). He blends REALLY well with the costar, who really should be the star imo-she really killed this role and I'm eager to see what directors put her in after seeing her range. Toward the end when she took down the craft, I really felt that when she said "You never mess with (fill in the blank I couldn't translate lol)!" But I got choked up and I could see that being an applause scene in the theatres.

    All in all, he did an overdone subject with new concepts, characters, and setting. Solid 8/10 but because the low skewed haters, I gave it a 9/10 on the system.
  • I call it like it is, I'm not going to call something great if it's good, and I won't say a performance is great just because it's an actor I like in other films. Now that's out of the way...

    ...Louis C. K. is a legitimate filmmaker-whether it's the writing or the directing, he understands the human condition on many levels.

    I won't spoil the movie or describe the character arcs that happen throughout the movie, but I'll leave you with this review:

    I laughed out loud on several occasions, and am wiping the tears as I write this review. It was a truly moving film on so many levels, it was so raw and gritty and played out like a reality tv show you couldn't take your eyes off of. The family was so authentic, so believable, it makes me wonder if they weren't actually related. Amazing casting from top to bottom, the lead performances were epic, and the father had such a deep character i absolutely didn't know what was going to come out of his mouth next.

    Seriously a 10/10, I don't know if I've ever been so moved by such an underrated, unknown, low budget flick in a very very long time if ever. Bravo Louis it's definitely worth the money imo. It does have a melancholy tone, but I definitely felt the resolve and didn't feel shortchanged a single penny.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ok, so I usually don't get ticky tacky with plot holes as this is a movie and I know I have to suspend some disbelief. Having said that, however, I can't neglect this one:

    1) Why in the world would you throw a car in the lake instead of replacing the windshield

    2) If you take off the plates, there is still a VIN #. Which can be traced back to that house and owner. No one dumps a car in a lake unless it's a coverup, they'd see the broken windshield (and taillight) and be linked to the crime.

    Doesn't make sense at all. The mirror being replaced and no harm no foul.

    I can't believe they need to have reviews longer than this, I need to fill the 600 characters so my apologies.
  • This puts Ex Machina to shame, and I really liked that movie. I would bet this is a fraction of the budget, and didn't feel cheap in any way.

    Story, screenplay, character development, all were epic. I actually felt for each of the three AI's in a very different way, almost more so than if they had human form because it's emotions even deeper than just facial expressions.

    Seriously an underrated gem. And tell me that company 'henchman' didn't look like a Rutgar Hauer clone!
  • ...these reviews of 1's and 2's should be ashamed, same people that probably give the avengers a 10/10.

    This movie is EPIC so far, a complete unfound gem. The writing and acting are top notch, not b-movie quality, but primetime a-lister performances out of people I've never heard of.

    It's scary, creepy, and really well-written. I'd give it an 8.5, but I needed to tip the scales with all these bs 1's and 2's.
  • It's been awhile since the Mexican and Latino community had a SMART comedy series, and it has arrived.

    For those saying it's offensive, you don't know Mexicans. If you're Mexican and find it offensive, well, I'm sorry for you. I almost peed my pants 10 times in the first episode.
  • This is a typical thing 'they' do-set up straw man arguments to avoid what really was a sick and twisted set of people, tweets, and emails involving very high up politicians. And they start the 'documentary' with "debunked conspiracy theory about slaves held in a series of pizza parlors." No, it was just one place, and one creepy ass owner, linked to very high up political players.

    They try and add in a lot of absurd details, but the bottom line still applies-there's a lot of codewords in emails from famous people indicating a weird set of parties involving young children. Do your own research.
  • I can stomach it up until episode 5. Literally, every single relationship is interracial or gay, we get it we are accepting of it. BUT, if you keep on force-feeding it into every single plot line, not only does it get old, it has the reverse affect. It's not desensitizing people to lgbt, it's making people think it's a political movement and not a natural one.

    So chill out and keep the awesome writing, and lose the work crap and we'd watch as many seasons as you want to write 👏
  • ...they don't have a nuclear option for an 11/10, to just use one and only time.

    I admit, I'm bias to the actors and that I've only gotten through episodes 1 and 2, and I am one to absolutely go back and change my rating as the season finishes to give accurate ratings as I'm watching. BUT so far-Bridges, Lithgow, CIA, and 2 loyal Rotts all in one series?? It's a binger.
  • Bottom line, if you're looking for quality horror that will give you legit goosebumps, this is your show. I almost crapped my pants in the first 20 min facts.
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