
IMDb member since December 2009
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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Don't believe the bad review bombing
This movie was not horrible. Were there cringe "woke" moments? Yea but overall it was a solid movie. Loved seeing the various kinds of transformers. Cool seeing the animal transformers. The story plot was OK but let's keep it real Transformers NEVER had an amazing plot. I thought Scourge was an excellent villian.

I agree with the reviewers that stated 1. These 2 unknown actors weren't strong enough to carry the movie. These aren't Academy Award winning actors. 2. The jokes were cheesy and fell flat.

Favorite part was Bumblebee!! Loved Mirage. Last 30 mins of the movie was just awesome!! Great final battle scene.

No Escape

Very Good Movie Ignore the Low Reviews
I really enjoyed the movie and don't get the low reviews. Someone said it was racist brown vs white. Asians aren't brown. There's no racism in the movie. This is a story about an American family who is trying to survive a coup. Very simple concept but executed beautifully.

It's pretty much intense from 15 mins until the ending. I was on the edge of my seat hoping they made it. Owen Wilson shines in this movie. Kids though annoying did a good job. This isn't a thought provoking movie. It's a movie where you will love it if you love simple action movies.

Also not sure why the roof throwing scene gets cropped on. Seems reasonable to me Stuck on roof with bad guys with guns and can't go down jump across to the other building.

This movie did make me scared to go to another country.. reminds you to appreciate the freedoms and stability American has.

Call Me Miss Cleo

Great Documentary. Call Me Now!!
I really enjoyed this documentary. I remember Miss Cleo from my childhood but didn't know much of her story. It was interesting learning about the lawsuit and hearing from her friends. It seems like she was a really kind soul who wanted to help people.

I'm happy that she was able to find happiness, laughter, and love after all she's gone through in her life. I'm still not sure if she's a real psychic but I lean towards yes.. people think being a psychic means you know 100% of the future. I don't think it does. But I do think she had a gift.

I'm happy to hear she didn't live her final days out destitute and alone. But surrounded by loved ones full of happiness.

R. I. P Miss Cleo.

Avatar: The Way of Water

Not impressed
Watched the 1st one and really enjoyed it. This one was ok. The 1st hour and last hour were good. The 2nd hour was Boring.

Oh it was 100% a beautiful movie. But we've seen this all before. It's 2022 not 2009. If you're impressed by the CGI in 2022 that's amazing.

The reason they went to the water would was hollow.. the humans aren't just there to destroy Jake. They want the planet.. so I guess a Jake doesn't care about that.

I'm hoping some of the side stories will be fleshed out next movie like the daughters powers.

The pacing was very slow. 1 fight scene in the beginning and then nothing for an hr or so.

Definitely won't watch again but I may go see the 3rd movie cuz improvements could be made.


Great Inspiring Movie
Will Smith really shined in this movie. I found myself cheering him. The cinematic view of black and white war different but in a good way. It really gave the movie character and an old time feel. The pacing for the most part is good though there are some slow moments in the beginning. If you're looking for a cookie cutter CGI action click this isn't it. If you're looking for a thought provoking movie that inspires, this is it. The only complaint I have is the violence was mild. I think to really understand those times you have to face and show the ugly horrors of the day. This movie seemed a little toned down. With the R rating I think they could have gone further.

Black Adam

Black Adam Steals the Show
The Rock is the perfect actor for this role.. he's dark, moodless, and a never ending RBF!! That's exactly how i picture Black Adam. He's also funny.. loved the movie. The Justice League characters are ok. Dr Fate and Hawkeye (oh whomever he was) were great actors.. the tornado girl and giant boy could have been left out and the movie still would have been great. Enjoyed the pacing.. loved the mom and son. Just an all around great movie! No useless dialog. No stupid love story Only complaint if I had to find one is that the fight between Black Adam and the main bad guy wasn't long enough. Would have loved some cool dessert and ocean fighting scenes.

DC has really stepped their game up!!


Solid movie
Don't pay attention to the movie snobs. Move was good. Will it win any Oscar's no, but it isn't designed to. It's designed to be an action packed thriller. Movie starts off a little slow like most movies do for character development. After that it's pretty much action. Entertaining movie.

The Man from Toronto

Funny action movie
Not sure the low score. The movie was funny and kept me engaged. Like if you don't like Kevin Hart you won't like movie. And yes he plays the same character in every movie but who are you? Roger Ebert? Loved Woody Harrelson in the movie. People need to learn to turn off their brains and enjoy movies. If you're bored and need a good movie, this is it. If you're an person complains about CGI this isn't for you.

PPP Loan Gone

Missed the mark
What could have been a great movie quickly went off track. Too many side plots (Mr Cuddler getting paid for hugs... the paster storyline) made a really good movie bad. Give it 5 cuz it had potential but why the end of the movie with all the side plots it all got confusing.

A Journal for Jordan

Kinda boring but still worth watching
I'm watching the movie now. It's a decent movie but not amazing. The female lead isn't a good actor in this movie. The journal isn't the main focus of the story. 60% of the movie is showing them dating. The son was biracial which confused me. The dad left a journal but she only read it to the child once until he was a teen. No chemistry between the lead characters.

Marry Me

Excellent RomCom
If romantic comedies aren't you thing then why even watch it? This movie is a traditional romcom like back in the early 2000s. The music was pretty good. The characters were fun. Owen and Jen had great chemistry. There were definitely fun moments and no glaring plot holes or issues. Cheesy in places. Will definitely make you smile at your mate.

A Madea Homecoming

Silly as ever
People take these movies too seriously. Will definitely not win any awards. But if you're looking for a silly movie that also gives some good messages on current events (defund the police, homosexuality, loving after hurt, and etc)

But if you're uptight and want a serious movie you'll hate this. Madea is a weed smoking, gun toting, loud mouth, gangsta lol.

Red Notice

Pretty Funny Movie
Hadn't heard of the movie before. But with the Rock and Ryan Reynolds I said what the hey. The movie was funny, fun, and I really enjoyed it. The chemistry between Ryan and the Rock was awesome. I didn't see the twist at the end. Hope they make a 2nd movie.

Sweet Girl

Enjoyed it
Guess it's the cool thing to dog every movie that comes out. I judge movies purely on are every entertaining. Not are they realistic. Like it's a freaking movie not a documentary. In the movie they clearly established the girl had been training in boxing and martial arts since she was a about 8. That's 10 years. Fueled by 1. The fact that she thinks these people killed both her parents 2. The element of surprise because most of the people sent to kill her probably thought a girl was easy to kill.

The plot twist was surprising and good. I enjoyed it.

Love by the 10th Date

Great movie
Thought the movie was really good. I think the only people who won't like it are people who take movies too seriously. It was a laid back funny movie about love. I saw a review that said the husband and wife scenario was too made up.. but I've seen many couples Hollywood and regular folks who go through this. Thought it was a good Netflix and chill couples night type movie..

A Score to Settle

Great movie horrible ending
I really enjoyed the movie and the plot twist. But the end where he spares a life is just stupid. You spare the life of the man who killed your son so he wouldn't snitch. Made me mad!!

Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn

Wait for DVD
I generally like most movies I see. That's why I was sad I didn't like this one. I liked Suicide Squad. Lol im not hard to please. Lol

Good: Harley Quinn. Robbie is an awesome Harley. I don't know if her outfits were right but who cares right? Except comic fans which I'm not. Her voice, look, and etc is Harley.

Fight scenes: they were good. Unrealistic with the whole women easily beating up men. But it's a comic movie I don't need realism watching Harley bop people in the head was fun.

Black Canary: she was a great actress. Got Pam Grier vibes. Beautiful and dressed to the nines. 1 complaint how'd she get her powers and when did Gotham get metas? 100 Batman' movies and have never seen a meta. Yea Dr Strange has created some superpower villains. But how did she get her powers? Shouldn't she be in Star City with the Arrow?

The Bad: Rosie character. The detective with no name.

The villain. He wasn't a villain at all he bought a diamond, Cassandra stole it and he wanted it back. Even said don't kill her. Not enough character development for him.

The storyline: Harley breaks up with the Joker and everyone wants to kill her until the teen Cassandra steals the diamond and now Harley offers to get it back for Black Mask so he doesn't kill her. She swallowed it so they are giving her laxatives waiting for her to poop...

Really the 1st HQ movie and that's the best plot you can come up with. Super lame.

Huntress: she was more of a guy and had the personality of wallpaper.

Birds of Prey: give us a Harley movie. No one cares about the BOP except comic nerds. You're not getting a billion from that predominantly male demographic by making an anti man chic movie.

I'm a 39 yr old female. Went with my 17 yr old daughter and 60yr old dad. None of us liked it. So who's the target demographic? Epic fail.

Movie is a B-/C+

Bad Boys for Life

Loved it
I was a little worried it would be stale since Martin hasn't acted in awhile. But the movie was great. The storyline was really well put together. The action scenes were awesome.. Will and Martin were funny. Loved seeing Bjorn from Vikings in it that was a pleasant surprise.. And at the end it got me all emotional too! Going to see it again next week! Bad Boys 4 Life!!!

The Taking of Pelham 123

Love it. Suspenseful and solid
Just watched it again. Haven't seen in years. Came to the reviews and was surprised at so many negative reviews. I guess if you saw the original you won't like it. But then again, I never understood why people who love the original watch the remake.. Probably so they can complain.

This movie was great. Fast action, suspenseful. Great acting by Denzel and Travolta. Kept me guessing. Definitely worth watching.


Horrible movie
Couldn't even finish it.. It was lame . Loser husband who refuses to work and cheats all of a sudden gets millions from his idea after his wife gets fed up and leaves? Claims he isn't cheating but marries the woman he cheated on her with years ago.. But he's painted as the good guy

This would have been a better movie if she killed him and went to jail. To have her die and he lives happily ever after with his new wife is horrible. She wasn't the bad guy of the movie. He was..

But like an insecure man Tyler couldn't let the story stand. He had to make the wife the bad guy.. Turned it off 1/2 way through when O realized they were gonna make the wife the bad guy.


Great show
Just discovered this on Amazon Prime. Anyone who loved Fraiser and Martin will enjoy this show.. I'm really sad it's only one season. I binged watched all 10 episodes and was hungry for season 2. If you want classic comedy with a great cast this is a good one.

Murder Mystery

Great movie
Anyone who gives this movie a 1 or 2 is a paid troll. It's a fun Netflix movies. Is it worthy of $10 at the movies of course not. But it's basically a free movie. It's not meant to be serious or a drama. It has Adam Sandler and Jen Aniston in it. They are known for rom com's. Someone said they guessed the killer as soon as it happened.. No way they could guess that as there's more than 1 killer. Lol

I laughed and was thoroughly entertained. If you want a cool movie to watch on a lazy Saturday this is it. If you want an Oscar worthy movie I think Adam Sandler should have tipped you off this wasn't it.

Watch the movie. It's a fun..

The Lazarus Project

Poor imitation Stutter Island
I thought the movie was going to be a version of stutter island about someone is trapped inside of a mental hospital and needs to get out. Where the movie starts to lose you at is 1. Every time he speaks of wanting to go home, no one ever mentions he was on death row for murder if he goes home they would lock him up and kill him for real this time. for people who wanted him not to leave, I think that would be the biggest deterrent. The choice between staying here and being free or going back to Texas and being killed is a big deterrent . It's like the movie writers forgot that he was on death row.

2. is the fact that it made no sense at the end of the movie when he showed up at his wife's house for him just to get out of the car And for his wife to walk up to him like he had just went to the store for milk. If my husband who was executed showed up on my front steps I would be scared and petrified not hugging him happy that he came home.

3. Finally for rehabilitation clinic, I think that the counselors did a very crappy job. If we are going to take murderers and attempt to give them a second chance the first thing we want to do is sit down with them and explain to them 100% exactly what happened. No showing up in the night being spooky giving ominous warnings. Sit them down and explain "you were supposed to be killed. Due to a diversion program we spared your life you have to stay here. if you attempt to leave we will put you back on death row and kill you " I think no matter how much you missed your family if you knew that would not try to leave.

I give the movie four stars. The acting was good the plot was interesting but the execution failed miserably


This is an a bad movie nor is it a great movie. But the movie is however very predictable. With that said I did enjoy the first half of the movie. My only issues came at the end. One it was obvious the entire movie that the main character was going to get caught. When she went into her hotel room and suspected someone had been there it did not make any sense for her to a continue into the room or be to then get into her car without doing a full sweep of her car to ensure nobody else was there. Also when her car goes out on the bridge and she found the FBI and they say they're on their way it did not make any sense for her to get back in the car without opening up all the doors to make sure no one else was in the car with her. Other than that the movie has a very good plot in the acting is decent my only issue was at the end was very quick and the choices of the main character was very predictable

The Employer

I liked it
I think this movie is severely underrated. I really enjoyed the flick. I didn't know anything about the movie except what the description was and I found it to be really good. I liked how they provided back story for each character and showed parts of their interviews and when they got abducted.

I didn't know the chubby girl had all the information about the others before going in. When I found out, it made sense that she woke up 1st. Then, I was mad when she starting talking at the end and basically gave away that she knew about the interview beforehand and was going to kill him. But that's just like bad guys to want to brag a bit.

I loved the dark haired smoker guy. I was really rooting for him and was glad they got the muscle guy out the way fast. I know some reviews said it wasn't believable. But the muscle guy was intentionally beat up the night before and had a broken rib and etc. With the element of surprise, I've seen a lot of smaller guys take on bigger guys and win.

I didn't like the guy with the glasses. The ending I think was bad, I really wanted the dork guy to kill the employer. Because in the end even though he killed Alan. He had no choice. Kill Alan or some guys will be at your door to kill you. I really don't think he has what it takes to be a part of the company.

Overall, it was a good movie. Not movie theater worthy, but Saturday night DVD worthy for sure. I have watched a ton of movies and I guess I am not a snob. I expect a B or C movie to be a B or C movie. I do not expect the acting to be superb or the set to be spectacular. It's a low budget movie and for a low budget movie it was good. I cared about each character, except the ninja girl. When muscle head talked to his mom that was touching and when the last girl to die couldn't reach her sister I felt bad for her.

I recommend this movie. IMDb has a way of rating a movie lower than it should be. This is definitely one where they go it wrong.

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