
IMDb member since October 2009
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    IMDb Member
    14 years


The Gateway

Impressive Sci Fi
Caught this movie at a screening in Australia and have to say, I was really impressed. The acting is good with Jacqueline McKenzie a stand out, such a performance! The story involves parallel worlds and moving between them and is cleverly done. It contains some amazing ideas with lots of twists and turns and becomes a thriller towards the end...overall a well made, slick looking movie which I recommend.

The Reckoning

Well acted thriller with twists
I was looking forward to seeing this movie because (1) I'm a fan of thrillers and (2) I like Viva Bianca since her Spartacus days. This film is an interesting blend of found footage and crime movie which I haven't seen before. The film starts off a bit slow but then picks up pace and certainly has suspenseful moments. Viva is good although the detective Lapaglia is also impressive as is one of the teenagers. Performances are realistic and there are plenty of twists which kept me on my toes, particularly towards the end. the movie has a good score as well although sometimes feels too busy, but it works. Overall i really enjoyed it and recommend it to others.

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