
IMDb member since October 2009
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The Walking Dead

I always appreciate it when a TV/movie sticks to the original version, a comic book in this instance. If you love the comic book series (which I do and have read every issue printed) you will no doubt be hooked immediately. I always enjoy a good zombie film but they always lacked the really good storyline found in The Walking Dead comic.

Before anyone thinks 'ok this guy is just another zombie fan', for the record, my wife watched episode 1 with me, she hates zombie films and does not understand why I like them. After watching the first episode she has become a fan.

A warning however - there are scenes of graphic brutality and gore so if you are easily offended this is not for you. I think that because the storyline is so good the punchy scenes really have a lot of impact unlike some zombie films that are very boring due to their overused gory scenes and little story.

Episode 2 cant come quick enough for me

Brooklyn's Finest

Let me just say straight away that the cast of this movie contains ALL of my favorite actors. I thought I was going to be in for a treat, maybe my expectations ruined my conclusions.

The biggest problem with this film (in my worthless opinion) is that it is portrayed as dramatic and yet there just seem to be soooooo many holes in the plot that the overall impact is reduced, almost to the point of being farcical. I won't give anything away but I don't believe that 'gangsters' are THAT stupid, I watched the TV show 'The Wire', which I thought was excellent due to it's balanced perspective. This film portrays the cops as being crooked, lifeless and aggressive morons whilst the 'gangster' are simply gun toting foul mouthed idiots who struggle to walk upright, let alone be career criminals.

By the time the final scene began I found myself struggling to stay awake because the 'drama' had become so Tepid and predictable.

Very very average.

Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel

The Kids Loved It
I asked my 11 year old and 7 year old daughters what they thought of this film. They both loved it.

The 3 on IMDb is a bit misleading. This is a film for children, not a campaign to win an Academy Award! Obviously there are people out there who take things a little toooooo seriously when rating kid's movies.

My 11 year old daughter writes the following: the movie was great. i love the sounds of those little voices. why are kids films usually getting a 2,3,4? the film the music, adventure,scenes were all entertaining for me.

Remember folks, this is a film for children, the chipmunks have been around for more than 30 years so they must be doing something right. If you want to over analyze a film then do a search on the French new age section and go your hardest, on the other hand if you are looking for pure entertainment for your under 12's then go no further.

(500) Days of Summer

Promising beginning becomes an utter bore
This films begins well. A nice light romantic type film with each character evolving as the film progresses. The two lead actors kept me interested for the first 30 minutes. However, half way through the movie I kept thinking 'this guy is pathetic' and 'she is a real pain in the ass'. I still think that Zooey Deschanel is a fine actress and a very attractive woman but I simply wanted to strangle her during the course of this movie. I would have DUMPED HER in a heartbeat!! The friends of the male lead have been done to death so many times before, goofy, nerdy pals asking the usual sexual type questions at the beginning of the relationship but also there to provide the support when things go wrong. The use of the little sister as the counsel for the male lead (and his dopey mates) only made his character seem more pathetic.

I did expect some kind of comedy to emerge but no, it became mindless romantic dribble that made it very difficult to stay awake. It also made me realize that the review scores on IMDb are a total illusion! An 8! you have got to be kidding me?? A very uninspiring movie to say the least, give this one a miss folks

The Showdown

The acting was so bad that we all laughed
I sat down to watch this with my uncle and father, both of them just love westerns. However this is more like a 'folks in the woods' rather than a true 'western'. The acting was truly bad, it looked and felt like an amateur stage show, even the guns sounded like starter pistols.

Some of the lines in the film are so bad that they are funny, if only the actors were not trying to be serious! After watching this we all heartily agreed that it was one of the worst films ever made.

If you are a fan of westerns I recommend that you sit down to one of your Audie Murphy westerns from the 1950's and watch that instead.

Don't waste your time with this one folks.

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