
IMDb member since January 2003
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    21 years


Gente di Roma

I saw this film Saturday night. I have to admit I'm a fan of Ettore Scola and I expected much more. If we recall films like "The New Monsters" , "Ugly, Dirty and Bad" , "We All Loved Each Other So Much", the very touching "The Family " and many others, the word to describe this movie is disappointment. Poor script, poor photography, parallel stories without any connection, amateur actors (or even worst, people who pretend to be), etc. The first half hour looks like you are going to watch a great movie, but later on, the tempo of the film decays deeply, characters who appear and disappear without any logic, and so on. If we were entitled to see how the Romans are and live today, forget about it, it's a confuse mosaic without any talent.

El lado oscuro del corazón

One of the best Subiela´s
"El lado oscuro del corazón", is one of the best movies I´ve ever seen. Inspired in the life of Oliverio Girondo, (a great argentinian writer, intelectual father of Jorge Luis Borges, transgressor in the 30´s) it talks about life and love. The desperate search of Oliverio for a woman who could levitate after making love. Oliverio travels alternatively from Buenos Aires to Montevideo and each travel is a fantastic portrait of both cities, meanwhile the fears of Oliverio arise to a climax Don´t miss it, if you like poetry

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