
IMDb member since June 2009
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The Regime

Loved it! Such a clever series
Haven't written any reviews on here in ages, due to the character minimum and often I just haven't got enough to say. But fot this one, I had to come back. I love absolutely everything about it.

Firstly, the concept of a story of some imaginary country, based on various situaties around the world. It's like a reality fairytale.

The acting of all involved. Of course Kate, but all the advisors, her palace manager, the loves in her life, the politician in captivity*, the Americans, all of them were so good. The facial experiences, the lines they had, simply very good.

But mostly, I loved the humour, it was all so witty. Extreme and subtle at the same time. I really laughed out loud numerous times. I don't think I had seen Kate in a funny role before, but she did well. Including the crooked twitchy mouth.

I also really liked the ending, and how one element is simply not addressed anymore. Just to show what it meant to the main character. On that same note, quite an important character dies, but that is hardly even shown, in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter to the others around the person. The person was very important, but they don't acknowledge that at all.

But if you expected Titanic or, the Holiday or The Reader, then no, this isn't for you.

*I love how Hugh Grant is always just Hugh Grant, bad guy or good guy, it doesn't matter. And I don't mind it!

Inside Man

Bizarre, but I liked it
This is not a waste of good actors, without the good good actors, the good acting is what kept me entertained. You will find yourself screaming at the screen though.

This is not a story that is believable in any way. Poor and unlikely actions, decisions, chain reactions and connections. But to me, that is not the point of it all. I see this as a dark comedy. In the middle of it all, there are so many funny moments that made it worthwhile for me. Just the whole idea that it's not actually that easy to kill someone made me laugh.

Even though it was all very weird and sometimes impossible or at the very least not very likely, I found it gripping and I did want to see how it all played out and how people and storylines would be connected eventually.

Enough loose ends for a second season, so looking forward to that! I love that it was just 4 episodes as well.

12 Gifts of Christmas

Lame movie, but you know what you're getting yourself into
Your typical hallmark-y Christmas movie. Story is nothing, acting is worse, and everyone is wearing red and green throughout the movie. I haven't finished yet, but I'm mid-ice skating scene, so I'm expecting the two love birds to fall onto each other and share a kiss any moment now.

Other than that, there is absolutely no humour in this. The only funny moments were not intentional. The two of them eating cupcakes with knife and fork, very casually, not part of any joke. Botox mom calling her son with her glasses all crooked. And the most funny of all is the family painting. That really made me laugh. If you know, you know.

On a more serious note, what is up with that manipulative sister, guilt tripping the main character into baby sitting all the time?!

Boy Erased

A bit slow, but still interesting
This is quite a slow-paced and in a way very predictable movie, you already know what is going to happen. The whole concept of wanting to "heal" someone seems just so outdated, but I know it's still the reality for many.

The acting by Russell Crowe or Nicole Kidman was good, but I feel like pretty much any actor could have done that just as a well. Main actor does a great job.

The only thing that took me a while was that I didn't really realise the jumps back in time, but that's because it was so slow, I was started getting distracted by my phone etc.


What I thought was quite good was that they managed to make the experiences at the center even more traumatic than the rape scene, which you would think is the most traumatic thing the main character could experience.

Father of the Bride

Was not even expecting light fun, but no
I thought this was going to be a little bit like those Meet The Parents movies, but this is nothing like that. Even on its own merits, this is not funny and very stereotypical, and I'm Latin myself.

Gloria Estefan can not act to save her life. Truly awful.

I could not even finish this during my flight.

Inventing Anna

I guess it's a good thing we see a woman frown on tv again
The actress playing the journalist can only play emotions with extremely exaggerated facial expression. Surprised = eyes and mouth wide open. For an entire scene. Angry = heavy frowning. Frustrated = throwing your hands up in the air. It's like watching a cartoon. The actress playing Anna has an awful accent and unpleasant voice, all while wearing wigs they probably borrowed from SNL or Little Britain.

Also not a fan of Happy, Doc, Grumpy, Dopey, Bashful, Sleepy, and Sneezy, or the reporters coworkers in her corner at the newspaper. Probably meant as the comic relief, but just not funny.

Summary: The story pulled me in, but it's just not done well.

The Undoing

Enough to keep me entertained, but all in all not great
I enjoy miniseries and the idea of something having just 6 episodes. But I feel like even just 6 episodes was a little too much for this story.

Some things were just very unrealistic to me as well. What family goes out for dinner in public, in a nice restaurant, when one is on trial for murder? The way the police did their investigations came across as very strange to me. So much risk of potential evidence that would not be allowed in court. And many more things like that.

The ending was a little disappointing to me, but I am still happy I watched this.

By the way, what is up with Nicole's character refusing food in any scene where others do eat? They're in quite a few restaurants and she never orders anything. Is that symbolic of something?


I had the wrong impression of this show
So here I am, 4 years after this show started (and finished), finally giving in to the Netflix push. I had never bothered to look into this, and for some reason I thought this was a show about aliens! I think the name sounded like that to me. Being from Europe and with a poor knowledge of US regions. Anyway, all this to say, I finally gave this a try and enjoying this so far. I'm only on season 1 though. I do like that this show is 4 seasons, that's usually enough for me. Longer and I get bored or distracted.

Four Christmases

This movie is unbearable
This wasn't funny or romantic. Not even in a cheesy way.

The only good thing was that it confirmed for me that I do not enjoy any movie with Vince Vaughn in it. I now know to avoid those. Good to know.

Father Christmas Is Back

Too over the top
I realise this is meant to be cheesy and over the top, but this was just too much. I could not get into it. I hadn't seen any of the cast in anything big lately, I guess they needed the money or something.

Happiest Season

Worse than I expected
For some reason, based on some of the actors in it, I thought this was going to be more of a parody of the Hallmark Christmas movie, with a gay angle. But no, it's just a cheesy Christmas movie with lame humor (or what I think was meant to be humorous) and a predictable ending.

Sure, the mom and dad in this movie are actors you would expect in a movie like this. Not that Kristen Stewart or Alison Brie are the greatest actors out there, but I wouldn't have thought they would lend themselves for this. Maybe they needed the money or something.

So no, this is not good. Only watch if you want to see a lot of classic red and green American Christmas decorations.

Richard Jewell

Great movie
Based on true story done well. This is one of those films where you have Google open in the next tab to look up what really happened. Only to find that, unfortunately, many things are in fact true and not dramatized. Great acting by all main characters.


Not that great
This is just unpleasant to watch for various reasons. Firstly, the acting is not that great. Main character has one facial expression, eyes and mouth wide open. Mother of main character is a cliché, over the top manic person.

Secondly, it's kind of predictable. The main character makes poor decisions, and you can see what's going to happen right from the start. You immediately know a party is going to get out of hand, for example. The poor decisions make it hard to watch, but the predictability is worse.

Finally, while I'm sure the American system is bureaucratic and flawed (I'm not from the US, but it's probably not much different where I live in Europe), the main character often seems entitled. Even though she says thank you with a deadpan face all the time. It's not everyone's fault you got into trouble, people are trying to help. But because of how the contradictions in the welfare system are repeatedly mentioned, you do get the feeling you're watching propaganda. It's also very obvious they wanted to showcase all forms of abuse, highlighting a different type in each episode. That gives off an educational or informative vibe, rather than a drama show. Sometimes, the different forms of abuse are literally spelt out for the viewer (yes, I understand there is more than just physical abuse, thank you).

Maybe it's just hard to watch that life is rough for many people and generational problems are real, either way it's not a pleasant watch, but it doesn't make you sympathise either. The main character also keeps refusing help from qualified people, which I'm sure of often the case in real life for people who live in poverty. But it's quite frustrating to watch. I suppose that makes it realistic.

The English Patient

Not for me, way too long
I'm on a Ralph Fiennes kick, so I had to watch this one too of course. For some reason, the film never appealed to me. I guess my gut feeling was right. While I normally like stories like these, I cannot stand any movie longer than 2 hours. Preferably not longer than 1.5 hours.

This just took too long for me. And then I get distracted and miss important elements of the story.

But I can see how people with an attention span longer than that of a toddler enjoyed this.

The Constant Gardener

Ralph Fiennes plays this kind man well
After watching Ralph Fiennes in Maid in Manhattan on Netflix, I knew I had to find something in which Ralph could redeem himself, because that movie was awful. I think I found it, I loved they way he played a kind, gentle and polite man. A true diplomate. The type of man who doesn't speak up, unlike his wife. His garden is his escape. But he turns out to be very persistent when he needs to. The movie has a very important story and message as well.

As an aside, I wish I met the love of my life the way the main characters meet each other.

Maid in Manhattan

So bad, that only one bad joke made me laugh
This movie was just bad. It's the type of movie you watch during a flight, when it doesn't matter if you doze off for parts.

There was one cheesy, almost unnoticeable joke that made me laugh. There is a scene where we cut to Marisa and the butler, just as she is saying that he needs to make sure maintenance gets over there with a plunger, while she calls the pharmacy to see if they have something... for that. The fact that this made laugh says so much about how boring this movie is.

Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal & Greed

Too slow to get to the point
There's a lot of sighing and silences before just simply saying what happened. I would have liked this to be more to the point.

Django Unchained

I really only liked one scene
I watched the whole thing, but I only liked one scene; the scene with the horse raid.

Jackie Brown

The Tarantino film for non-Tarantino fans
I absolutely loved this film! I'm not normally a Tarantino fan, I didn't even enjoy Pulp Fiction (although I will not say this in public). But this one I really liked. I like how it's kind of slow and how you really get a sense on where the characters stand in life. It's all so subtle and with great attention for detail. But there are still enough surprising moments to keep you wanting to see more and find out how it all unfolds.

Barney's Version

Perfect combination of a life story with a uncertain element
I have not read the book, but I think I will do that as well.

I really enjoyed this story of a flawed man with a drinking problem. Sure, you wonder how he gets the women that he gets and that he even maintains relations with the people around him, but realistically, a lot of people like that have all sorts of relationships.

And then there's the element of wanting to know what happened to his friend, that keeps you wondering until the very end.

The acting in this was just great. Everybody, was just so good, the main characters of course, but also others, like father in law of the first bride, the daughter, or the actress in the soap.

I really enjoyed this.

The Woman in the Window

You can tell the story is incomplete
So, I just watched this not knowing there was a book as well. But as I was watching, I realised there must be a book, because a certain points the story doesn't make sense and the logic or reasoning behind certain actions are missing. Then at the end, that become even more apparent, because everything is sort of explained by the detective, simply because otherwise the viewer would not have understood.

I'm all for judging book-based films on their own merits, but the film does need to make sense from start to end. This film does not.

Great acting though.


A likeable main character, despite ego and addiction
Let me start by admitting I (1980, living in the Netherlands) had never even heard of Halston, and was not aware of how big of a name he was in fashion. And I do have somewhat of an interest in fashion, so I was surprised that I was so unaware of him and his brand.

It is an art to portray someone as a likeable person, even though this person may also have a dark, or not so pretty side to them.

Halston may have had some issues, but he was still loved by many. And Ewan was able to get that message across. This could have easily become a nasty character, who you would think deserved their downfall. But no, we're still on his side as a viewer. That was done very well.

I think the only character that may not have come across as well-rounded is Victor Hugo. After reading up on him, he allegedly has done some despicable things, according to many around Halston. But I wonder if he was the only one to blame, perhaps they should have showed the good side of Victor a bit more as well.

The Serpent

Accents aside, I loved this.
This is one of those shows that you watch with Wikipedia and the internet on the side to google all the people and events.

Yes, watching this as a Dutch person, the Dutch spoken by the English native speaker was truly hard to understand. I can only imagine they opted for this, to not have the majority of dialogue in English with a strong Dutch accent. After all, most viewers will not be Dutch. It doesn't bother me too much. Just like the weird French accent does not bother me.

I also seem to be the only one who absolutely loved that it was not chronological at all. It would have been much less exciting, and I enjoyed how we were drip-fed information. Great choice.


That was a bank holiday well spent
This was done so well! Loved all the acting, of course David Tennant was great, but everybody else was very good too, the writer, the detective, all were really good. I will be looking up things they were in as well.

I also liked that although this is about some awful murders and horrific events, we do not get to see much, it's not too graphic, I'm glad we did not get to see any cut up bodies etc. I can imagine it's a little too dry for those who are looking for more action. For me, this is exactly how I like these types of stories.

I am not from the UK and I was young when this all happened, so I was watching this, reading wiki simultaneously. All in all, a lovely Easter.

Honest Thief

I was hoping for some exciting bank robberies
I like a good heist. But this entire story starts when all the heists have already taken place. Instead you get some car chases and shooting fights. I do not care for those. Weak story as well. And Liam Neeson being Liam Neeson. Not a fan.

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