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Star Trek: Nemesis

Really good and enjoyable movie...
I have been a Star Trek fan since I was about 6 years old, I've loved every single Star Trek movie made apart from the Next Generation cast movies, they just seem dull and badly written, like they where meant for the small screen, that is until now!

Today I found Nemesis on DVD for less than £10 in the shops, and I thought why not I'll buy it, I never saw this movie at the cinema, I didn't want to, I'd had heard really really bad reviews, and complaints that it was just a Wrath Of Khan rip off.

So I got home, put on the DVD and from start to finish it was the first Next Generation movie I haven't fallen asleep through, I've watched the terrible Generations, the better First Contact, and Insurrection (which was really really bad probably as bad as Generations) but this movie, apart from Picard's speech at the beginning and Janeway's pointless cameo appearance (I was hoping for Admiral Hayes to give him his orders again)

I only wish I had gone to see it at the Cinema, after seeing Star Trek's IV to XI at the cinema and never missing out on the experience it makes me sad to think I judged this excellent movie so harshley...

9/10 if it wasn't for the pointless Janeway character in what was the best Star Trek: The Next Generation, of all four of them, I would've given it a perfect 10 out of 10.

I must see for any true Star Trek fan.

Live long and Prosper.

Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends

Spider-friends, Go for it!
I loved this show as a kid, Spider-man, Iceman and Firestar all teaming up against the evil villains of new york city such as the Green Goblin, Kraven The Hunter and The Scorpion and many more.

I have a few of the episodes still on tape and I still love the show, even though the animation is seriously dated, the voice acting is superb for an 80's cartoon.

Frank Welker is easily recognisable as Bobby "Iceman" Drake in his Freddie "Scooby Doo" Jones voice as is Dan Gilvezan as Peter Parker/Spiderman voice as it's exactly the same voice he used for Bumblebee in Transformers.

I didn't recognize Linda Gary as Firestar though, guess that's what made her such a good voice actor.

But it was a classic show, alright it might not have the on-going storylines and spidey facing moral dilemmas as the 90's and MTV Spiderman shows have, but it was the 80's every kid back then who was a spider-fan loved these shows.

Bring on the DVD's of this show and the other Spider-man show of 1981 :)

Transformer: Super Link

Superlink is great, but avoid Energon at all cost.
Energon is as bad as Armada was, the voice acting again sucks because again they decided to make it in Japan and animate it before recording the voices.

Set 10 years after the end of Armada and has the now Adult versions of the 3 brats in Armada, but they must've all skipped puberty because they still sound like they're in their early teens like the where in Armada, Alpha Q (who has had not introduction as to who he is or how he came to be inside of Unicron, since he was not in the Armada series) is Energon's attempt to bring back The Quintessons from G1 and doing a very bad job of it, Alpha Q is a three headed alien inside a robot body which is linked to Unicron via something like an Umbilical cord, he activates a couple of Robot's inside of Unicron, Battle Ravage and Divebomb I believe to go to earth to collect Energon, in order to revive Unicron, Unicron is in a terrible shape apparently, again no explination is given as when we last saw Unicron in Armada he had Transformed back into his Planet mode, when Galvatron sacrificed himself to stop Unicron from comming back to life and Destroying Cybertron, Galvatron was sucked into Unicron, who then just Disappeared, but then appeared from behind a planet at the closing moments of the final Armada episode and looked to be perfectly fine...

The Animation is a mix between CGI and normal Cell Animation but the problem is where the Cell Animation is far superior to that of Armada's, the CGI looks badly done and really doesn't mix well with the other animation, for a start the robot's seem too bright, brighter than the cell animation, and when they move, it's like they move faster than you'd expect a 20 to 30 foot robot to move, the head turning also seems to have this problem, another problem with the CGI is like the previous 2 Transformers show from Japan they Transformers with mouth plates such as Optimus Prime and Tidal Wave, don't actually look like they're talking since their mouth plates don't move at all, unlike G1 where Optimus Prime and the other Transformers with mouth plates would move up and down when they spoke, or in Wheeljack and Warthpath's cases the side lights on the side of their heads would flash when they spoke.

The Problems I feel with Energon that have been brought over from Armada, re-writing the cartoon, the horrible voice effects for The Autobots and Decepticon (neither G1, Beast Wars or Beast Machines had horrible voice effects that made the voice actors sound like they're talking in the bathroom) the horribly lame Transforming sound from Armada (Superlink has the G1 Transforming sound, why can't Energon?) There are more annoying kids, and an even worse Intro and ending theme than Armada's was, Superlink has an awesome intro theme again vastly superior to what Energon has to offer...

In G1 they didn't dub the show, I'm pretty sure they recorded the voices before the show was actually animated and they sure didn't re-write the episodes from Japanese like they've done for the past three Transformers shows now, the story's where written in America for a western audiance.

What's the point of re-writing a story that's already been written? surely someone can translate it and the could just use the same story for the show, it'd be alot easier...

or better still why can't they just write the show in english like they did with G1, Beast Wars and dare I say Beast Machines, and have the voice acting recorded before animating it....

that way the voice acting would'nt be so terrible, they wouldn't need to re-write it and people older than 5 years might actually get into the show and stop hating every new TF series that comes out...

Take Beast Wars, it was animated using CGI by Mainframe in Canada, it had various differen't writers from the states writing the episodes, it had two great executive producers Bob Forward and Larry Ditillio who actually took the time to study the comics and the original cartoon to better prepare themselves for working on the show.

Is Transformers in such a bad state now that it's required to be written and animated in Japan before being sent over to the west I.E. Canada or The U.S to be badly re-written by talentless hacks who do a horrible job at re-writing it, and then is horribly dubbed by people who really prefer recording voices before the show is animated, but don't really like dubbing because it's such a hassle.

Hasbro seem to be that obsessed with saving money and being tight fisted nowadays they might as well do the same with the comics...

Sadly I just don't think that it is possible possible nowadays for Hasbro to bring out a Transformers series that can be watched by kids and adults, the way the series are made they might as well not bother making them at all, because they can't even get it right like they did with G1 and Beast Wars.

Take my advice if you are a true fan of the original G1 Transformers or a Beast Wars fan avoid this and watch Superlink insted, no horrible voice effects, no lame transforming sound, better intro/outro theme.

I honestly don't know why Hasbro have taken this path, this year is the 20th anniversarry of Transformers, but instead of doing a G1 Revival series with the remaining members of the original series,we get Energon, another lame, badly dubbed, re-written show from Japan.

Way to go Hasbro.

G.I. Joe: Spy Troops the Movie

Avoid at all cost...
This is just awful, it's a disgrace to the name G.I. Joe the voice cast is just bad.

If you can afford to get the original voice actors back to bother doing it at all....

The plot is forgettable believe me I can't even remember what it's about, the voice cast are awful, the CGI is good but that's about all.

Cobra Commander - Ugh I know Chris Latta passed away ten years ago this year, but did they really need to cast the horrible Transformers Armada Starscream's voice actor for him, when you have someone like Don Brown who can do an excellent Cobra Commander/Starscream voice, heck even the guy who does the voice of Shipwreck does a better job at impersonating Cobra Commander than Michael Dobson does...

Duke - Now I think John Payne is a good voice actor, his Mossman and Sy-Klone in Masters Of The Universe as excellent, but simply can't match Michale Bell The Original voice of Duke.

Destro - Rubbish sounds too much like Silverbolt from Beast Wars than Destro, again the voice is bad compared to Arthur Burghardts...

Beach Head - WTF Beach Head in the original was a no nonsense military commando who was easily annoyed at people slacking off and pacifists in G.I. Joe, the one in this movie is more like a goofy airhead, beach bum, surfer dude who doesn't have a clue...

What a waste of time this was, Frank Welker, Michael Bell, William Callaway, Aruther Burghardt Dick Guatier, your voices are truely missed in Transformers and G.I. Joe nowadays, don't let anyone tell you differn't the 80's series that you where the voice cast of where the best.

Yet another series wasted by Hasbro's cheapness to hire decent writers and the best voice actors...

Star Trek: Klingon Academy

Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war...
Klingon Academy is by far my favorite and if not the best Star Trek game ever made.

You play a young cadet who has been accepted into the Klingon Academy in the hopes that one day you will find honor in defending the empire as a member of the Imperial Klingon Defense force.

In the game you are given your simulator mission's from General Chang (played by Christopher Plummer) not only that you have the chance to talk to the great General himself, and are even selected to go on secret "Real Missions" for him.

The game also features Michael Dorn as Commander Thok Mak although he was originally supposed to be playing Colonel Worf (his character from Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country) but I guess the producers and makers of the game thought it best that James T Kirk and Dr Leonard McCoy's lawyer/council while they where on trial not be your Instructor so they made Thok Mak, Colonel Worf's brother, also David Warner stars as Gorkon who is up for the place of Chancellor of the Klingon Empire.

The Graphics are amazing even now, I still love to play this game.

To actually be able to blow holes in ships and fire torpedoes that go straight through the hull that look almost movie like quality.

It's a fun game, I just wish they would bring out another Academy Title likes this one and the Starfleet Academy (which is also a great game IMO)

Escape from New York

Call me Snake...
What can I say about this movie that hasn't already been said?

Great B-Movie for it's time, I still love to watch this movie.

The Beginning Conversation between Snake and Bob Hauk is great.

Snake Plissken has to be my all time favorite Anti-Hero character, he's just a guy that I can relate to, he really doesn't care a lot about his country or his president.

I love the fact that throughout the entire movie he tells everyone to call him Snake, and then at the end when Bob Hauk finally calls him Snake, Snake says "Call me Plissken".



Bad Bad Bad...
Please no more, this is horrible....

Watching this as a kid because no-one told you otherwise you are lead to believe this "Ghostbusters" was based on the 1984 film, believe me it's not , it's more likely the producers ripped off the name before Columbia had a chance to make a cartoon based on the film, this horrible cartoon has no redeeming qualities about it whatsoever, it belongs in the same pile as Scooby Doo, Jabber Jaw, Josie And The Pussy Kats, and that is on a huge bonfire with all it's episodes and burned.

if you liked the 1984 movie "Ghostbusters" then this cartoon is not for you try watching "The Real Ghostbusters" which is actually based on the film, but if you like cartoons with bad animation and horrible characters the watch this.

if not then avoid it like the plague, it's precious time in your life wasted if you watch it.

The A-Team

Best Action TV Show Ever!
"In 1972 A crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit, these men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground, today still wanted by the government they survive as soldier of fortune, if you have a problem, if no-one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire The A-Team...." *cue machine gun fire and the theme tune*

In my honest opinion this was the best family show of all time.

lead by John "Hannibal" Smith played by the late great George Peppard with his ever popular catchphrase "I love it when I plan comes together" and his cigar chomping, not to mention drugging B.A. in just about every episode

Lt. Templeton "Face/Faceman" Peck the man who could probably con his own mother out of house and home.

Sgt. Bosco "B.A./Bad Attitude" Baracas an angry black man who hates every without prejudice, liked to slug officers when he was in the army, a mechanical genius who could probably rebuild and an old plane engine and fit it into a tank built to fight some guys threatening a local town, B.A. Hates flying so in just about every episode they have to drug him to get him on the airplane, then feed him some story about either having an Anxiety blackout, or falling asleep and pretend that the drove 700 miles.

Captain H.M. "Howling Mad" Murdock, Murdock was in the Thunderbirds before the Vietnam war flew everything, dropped off Smith, Peck and Baracas on their Hanoi bank job, but was declared medically insane after the war and was institutionalized, Faceman was always in charge of springing Murdock for the Hospital, but sometime's Murdock would just escape by himself (makes you wonder what kind of security they had in those places if someone like Murdock could escape) later on in show Murdock was pronounced sane which I think was a mistake because part of the reason people like his character was trying to figure out if he really was insane or if he was just putting it on to escape a prison sentence.

the show told the same episode nearly every week about a person/person's who where being bullied/terrorized by the local bully/mad man/crime boss, but tried to make every episode differen't, it would involve the A-Team getting the upper hand over the bad guys in the first half, then being either suckered into a trap or locked up where they can't escape, then some how manage to escape and defeat the bad guys just before Colonel Lynch/Decker/Briggs would turn up with a squad of MP's to arrest them, but by the time they would get there, The A-Team would be long gone, also it's funny for the ammuont of bullets fired in the show no-one ever died, sure B.A. was shot in one episode and stood on a nail in another, but nobody ever died hehehe, but then it was a family TV show.

In my view the show took a nose dive when the introduced General Hunt Stockwell (Robert Vaughn) & Frankie "Dishpan" Santana (Eddie Velez) even though I liked Frankie Santana they could've done without Stockwell as the team where cleared of the charges against them thanks to Stockwell but only if they would do jobs for him and the government, so instead of being Soldiers of fortune they became blackmailed footsoldiers for Stockwell.

Like I said best Action TV Show ever, it's a shame they never did a reunion movie with the cast before George Peppard died like they did with Knight Rider 2000 (even though the story for KR200 wasn't that great) it was still great to see K.I.T.T. and Michael in action one last time.

If only Universal had done the same for The A-Team.

Thanks for the memories guys, you made this kid of the 80's happy.

I give this program 10 out of 10 because it was pure fun for it's time.

Chô robot seimeitai Transformer: Micron densetsu

Better than Armada

This is The original Japanese version of Transformers Armada, without the horrible dubbing and badly re-written script, it tells the tale of the Micron's (Minicons in Armada) and how they had to escape from Seibertron (Cybertron) with the help of the Cybertron's (Autobots), but their ship comes under fire by the evil Destron's (Decepticons) but the Cybertron's managed to hold them off untill the Micron's ship activates a warp gate and leaves seibertron for another part of the Galaxy, when it emerges from the warp gate it floated for many years untill the ship collided with the earths moon causing it to crash and parts of the ship where torn off including a large section which fell to earth and crash landed and sat for many millions of years while the earth geographically shifted the ship was covered by hills and mountains, it thne skips forward a few million years onto Ladd and his friend Carlos on their way to school while they are there they talk about going upto the mountain again when they are interupted by Jim (Fred) and Billy who say they'll only get into trouble again.

Basically the story is told the same way as Armada only with better dialoge and a few changes such as the Cybertron's protecting the micron's ship as it's leaving seibertron as opposed to Armada's version where a cease fire was called and it was agreed that the mini-cons would be sent away from Cybertron, which is pretty ludicrous since when to cease fire's consist of The Decepticons ship firing at the mini-cons ship as it's attempting to escape and launching mines at it.

my advice watch the subbed episodes of Micron densetsu, it'll give you less headaches than watching the butchered and re-written "Transformers Armada" which is an insult to the name Transformers.

I give this a 5 out of 5 for telling the story correctly and in a non annoying way unlike Armada which had annoying voices, annoying kiddy characters, bad acting due to electronic voice effects and a badly re-written script.

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe

I Have The Power!!!!

He-Man is back for the 21st Century, after the failed attempt to bring him back during the very early 1990's and that whole traveling to the future nonsense, mattel/myp brought he-man back to his roots and did a kick-a** job in the process.

forget Transformers, they've wasted too many oppertunities to bring Transformer back to it's greatness, He-Man delivers a non kiddyfied 22 minute toy commercial filled with great action and brilliant voice acting and animation.

This show totally blows the original out of the water, they've updated almost all of the characters but kept them looking like they did in the original show and improved on the characterization, Skeletor is totally evil in this new series having originally been called Keldor who attempted to steal the powers of the elders had his face burnt off by acid ment for captain randor, he fled back to snake mountain with his minions and was trapped in the dark hemisphere for many years because of the mystic wall created by the sorceress and man at arms, but was destroyed by Skeletor and his minions who where now free to conquer the light side of eternia and steal the elders power, unknown to skeletor the Elders had transformed themselves into pure energy and had been hidden away in castle greyskull since Keldors defeat many years ago, another factor to add is that Kobra Khan is not a part of Skeletors minions this time infact he has his own agenda to free King Hiss who was imprisoned within the void deep inside Snak Mountain by the elders and the mystic Zodak who's brother was killed by King Hiss, Snake Mountain was originally built by King Hiss's snake army as a fortress to launch a full scale invasion of eternia from.

another factor to add is the flash back of Hordak who this time does not appear to be a Cyborg who can shape shift into rockets and other thing, but insted seems to be a Warlord who also seemed bent on ruling eternia, but so far has only made a cameo appearance in a flash back, but rumors say that the Horde may show up near the end of season 2 or early season 3.

an excellent series to enjoy whether you're young or older a fan of the original or a new fan, masters of the universe does not disapoint, unlike a certain other Transformers series which fails to impress again and again.

Superman II

Great Sequel

Great follow up to first Superman film, which follows closely to the first movie which has the 3 Krytonian criminals General Zod, Ursa and Non from the first film being accidently freed from the Phantom Zone by a Hydrogen bomb explosion in space.

the film has some great fight scene's and the added humor of Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor, excellent acting as always by Christopher Reeve, Terrance Stamp is awesome as Zod and some great quotes such as Luthor to Zod

"The next time, the next time? What am I going to do with you people huh? I hold up my end, delivered you the Blue Boy - and what do I hear from my triple threat? "Bow, yield, kneel" - that kind of stuff closes out of town."

"Why do you say this to me when you know I will kill you for it?"


"She lives for now, kill the rest starting with him *looks over towards Luthor*"

like I said great follow up to the first movie, It wasn't as long as the first movie nor did it have Marlon Brando as Jor-el in it unfortunately but still a great movie none the less.

The Transformers: The Movie

The Greatest Autobot of them all Optimus Prime Will Return!
What can I say about this movie that hasn't already been said, I saw the movie back in 1986 when I was around about 6 or 7 and I remember seeing the adverts on the TV about it an being really excited about going to see it, and I was not disappointed at all.

Along with G.I. Joe The Movie this is probably my favorite cartoon movie of all time, don't listen to what the critics of 1986 said about this film, it is not a star wars rip off, it was conceived in the epic tradition of Star Wars but did not steal the plot of it, it's a great movie to show your kids or watch with friends of the same time period as you that remember the series.

If only Transformers: Armada's pilot episode had been written as well and animated as good as this movie was.

You have great voice actors such as Michale Bell, Frank Welker, Peter Cullen who all have great performances in the movie and then you have big stars like Leonard "Mr Spock" Nimoy as Galvatron and the man himself Orson Welles as Unicron, and other great actors like Judd Nelson as Hot Rod, Lionel Stander as Kup and Eric Idle as Wreck Gar.

10/10 for this movie, I can't wait for the new live action movie to come out, I just hope it's a good as this one was.


Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, THUNDERCATS HO!
Another brilliant series to come out of the 80's though it kind of remind me of He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe at first, but quickly established itself as something differen't

The story is basically about a small group of Thunderians, who are Thundercats which is basically their equivilent of a royal family who have ot abandon their homeplanet of Thundera as the planet is destroying itself, led by Jaga the few reminaing Thunderian ships are attack by Mutants form the planet plundarr and are taken out with no trouble by the mutants ship, all except the flagship which they know is carrying the eye of Thundera, which is ebedded in the hilt of the mystic sword of omens.

Lion-O is the yound lord of the Thundercats who often receives advice from the ghost of Jaga and is keeper of the sword of omens, he has the look of a Lion like his name.

Cheetara is one only 2 females in the show at first, she can run at very fast speeds, but can only keep it up for about two miles, she has the look of a Cheeta hense her namesake.

Panthro is the engineer of the group who manages to build anything you can think of out of just about any ammount of scrap he can find, he resembles the look of a Panther.

Tygra the scientest who's bolowhip allows him to become invisible giving him an advantage in fights, Tygra also has the ability to trick people's minds (a bit like the jedi mind trick) he resemble a tiger.

Wiley Kitt a Thunderkitten who along with her brother Wileykatt is always getting into some kind of trouble.

Wiley Katt a thunderkitten like his sister Wiley Kitt and is always getting into trouble.

Snarf is Lion-O's trusted companion,keeper and friend, not sure what snarf is supposed to be only he is a feline like Thundercat not like the others who are part humanoids part cats.

Bengali was a blacksmith on Thundera before it was destroyed he was almost left on Thundera along with his companions Lynx-O and Pumyra, bengali resemble a Bengal Tiger.

Lynx-O lost his sight when flames caused by Thundera's destruction engulfed his eye's, but his other sense where hightend by the loss of his sight, he uses a brail board made by Panthro to hepl him with his duties in the Cats Lair and the Tower of Omens, he resembles a Lynx.

Pumyra the third female of the Thundercats, she resembles a Puma.

Ssslythe is the leader of the mutants who attacked the Thundercats, Ssslythe wishes only to possess the eye of Thundera, Ssslythe is a lizard type humanoid.

Monkien is a monkey type human and a part of the mutants.

Jackalman is a jackal typehumanoid, and is also a part of the mutants.

Vultureman is a vulture type humanoid, doesn't really like Ssslythe ordering him about most of the time but does obey him.

Mumm-Ra is the devil priest of third earth and is everliving as long as evil exists, Mumm-Ra is over a thousand year old and his body is decayed, even though Mumm-Ra's appearance is that of a weak frail old creature his magic is very powerful, Mumm-Ra serves the ancient spirits of evil who do not exist on the same plain of existance as Mumm-Ra does on third earth, but they do communicate with him via the four giant statues in the black pyramid where Mumm-Ra lives, the ancient spirits of evil grant Mumm-Ra the power to transform himself into Mumm-Ra the ever living, a more powerful, more hideous looking and stronger version of his normal self, Mumm-Ra the everliving's power is beyond question, and his voice was one of the most evil and best bad guy voices in cartoon history in my opinion.

Eek! the Cat

The Terrible Thunderlizards was a better show.
EEK The Cat was a pretty funny show, from what I remember EEK is a purple coloured cat who in almost every episode either gets attacked by his Girlfriend Annabelles pet shark dog "Sharky" or is suckered into doing some insanely dangerous stunt for Elmo the elk to raise money for an operation for his little brother Timmy's newest bizzare ailment whatever that might be he seems to suffer from a different one in every episode.

the other cartoon (which is alot better than EEK) "The Terrible Thunder Lizards" was an excellent show about these three commando Dinosaurs who where the most incompetent soldiers imaginable, think of The A Team but far far worse, there was one that was always shouting, one that was a surfer type guy (with the voice and all), and one who was the sort of scientist of the group who sounded alot like Arnold Schwarzenegger I think his name was Doc, I remember their commander was voiced by Kurtwood Smith, and they where fighting a war against what appeared to be Dinosaur skeletons, and at the end of every episode they manage to save the Dinosaur species from total annihilation from the Skeleton guys but normally end up destroying something of great importance to their commander (Kurtwood Smith's character)

I loved The Thunderlizards intro music some great Kick ass guitar rock music with someone singing lyrics "The Terrible Thunder Lizards" along with the music.

They should release the episodes on DVD, EEK The Cat I could do without but The Terrible Thunderlizards was excellent and must be released sometime on DVD.

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light

Why oh why where there only like 13 episodes.
Of this series made, I just don't understand...

For once a Hasbro toy based cartoon with a decent plot and a great cast of Voice actors.

The planet Prismos a futuristic earth type world which is thrown back into a medieval type age when the planets suns a re-aligned causing there technology and energy sources to be rendered useless and an age of Magic begins.

Basically it's your same old Good Vs Evil story only both sides have magical totems which alow them to turn into Animals/Mammals/Insect and Beasts for a certin ammount of time, they are also given magical staffs each staff has a differn't power, Wisdom, Light Speeed, Knowledge, Strength, Decay, Destruction, Fear and Invunrability, Visionaries that did not have staffs found that they could magically power machines (which also had powers like the staffs)

The Voice where brilliant and Perfect for each of the parts.

Neil Ross (Springer/Slag (and various other voices) of Transformers Centurions and G.I. Joe) as the voice of Leoric.

The late Chris Latta (Starscream/Cobra Commander of Transformers and G.I. Joe) as the voices of Cravex and Darkstorm.

Peter Cullen (Voice Of Optimus Prime in Transformers) as the voice of Cindar

Roscoe Lee Browne (Voice of The Kingpin in the 90's Spiderman cartoon) as the voice of Merklyn/Reekon.

Jim Cummings (Winnie the poo and Tigger) as the voice of Witterquick and the Bearer of Knowledge.

Jennifer Darling (probably know for her role as Callahan in the six million dollar man series) as the voice of Virulina.

Bernard Erhard (Cy-kill's voice from the Go-Bots) as the voice of Cryotek (Cool name which was recently reused for the name of a repaint of Transmetal 2 Megatron toy (from the beast wars series) as a Robots In Diguise Toy)

The late Jonathan Harris (probably best know as Dr Zachary Smith from the 60's series lost in space (which also starred a young Bill Mumy of Babylon 5 fame) as the voice of Mortredd.

Michael McConnohie (Cosmos and Tracks voices from Transformers) as the voices of Ectar and Lexor.

Hal Rayle (Voice of Shrapnel and Snarl in Transformers) as the voices of Arzon and The Wisdom Owl.

Beau Weaver (Voice of Reed Richards (Mr Fantastic) from the 90's Fantastic four series and Octane from Transformers) as the voice of Feryl.

A great series which should along with G.I. Joe be brought into the 21st century by Hasbro by making a new series for it, granted it would'nt be the same without the likes of Chris Latta and Richard Harris but I'd love to see a Visionaries series remade possibly with CGI.

Or at least have the original episodes remasterd by Rhino and released on DVD.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Heroes in a half shell TURTLE POWER!

Their the worlds most fearsome fighting team.

We're really hip.

Their Heroes in the half and their green.

Hey get a grip.

When the evil shredder attacks, these Turtle four don't cut him no slack.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Splinter taught them to be Ninja teens.

He's a radical rat

Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines.

And that's a fact jack!

Raphael is cool but crude

Gimme a break.

Michaelangelo is a party dude.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Heroes in a half shell TURTLE POWER!

One of the best show I ever watched.

Growing up as a kid in the UK I had to put up with the show being renamed "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles" aswell as the theme song being changed to say "Hero" Instead of "Ninja" the start of "P.C." in the UK.

What's wrong with the word Ninja I ask you?

Ninja's are cool and the turtles proved this.

Of course Cam Clarke (Leonardo) now does the voice of Prince Adam / He Man in the new He Man series, and who could forget Will Smith's Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince, James Avery as The Shredder.

A Classic cartoon which should be brought out on DVD.

Toransufômâ: Kârobotto

Worst Transformers Cartoon Ever...
Yep it has tobe said that this cartoon is dire, very poorly written, very bad voice acting (the only decent voices was that of Omega Primes and Midnight Express).

They take the name Transformers, slap the names Optimus Prime and Megatron on these two characters a hire bad writers and voice actors to devlope them...

Yes this is a dubbed from the japanese car robots series, but that still doesn't make up for the fact that the cartoon sucks.

As bad as the new Armada cartoon is, it's 100 times better than this, better voice acting and better plot, same bad animation though.

Hasbro should take a page out of Mattel's book and make a Transformers show for a mature audiance again (like Beast Wars was) hire some decent writers, don't make another Transformers series untill you can come up with a decent story and decent voice actors, and please don't make it another joint effort between the US and Japan again, it's really ruined the new Armada series with stupid name mistakes and horribly annoying children running around the autobots base as if it where a playground.


Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye.
One of the best cartoons to come out in the 80's along with G.I. Joe and Visionaries.

This story is about two waring Robot factions, The Autobots (the good guys) lead by Optimus Prime, and The Decepticons (the evil nasty pieces of work) lead by the maniacal Megatron.

The show starts off with the Autobots leaving their home planet of Cybertron to find a new source of energy to win the war, having depleted their own planet of energy they set off in their space craft (known in the comics and the Beast Wars TV Series as The Ark) to find new sources of energy to help win the war and replenish there own planets energy supplies, but unknown to them The Decepticons already new about their plan and set off to follow them in their own space craft, The Decepticons ambush The Autobots in space and board there ship but the ship is caught in the magnetic pull of earths atmosphere and the ark crashes into a volcano and lies dormant for 4 million years, before an eruption re-activates the ships computer (teletraan I) which rebuilds and reactivates The Transformers giving them Human vehicles designs and the war starts all over again.

Transufômâ: Maikuron densetsu

Robots In Disgrace...
The show had so much potential, after that abysmal previous Transformers series "Robots In Disguise" Armada should have been the next Beast Wars, but no rather than add alittle more maturity to the series like Beast Wars did the have three bratty little kids who get more screen time than the actual robots do.

I mean the whole purpose of the show is to sell the toys and yet these kids are shown more than any of the Autobots and the Decepticons.

Also the kid's seem to guess the entire history of the Transformers in the second episode, then guess the entire history of some palace that was made in honor of a mini-con thousands of year before these kids where even born, what are the kids genetically enginered? are they super genius's? because the way the show portrays them, they're more Intellegent than any of the Robot characters on the show.

Oh Well atleast the Dreamwave Armada comics are better than this garbage, I don't see any future for the Transformers if the show continue to be Pokemon and Digimon wannbes.

Long live G1 and Beast Wars for they are the only true Transformers series worth watching.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Definalty the best of all Trek series's
I'd like to think of DS9 as the best star trek series ever produced, sure the first couple of seasons weren't that great but with the introduction of The Dominion at the end of the second season the show took a more serious direction, it had better character development, better special effects and better writing quality than previous star trek incarnations.

I really enjoyed this series more than any other star trek especially The self-righteous crapfest Voyager spewed out in its 7-or-so seasons-too long series as the previous reviewer put it, DS9 had so much potential why couldnt they have made a spin off from the series or atleast given the DS9 cast a shot at making the movies, I would've enjoyed a Deep Space Nine movie more than the crap they've been throwing out for TNG movies.

But I do think the ending for DS9 was rather p*** poor, whoever wrote that episode should be shot, I mean after thousands of years of hatred for the solids the founders just give up the war and agree to be put on trial after the leader links with Odo, that was kinda fast don't you think? seems there was no major build up to the finale, it's like they said "Hurry up and finish the story so we can end the show continue with our crap-fest Voyager"

I doubt we will see another star trek series as good as DS9 was, Voyager was a poor mans TNG, and I mean really poor, bad acting bad special effects, terrible writing sums up Voyager, and Enterprise that series is another crap fest from the producers of Voyager.

Relic Hunter

Indiana Jones Meets Tomb Raider.
Relic Hunter is sort of a cross between Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider, Tia Carrere is the "Dr Jones" character of the series who goes on adventures to solver mysteries, find ancient relics, of course she runs into the occasional rival relic hunter and normally ends up fighting herself and her colleges out of dangerous situations.

Not a bad show, certainly better than some of the shows that currently air on TV these days.

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