
IMDb member since May 2009
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House of Lies

Nothing special!
Just finished watching the first season and must admit was pretty glad it was over. For many reasons I just could not really get into this as each episode has the same clichés and over the top acting from the last episodes and far too many stops/lectures along the way. I believe the writers have tried to add too many layers of story to this but unfortunately most of them do not get developed to make the show more appealing.

Don Cheadle is so so in this so as Kristen but I find majority of others pretty annoying.

My advice if you got something better to watch, don't waste your time on this one.

The Incredible Burt Wonderstone

A trick that went really wrong!
It had been a while since i watched a movie and after watching it, I had to ask myself, what did I just watch? what was the point?

Having heard about this movie before and looking at the list of actors in it, I had high hopes for it, as each of them have been pretty good in different roles up to now.

But somehow after watching this movie I ended up disliking all of them, In my view there is lots of talent in this movie but somehow it has been wasted, I did not find this movie funny at all, i did not feel any chemistry between the actors and somehow it felt as thou they do not really know how they should try to make the audience laugh.

Of course the story of the movie is nothing new, but I was hoping an old tale is going to be told with lots of laughter and funny moments but unfortunately I was very wrong!


Never gets old!
Friends is like breakfast, You have it every morning but next morning you still want to have it...No matter how many times you watch it, It is still funny even if you know all the words and punch lines!

I can say it does not have the best acting or story lines but it has addiction...after watching it you end up creating a strong connection with it, it feels as thou these 6 people are your friends and you can totally connect with them.

Surely it is a huge disappointment that is finished but in my mind it can never end.

All in all do not watch it, coz once you do, you can never walk away!

The Wire

The One!
It is not often that i watch something and afterwards i find it really hard to put into words what i watched!

This is by far one of the best TV series that has ever been made. Watching it somehow feels as if you are watching a Documentary, the acting is so real at times i felt that these guys are real life dealers and criminals!

I have seen the whole 5 seasons 5 times so far but each time it feels different and it never gets old.

I strongly suggest this, at times it may feel a little slow in pace of actions or the story but trust me there are reasons for it.

10/10 a true masterpiece!

The Hunger Games

A good copy, If I could call it that!
I watched this without knowing anything about the books or the story, although I have watched Battle Royal a few times and while watching i soon realised what is next!

However, looking at this movie on its own merit and story and plot i did enjoy it, although there were some annoying parts but all in all an good effort on all fronts.

Surelythe follow up should be a good watch as long as they don't decide to suddenly change the cast or crew as nowadays it is becoming a little common with any sequels!

I give it 7, it is worth your time.

The Campaign

A Big Disappointment!
I came across this movie by accident and was hoping maybe Will Ferrell will be funny in this one after so many poor movies since Step Brothers. At the beginning of the movie it felt it was being set for some proper funny moments ahead however as I watched it i got more and more bored!!!

All in all apart from a few small moments of short lived smiles i couldn't find anything funny with the story or the acting itself.(actually i laughed more at those dogs than anything else)

Only watch this one if you have sometime to kill or a big fan of dogs!!! I gave it 3 just coz of them...

The Inbetweeners

Oh My GOD!!!
I do not even know where to begin...let's just say i watched the first episode and in order to erase it from memory (tried but it was so bad that nothing good could do it) i watched all 3 seasons and the movie of the original... What on earth they were thinking before they made this! I mean OK fine let's make a US version but surely to copy the UK one at times line by line then make a total (in words of Simon) Sh*t, is beyond me.

I am hearing there might be a US movie version on the horizon but for the love of god, hope this does not happen!!!

Just to summarize, do not waste your time watching this, the first episode was so bad that i very much doubt this can possibly get better with more!

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