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Jia fang yi fang

I love it. Half full or half empty, it's your choice.
Funny and yet full of wisdom. There are 7 stories in the movie. Each story is about a personal wish which may looks simple or even irrelevant. But actually there is some deeper meaning in it and it is actually quite real. I wish more people can seriously look at the last story. It has a warm ending. The world can be a better place. A much better place.

Liu lang di qiu

Bad Science, bad character, bad story
Almost all laws of physics are broken. Bad education for younger generation. If you want your kids do well in science, don't let them watch this flick. The leading role in the story was good at nothing. Just being angry and reckless can save the world? Well, he can kiss my butts. I'm Chinese. I really hope Chinese film maker can make some real sci-fi movie in the future. Will need some serious brain power though.

Hot Money

Wes Clark Jr. was right
The movie is a must see for everyone. Important message. The true nature of capitalism is money and greed. Wes Jr. Sees that. His father does not.

The Great American Lie

Nailed it. People are sad and unhappy. Life is bad and will get worse.
The stories in The Great American Lie were so powerful and moving. This is such an important message they are sharing and so thoughtfully and intelligently executed. I hope that the film reaches a very wide audience.

Ten Billion

I wish I was never born. So that my child was never born. Therefore "Ten Billion -2"
I highly recommend this movie to every soul on Earth. We don't know why we are here. We can at least know where we are heading. However the film did not mention one major cause of the human condition. That is the printing of money. Behind that is greed. Everything follows.

The past cannot be changed. Everyone agrees to that. No Dispute. Here comes the difficult one. The future is also set in stone and cannot be changed. There is no parallel universe or heaven awaiting for us. We are the problem. We are going to die because of what we did. There is no exit. The ending is fixed.

The solution to the "Ten Billion" problem is simple. "Ten Billion -1", and just repeat it many times. This can be achieved by not giving birth to more people who will find no food in the future. Can we do that? Simple solution doesn't mean easy. Stephen Emmott tries to tell us what he sees in the future because there is no alternative future.

Gangcheolbi 2: Jeongsanghoedam

It has nothing to do with Steel Rain one. Highly recommended to watch.
The story happened in a world similar but different to one we live. So if you can put aside what you know about the leader of the USA, N Korea, and S Korea, then the story makes sense.

The lead actors were great. Supporting actors also did a job. The fight scenes were perfectly executed and convincing. The message was clear. Excellent directing. I totally enjoyed the 2 hours.

Again, you don't need to watch Steel Rain One in order to this movie. They are two different stories. This one is not a sequel. And I like this one better. So go for it.


Excellent Plot. A bit over-acting. Some overdone fighting scenes
Excellent Plot. The story is good. The movie is enjoyable and very watchable. I would recommend it. The lead actors are very good indeed and very likeable.

I hope the director can see this review and improve. The down sides of the movies are 1) some supporting actors / actresses had been over-acting, 2) some dialogs were unnecessary and 3) some of the fighting screen were overdone and therefore unconvincing.

One major ploy issue to me is that the whole "cancer" thing is so unnecessary and unconvincing.

Mak lo yan

A snapshot in our time. Touching and powerful.
There are roughly 250 big mac restaurants in a tiny little place like Hong Kong. Homeless people sleep in many of these 24hrs restaurants for various reasons. Fear to go home. Shame to go home. Cannot go home. Or just no home to go. Some reasons are hard to imagine. Life is hard, very hard indeed. But people do livin' it, no matter how hard it might be. This movie is very original, with many good moments and +ve emotions. That's why I like it.

Some homeless people can turn around. But to some people, it is a one-way ticket.

The slogan of a major fast food chain restaurant is "I'm lovin' it". The movie title is "I'm livin' it". A crude satire seems to be directed at the life of Hong Kong people or maybe the world at large.

This movie is like a snapshot in our time. What the World will look like in 20 years?

The Social Dilemma

There will be civil wars in many countries. Actually it is happening. Just watch the news.
I am witnessing war within nation, war within family, war among friends. There is no accident in this world. All bad things happened were intentionally or unintentionally created by man. By foolish men. Foolish smart men and foolish rich men. Hurting other people unintentionally is double foolishness IMO. Can people at Silicon Valley stop being foolish or greedy for a moment? I recommend this documentary to everyone especially policy makers.

Meari to majo no hana

A copy cat movie with negative emotions hidden here and there....very disappointing
Tried too hard to make a Ghibli-style movie, but they ended up doing something flat and ultimately annoying, even if visually beautiful. Some characters including the main character demonstrated plenty of bad behaviors, thoughts and negative emotions from the very beginning to the end. This movie is definitely not for kids.

The other characters are basically empty, with no personalities nor motivations. So the movie is all about action, with pointless dialogues, no poetry, no positive emotions and no soul.

The visual was borrowed from other Ghibli movies. Hardly original. Very disappointing.

2001: A Space Odyssey

Looking for a meaning: 95% of people don't get it but they like it
2001 is a film with wacky imagery. Ahead of its time. No doubts. But it got no story and no meaningful ending. The film exists but some people don't find it meaningful. I have watched the film 3 times. Here is my take away. 1) You know the past is fixed, it couldn't be changed. 2) The future is the also fixed and it also can't be changed.

The 2nd point is hard, very very hard for most people to accept. It means everything is predestinated, no matter how big (Space) or small (Life). The way you think and the things you do are predestinated.

Back to the 2 hours movie. In this vast universe, hey there is life. And everything just moves accordingly as they are predestinated.

The ending means everybody can now go home, life as usual, continue to have sex and reproduce, let life runs its course until one day it reached the end. The universe too, runs it own course, one day it will end.

5% of people get it but they don't like it.

If you get it, you know there is no parallel universe for you to escape. :)


The meaning of life. A very different point of view. Are you ready?
Long long time ago, people believed human being was the centre of the universe. Obviously it is wrong. Today people believe we have a purpose, life has a meaning, we a here for a reason. What if the purpose is becoming food?

In this movie, a species of technologically advanced supreme being aka the creator is unbound by Space and Time. They are altruistic to their own species only.

They jump started Evolution in a big farm that we called Earth for just one purpose. That is to feed a group creatures that is meant to be used as a tactical bio weapon, aka the Aliens.

If you can put aside some basic believes or assumptions about meaning of life, you may find this movie thought-provoking.

Veronica Guerin

The problems of this kind of story.
1) If you fight crime, you die. So what should we do? 2) Veronica Guerin was a good reporter. I wish her RIP. But in these days, majority of medium are self-serving and corrupted. 3) If the government and the police don't care to fight crime, you leave the country!

Moonrise Kingdom

Confused, Hate it, Love it!
I bet some people find it confusing. Some people dislike it. Some people love it. I have all these feelings rotating in my head. I feel so lucky to have all these feelings in one movie. In the end I love it. This is about a story of two teens. How their bold behavior changed everybody near them. By the way the score is beautiful too. Go watch it. And watch again.

God Bless America

So you think shooting is a solution...
Yes, day-by-day, people is getting rude, brainless, self-centered, numb and dumb. I totally agree with Frank and Roxy on their political and social views. However shooting these people just made Frank and Roxy one of them.

I cannot believe in "cut the grass and the grass won't grow" theory. The grass may look good only for a few days. And then...they grow again.

We need to think "What is the root cause of today's problem?". Un-root the cause in order to stop the effect. Think of when, who, what, how and where. Give you some hints. Time is not today. Lucifer is in very high position. Brainwashing all the time. Greed is us. OK let's print more money today.

If there is a god, he is watching people killing people. Doom day is coming. But there will be no judgement. Gun dealer bless America.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. NOT HERE
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them?

No, not here.

Those beasts were neither creative nor attractive. Not fantastic at all. Eddie Redmayne kept telling people that his beasts were not dangerous. Imagine a five tons rhino-like monster chasing you and just it wanted to mate with you. Was it dangerous? A monster broken into you Jewellery store, stole 10 millions worth of diamonds from you, and broke everything in your shop. Was it dangerous? Either Eddie Redmayne was lying or the story was poorly written.

Talking about Eddie Redmayne, 90% of time, he showed his left face to the camera. And he always looked at wrong places or wrong angles. Why? Why? Why? It made me headache when I saw him act. Did he really think his left face looked better? Where was the movie director? I hope he can answer my question.

Too much CGI. Even if the producer can afford it, his production team just don't understand how to use it. The result was fake looking stuffy scene after scene.

I was induced to watch this movie by a poster, because I saw Johnny Depp on it. Turns out Depp only play an unnecessary role for about 10 seconds in the last part of the movie. I felt cheated. Hey Johnny, shame on you. You should not have participated in this kind of grade B production. I still feel cheated.

The story is weak. Production was weak. Acting was poor. This movie is overrated.

Captain America: Civil War

Captain America: Civil Flaw
Captain America: Civil Flaw

Flaw is the name. The plot is weak. Not enough motives for the Avengers to get divided and fight. The villain is weak. I am totally unconvinced that this version of Zemo can pull his little evil plan given so limited resources, so many uncertainties and so many uncontrollable factors in real life, unless he is a prophet. Maybe there is more depth in him, but I just don't see it.

Flaws in characters.

Pepper Potts - If Gwyneth Paltrow does not want to be part of the movie why mention Pepper Potts? Who cares about Pepper Potts cannot come to MIT? This is a total distraction with no sentimental element in the recipe. Same thing applies to previous Thor movies when Thor kept mentioning Jane Foster. Everyone knows Natalie Portman refuses to play that role. Drop it please. Stay focus!

Vision is a god-like superhero. His power is way beyond any human superheroes. In the movie, he has little actions and plays a small role, such as nanny for example. In the airport fight scene, he disappeared from the screen for a very long time. It seems the scriptwriter does not know what to do with this role. Neither do I. I always think that creation of god-like character is a mistake. Stan, are you listening?

Ironman - He was used to be funny, playful and humorous. A very lovable character. Not anymore. He is sad, unhappy and angry in Captain America : Civil Flaw. Previously, Ironman was always right and would do the right things before others realized. Not anymore. He is wrong, takes up wrong position and emotional in the movie. Ironman was used to be a playboy with a rebellious spirit in him. I really don't expect he could stand on government's position and gladly take orders from them. This movie has destroyed Ironman IMHO.

Captain America - Captain was used to be a patriot. He is supposed to follow government's orders. Now he is the rebel. He should trade position with Ironman

Black Panther - Awesome cool looking superhero. Me and my daughter love him. But I just don't understand how come an underdeveloped country can produce a superhero like this. And is it true that anyone wearing a mask can fight? If so, I want one.

Ant-man - Scott Lang looks tired. Did he eat breakfast? Ant-Man's costume has changed this year. Last year costume was better. Ant-man's secret trick in the airport fight was a good one. It was awesome.

Spiderman - Successful character. Hey! The new Spiderman shines. Tom Holland is a lovable and convincing actor. In this life, Peter Parker, has an unusually beautiful aunt May Parker. Hurray for the audience! Looking forward to the new Spiderman 2017 movie. Also the classic costume looks great. I like it.

I love superhero movies with good story. Only playing muscle is a bad idea.


Avoid this one if you like Martix. It only dressed up like Martix and nothing more.
The action is odd and unconvincing. The bad guys are always standing like a stone waiting for the good guy to shoot and vice versa. Can you believe that? Why fight close range when you have a gun? Laughable.

The story is about using a drug to suppress the feeling of millions of people. Inject 3 times a day to your neck. Wait a minute, cause I have questions. Does it hurt? Will my skin become a honeycomb? What's the incentive of doing this? Not to get high but to suppress simple feeling! This is simply unbelievable literally.

Can't compare to Matrix. Totally different breed. Don't waste your time.

Avoid Equilibrium if you like Martix. It only dressed up like Martix and nothing more.

The Wolf of Wall Street

Weak story loaded with drugs, sex and f-words
This is a simple story about how Wall Street takes money from the poor. Nothing to surprise you. So the only way to make a non-interesting story interesting is to stuff it with lots of sex scenes, f-words and drug abuses. Cheap tricks.

There is no content. Just a low class high budget movie. Very disappointing.

The only scene I like is when Kyle Chandler having a discussion with Leonardo DiCaprio on the yacht. Both actors did a job. But I think Kyle Chandler performs better. Well done Kyle Chandler. Need to see more of his movies.

House of Sand and Fog

It's all about "Stupidity".
The story is about a series of stupidity of different levels. Kathy never opens letters (that's stupid). The county authority mistakenly seized Kathy's house because of $500 (that's very stupid) tax default. Behrani gave up his upper class status and comfortable life style in his country just to migrate to America and work like a dog (that's stupid). He rented an apartment that cost him $140,000 in rent (stupid) while he had to work as a construction worker. Les, a police field training officer, gave up his perfect family (stupid), threatened Behrani (stupid), later broken into Behrani's house with a gun (stupid). Behrani's son took the gun (stupid) and got killed. Kathy tried to kill herself (stupid). Behrani killed his own wife (sorry and stupid) and finally committed suicide (stupid). Les first appeared to be a smart person who knows the rules, ended up being the most stupid person. The whole story is hard to believe. Even with great actors like Ben Kingsley and Jennifer Connelly, the movie is still a disaster.


Simply over-rated
I watched this movie. Roughly 3 hours. A bit lengthy. It went too slow. You will find many flaws in the plot. The story was unconvincing. There were big actors. So expectation was high. know...I got more disappointed.

The little role played by Natalie Portman was redundant, a waste of her talent. If you are die hard fans of Al Pacino or Robert De Niro, you may like this film. The film is more about the lives and emotions of a master criminal and a police officer. Not so much to look for as an action film. Again the story is unconvincing in many ways. The film has been over-rated.

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