
IMDb member since April 2009
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    15 years


Man About the House

70s greatest comedy
One of THE comedies of the 1970's. Also has the best signature tune of any comedy show. The story is about three people sharing a flat living above their landlords George and Mildred. The comedy rests on the mix of the people sharing. A man and two women. Richard O' Sullivan is besotted with Paula Wilcox. Its played in a gentle and not a leering way which is why this show was such a success.

The scripts and the stars were always giving the best performances and Richard's frustrated love life was shown with a relaxed charm. The end titles contained visual jokes which went unnoticed in the early 1970's but concerned the flat sharers living arrangements.

Who Dares Wins

breakthrough comedy
Unfairly forgotten comedy classic which launched the careers of its cast. Its topical, satirical and cutting edge. Starting the careers of all the stars of the show although the female comedienne disappeared almost immediately when the series finished.

The show started during the Thatcher era shortly before the Miner's Strike. The show struck a chord with the feeling of anger and resentment in the country and took steps forward with regard to taboos on swearing. Tony Robinson went on to be a leading figure in Labour politics and the most famous creation is the show were the swearing pandas.


transform into something better
Rumours about this film started long before it was made. Claims that it was going to be amazing. I can't review the end of th movie as I had to walk out just after half way with boredom. Worst example of CGI trickery and lack of script I have seen. This has such a bad reputation that it should make producers think before relying on special effects to sell a film.

The cast are left to goggle at the green screen or whatever was used to put the robots on and then return to wooden interaction. The robots give better performances than the flesh and blood cast usually. The story is taken from the cartoon series which itself was a merchandising tie in. Roots come to earth to continue their battle. The best part of the film is the theme these robots and their origins suddenly takes.

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