
IMDb member since March 2009
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    IMDb Member
    15 years



A building's chronic disease
The enigma is a lines and shapes collage. A great documentary, a peculiar and forgotten Brazilian building that is filled of history. A visual burst.

A beauty architectural photography criss-crossed; about what it was/is/will be. A public university hospital with a chronic disease, a game of analogies; dirty - empty - infected rooms, like an affected body. Corridors, windows and other compartments, from inside to outside. Images accompanied with the best selection on the soundtrack; an emotional web. awesome work from theirs directors; Pedro Urano, Joana Traub Csekö.

L'enfant d'en haut

It's a Cableway
It's not possible writing about this movie without allude the conditions of the principal character's relation ship, because it's the power emotional focus, but it's also important no being in details, the surprise should come unforeseen like an ice bucket. Either the movie is fiction, the spectator does a connection with the principal characters, Simon, a little child surviving in the world, and getting over his loneliness.

We can see a Cableway getting up and down, like life. A reflection about social roles, obligations, and grow up. Simon asking to Louis What are you gonna do when I was taller than you?

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