
IMDb member since January 2009
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The Instigators

Heist Fun
Matt Damon plays the straight serious character here to foil Affleck's funny guy. The two are hired to complete a heist.

Mishaps follow with lots of humor. It was a fun filled adventure that ends well - don't forget to watch all the way to the end!

Damon plays the sad, divorced, PTSD-suffering dad who finds it hard to smile. His role is well done but is there to provide Affleck the humorous one liners.

The bad guy mayor is also well done and provides your typical corrupt politician to root against.

Affleck starts slow but becomes a favorite and grows on you as a character.

The therapist is a bit of ridiculousness that is a fun twist.

If you want a fun movie to enjoy a Saturday afternoon, and you like a bit of action, crashes, explosions, this is your movie.

Judy Blume Forever

A great documentary
Oh man, a little time capsule of greatness. Watch this! The birth of Young Adult fiction, the importance of writing the way things are rather than the way someone tells you they should be - kids loved her so much. A truth teller. So relevant to today also! Now I need to go on a Judy Blume binge!

This documentary tells the arc of Judy Blume's life and writing. Very good.

Reminded me of the first time I read Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret, and I had to go on a deep house dive to find my old copy. I never knew she dabbled in adult fiction, and now I have "Wifey" on my "to read" list because of that.

I also loved the correspondence with her fans through letters. Fun stories.

If you ever read Judy Blume, this is a must watch. If you never read Judy Blume, you also should watch it so you can grasp the historical greatness of this author.

No Escape

Don't bother
The ridiculous plot, bad editing, bad music, generic setting, bad Asian stereotypes, and unrealistic characters make this movie a waste of time. There is non-stop action, but it isn't good.

Pierce Brosnan has a couple of funny lines, but he cannot save this train wreck. The writing is so bad it makes Owen Wilson into a complete moron.

A no-name "scary Asian" country has a coup, and Wilson is stuck trying to get his family out. As soon as he notices there is a coup, which is almost immediately, he is on the run. But it is an absurd, laughable run, one in which bad editing, stupid slow-mo, and ridiculous music do not enhance a bad writing job. Things like: let's zoom in the the license plate of the scooter for no apparent reason, or, how about show that Wilson dropped his goofy city map so we can make you think he is lost for 2 seconds until he looks up to see the obvious hotel that he is running to, or how about the really bad "Asians eat dogs" stereotype? I can go on, but stop now and save yourself two hours.

Someone in some review called this an "important" movie, which made me want to cry for our stupidity. If by important, they meant the three minutes that Brosnan talks about the great "evil American corporation," I am not sure, but that corny, weak attempt to get political was a serious fail. There are many things corporations are guilty of, but this movie will not in any way remedy any of them.

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