
IMDb member since October 2002
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Casino Royale

Bond is back, reinvigorated and ready for the next generation
I absolutely loved this film. Daniel Craig brings a unique, fresh approach to the characterization of James Bond - the character is reckless, makes mistakes, and lets his ego sometimes impact his judgment. Craig is a superb actor, and does the Bond name and franchise true justice. This is by far the most violent of the Bond films, and Craig really displays Bond's lethality and cold-bloodedness perfectly. Mads Mikkelsen is a very good baddie in Le Chiffre, Eva Green is perfect as Vesper Lynd, and Judi Dench is elegant and commanding as usual as M. I cannot wait for the next film Quantum of Solace which continues the story where this film leaves off - the first time in the Bond franchise that this happens. If you have not seen this film, it comes highly recommended. Daniel Craig is the personification of Bond as Fleming wrote it. See this film!!

Galactica 1980

A series unworthy of the name "Galactica"
This is a very poorly constructed spin-off of the great "Battlestar Galactica" series. From watching the opening credits sequence, you can clearly see how

cheaply made this show is. The opening credits simply show clips from the

original Galactica series. Most of the action takes place on Earth, probably to save from having to construct fancy sets.

I also have a serious problem with the continuity of this show. There is no

explanation for the absences of Apollo, Athena, Cassiopeia, Jolly, Greenbean, and many others. Baltar, the original series' prime villain, has also vanished without explanation. Starbuck's absence is explained in the final episode of this series, which also happened to be "Galactica: 1980"s best.

The two new Colonial Warrior heroes, Captain Troy and Lieutenant Dillon, are

by far no proper replacements for the great Apollo and Starbuck, and an aged

Adama seems to be relegated to listening to some child genius named Dr. Zee,

who I found to be quite an annoying character.

This series is a grave injustice to the "Battlestar: Galactica" saga. True fans should shun this atrocity and enjoy the original series.


Not worth my time, or anyone else's for that matter
I am appalled by the fact that MTV even has a show like Cribs. It's like "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" but its aimed at musicians and their lavish homes. I get very annoyed at the fact that musicians will walk around the inside of their homes, saying things like, "This room is dedicated to all my SHOES!". I find it insulting. They are allowed to flaunt all their expensive and luxurious possessions to the general public. It's almost as if the musicians are saying "Look at what I have and you'll never afford it!" MTV should be ashamed of themselves for garbage like this. It's crap like this that makes me never want to watch a substandard network like MTV again....

Star Trek: Nemesis

A comment about the film and about another user's comment
I just read a comment left by a "davedavidl" from the Commonwealth of Virginia, who just gave a glowing, yet brief, review of Star Trek Nemesis.

Here's my take on the film, in rebuttal with this guy's own comments:

He says(and I quote) : "An excellent movie worthy of being seen more than


I say: That is so not true. I could barely sit through the only time I watched it. What an embarassment.

He says: "Even those who are not as familiar with Star Trek would enjoy this

film... as good if not better than Star Wars..."

I say: YEAH RIGHT! Non-Trek fans need not apply here. And better than Star

Wars? Oh COME ON! This film does NOT beat Star Wars!

He says: "Touching ending that leaves room for more sequels... definitely a 'not to be missed' movie event. "

I say: Touching ending? You've got to be kidding me. Sequels? Hmmm....kinda

iffy there. I don't foresee another one(IF there's another one) for a very long time.

So, in closing, Star Wreck Nimrod is clearly not my favorite Trek film. Another glorified TV episode....big surprise.

And this "davedavidl" guy? He must work for Paramount.

WWE SmackDown

Quality has gone down big time
<<This comment is based on WWE Smackdown as of December 30,2002>>

I have to say that WWE Smackdown has really lost alot of its edge. Big stars that were featured on the program are missing(Rock, Hogan, Undertaker mainly)

and that has really hurt the star quality. There are some decent matches here and there(one involved a ladder match between Edge and Eddie Guerrero that

was phenomenal) but the show really has taken a turn for the worse. Lousy

backstage drama(who cares that Dawn Marie is going to wed Al Wilson, Torrie

Wilson's father?) Such drama has nothing to do with wrestling. I find it annoying, to be frank. Another element that irritates me to no end is the lousy

commentating job by Michael Cole. He is absolutely terrible. He also makes

shameful plugs for the Smackdown show during matches, spouting things off

like: "Where else are you going to see action like this? Smackdown is the best wrestling show on television!" and other similar things. He needs to go. The

show does not have the electricity that its RAW cousin has. WWE, please, put

some excitement back into Smackdown!!

Sunday Night Heat

Not very good
WWE Heat simply shows recaps of what happened on the previous week's Raw and Smackdown, and shows dull music videos and substandard matches featuring little known talent and poor commentary by Lita(who has no reason to be an announcer, she sucks) and the Coach, who isn't all that good either. Heat is not a very good show at all. If you really want to know what happened the previous week, just go online, and don't waste your time with this.


I HATE this show
I am not one to use the word "Hate" much, but I simply have to use it for this slop of a comedy cartoon. I have not laughed once while watching this show, and the two main characters are annoying and quite unfunny. This is not worth

anybody's time. MTV should drop this crapfest and start playing more music like it did when it first started. Avoid 3 South at all costs.

Unsolved Mysteries

One of my all-time favorite shows ever
Even though the Lifetime network shows more older episodes than newer ones, I must say that I love Unsolved Mysteries. There are times that I watch a segment, then they have an update to let you know the mystery has been solved. That can be a little on the irritating side, but I still find it entertaining and Robert Stack is a great host. I'm always watching to see if perhaps....just perhaps,I may have that one vital clue that'll help solve a mystery. I hope this show stays on for a long time. There needs to be more shows like this one.

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