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Jojo Rabbit

Sorry but no. Just no.
What's wrong with 2019 Oscar's nominees?? So far only two movies really got my attention: Joker and Little Women. As for Jojo Rabbit... What can I say? The movie has no soul. It's a mixed bag of comedy, drama and 1% of Historic background. The only thing I really enjoyed was Jojo's imaginary friend. And even that wasn't enough to save the movie. Scarlet Johansson was good but not great. Her time on the screen is so short I can't even make my mind on her performance (and I really like her). Maybe I was not in a good day, maybe I didn't get the whole satire / comic relief. What I know for sure is that I have no ideia what the director wanted to show the public with this movie. As judging for the other reviews, I am not the only one


Great movie editing, but nothing more to offer here
My expectations for "1917" were not to high since I am not a big fan of war themed movies, although I really enjoyed Dunkirk and Hawksaw Ridge. To put us simple, 1917 is a good movie if you look at it in a technical perspective. The way it was shot is undeniably amazing and it takes some talented crew to get the amazing result, making us believe it was made in one single shot (although we know that's not the case). Unfortunately there's pretty much it about "1917". The plot is non existent. I am not being sarcastic, there's literally no story here aside from taking one message from point A to point B. That's it. There's an attempt to create some side stories with random characters that just came out of nowhere, but there's no emotional connection with any of them. And I think this is the major s problem with 1917: you don't feel any emotional connection with the characters and because of that I couldn't care less about what happened to the character's. I honestly believe that if this movie was shot like any other movie, it would be easily forgotten because, like I said before, the story is nothing more than delivering a message. Period. And since the main character is mostly alone, you don't see any dialogue, any way for you to connect. As much respect that I have for all the crew involved in this project, I must admit that it didn't work for me.

Little Women

What a wonderful heartwarming movie!
I'll start by saying that I don't usually watch too many drama movies. I like them yes, but I prefer a good thriller or horror movies. So that's why I had to write this review because "Little Women" is such a simple and humble movie, but at the same time it's so very deep and well done. A story well told, with great actors. It's kinda hard to explain, but at the end of the movie I felt like I just watched a story that would stay with me for a long time. I have never read the book and this is the first movie adaptation I watch, and man... What a wonderful surprise! If you like heartwarming movies with simple but good plot, you shouldn't miss this one. And after this I am definitely going to read the book!

Night of the Living Dead

A good reboot of the original movie with some new good elements. Overall a good/creepy zombie movie!
Obviously this is not a masterpiece like "Night of the Living Dead". And it doesn't try to be more than it actually is: an homage to the original movie and a kind of a reboot.

I really liked the scary scenarios. Atmospheric, dark and with an eerie vibe. I really loved it. Since this is mostly a reboot, we see some new ideas well executed. The actors did a great job, specially Barbara. The Cooper's family house is claustrophobic with vintage decoration and being an isolated housefarm, it contributed a lot to the creepy vibe. The reason why the dead are coming back to life is revealed and I personally thought it was original and unexpected.

I love zombie movies, specially those that shows human vulnerability and the survival aspect of a zombie apocalypse. If you watch zombie movies for the same reasons, you shouldn't miss "Night o the Living Dead 3D"

Titanic II

Uninspired, rushed, and almost unbearable!
First of all I must say that I enjoy most of the Asylum stuff. They are low budget movies, but quite entertaining. Unfortunately Titanic 2 is not the case.

The movie is boring, predictable and tries to mimic some scenes and quotes from James Cameron's Titanic miserably.

I was expecting a "so bad that's good" movie, but all I got was a boring movie that made me look at the time every 5 minutes to see how much until the movie ends. Speaking of ending... What the hell was that ending??? It was so rushed and came from nowhere. It seems like they had a lenght-limit and just decided to end it just like that.

Watch it at your own risk...

Gags The Clown

Disappointed... Maybe my expectations were to high. Not scary and mostly boring.
I was really looking forward to watch this movie. Clown sightings always intrigued me and I was really hopping this movie could make me feel uneasy and creeped out. Unfortunately it fails miserably in everything a scary movie should acomplish. I had the impression that the movie was 2h30 long since I was really bored. No creepy scenes, no eerie atmosphere, no nothing. Even the parts that were supposed to be scary are so lame.

And what the hell was that ending?? If you're looking for answers about the clown identity or why does he just stands there watching people... well, prepare yourself to a "no answers" ending. Seems like they created the story, but as they could not explain it themselves, they just made that uninspired ending.

I really think hard before doing a bad review because even if the movie is bad, it has some amount of effort by the crew and actors. But then again... I didn't feel that they even bothered to write a plot that makes sense. Sorry, but I cannot recommend this movie to anyone, unless I want that person to be bored for 1h30m...

The Fear Footage

Creepy, atmospheric, claustrophobic... It reminded me of V/H/S and, surprinsingly, P.T. Silent Hills!
I understand some of the negative reviews. Not everyone likes found footage. I started to love this subgenre back in 1999 with The Blair Witch Project, and since then it is so hard to find a good movie with a creepy atmosphere.

Thankfully "The Fear Footage" is not just any other horror movie. It's creepy, atmospheric and claustrophobic. Not perfect by any means, but it kept me on edge! Great light/shadow work, camera angles and most important: NO CGI! It's so hard to find a movie like this without CGI, but The Fear Footage managed to do it sucessfully.

Again, this movie has it's flaws like any other movie. But there's something about the claustrophobic atmosphere, the mysterious plot and the anthology stories are really good.

A must see for every found footage horror, although it may not please all horror movie fans.

The Lion King

Great remake! 8 out of 10! Amazing special effects! What is wrong with the 1 star ratings????
I went to see The Lion King tonight and I really loved it! The music is great, the vocals are really good and the story is the one we remember as kids.

So how to explain the 1 star ratings around here? I believe is happens dor 2 reasons:

1. Insanely high expectations: as it happens with all the most antecipated movies, people creat such a huge expectations that is hard to make it come true. We saw this before (Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Lost and Game of Thrones series finale, etc).

2. Some people just don't like remakes/reboots. I get it. I usually give the benefit of the doubt, but some cases the movies are really bad (Lion King is NOT the case). And I'm not sure what people are expecting to see when they go to the cinema watch a REMAKE? Of course the story is the same, the music is a mix of old and new sounds (wich I found amazing).

To give a movie 1 star you really have to hate it with all your guts. Let's be rational: 1 star? 1??? Out of 10?? These ratings are coming from those who are stuck in childhood memories and can't accept a new version of a great story.

The only reason I don't give this a 10 is because the original movie had a much greater emotional feeling, and I believe it is because you can't make, for example, a real lion cry like Simba did when Mufasa died. The emotion is there, but the 1994 version was a lot more sad and touching. But at least my childhood memories didn't stop me from enjoying a great movie with an amazing soundtrack!

Just watch it for what it is: a R-E-M-A-K-E!! So unless you have never seen the original movie, you will se the SAME STORY told in a different way.

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