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And Just Like That...: Chapter Three
Episode 3, Season 2

Heads and shoulders above the first two episodes of the season.
Not perfect, but felt a little more true to form than most AJLT episodes. This episode felt well balanced, equal parts sentimental and funny.

Carrie's plotline is interesting and SJP continues to shine with any material she's given. Her lying to everyone saying she has covid so that she can avoid doing something which might cause her pain is quintessential Carrie.

The LTW/Charlotte story was simple and silly but garnered actual laugh out loud moments.

Seema is a natural-born scene stealer and she had some of the best moments of the episode. With her, they've managed to recreate at least some of the missing Samantha energy without being too on the nose about it. Her rapport with Carrie is fantastic.

Nya wasn't present much, but her storyline seems promising. Wish we'd gotten to see just a bit more.

And Miranda and Che ... well, it wasn't the worst. I don't find there to be much chemistry between the two, but they're rounding out Che's character a bit more and we're exploring new layers in the relationship. Miranda is acting completely out of character, and while that may be the point, it's not particularly fun or interesting to watch.

It hasn't exactly found its footing, but there was a certain rythm to this episode that felt good for once. The story beats didn't feel as random. One of the few episodes I would watch again.

The Idol: Pop Tarts & Rat Tales
Episode 1, Season 1

Somewhat passable, shows potential but lacks direction.
The first episode starts with some promise - the first twenty minutes or so give a variety of perspectives, fun performances, some quippy dialogue, interesting shots, an idea of whats to come. But then the episode slowly goes ... nowhere.

You can sense that the show is trying, in some sense, to be topical. To be of the moment and to reflect current pop culture, money, sex, power, etc. But, ultimately, I don't think it has a coherent thought to follow or even an interesting/unique perspective to offer.

Jocelyn seems a bit vacant. Her motivations are unclear, her character lacking. The full episode doesn't give much insight as to who she is, how she got there, where she wants to go, what drives her, or even why she wants to be a pop star. This all could be purposeful, to make her seem vulnerable and directionless. But I can't say that it's compelling as of yet. And Tedros is even less compelling.

It's not encouraging that I'm more intrigued by the side characters than by the leads. But I'm willing to watch another episode to see if the storytelling gains some kind of narrative/thematic focus.

Three Months

Very cute, needs a bit more oomph.
Overall, quite a pleasant movie and refreshing for the subject matter it covers, to a fault almost. It's nice to see a movie about HIV that isn't all doom and gloom - at the same time, the film feels weirdly low-stakes as it tends to undercut any narrative tension by always trying to downplay the seriousness. The film's central theme - waiting - isn't a very dynamic action, and so the movie just kind of plods along, from scene to scene. Some supporting characters feel underdeveloped, and so some of the dramatic moments later in the film feel unearned. As a comedy, however, it works well - no particularly outrageous scenes, just a steady stream of chuckles. The central love story is lovely, with some nice chemistry between Caleb and Estha.

Troye Sivan shines in the comedic moments of the film and seems very comfortable on screen, although he struggles just a bit with some of the story's more serious scenes. He really makes the character his own - it helps that he's pretty. All supporting performances are serviceable, Brianna Tju and Viveik Kalra play their roles well. A delightful debut by writer/director Jared Frieder!

I recommend watching it - it's nice, simple, touching, amusing, heartfelt, and we get so few queer films like it.

How I Met Your Father: Stacey
Episode 6, Season 1

Best one yet!
I was running out of hope! Somehow, they knocked it out of the park. Might be exagerating a bit - it wasn't perfect ... but it was a really good, solid episode. The episode was well constructed, as opposed to the jumbled it usually is, and the dialogue was much better. A few tired jokes here and there, but the cast is finally starting to sell them. Performer of the week goes to Hilary! I've been pretty underwhelmed by her so far, but she really shined this week. Likeable as ever and she landed the punchlines this time.

How I Met Your Father: Dirrty Thirty
Episode 4, Season 1

4 episodes in - the cast is struggling and the writing isn't helping.
So, there is some potential, but not much - not without some major reworking. The dialogue is rough and unfortunately the cast isn't quiiiiite strong enough to overcome that obstable. At this point, Tom Ainsley as Charlie is the most consistently entertaining - the character is quite cartoonish, but Ainsley is charismatic and at LEAST there is a definable character. To work with The rest don't really have discernible personalities. Francia, Chris, and Suraj could definitely shine but their characters are quite .... bland? Few of them bring a specific point of view to any of ther scenes. Unfortunately, Hilary is really struggling as Sophie. She's likeable for sure, and you can't help but root for her - but Hilary undoubtedly has trouble in this format. She can't quite land a punchline and she doesn't posess the natural stage presence to lead the ensemble.


I was worried that the things that make Ziwe's regular format special might get lost in translation to a more structured format BUT thankfully it was a very entertaining 24 minute first episode. There certainly were a few clunky moments, and the flow might not be totally perfect yet, but Ziwe has the charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent to keep eyes on the screen.

Also, she's gorgeous.

Can't wait for more!

Canada's Drag Race

Happy to see where this goes.
The production value is predictably poor and the judging pannel isn't exactly star-studded. Hey, it's Canadian Reality TV. And yet somehow it all works in its favour. Many fans are nostalgic for the early seasons of drag race, a show that was less polished and more camp... and maybe this satisfies that craving. While it's too early to tell, I'm more intrigued than I thought I'd be. The cast is giving charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent, and the judges aren't repeating the mistake of being too nice, unlike other Canadian iterations of state side shows.

Look, it's not changing the game. The franchise itself has grown mildly stale, so any deviation is refreshing at this point. But I laughed, which is more than I can say for All Stars 5. So, I'll be watching and I recommend you give it a go.

The Exes

casting everything
The show is pretty good. The writing is very hit or miss. Some episodes are incredibly well written and others are a little weak which means the cast has to carry the script. A great comedic actor can make the most mundane jokes funny and that's what Leah Remini has brought to this show. She's a tremendous addition to an already strong cast. Her comedic timing and delivery is exceptional. If anything, the show's writing (and maybe direction?) hinders her and the rest of the cast. That being said, I'm gaining a tremendous amount of respect for her as a comedian and an actress and I'd love to see more of her on this show! I'd love to see a few episodes where Remini and Johnston take the lead in steering a plot... I get an awesome Lucy & Ethel vibe from them. Pair those two up in zany exploits and hilarity will most certainly ensue!

Hart of Dixie

One of the top 5 best shows
I don't understand how anyone can call this show offensive to the South I live in Tennessee and I have been to little towns that are just like this! Even so how does it pose any offense to anyone? It's a light hearted show, I have been waiting for a show I can literally watch over and over and I have watched this series 3 times now, If I have nothing to watch I put Hart of Dixie on. I will admit within the first few episodes I wasn't sold on it, I thought it was going to be a very boring show, & I'm sure others thought the same thing so they never went back to watch. Luckily I watched it all at once so I was very into it! I hope this show stays on air and I wish people would give it more of a chance,sometimes shows don't get good till the middle of the season!


A guilty-pleasure period drama.
If you want historical accuracy do not watch Reign. I repeat. DO NOT WATCH. At no point does this show ever try to be faithful to its settings or historical figures. Instead, it very clearly tries to put Gossip Girl in a 16th century setting. The lavish parties, prom-like dresses, troubled romances, catty behaviour, model actors/actresses - it's all very 90210- esque. However, I must admit it succeeds at doing just that. No matter how laughable the costumes were, I can't say I wasn't at least mildly entertained. It's quite nice to look at and some of the characters are interesting (if completely inaccurate). And with a supernatural twist, it's quite clear that the creators are simply using the characters and setting as a starting point to tell their own stories. I might keep watching, only to see something different from the CW.

The Vampire Diaries

Currently at Season 2
So I was near the ending of season 2, and I kind of thought it was starting to get stupid. Like how stefan can catch shooting wood stakes so easily, yet Pearl couldn't. Forget the shooting, Elijah was suppose to be an original yet he couldn't even dodge a running vampire at 1/10th of his age? I thought bringing an original was a good twist but its pretty stupid showing how they killed him 3x, 2x in 1 episode. I liked the show until they started showing someone from being godly and unkillable to slower reflex then a human. Also one thing, how can Stefan catch a football coming at his head from behind him, without it touching him, while Elijah cant dodge something in- front of him?

The Lesser Blessed

"The Lesser Blessed" takes a dark but somewhat conventional high school melodrama and sets it on an Indian reservation in Canada. It's a revealing portrait of lives on the edge of poverty (no casinos here, apparently) and the limiting, two-fisted world a sensitive soul world like Larry might never escape.

Director Anita Doron, who also wrote the script based on the novel by Richard Van Camp, has assembled a uniformly solid cast, starting with an impressive debut by Evans, whose brown eyes are both soulful and watchful. It's a performance that commands our attention and empathy.

This is a coming-of-age film, with a distinctly northern Canadian flavour, that will appeal to both moody adolescents and discerning adults.

Nicky Deuce

Schirripa steals the show in this movie based on his own co-authored children's book, and tweens and adults alike will love his portrayal of the unpredictable and slightly off-kilter Uncle Frank, who proves to be just the influence Nicky needs to come out of his shell. Sopranos fan or not, seeing this recognizable cast -- James Gandolfini, Michael Imperioli, Vincent Curatola, and Tony Sirico -- in a kids movie is reason enough to watch, and you won't be disappointed by the comical spin the story puts on their tough-guy reputations.

Happily, Nicky Deuce doesn't rely just on familiar faces (including iCarly's Munck) to win over fans. Its story is a pleasant mix of comedy, drama, and feel-good messages about the joys and frustrations of family life. Nicky's new relationships with his father's side of the family prove essential in his journey toward self-awareness and encourage other family members to set aside old grievances as well. It's a good reminder that loyalty and forgiveness can always conquer the inherent imperfections of family relationships.

Festival of Lights

Less than illuminating
In too many ways, Festival of Lights betrays itself as Shundell Prasad's feature debut. In particular, Prasad's writing has a tired, clichéd air ("He's not my Dad!," Reshma yells at her mother and second husband as she arrives home from school one day). The actors seem hampered by the lines they have to speak and no one comes off very well. Every character is two-dimensional at best, and the ensemble offers little beyond the "Guiding Light" school of dramatization.

It is also surprising, given Prasad's background in nonfiction film, that Festival of Lights avoids informing the viewer very much about Guyanese history (the Jim Jones incident is never even mentioned). Compared to Chantal Akerman's recent Almayer's Folly, with its similar family story—though set in Malaysia and with a much harsher indictment of colonialism—Prasad's effort is disappointing.

The aesthetic annoyances include the fact that some of the characters barely seem to age over the decades, Ronen Landa's original score is poorly used at times for melodramatic emphasis, and Valentina Caniglia's exterior cinematography is adequate but she harshly lights some of the interior scenes. (Caniglia's best sequence comes early, in the Diwali, or Festival of Lights, celebration of Indo-Guyanese culture.)

What keeps Festival of Lights at least somewhat absorbing is the story itself. Like daytime soap operas, the film holds one's attention by maintaining a narrative of the sort where one wants to see what happens next. This is especially true in the final reel, as Reshma and her father's friends try to free him from prison. Lacking the stilted dialogue of the earlier scenes, this build-up to the action climax comprises one of the better parts of the movie. Unfortunately, the pat ending spoils what, at this point, was starting to be a better-than- average melodrama.

In the end, Festival of Lights is less than illuminating.


An attempt to differentiate, gone horribly wrong
I don't write these reviews often, actually this would be my first here, but after seeing the show and then seeing the rating I had to react. First of all I'm not sure how this show got green-lighted at all, it's a genuine example how things in TV today are totally "bonkers". Seems there is no story left, that US shows won't apply a "contemporary twist" perverting the original in a unwatchable mess). This show is basically a sacrilege to the Arthur Conan Doyle's timeless story, everything is wrong including setting, tone, atmosphere, time and also last but not the least casting. Horrible, horrible casting choices made for both characters, probably to "appease" a wider viewer base. I see a lot of 10s in the reviews below, well it makes you think, it's no wonder that poor excuse for literature Twilight is popular, since it seems anyone can write a script or a book these days and get acclaim from public. A lot of excellent shows probably got canned to allow this uninspired nightmare to stay on air. I gave it 4.5 instead of 1 since production quality is good, other than that bad beyond words.

2 Broke Girls

A Humorous Reflection Of Real Life
Caroline and Max are two struggling waitresses who want to start their own cupcake business and get out of the financial albatross that is poverty. This is the modern take on the "Gilligan's Island" premise of the castaways getting back to civilization; however, these two women are reflective of so many people wanting to become self-made entrepreneurs and leave the rat race that is known as the labor market. This is a brilliant and, yet somehow, still under-appreciated series that should be paired with "The Big Bang Theory" or, at least, aired on CBS the same night, as both shows have the production blessings of Warner Brothers. I have already rented the first season's episodes on DVD at the local library and will now sorely miss this series when it finally decides to quit.

Last Man Standing

worst ever
nothing is worse than changing the actors.. .. hate it! not watching it anymore! BAD!BAD! below, recently added: editing my preview review now, couldn't stop watching it, was too curious. But as you see my opinion above, it still sticks. The show really went downhill and i agree with @npquovadis in what he wrote! Amanda Krosney was awesome as Kristin, she was fun, easy going, smart etc. Amanda Fuller on the other hand i really don't like, first off the part really doesn't suit her or she doesn't act the part very well. And in season they turned this fun amazing character to this "not so easy going" and very feminist character. (spoiler: latest episode, no i don't want to move in with you but you can move in with me) is the stupidest thing ever! either get a place together or just move in with him! That is just one thing of many! really disappointed!

Saving Hope

well, during this show I do lots of things, changing diapers, feeding, calling my friends, and even finishing some tasks from work. This is how boring this is, it feels the actors are trying to make a medical drama but it's not working. I am disappointed with Erica taking such a role, she could have done way better than this, I mean a doctor is too tacky lately. another character that I thing is so cheesy, Dr. Goran, for God's sake we are sick of such a role where a playboy doctor who used to date the hero comes back and oh he still loves her but he still pines for other women. CHEESY! OK and another annoying character is the ER doctor, I can't even remember his name, is he trying to be funny in a serious way??? I agree with one review about that Dr. Maggie being a stalker, she's a little creepy!

Pretty Little Liars

Pretty Little Liars is amazing. I love it so much. Cannot stop watching... Oh but because I live in Australia, we have to stop watching because we are so far behind on the seasons and episodes...and when one season ends, we have to wait over a month for the next season. Fox 8 which is what it airs on here, decides "Hey, Pretty Little Liars has ended. We have another show with a new season so lets put that on, taking Pretty Little Liars time slot, and not put up Pretty Little Liars next season straight away..." Yeah, it pisses me off. Then it says "Pretty Little Liars starting November 12, 2012 express from the U.S"...Ah, no, its not because they're almost finished season 3 and we'll only be starting it then; and they usually say 'express from the U.S only if the show here is airing the same time as the show in the U.S so they stuffed up. So yeah, I love the show but hate how it is not aired quickly enough in Australia. Jealous of the U.S. I wish I lived there, then I wouldn't have to wait... 10/10 for the show, always. Love all the characters and the plots.


IF YOU WANT ME, YOU EARN ME!!!!!!!!! Enough said that statement says it all it has stuck in my head since i heard Olivia say it with all her attitude. I love OLIVIA shes got the best characteristics, straight up, tough, firm, sympathetic, beautiful, secretive, shes the whole damn package this show is awesome love the whole team every single one of them GLADIATORS!! . I wouldn't change one bit of it they play their roles above and beyond the expectations and is completed to perfection in every episode waiting one week is just too slow to keep up with everything because the story is just happening to fast... Scandal keeps you on the edge of your seat all the time. I hate the first lady (Melly) she annoys me i find her acting fake and not legitimate enough her voice and facial expressions don't suit the character of a first lady. I also wish someone made a television show on real world conspiracies and how they affect us &our world our lives today. . Illuminati, free masons, HAARP, one world order etc. etc.

The Carrie Diaries

Let me start by saying that I was very much looking forward to this show. As a sort-of-fan of some of the CW shows, I was very curious how this would turn out to be. Unlike Gossip Girl and 90210, for example, I really wanted this to be a sincere show about a girl living outside the city. To quote one of the other reviewers, 'no drama just for the sake of drama'. I've had enough of all that, so I really wanted this to be a refreshing show. Obviously, I didn't expect it to be anything like SATC, but I was hoping it would give me the same kind of satisfied feeling. To be honest, that is exactly what it is. It's refreshing, it's honest and it's satisfying. I absolutely love it! Unlike others, I don't really care about the facts not being completely accurate, I just really like the look and feel of it. The way AnnaSophia shapes her role of Carrie is amazing; innocent, yet curious for what's out there. I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the season!

The Mindy Project

Somewhat funny
Perfect name for the show considering it feels like an experiment to see what would happen if The Office's Kelly Kapoor was an OB/GYN and pretty much ignored the career. this seems to be her one character and it'll be hard to build a successful career on just that. It has some funny moments but Mindy Kaling just can't be the centerpoint of a show. it's amusing at times but more often than not, it feels like a lazy generic attempt at humor with cardboard cut out stereotypical sitcom characters. Personally, I think her time would have been better spent finishing that last season of the Office and giving this some more prep time before launch.

Franklin & Bash

I enjoy it
I thoroughly enjoy this show- I just watched pilot and first three episodes. Bracken Meyer is a hoot, and makes the show quite watchable for me. It is a smart comedy, even though quite out there with the 24 hr a day party house. I love Pindar's character..he grows on you.....quirky. "Franklin" as the straight man is just right. Love Malcom McDowell and he's a unique character, seems clueless, but has it. I think this show has legs and has what it takes for a good run. I like the chemistry of the characters, they all mesh. I'll be tivo'ing all episodes. Check it out and enjoy!!I hope it doesn't go the same way as The Defenders or Common Law. The networks seem to have a knack for cancelling truly great shows in favour of stupid reality shows.

The Newsroom

I just realized of all the shows i like - Dexter, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Boss - this is the only show with characters i actually ADMIRE and say to myself: Yes, i want to be in your place. Will this show set a new trend? Will we have more uplifting and elevating shows in the future without to(!) broken characters and without all those gray or even dark areas and behaviors? The Newsroom feels like it could be from the 1980s, call me nuts but the closest that come to mind are "Hotel" and "Scarecrow and Ms. King". Different genres of course and The Newsroom so much more grown up, but the "tone" seems to be same. And i think have been waiting for something like this. A positively uplifting show, honest but not bleak, which makes me laugh without being a sitcom or comedy even. For our times i think it is rather unique, don't you think? :)


never thought I would still be watching by now
I'm still watching - the drama is getting a little soapy, but I can see the long story unfolding: unrepentant Juliette must join up with Rayna the Headliner for the tour to make money and to regain her fan base, while they're out on tour, Teddy gets caught banging his high school flame, yada yada. But then last week I see Deacon stand up to Rayna's Asshat Dad, and then strut out on stage and pull out a classic root-beer Gibson 335, and WOW - that is one beautiful guitar. And this week the Asshat boyfriend plays some very nice backup licks, and their harmonies are very good - the song wasn't the best, but it's actually them singing, so I'm okay with it. don't know how long I'll watch, but I'm still watching now. We all know Connie is a very good actress, but Hayden has really surprised me with her range and believability.

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