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Fahrenheit 9/11

Excellent documentary that really hits home for many Americans who have lost loved ones...
I am no American citizen, but here in Canada, we are well aware of the current status of the United States. Being both a Liberal and a Conscientious Objector, I am completely and utterly repulsed at Bush and his entire propaganda. What I don't understand is how the public can accept some bumbling fool, and where are these hidden, almost mythical supporters that he has? Michael Moore is very much a ray of light in the darkness of stupidity that exists in this world. His documentaries have always been amusing and informative and this one does not disappoint. After reading his books that lead up to this film, (i.e. Stupid White Men, and Dude, Where's my Country?), I knew that this movie would be great. Mike really can stick it to the man, or in this case, a stupid, cowardly hick. I really do hope that Canada does not duplicate the mistake our neighbours to the South have done. Please don't elect Stephen Harper, if you want reasons, see this movie.

The Baby-Sitters Club

I hated the books and I hated the movie
Okay? Did anyone else find this movie a little sugary? I mean you take these annoying, overachieving PREteens and make them leaders of a camp? Jerry Springer seems less predictable! I hated them all and it's not like they have any real issues. I mean, "OMG! A guy likes me! I like him back but I'll never let on cause I'm a tease!" Seriously, this movie is riddled with cliches,(I mean friends 4-ever, come on!), has a boring, dumb cast, (let's get some diversity people!) and a pointless message. I mean, c'mon, do people really expect that if it's in a colourful package we'll just eat it up? This brings back the idea, MORE SPACE, LESS FILLING. I don't think it should have a cutesy little ending. I also don't think that those snobs would have gone so far! :P


Does Disney proud (for once)
This was a product of an amazing book which deserves most of the credit for it's success. Yes, it's Disney, and they did format for a Disney audience, so, it is not living up to it's FULL POTENTIAL. But, there are some amazing performances by Sigourney Weaver, Jon Voight and Shia LaBoeuf. The story is about a wildly unlucky boy, who gets sentenced to sixteen months of hard labour for a crime he didn't commit. The place where he is sent to is called Camp Green Lake, a place where young criminals serve out their sentences instead of jail time. Out of all the friends the boy makes, he creates the strongest ties with his tent's runt, Zero, who not only talks to no one, but is also illiterate. It is a story about injustice, racism and discovering yourself, even in the worst situations. I know that this could have been a better movie, but I'm also satisfied with it's encouragement to kids to read the novel. Good movie!


Well done remake of a classic
These days, I find it extremely rare to find a movie worth seeing. You have all these stupid teen movies, shallow deep movies starring has beens like Tom Cruise, and then there comes a movie like Chicago, a movie that deserved its awards. It really impressed me how they put it together. Now, on IMDb, I've heard complaints that there was no jazz music in the film. (I've been listening to jazz since I was small), I must admit, it isn't exactly "jazz", but keep in mind they had to have a visual component, which they chose vaudevil. The plot goes as follows. A lonely wife named Roxy desperately wants to be a club singer. In Chicago, her dream is muffled by others climbing to the top. She becomes so desperate, she chooses to believe a con-artist who claims to be her ticket to the top. When Roxy discovers his true intentions, (sex), she indulges in shooting his brains out, resulting her being sent to Cooks County for murder. There, she meets one of her idols, Jazz singer, Velma Kelly, who is doing time for killing her two timing husband and house breaking sis. They don't become friends, instead they become fierce rivals competing for their lawyer's attention. With good make up, good costumes, well done music, great acting and all that jazz, Chicago proves that in a sea of sand there is a diamond in the rough.

Mulholland Dr.

wildly confusing and lacking a deeper meaning
This movie was supposed to have an ocean of depth, instead I found it shallower than a kiddie pool. Recently, we have been getting these types of movies, abstract, dark, "deep" movies that are supposed to lead all the intellects to the theaters, this one was one of them and it was a flop. The characters and the situations are different and interesting, the videotaping wasn't bad, it wasn't the actors either it was the story. The story lacked something that a script needs and deserves, sense. This isn't bloody Alice in Wonderland! This was portrayed in a real place and since we're not all hooked on opiates we can't all understand it's deeper meaning! I found it's biggest problem was it was generally confusing. I spent half the film trying to understand what was going on, and then, they decide to change everyone's names, which made it worse. It's just another example of Hollywood trying to create a dark, uber-foreign type movie and it didn't work.


Interesting Dilemmas
This movie sets a darker tone from Allen's usual humourous films. I must admit, I love the music choices, and the idea of filming it black and white, but I find this movie lacking. In the beginning of the film you get the impression that Allen's Isaac does not love Tracy, and wants to end their relationship. Things pick up when he is matched with Keaton's Mary but that relationship goes sour. Instead of dating Mary, he ends up hating his best friend. Then after all that turmoil, he decides that he really did love Tracy and that he wants to be with her again. if you like Allen's usual movies, I expect you'll enjoy this one. I enjoyed parts of it but could still not grasp it as a whole. It is simple, casual and similar to Allen's usual films.

Annie Hall

Witty and Charming, one of Allen's greatest achievements.
Annie Hall is a movie about life. In recent films, there are fairly predictable endings. (i.e. guy gets girl after chase scene in Manhattan). Annie Hall goes against the grain of movies. There is definite chemistry between Allen and Keaton. That is one of the main reasons this movie is successful. Alvy and Annie do not have high wage jobs, they do not go clubbing, nor are they incredibly attractive. Why does a movie character relationship have to be so extreme it's unconvincing? These days movie producers create plots that are unbelievable. They don't have any depth and usually have shallow intentions. You can sense that the two leads care for each other. The situations in this movie resemble real life and that is why it is so critically acclaimed and remembered. Sure Woody talked into the camera, but that, in a sense is real life as well. It reminds me of my usual thought process and how when I think; I feel as though I'm presenting my thoughts to myself. Only he is, presenting it to us. This movie is clever and thought provoking. If you're looking for the opposite of a yearly run of the mill movie, this is for you.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask

A Woody Allen Must See
This is a wildly hilarious comedy about sex and nothing less. One of the very under rated skits is Gene Wilder's love affair with a lamb. Of course, the one that can't be missed is the all famous medievil one with the fool. It has some very low points, (let's face it, the giant tit was awful), but overall a ten! Most people think that this movie appeals to guys, but I'm a girl and this is one of my favourite of Woody's films. If you're anxious about talking about sex, or highly religious perhaps this movie will not strike your fancy. However, if you like romance stories, alot of shagging from different points of the world, and above all, Woody himself then this is your movie! ****/****

The Shining

Danny's not here Mrs. Torrence
I am an only child, and I've noticed that only children grow very attached to their parents, mostly because they are the only family ties they have made. Such is the same for Danny, he, on the other hand is special. Danny doesn't need siblings, he has a friend in his mouth, Tony. This is a very different kind of friend, Tony can reach Danny's mind and show him things. Danny has the gift of shining. His parents, Wendy and Jack, both have their sets of problems. Jack is a recovering alcoholic, and has problems with child abuse. After being fired from a teaching position in Vermont, he applies for the job of caretaker at the elegant Overlook Hotel, which has its share of stories as well. The Overlook people just want the family to watch their hotel during the winter time and come spring the family will get their pay and leave. The only problem, they say, is the severe isolation. They mention that a few years ago, there was a man Grady and his family that came to care take the hotel and ended up murdering his family. The scary thing is that the spirit of Grady isn't dead and coming back for the kill.

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Hillbilly version of the "Odyssey"
When this movie came out, I read an article that said that the plot was based on the "Odyssey" by Homer. They were probably right, it is like the hick version of the timeless classic. In a couple years, when material is short, they'll probably do the same for the "Illiad". But seriously folks, just because it's hick doesn't mean it isn't great. The characters are funny, the situations are funny, (especially when they knock the burning cross on the KKK members)The music is pretty good too. When it came out, I really liked that "I am a man of constant sorrow" song. It you want a funny, definitely a time piece and something from the south then this is perfect.

The Big Lebowski

The Coens did it again!
Jeffery Lebowski is the name his parents gave him, The Dude is what he calls himself. In California there are two Jeffery Lebowskis, they aren't friends, they don't even know the other exists until some debt collectors mistake the Dude for his name twin. That guy is rich, married and the complete opposite from Dude here, so he has no clue what's going on. One of the collectors pees on the Dude's rug, that makes him mad so he and his friend Walter decide that they are going to make the other Jeff Lebowski pay for the damages. The "Big" Lebowski doesn't want to, but he decides he wants the Dude to rescue his wife. If he does so, then the Dude will get his money, and a new rug. I won't spoil the ending for you but it is hilarious and thought provoking!

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle

Eerily rings true
When people see horror movies that really effect them, they lock themselves away. Now someone can pick the lock. This is a fairly good movie that really hits home. I admit it is extremely similar to "Fatal Attraction" but I like this movie better. This time it seems Peyton is a little more evil than Alex and she has a better motive. Peyton is a nanny, she is to take care of Emily and Joe, she has different plans in mind. The acting is pretty good, the characters are well developed and it is a nice, cozy little horror you care rely on when nothing is on TV. I have to say in a way, it reminds me of "Rosemary's Baby". This time though, it is the one who rocks the cradle that is corrupt.

Rosemary's Baby

la la la
Today, Satan has become boring. His name no longer sends shivers down your spine because you know next week, something far scarier will be mentioned. This movie's different, I watched it alone and it touched me eerily. I've been told when you have a baby, some women grow so attached to their lump they never want it to be born. Can you imagine figuring out that the being inside is evil, before it has said or done anything. That it belongs to that biblical monstrosity you hear about everyday? I couldn't, I've tried, but it is basically impossible to fit into those shoes. Rosemary is having a baby, one great milestone in your life. She and her husband Guy move into a beautiful apartment and she just befriended the neighbour girl. The neighbour girl commits suicide a few days later. She has a strange nightmare about being molested by a beast, and the neighbours who were taking care of her friend are visiting daily, dropping off special herbs to eat while she is pregnant. During her pregnancy, she starts to get suspicious of the helping neighbours, she hears them chanting at night, Guy is always next door and she is getting unbearable pains everyday. Could it be Satan at work, see for yourself.

Bridget Jones's Diary

Very English!
Gotta love those brits! They have a clever sense of humor, interesting expressions and curse words, they're great. Bridget Jones is a shy, single sinner living in England. You become her for a year as she fights off her mom's set ups, her pervert uncle and Mark Darcy who seems to be everywhere. She decides that this year she will actually follow through with her New Year's resolutions, quit smoking, drink less, get a man, on the way she learns something. Being herself will get her all those things and more. (Including to stop indulging herself in the perverted E-mails from her boss.) Hilariously original, I almost thought Reneé was English! Great acting from whole cast. If you liked the movie you will probably like the book, if you've read it already, I also recommend the "Shopaholic" series, just like it!

Edward Scissorhands

Perfectly Burton
This movie is so beautiful. A compassionate mother of two from a perfectly suburban neighbourhood community decides to take in Edward. Edward is different from everybody else, besides having scissors for hands, his socials skills are remedial and he knows very little about real life situations. He does know how to trim a mean hedge and tame the heart of his crush, Kim. At first, the small community welcomes Edward with open arms, but soon jealousy arises putting Edward in a cauldron of boiling water. Excellent performances by Jonny Depp, Winona Ryder and that guy from all those movies with Molly Ringwald. If you want a dark humored, charming story about being different, then this is perfect!


Nobody Doesn't Like It, It's Seinfeld
I love this show, sitcoms come and go but "Seinfeld" withstands the test of time. A combination of four "star-crossed" friends go through relationships, common life situations, and coffee shop get togethers. These people are knit picky, germophobes and always analyzing the unobvious. Elaine Benes is the only female main character. She is a head strong feminist who beleives in abortions and the sponge. George Constanza is a fat, bald man who grew up in a disfunctional household and has to suffer his parents since they live very close. Kramer is a question mark, by far the most bizarre. I love him though, he will always be the ASSMAN and the man who shaves with butter. Now for Jerry Seinfeld, the germophobic, knit picky comedian who's biggest problems in life are women with man hands and ones that eat their peas individually. Need I say more, it is the king of sitcoms and it will reign there forever or at least until "Curb Your Inthusiam" catches on.

Hedwig and the Angry Inch

I really liked the angry inch (CAUTION ALL! May contain Spoilers)
Ever since I saw "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" I had a strong craving for scantily clad transvestites singing really awesome rock music. Hedwig is by far a much softer character than Frankenfurter, who was unrulely robbed of his identity by his former protegé Tommy Gnosis. Settling a lawsuit is hard for Hedwig, it is not the first time he was betrayed and vegenence is what he seeks, desperately. You get to hear the beautifully unconvientional version of Hedwig's life story. With his anti-American mother, his GI father and Hedwig's love for American Rock Music. If you liked Rocky Horror you probably will like this, it definitely is a cult classic. (Sorry if I spoil it but I loved the part where Hansel follows the trail of candy to his big surprise).

Pretty in Pink

Molly Ringwald's most developed character yet!
The '80's was all about wealthiness and flonting your wealthiness. For the girl who had no wealth to flont and an ill father at home to take care of, Andie had alot on her plate. Blane was a rich guy with college as a definite prospect, he could have any girl he wanted, but he picked Andie. It was almost like Romeo and Juliet in a sense. When Andie and Blane got together, both sides of friends complain; thinking the two had broken some set of unwritten commandments. All Andie and Blane wanted were dates to the prom. My favourite character is a toss up between Iona and Ducky. Iona was cool, kind of like an older sister to Andie, maybe even the mother figure she was lacking. Ducky was so cool though, he had such strong feelings for Andie, I was sad that in the end the two didn't get together. He would have made an awesome boyfriend, he really loved her. If you are an avid John Hughes fan, Molly Ringwald fan or 80's teen flick fan you will not be disappointed!

The Breakfast Club

"Does Barry Manilow know you raid his closet?"
It was a really cool movie for me. It just goes to show you, if you go out and befriend people you would normally overlook you find out how much you were missing. Five individuals go to a Saturday Detention and leave as one. My favourite character was Bender, but only because he was the most developed and had the best sense of humor. It could be as light or as heavy as you want it to be and that's what I liked about it, it could be interpreted anyway you wanted it to be. It was good but it is not for everyone, some people I know get strongly offended at some of the subject matter and dialogue in it. If you like a movie that is funny and pops around the idea of breaking the walls between the cliques and loners and is deep and shows some harsh realities then you'll probably like it.

School of Rock

This movie is great. When Dewey Finn gets kicked out of his band, needs two thousand dollars in overdue rent or is getting kicked out, the only thing on his mind is to rock on. His former band partner now substitute teacher roommate gets a call to sub a class at a posh private school, of course he doesn't know that. Dewey decides to take the job to solve his rent problem and ends up solving all his problems. The kids, turn out to be really cool and Dewey has a new team, his brand new school project, Rock Band! Extertaining for kids and adults. Gotta love the music and the characters are great, all round excellence for everything.

Romeo + Juliet

alright but I must say I was expecting more.
I gotta admit, I expected movie from a movie Baz Luhrmann. His "Strictly Ballroom" was great. This movie was supposed to be a modern version of the classic romance but instead it was a choply filmed, time warp clash, and let's face it they could have picked a better leading man kind of movie. A movie with only the best expectations and not as good a performance. Leonardo Dicaprio let's start with, we all know he was only cast because he was a popular teen actor back in the day. Right now, he is struggling to get back in the limelight. Claire Danes is a good actress but her performance was lacking in this show. Most of the other characters seemed to be miscasted, it just didn't seem like a good movie. Some of the scenes were overdone (like the first one) and the make up and costumes were overdone (but with good old Baz, you knew it was coming) and I couldn't stand the whiney '90's music. If you want a teen movie, and basically nothing else, I guess it would be a good choice, but be warned, there is no slapstick humor, very little nudity and a depressing ending. Not your typical teen flick.

The Princess Bride

I love this movie! When I was little when ever we went to the cottage, I'd watch this movie every time, in fact I still do. The plot sounds a little flimsy when you hear about it but it is fantastic when you are watching. Buttercup and Westley have an amazing affair that lasts them through twenty years of abscence, although when Westley returns, she is engaged to the Prince Humperdink. Although she has no clue that she will be assassinated after the wedding to start a war with their rival country. My favourite characters are Vizzini and Miracle Max, they were the most hilarious characters in the whole show, I love them. It's got lots of different genres in the movie so that's why I think it is a fairytale for all ages.

Center Stage

For six months all I heard from the annoying girl who sat with us at lunch was center stage. How great it was, how amazing the dancing is. How the story beats all limits. I can't agree with that. One day, I got so fed up I rented that movie, Ooh what a surprise it was awful! the story was extremely predictable, the characters were cliches and I've seen better dancing. After all, I go to an arts highschool. I have dancer friends, the annoying girl however, is not a dancer, she acts like a know-it-all about foreign subjects to her. If you happen to be a know-it-all about dance and are eager to see a movie that one of your kind recommends (STRONGLY I should add) see it enjoy it, maybe you'll find her. She's in the book under M.

3 Men and a Baby

The movie was good, I loved the plot and I thought that Steve Guttenberg was not just taking up space, after all he was the artist (I'm an artist). I found it much better than it's sequel, "Three Men and a Little Lady" or it's spin off "Full House". Although I found the ghost component of the movie kind of creepy. In the scene where Jack's mother visits the baby for the first time, there is a boy behind the drapes staring straight at the camera. According to an article I read, the apartment that the used for the movie was the same apartment that the landlady's son killed himself in. In some scenes later apparently you see the gun that he used and no one on the set was aware of it. I never saw the gun but I sure as heck saw the boy. It was not seen through editing, and nobody saw it in the theaters but according to the article, the mother bought the videotape and when she saw it she said it was definitely him. I guess it proves that perhaps all those claims of ghosts showing up in photographs were true, you want proof, buy the videotape.


A great movie with lots of Screw ball hi-jinks
The movie is charming and full of whimsy. It brightens the hope of breaking the wall between the rich and the needy. Eve Peabody, a struggling blues singer is given the chance to hang out with the elite, at swanky opera parties and rooms at the Ritz. But there's a catch, she must break up the charming Jaques with her "employer's" wife. Only there is one problem, to do so she has to disguise herself as "the Baroness Czerny", bringing strong suspicion from the wife, because no one has ever heard of her. Also her past comes back to haunt her when her one night love, Tybor Czerny decides he wants her in his life. It is a fun screw ball comedy with literally no slow or boring moments. It is rather a nice thought too, that all your problems could be solved because you're good at flirting. Good clean fun! 9.99/10

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