
IMDb member since May 2024
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Hit Man

It would be better is they use some song in the movie.
First of all, this is a comedy movie and it delivers. I don't know why people so fuss about it and asking about realism in comedy movies is pointless.

The movie starts very great with a fast pace until Madison joins, it uses so much time to focus on the sex scene and unnecessary lecture scenes. I think they try to deliver the philosophy part or want to explain why or how characters develop in movies, which people already know. It just makes the story not go smoothly, it has Gary do his job and then come to have sex with Madison 3 times just to let us know that She has the knowledge to set up a murder from the after-sex talk. Rather than develop an antagonist story. So all we got from Jasper is a villain who lost his job because of himself and can't get back because of Gary. And U know what the final scene when Jasper is defeated they just add a sex scene for no reason. But overall it's pretty funny and that is the whole purpose. It would be better if they added music to the movie or had better background music that suits the scene the entire movie is so quite so we could have some memorable things but I guess this is what you're gonna get from a Netflix movie in the theater.

The Watchers

It a Shyamalan all over again.
This movie starts very well and the plot is entrancing when it builds up. But somehow the ending and the antagonists and monster reveal make all expectation loss.

The movie prologue is excellent the camera tries to keep a scene where Mina is watching by something like a fashion doll or people in the street or when someone is talking to her the face is covered like she is talking to a mirror as well as the bathroom scene. An appetizer for the main story. Although an element of the problematic main character didn't fully deliver it makes Mina look like just a normal teenager.

The Forrest introduction is just a missing poster in a gas station and a random guy getting caught by something the only thing that makes this introduction a gimmick is that the forest is unescapable due to it acting like a maze and having low visibility. The mirage thing is trying to deliver the Mina trauma and the back story doesn't work out as it should be

The story and character design are built very poorly there is too much back story of each that has to be delivered and the movie loses its focus on the main character, Mina's story just appears late in the shelter and her drawing habit is just there for the sake of continuity of the movie it doesn't contribute to her personality. Her backstory is fully explained and used only for the final arc which they already escape the forest, idk why the movie has to build it so long from the beginning just to use it only in the final and it doesn't deliver impact that much, feeling like it a kid cartoon when protagonist changes antagonism mind to become a better person. Ciara is just a side character with poor development nothing crucial about her. Daniel has very high expectations of his development love story and his belief, that he has high screen time to shine but Ishana's writing at its finest strikes again. Madeline is supposed to be an unexpected twist on the final arc but there are so many loopholes in the story that just make her story not make sense making the impact low.

The Monster is scary when it does not appear. It doesn't mean that the costume design and story are not good but before we can see it the movie tells us that you cannot see this thing or maybe it don't want to be seen. This makes it very mysterious and scary but the reveal just makes this monster become just a violent creature that can't exposed to light, killing all expectations built before.


Typical Thai romance movie.
The moive is about the guy fulling in love with their ancestors ghost. The plot is very simple and kinda confused what is actually the ending part it has like 2 or 3 emotional scene but dont actually end there.

There is a creditor who i thought it was a main antagonist and it will end like the protagonist doesn't know aboth hidden interest or something in contact but he just pay it all and the Debt story just end there.

Another is a conflict with ghost gf is that she a ghost and he cannot touch her, i don't know why they just accept and then process to act like yeah we can live like this. Like elemental by Pixar has same story like this and then make story go on to slove this. But this movie is build different. It make me when i watching this thing is not a movie at all everything that build up is just there no finish or final drama.

And everything isn't make sense like. Main characters is a streamer in start and loan a money after inheritance that he doesn't receive to anything buying a new pc setup. This was to build a stroy for later but it just end at half of the movie.

The ending part is just so peak not gonna lie ( not the dancing ). Very cleavers writing a sudden shash without warning plus the past story of Anong scene it just make ending confused why do they put it in there idk. But overall the ending it just so bizarre that make audience can't predict it. It not carry the whole movie btw just another Thai romance comedy with Traditional Thai CGI and character design.

Wei he fang bao dui

China make UN actually lookgood wtf?
This movie is a China propoganda about they role in global peace solving, take place in Sierra Leone but i dont know why they call it "Santa leone" in movie. But although their are people calling it a disgraceful act to brainwash these "Helpless" people in Africa by China culture but that what most county do western state do thing like this for long time so this isn't something new at all. The actual production is very boring there is no dimensions at all. The character doesn't has time to express their emotion only the chief and the chief friend's son which is actually good in story but it can't fully delivered. Character design is very blend their look the same to me if they don't have scar or something. Because they has same outfit and haircut, actions scene doesn't help this problem either it to fast and can't focus what each character actually doing. The plot is normal heroic movie nothing special, the antagonist is another white guy villain on typical Chinese movie. So overall it just another propoganda movie so don't give anything expectations much about it if it was awhite guy or Latino base character it still not charging the quality of the movie at all.

Haunted Universities 3

3story in same movie is changing the mood too much.
1-Jao nang is focus on killing scnce. Very balance story between ghost and humen side but artyle of horror scene is very traditional making jaonang not so scary at all. The ending is kinda mess up why other is beheaded idk.

2-Phe Take are very artistic the production is verygood and light control are amazing. But sound an d music is not load enough to make it scary. Main characters is very confusing for carless personal to whatever movie try to show. But the main characters after match scene is very gae.

3. Typical Thai ghost movie. Nothing special. Character design and story is very annoying.

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