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Murder in the Village: Who Killed the Doctor's Wife?

After 40 years who gives a F!
This is your story of a twice married doctor and a once divorced second wife. While the wife Diane was a nice looking woman, and when sober a pleasure to be around! The doctor as well the wife both had affairs! The Diane had even.rented herself a love nest in close town. Where she would entertain strangers for a good time when she had a few drinks! It was after a few drinks she would become a demon as well! The doctor was tired of his short lived marriage with Dian and started looking for a new start in Australia! They had had a daughter, but it was taken in to care of how often Diane call about the her and the doctor fighting! You have interviews with those who knew Diane and felt she was almost saintly as she was better known then him. When she disappeared ir was 9 days after she went missing. While this was normal for Diane to disappear. To make a long short short,3 months after she disappeared her skeletal were found 30 miles from their home! With in 30 days of Diane reported missing a woman body had been found, but t was not Diane! People all said it was the husband, and police questions him twice and tore up the grounds around the house they shared! However each time after the max holding time he was released and not charged. So 40 years later the doctor has died, and more women in area found dead! So who killed the doctors wife remains unsolved. I think it says a lot she was missing 9 days and no who knew Diane even noticed she was missing! Even those who in this show talked as if Diane was saintly. You have the back seat detectives all saying if this happened today it would be easily solved! Yet I ask after 40 years who gives a F as to who killed Diane!

Terror at 30,000 Feet

A look at airplanes that come close to crashing or clashed
While this is different from Mayday Mayday/Air Crash Investigation. In this show you have some investigation as to a cause of the failure on the flight of airplane. You get a more first hand experience of the passengers, and crew on these flights that came close to crashing or or crash! All of the planes in this show are companies that operate in the UK! A select group of those who were on these planes, tell how they felt how they felt during all parts of the flight from take off to landing, crashing! While this is a true life dramatization of a flights, they are done in a way that keeps you glued to the screen to the end of the snow.

The Real CSI: Miami

This show is as bad as the "fake" show it took the name from!
OK I have now watched all 8 episodes the worse part of this show is it like movie Clue based on the murder mystery board game! The movie has if I recall 3 different ending. Did the murder happen this way, or did it happen like this, followed by this is how the murder really happen! This show makes like 3 people who knew the victim the murder suspects, then they say the person had an alibi and could not be murderer until they have this is how so & so killed the victim! For a true crime show this whole series is vast disappointment! Jerry Bruckheimer has had far better work and should be ashamed of himself for this poor show!

This show in many episodes is dull as dirt, bloated with people who work in the police acting like if they were not on the case, it would never have been solved! A few need to learn that pride goth before the fall, that it is a group effort in solving the crime, and there is no I in team! Most of all of the women in the CSI department and specially Mary's Martinez who is very judgmental with her remarks, and she has the warmth and charisma Styrofoam! The fake show CSI Miami was the worse and most fake of the 3 CSI shows! Vegas was the best, followed by New York! This show The Real CSI: Miami is as bad and with as much bad over acting and lack of on screen presents as the "Fake" CSI Miami cast! To make.

Ghost Ships

A waste of time show from Canada
If you tune into watch this show, and expecting some exciting evidence of sunken ships and that are haunted you will be greatly disappointed! I have watched the three episodes that have aired and was left very very underwhelmed! A great example is Episode Two where they are exploring tale of a three mast ghost ship that is sailing totally enveloped in flames! While this flaming ship supposedly has been seen for well over a century, there was no photo evidence of this sight from those who said they saw this ship on fire! They start talking to locals and you get this story that ship from when the Arcadian were expelled from Canada and being sent back to France. However when they talk to someone who has found a large 3 mast ship on the bottom that shows evidence of fire they are told this ship has a propeller! Which is something that did not exist when the Arcadians were expelled. Like in the other two episodes the path they say they are going on is far far away from then results they end up giving you at the end after wasting your time.

Star Trek: Discovery

Worse Star Trek of all time complete with poor scripts and acting
While this Star Trek has the most interesting and visually pleasing opening graphics, the show itself has the worse scripts and actors! I had thought there would never be a Star Trek worse then Voyager with its' most insufferable Captain Janeway. Until Start Trek Discovery with a lead actress, who shows what happens when a unknown actress is given the leading role she is incapable of doing. Who is supported by a cast of equality bad actors, which make this the most dysfunctional Star Trek show to date! This Star Trek shows what one gets when DEI was more of the deciding factor when casting members for this show, then talent. You get a show with bas acting with scripts that could have been written by a high school creative writing class! While this show has limped along on the CBS/Paramount streaming service. If it had been showed on regular CBS it would have been lucky to has lasted one season, not 5 before getting axes on the CBS/Paramount streaming service!

Erika Jayne: Bet It All on Blonde

Not worth the time to watch!
What do you get when you take an actress with limited talent, who is a fair to midland singer, and Reality TV buys her a chance to have to have a show in Las Vegas? You get this train wreck of a two part TV show, "Erika Jayne: Bet It All on Blonde"! Erika Chahoy, who performs under the name of Erika Jayne. Her longest running acting gig is pretending to be a real housewife in Reality TV's "The Housewives of Beverly Hills which she joined in 2015! A series of shows where you have a paid actresses with scripted dialogue pretending to be real housewives. With Erika Jayne you have a really limited talent actress, who is not at all convincing as a stay at home housewife. The whole series of Real Housewives is unreal! Now with fill in blank with whatever city and now even fill in the blank country outside of the US. Is one of Reality TV;s most fake and unreal shows where nothing is believable! Erika Jayne who is mostly known for Reality TV, she has also been on "Dancing With the Stars"! Where she is most known for saying she injuring herself and not preforming in the finale! She also has some less then great music videos as well. She did appear on CBS's Y&R for a few episodes! She had a very very limited music tour of 13 cities called Erika Jayne Presents: The Pretty Mess Tour! I think the name of the tour said it all! The tour was for mainly for the LGT community which is where her music is mainly played. Erika Jayne seems to have gotten lots and lots of help from her second husband Tom Girardi, a lawyer and whom she has now filed for divorce from! According to a Los Angeles Times article, which alleged that Tom Girardi "stole millions of dollars from his vulnerable clients," and improperly funneled more than $20 million of victims' compensation in to EJ Global! A company set up to finance Erika Jayne's entertainment and singing career. After watching this two part series show, I hope that these two episodes will be end of this and not have a sequel later on! My title of this review says how I found the show to be.

However there is a role that Erika Jayne was born to play! She should do it as a Reality TV Movie of the Week! In which Erika Jayne plays Anna Nicole Smith. These two women have same degree of non talent, and they ever talk alike. This would be about the only acting gig Erika Jayne would ever excel at. Since she is a natural as another Anna Nicole Smith!

Law & Order Toronto: Criminal Intent

The same tired and boring themes of the Law and Order Series
Why this was made one can only guess that some person in Canada with little to no imagination thought this would be an easy sell to the gullible people of Canada who want a good Canadian show set in Canada and not the US! This person must have failed to research that Law and Order UK struggled to stay on 4 years with two seasons a year of 8 episodes a season! By setting this in Toronto, this person must have figured it would get high rating!. Well I for one did not fall for this stale remake! The whole Law and Order franchise has been on television so long there is nothing new to base a script on! The first episode was an old boring story line based on a Ponzi scheme! Along with this episode that was a lot of very sub par acting in this new series! Not a single actor nor the character the actors are portraying has a single quality that would inspire or make you want to watch this show.

The ReidOut

Takes the prize as being the worse of worse of MSNBC bad shows!
MSNBC has some of the worse news style shows on TV/Internet/Cable! However all their hacks and quacks of so called reporters Joy Reid takes the prize for being the worse, most annoying and fake! The stories in her show The ReidOut are as fake and unbelievable as joy's ever changing fake hair colors. Why anyone would listen to this woman is well beyond my understanding and logic unless it just to see what kind of stupid silly crap she will spew! Or perhaps it is to see which guest she will go out of her way to try and belittle and try to make to seem to be the fool and only end up making herself look the loser and fool!


Feud should have stayed a 1 season show!!!!
The first season of Feud was in 2017 based on the hatred between Joan Crawford and Bette Davis, and I liked Season 1! Season 2 shows up seven years later in 2024 and Season 2 of Feud should not have been made and stayed as a one season show. The Season 2 is based on Truman Capote and a small group of New York's High Society Women he called his Swans is a lot of cheap tawdry gossip, bad sex stories, their encounters and events that should have stayed in the haze of long forgotten past! Truman Capote was in real life a repugnant loathsome little man, who most people who knew him came to despise him.

Riverdale: Chapter One Hundred Thirty-One: Archie the Musical
Episode 14, Season 7

This episode is a bad episode of Glee
This episode is like a really bad episode of Glee, and should have not been made. While the teens are suppose to be in the mid 1950's, but the musical music is not what one have heard in the1950's! Now it looks like they are turning Betty and Veronica into be lesbian couple, like Cheryl Blossom and Toni Topaz. In many ways this season has been pretty much a total flop and far worse then any other previous seasons! While continuity has not been a strong suit of this series, this season has been the most off! Just like the gay character Kevin this season is having a gay relationship with a new character Clay who is black!

True Crime Story: Indefensible

There is no defense for True Crime Story: Indefensible
Not since Crime Scene Confidential with Alina Burroughs that aired on Discovery + and Investigation Discovery last season, has there been a true crime series this bad! Jena Friedman as host rates as one of the worse host of all time on a true crime show. Her personal feeling of what was or was not done by the police or courts are just a waste of time! Just a review of Jena Friedman credits shows she really unqualified to host a true crime show! Jena is a third rate actress and just as bad caliber producer of shows! Another case of someone who created a podcast, then feels they are qualified to produce and star in a TV series! If you like true crime shows give this horrid attempt at a true crime show a big pass! It says in the description of this show that it is " It's less of a whodunit and more of a "Why does this keep happening?" show. She digs deep to learn how these cases reveal the flaws in our sometimes dysfunctional criminal justice system." Which clues one in on that is more of cherry picking stores that will high light what Jena Friedman feels outcome is not what she would have liked! This is not a true crime show but a single person finding true crimes where the final verdict was not to Jena's liking!

Urban Legend

A bad imitation of Tales from the Crypt
Eli Roth new show Urban Legend is just an so so imitation of Creep Show without the crypt keeper! I have watched the 3 shows that have aired and I was not really impressed by Eli Roth work on this show. As I have already stated this show would have blended right in with the current Creep Show that airs on Shudder! In some ways this show really needed the crypt keeper and his comments to open and close the shows to tie them up! I am confused as to what Eli Roth was trying to make with series, as it just does not catch one like Amazing Stories 1980's, Monsters 1980's' Tales from the Crypt 1990's, Twilight Zone 1960's, or The Outer Limits 1960's!

High School

I sure did not see what the others views saw!
I watched several episodes of this show, and found it to be utter modern trash! I also took a gander at the others who has left reviews since I seemed to have watched a totally different show then they did! There was only person who has more then 10 reviews and I is being generous when I said the others have less then 5! Most this was their only review some have been on IMBD for years, but this was their only review! Others had just joined to review this show with in the last week. There are so many new shows now thanks to the all streaming stations and regular stations having more then one channel it should be easy to find a much more interesting show them sad example from Amazon!

The Great Kiwi Bake Off

I rated season 3 an 8 Season 4 is not even making a rating of 0!
I did not find this show until Season 3. But I found the judges and host to be entertaining! However season 4 is a total flop! The new woman judge is just bad! In episode 1she seemed to think she was a 1940's French Flasher right to black plastic mac raincoat! On a later episode she dressed like a biker chick and was showing off her tattoo arms! The male judge is about as exciting to watch and listed to dishwater! Then there is new male host who beyond awful to watch and listen to! If people found the previous hosts cringe worthy this current set are beyond creepie! Episode 4 has aired and there are 5 more episodes to go, and I am not sure I will make it to the end as the show is that bad and just dull this season! Even the set of bakers in this season are lack luster. It looks like talent was not a qualification this year as why they were picked. But only because they ticked off some diversity box the show producers wanted fill! As I stated 5 episode to go and they were to show episode 5 and send all but two bakers home you would not even notice and think it was normal!

Mysteries Decoded

From the host bad acting skills this show is like a Discovery Rejected Show
Lets starts with the host. Jennifer Marshall who states she was the in NAVY and a Private Investigator! She leaves out that she is an actress! Having seen shows with Jennifer Marshall one will see her acting skills an minimal and not good. One can only hope her private investigating skills are better! However since she seems to have been acting since 2005 I am guessing her investigating skill are as bad her acting. This show is so fake it is funny more then likely the good reviews are from people from teenagers to under 25! The things she investigates are a laughable or have already been covered many times usually better then Jennifer Marshall and her guest co host coverage!

Dateline: The Last Day

A new but very dull bland version of Dateline
For me this is not one of the best shows under the Dateline franchise. From the start you can tell from narrator description who the killer is. For some reason NBC Dateline has gone from being a current events news show to just who was killed and the killer show. One of the worse narrators is Keith Morrison who tells his victims story like narrating a childrens story same way as done in How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

Murdaugh Murders: Deadly Dynasty

Very Disappointing
The deaths and murders covered in these 3 episodes have been covered before other real crime shows usually in one spisode. This was disappointing in the number of people who gave their opinions on what they think happened, with not much actual police giving their imput. After watching all 3 spisodes you still do not have a conclusion as the only person charged but not actually involved directly in all the muders is sitting in jail as he does not have the money to pay his bond, and has not gone to trail. Might havre had more impack if this not aired until the court cases had finished were finished as to what he is actually convicted of!

God's Favorite Idiot

Dull show made worse with Melissa McCarthy as a lead
Melissa McCarthy is just not a good actress, but thinks she is. She is just big, loud, and obnoxious which is her only talent. Take that and mix with a show that is dull and unimspiring and you have Gid's Favorite Idiot. Once again Netflix releases a subpar TV show. It is as if Nexflix is where bad scripts are sent to be made into bad TV shows. With shows like God's Favorite Idiot one can see why Nexflix is hemorrhaging viewers leaving their service.

I Am Georgina

A Pure Netflix Junk Show
This show is a fine example of why Netflix share price is falling like a rock and Netflix is canceling unmade shows. If you take the time to read the 160 reviews as I write my review. You will see for this show there are about 5 reviews above 5, with most rating this as 1! Like so many things Netflix has produced like their documenties are a total waste of time. They will take 4 hours to tell a 35 minute story! This show has nothing to make it worth the time time to watch it. It is mearly a story of a self promoting no body who became a influncer and caught a husband whi is a footballer. It could well be call how to scam people people! As all see does is spend his money on pampering herself!


Apple should stick to computers and phones not TV shows!!!!!
I thought this show was lame and even with a run time of 30 mins that only 25 mins two long. The frist few episodes rather boring! Did I say the episodes run for only 30 minutes?? However when I watched Season 1 Episode 6, I know this was show about nothing as it was a about Sesame Street Big Bird!

D.I. Ray

Not the worse ITV show, but missed by far the mark of being one the best!
As someone else pointed out this show has alot of WOKENESS in it which distracts from the show itself. You have an Asian women brought in as the DI to probe into the muder of an Asian man. Who was found dead stabbed in his car. She heads up what is termed Culturally Specific Homicide or CSI. A term she never knew of it was that new. Unlike Vera where each episode is a different crime, this is more like Unforgotten where the crime is investigated through the full season. In all this show is a decent watch if you over look the obvious stereotypes that are easily spotted through out the show!

The Offer

This show is only 45-50 years to late to be interesting!
You know that when a show comes out 50 years after the making of the movie that it is about, you are going to be revisional history! Since most of the people who had the greatest imput are now deceased or at an age they cannot recall things clearly!

History's Greatest Mysteries: The Sodder Children Disappearance
Episode 8, Season 3

Season 3 Episode 8 what a train wreck of a show.
The Sodder Children who may have or may not have died in a house fire in West Virginia in 1945 on Dec. 24th./25th! There are so many things in this show that blatantly incorrect and obviously wrong, Most noticeably graphics such as cars and the fire that destroyed the house! This happened in 1945 and yet most of the cars shown are from the mid 1950's or 1960's! There is one scene of the fired where what is shown are people working on a forest fire not a house fire. The episode itself is really scraping the bottom of the barrel as this in not about some great historical mystery of interest to everyone, but only to those who are connected to the Sodder family or someone who has watched lots of tore crime stories! A lot is made out of the face that Mr. Sodder was of Italian descent as were many in the town where he lived. However Mr. Sodder was an outspoken in his not being a supporter of Benito Mussolini unlike many in the town who were. OK why is this even part of this show as in 1945 when this happened the Allies had taken Italy back from Axis Powers who were now defeated in Europe and Benito Mussolini had been killed by the people of Italy. The way this show is taking you think Benito Mussolini was a still popular in both Italy and Americans of Italian descent, which he was not! By the time the US entered WWII Benito Mussolini had fallen out of favor by those in the US as it was seen he was a Hitler wannabe!

Crime Scene Confidential: Doing Right by Richard
Episode 6, Season 1

Anna this was a time of time
Anna presenting this case was total waste of time to watch! Once again you have a family and prosecution crying foul that the the accused is not convicted and locked away for life. However when the prosecution on appeal does not turn over files and other requested items to a new defense team the judge is going to punish the prosecution! Anna should have known this if the was any good at being a CSI for 12 years as she claims! However she has been out of the CSI field for last 6 years so why is she pretending in this show she is still a CSI agent?

Frankly she looks more like a someone who does and sell drugs for a ;living then a someone who would be working for the police. OH wait, she is not working the police as she left the CSI field 6 years ago! So we get her now with her pink hair in a punk cut and way to many tattoos and piercings pretending to she still is a CSI agent! Total waste of time!!!

Hard Cell

Another sad and bad show from Netflix
I am not sure which is worse Netflix attempts at documentaries or their "original series"! This turkey of a show is shot in documentary style but is a scripted comedy. It failed on both fronts to impress me, and after watching 3 episodes I said enough, as it was not worth the time to see the remaining 3 shows. IA word to people who create and write shows, you have a dog of a show and no one else will buy call Netflix they will buy anything!

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