
IMDb member since March 2024
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The Outwaters

Worst movie ever
It's absolutely terrible. There is no plot whatsoever. Nothing makes any sense. The camera angles and lighting are beyond tedious and painful to watch.

How did this even get made? Who funds this absolute nonsense? I'd rather watch paint dry than to be subjected to this movie again. I got the feeling that this movie was the director's and producer's first ever movie that they've made, hence why it's terrible. I can only hope they use this experience as a learning tool to never, ever create something like this again.

Overall, it was frustrating, tedious, boring, disappointing and lastly abysmal.

House of Sims

Worst reality TV show I've ever seen
This is so poorly written, it's painful. The storylines are beyond boring and dumb. All of the sisters look the exact same - long fake hair extensions, insanely heavy make-up, plastic & over filled, ready to explode filler/botox look. It's giving desperate vibes. None of them have any talent so I'm left confused about how they're trying to make it in LA, since they have no talent to make it with. I think they believe that they are A list celebrities when in reality, most people in England don't even know who these people are. And now they've all resorted to making OnyFans content to stay relevant. Quite gross. Scraping the bottom of the barrel.

The Last Rite

Worst lead male actor I've ever seen
The lead male ruined this movie, followed by the priest. The woman possessed and her friend tried to salvage what they could but overall the friend was the best and most natural actor in the movie. This could have been so much better with a different lead male, whoever cast him, must have been paid off. He seriously needs acting lessons, he had the exact same expression for the second half of the movie, continously.

The chemistry between the lead couple was nonexistent, awkward and cringe. The script writer wrote a script that was incredibly unnatural. A couple who talk formally to each other like they're in a business meeting is what every scene feels like. So weird.

Gender Agenda

Worst comedy stand ups I've ever seen
Not funny in the slightest, not even a little bit. Boring, laboursome, recycled jokes... if you can call them that, which would be a definite stretch. The comedy is so basic and one dimensional, and they all have a very similar persona. They're duplicates of each other but just look different. It's painfully clear that they are all obsessed with themselves. It's exhausting

There's also a very obvious laugh track played throughout which means the live audience didn't find these people funny. It was so bad that it was akin to a train crash - you can't look away because it's just that terrible. I don't get how they wrote these jokes and genuinely thought that they were writing comedy... Now that's funny!

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