
IMDb member since May 2002
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The Matrix

A good movie, 7/10
*Minor Spoilers*

I have to say that this was pretty good for an action movie. It had a rather original approach (although it's nothing new - the ideas HAVE already been there, although many people don't know or believe)and GREAT special effects. But it also has the same flaws as most action movies: flat characters (Neo is the only person we get to know at least a bit), a terribly boring last twenty or thirty minutes, which have no story and are just there to display more off the special effects (and even the bullettime gets boring after you've seen it once), and an absolutely stupid ending with Neo coming back to life after receiving a kiss by Trinity (OH PLEASE!!!). Anyway, I think this is nearly as good as an action movie can get, so see it if you have the chance.

Richy Guitar

Very funny to see for fans of Die Ärzte
I guess nearly everybody who watches the movie today does so because the (at least in Germany) famous punk-rock band Die Ärzte played the main characters, at a time when they weren't popular yet. Anyway, the movie is very funny to watch. It's a pretty low budget production, and it's not really "great", but it's interesting to see what it was like in the early 80's in Germany. Die Ärzte don't act to bad, although it is a bit funny that Farin plays the main characters, as in the later years Bela would turn out to be the better actor. I guess he was to strange for the producer... It's as I said, if you are a fan of Die Ärzte you should definately watch the movie, if you are not, or are not even from Germany, you might not find it too interesting unless you are in teenage dramas that are realistic (which means they are NOT like American Pie or something like that).

Caroline in the City

Good One
This show is pretty good, I watch it whenever I can find the time. It's not really outstanding, and there are better sitcoms, but the characters are nice and especially Richad has some good lines. Compared to Suddenly Susan this show is, well, a million times better, mainly because the characters aren't as annoying (except Julia).

Meet Prince Charming

It's not really a bad movie, but nothing spectacular either.
This is what I call a nice movie. It's not one of those overhyped lovestories with stars in each role (like Sleepless In Seattle), and the story isn't as stupid and exagerated as in some of those movies. While this is a strength of this movie, it also is it's weakness. It's not as exciting as it could be, perhaps because the movie is more a comedy than a lovestory. But then the jokes are too harmless to make this movie outstanding. I guess this is worth a watch if you want to watch a nice lovestory that isn't too kitschy (that probably means that you have to be older than 16 to enjoy this movie).

Private Parts

This is a really funny movie!
I don't live in the U.S., so I never really heard anything of Howard Stern. I guess I read the name online a few times, but I never really heard him. And I think that's very sad, because I absolutely enjoyed this movie. It's true that his humor might disgust some people, but I don't really care. Some of his jokes are really intelligent and I like his behaviour. Good movie, I gave it 9 out of 10 points.


Really entertaining...
I really liked this movie. The action is good, the actors are good, the beginning is funny, the special effects are good. I don't know what else to say about the good sides of this movie. I weren't into the Spiderman comics before, so I cannot comment on how much Raimi left off from the original. But I liked it, and as it is often it's harder for me to put a finger on what I liked that on what I didn't like. And there were some things that I didn't like. Some of the costumes looked as if they came right out of a Power Rangers episode. Some animations of Spiderman looked extremely fake and computer generated. The last few minutes (I don't mean the scene on the cemetery but the last fight) were a bit boring, and in the second half of the movie it somehow lost its humor.

Again this sounds as if this would be just a mediocre movie, but it isn't. It's really good. Go and watch it :).


Kull the Conqueror

It's not THAT bad...
I saw the movie on television yesterday evening. When I had looked into the tv magazine I saw that the movie is rather new (1997), but I had never heard of it, which means nothing good. Then I saw that Kevin Sorbo starred in it. I don't have a problem with him, but he's absolutely fixed to that "Hercules"-role, so I knew exactly what to expect. But it wasn't THAT bad. The plot was mediocre, but not ridiculous. The special effects weren't too good, but some looked nice. The scenery looked extremely fake from time to time, but there also were some nice backgrounds and such. It's not really a bad movie, I was not bored when I watched it. If you are a fan of such medieval settings and lower your expectations a bit it might be worth a watch.


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