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Do Patti

Kajol is Fantastic as always
The much-awaited Hindi crime thriller Movie Do Patti 2024 is something more compared to the movies and web series of the same genre. Undoubtedly, the Movie has followed the recent trend of exploring crime and its dimensions. However, the important point is that the movie has not made criminal activities such as scattered incidents just thrilling the viewers. There is no reason to ratify or romanticise crime. The movie does not run the affairs depending on the crime and detective elements; instead, it projects these as integral parts to narrate the story with a larger appeal that is relevant to movie lovers of different genres. This is the right approach. After all, a Movie or Web Series cannot expect success only through sensationalising criminal activities. The theme and the storyline look Impressive.

The debut of Kirti Sanon seems to be Impressive as a Movie Producer. Her performance in the dual role looks good. Similarly, Shaheer's role has been brilliant. His potentiality shows Shaheer is a horse for long race and the actor has a future in Indian movie. As was expected, Brijender Kala proves again why he is the right choice. Kala is brilliant with his typical acting style in this movie.

Apart from all these, Kajol's performance matters. Kajol is a brilliant actress. Her performance seems to surpass others in Do Patti. In fact, as an actress, Kajol is a trendsetter in Indian movies. Her iconic performances and portrayal of different characters prove this. The success of the film like Bazigar is often credited to Kajol. Kajol's depiction of Evil in Films like Gupt is matchless. The movie Do Patti shows that that time has made the actress more mature with the passing of time. In Do Patti Kajol plays the role of a Lady Police Officer. But her character is much more than an ordinary police officer. The film starts with a typical Kajol performance. As it goes in the backslash months ago, the movie begins to build the character of Kajol. The symbolic presentation of Kajol carrying the cages of rabbits and her obsession tells many things; her troubled past and present agony in a very convincing way. The dilemma regarding the perception of the law she inherits makes the character more Impressive. Kajol has done justice to this challenging character. Kajol proves why she is attributed as an actress of a different genre. The movie Do Patti proves Kajol's acting genius once again. Kajol makes the Movie more attractive with a stunning performance. One should watch.

Reeta Sanyal

Worst Content of 2024 so far
Following trend is also a trend. But that never means swimming with the tide. This is true that celluloid portrayal of crime thriller is today's craze. But one cannot ignore the significance of the composite word crime-thriller. This means a movie or web series must have the potentiality to thrill the viewers. The primary attraction of those films and web series made on legal battle on crime is to provide thrilling experience to the audience. Mere projection of crimes in an irrational and insensible manner can never be called a movie or the new age incarnation web series.

But What about Abhirup Ghosh directed Reeta Sanyal web series? The content claims action thriller web series. But how can one call Reeta Sanyal web series at all? It has utterly failed or deliberately ignored the basic requirements of cinematic art. This boring visual has failed in all departments. The storyline is not only weak and incoherent but there is enough reason to doubt whether this can be called a story at all. Naturally, it is next to impossible to find out the plot and genre in this so-called web series. Similarly, Reeta Sanyal is certainly one of the worst contents depicting courtroom in Indian cinema. This rather proves the level of declined creative bankruptcy. Same is true in case of direction and choreography of this. It has failed to ensure minimum standard.

The rest of the damage has been ensured by the actors and actresses seem as if they are yet to get ready for the first shot in a cinema. The reputed names like Adah Sharma, Manik Papneja and others seem in a mood of rehearsal during the entire web series. Except Rahul Deb, nobody seemed to be having the least sense of acting and cinema. How such unprofessional persons think of film making? This question is very relevant. This is beyond imagination that the performance of some can be so poor at this level. Really, miserable experience.

But this is hard to believe that they are ignorant of this. They cerainly knew that the content has no merit. Now see the tactical approach. After much hypes when the time came to release the web series, it released only the first episode. Total five episodes have been released so far. On 14th October it released episode 1, on 15th episode 2, on 16th episode 3, on 17th episode 4 and on 18th episode 5. The series did not end. However, on 19th and 20th October it released no episode. This seems a strategy of the Reeta Sanyal web series makers. They tried to befool the audience. They knew that if all the episodes get released on a single day, its popularity graph would drastically drop down. In this age when rating and reviews have become decisive factors to make movie or web series successful or flop, the web series makers did not want to take that risk. But this rather exposes them. They think viewers are fools. However, after the release of 5 episodes, it is evident that the content can't get momentum with such approach. Quality content does not need to build strategy to attract viewers. But can rubbish content attain success in this manner? The message is loud and clear; success needs potentiality and deliberation. There is no short route. This is not important whether the crew of Reeta Sanyal web series admits this. They may or may not. But if film makers try befooling the audience, they will lose the remaining space. In my view Reeta Sanyal is the worst content of 2024 so far. I must say abstain from watching this.


Vineet Kumar Makes Maharani Great
The Celluloid art of Storytelling provides larger space to the lead Actors and Actresses; the Protagonist and Antagonist. But Political Thriller based on Bihar Maharani during its 3 Seasons is perhaps the most realistic projection of the Political culture not only of Bihar and India but the entire 3rd World Countries that are shouldering democracy as a burden. Obviously, Casting in this Web Series is brilliant.

Nevertheless, the performance of Vineet Kumar has not been given deserving credit. Nor his role has been evaluated with due importance. But Vineet Kumar proves that he is an Actor with exceptional Calibre. Vineet's performance actually makes the difference in the Web Series. Vineet Kumar's stunning performances is one of the important factors to make Maharani Web Series successful; one of the greatest cinematic Endeavors in recent time in Hindi. Really, what a performance by this great Actor?

Vineet seems stealing the show in all the 3 Seasons. Vineet Kumar proves that he can make entire action revolving round him. It seems that only Vineet Kumar can do justice with the character of Gauri Shankar Pandey alias Kaala Naag. His acting is natural and wherever he appears on the Screen, the focus gets shifted to him. At times, Vineet Kumar proves that he is the real Protagonist or the Antagonist in the Web Series. Such Actors are rare who can make lead Actors and Actresses insignificant and pale through stunning performances.

But what proves Vineet greatness as an actor in the Web Series? His role is certainly the most difficult one in the entire Web Series. But genius of Vineet looks it easy. But the most important part is: he makes the role of Gauri Shankar Pandey not only lively but most interesting in the Web Series. There are many who have watched the Web Series repeatedly only for Vineet Kumar.

The trajectory, dialogue delivery, gestures, expression of eyes, laughing and smiling prove the inherent talent of Vineet in this Web Series. The way he walks, looks, reacts, drinks, shares political strategy all have virtually immortalized the character Kaala Naag. These masmarize the viewers. It is Vineet's talent that he has made an otherwise unimportant character the most Impressive and dominating one in the Web Series.

Vineet Kumar deserves credit for the unprecedented success of Maharani Web Series. Vineet Kumar seems to be that talent who can emerge larger than a crew in this WebSeries. He is not one losing identify in the crowd. But unfortunately, Vineet has not been given that credit what he deserves. This shows the bankruptcy of our judgement and perception. Time has changed but we are stereotypical till date. But the reality is: Maharani Web Series cannot be imagined without Vineet Kumar. Vineet Kumar virtually makes Maharani Great. Ignoring the contribution of Vineet is undermining the reality. Closing eyes cannot conceal the Truth. The Actor like Vineet is rare. It is always pleasant watching Vineet Kumar on the Screen. What an Actor! Simply brilliant one having the ability to make a cinematic presentation successful through individual performance. Wish him to see in such role again.


Needs better balanced
This is true that creativity has different parameters of judging liberty. Liberty can never be limitless which appeals to be more sensible. However, this is a different debate. But the point is not irrelevant as talks are on making balance between creativity and liberty.

It is really dejecting that one hardly finds what message the Hollywood Thriller Ingaano (2024) actually wants to convey after watching the whole Content. Diverse aspects like Crime, psychological disparity, illicit relations, and others have been tried. But the inclusion of Odipas Complex and the film justifying the same by some form or other is really hard to admit. This rather proves the creative bankruptcy of those who think to lead the mission of modern cinematic art and other forms of creativity.

English literature has always been trendsetter. The dramatic art attains highest octave in English. The names like Marlowe, Shakespeare, Ben Johnson, Bernard Shaw, Eliot and others do not indicate individuals but Institutes. But in 2024, if a Film seems depending on Odipas Complex and strives for its justification, this exposes something really concerning. Ingaano(2024) seems lacking balance. I have not enjoyed. You may watch if you find it interesting.


Are Movie Viewers Fools?
The Movies and Web Series released on different OTT Platforms in 2024 expose some disturbing trends. Apart from poor acting, incompetent directions and weak Storyline, some Movies seem to make serious factual errors.

But the Movie CTRL released in 2024 crosses every limit. Apart from anything else, this Movie makes all efforts to make the Audience fool. The Movie claims as a Scientific Content. If Cyber hackers are adored as scientists, it is the worst humiliation of those belonging to Science. The use of Artificial intelligence, opening some settings of Android phone, changing codes by opening Developer Option may be a Content of YouTube Video. But can this be theme of a Movie? Thus, the theme of the Movie makes worst compromise with art and creativity.

The whole Narrative is monotonous. The Movie staggers taking forward the action. This is natural in such Content written and directed by those who are yet to learn the basic of Movie making. How can a Movie Maker think of selling ideas?

Similarly, the Actors and Actresses seem very unprofessional throughout the Movie. The most boring one is the Robot. Same is true in case of others. They seem completely unaware about what they are doing or saying.

But the worst part of the Movie is: the entire crew including Actor, Director, Choreographer think the Movie viewers are fools. But the Movie brings them before the Mirror. If they think such approach can yield and the Movie Business can rise and shine, congrats to them. But a Movie can never judge the Intelligence level of the audience. Movie can't appeal with such rubbish Narrative.

The CTRL Movie is the worst Film in 2024. This is not only disappointing but objectionable. Never watch this rubbish Content.

Red Room: Red Room Experience
Episode 2, Season 1

What's in Name?
The year 2024 cannot be called a productive one so far , as far as Hindi Movies and Web Series are concerned. The Movies and Web Series based on Crime have miserably failed to impact the audience. This happens when film makers begin to doubt the Intelligence of the audience. There are hypes and publicity before releasing a Movie or Web Series. But the contents are not Impressive. Naturally, these have mostly Disappointed the audience. The Movies and Web Series based on Crime is no doubt easier to gain popularity compared to other genre. In 2024, its different.

But Whsts in a Name? This proverbial statement of Shakespeare seems true as far the New Hindi Web Series Red Room released in 2024 is concerned. The Web Series claim to be a Crime Thriller. Yes the caption of the Web Series means so. But point is what the Web Series Red Room has presented.

The Web Series has hardly made no effort to make any new experiment. Mere erotic elements and brutalities never make Crime Thriller. Crime Thrillers have some basic requirements. First one is obviously the storyline and its dramatic presentation. But this can never happen without efficient Direction and Actors. The Web Series Red Room doesn't have none of the threes attributes Story, Direction and Acting. Naturally, it fails to appeal.

Considering the present day Movies and Web Series belonging to Crime and the potentiality of Indian Actors and Actresses, this is really unfortunate. Red Room is another misadventure in 2024. Whats in a name without a content? It's surprising that the Indian film fraternity are not ready to admit this simply logic and making stereotypical and Melodramatic Contents. Not recommended at all.

Honeymoon Photographer

Worthless Content
Crime Thrillers Movies and Web Series are today's sensations. But it doesn't mean viewers would like to watch only the criminal activities and brutalities. This has been the problem with the Films and Web Series which are coming in different OTT Platforms in various Languages these days. This is bound to happen if creativity is compromised for sake of sensation.

The same thing has happened with the Honeymoon Photographer; the Web Series in Hindi released in 2024. The Title of the Movie suggests that action will revolve round events related to a Honeymoon. But too many heterogeneous Contents have been yoked with the central or pivotal theme which create distractions. Thus, the element of Suspense is missing which is the most important ingredient of such Movies and Web Series. Similarly, some Irrelevant events have been included in the Crime Thriller. Apart from this, there are a number unnecessary characters. The storyline of Honeymoon Photographer is weak one.

But the weakest part of the Web Series is its Direction and Casting. Poor Direction makes the Web Series dull and monotonous. Casting displays that Web Series has included some incompetent Actors and Actresses. Their acting shows that they need to learn the basic and a lot of course corrections to look it convincing.

On the whole, the Web Series is an utter failure in every respect. I must not recommend anybody watching this Worthless Content and waste time.

Burning Questions: Burning Questions With Manoj Bajpayee
Episode 20, Season 4

Manoj Bajpayee Unveiled Reality?
This age is really different. The concept of Star and Stardom have completely changed in Indian cinema. Manoj Bajpayee is definitely a leading actor in the present era. His Stardom is different. He doesn't need to prove his Calibre. But this is also true that some of his Movies and Web Series have Disappointed his fans. But one must think that everything can't be for everyone.

There has been lot of hue and cry regarding his Movie Bhaiyya Ji-2024. The Movie has been drastically criticized. Some say the plot of the Movie is not of Manoj Bajpayee's potential. Some say the Movie was a wrong choice for Bajpayee. But in an age, when people are rejoiced with Hollywood rubbish narrating Fairy Tales, is it justified to blame Manoj? After all, he is a great Actor who likes to maintain his versatility. However, the reality is: if the Movie Bhaiyya Ji has kept on going so far, the credit goes to Bajpayee. His expression of emotion seems to attain larger height in this Movie.

But it is really good to watch Manoj Bajpayee sharing his view on today's Movies and Web Series. The logic provided by Manoj proves that he is not only a great actor but a film critic as well. The dramatic art needs requires critical mindset. An Actor should ponder about the roles he has played. Bajpayee has done the same thing. This approach should continue.

But this seems to be a Silence before the Storm. Bajpayee has always satisfied the audience and it is predicted that in the remaining 3 months of 2024, people will once again watch him in Celluloid canvas. All are waiting for Manoj Bajpayee Dhamaka. Manoj will certainly not disappoint. Just keep waiting. This effort of unveiling reality by Manoj Bajpayee is unique.


Too Melodramatic
The dramatic art and its Celluloid portrayal both need great craftsmanship. Selling an idea is never easy. Those who can impress the audience should be credited. Measuring popular pulls and create accordingly are great qualities.

But the thin line that differentiates Melodrama and Creative Cinematic Vision should be maintained. Despite much hue and cry, newly released Bengali Thriller Toofan of Bangladesh doesn't seem to be Impressive. Watching the Movie was not worth at all. Such stereotypical approach what attracted cine-goers decades back can never be relevant when the concept of movie has already taken paradigm shift. Following the trend of Global Cinema, concept of film making has changed. The Movies and Web Series of Bangladesh are no exceptions. This is undeniable that Bangladesh has produced some brilliant films in recent years.

Dramatic art of Bangladesh has always been thought provoking. Those who watched dramas came as Serials in Bangladesh Television BTV decades back know it very well.

Considering all these the Movie Toofan has Disappointed. The main reason of boredom are the song sequences. Secondly, to create Thrill, Melodrama has been taken for granted. The plot fluctuating from one theme to the other has done the remaining damage. Really, it's too melodramatic that hardly impacts.

Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial

Who have Immortalized Evil Hitler?
Making a Film, a Drama or a Documentary recreating history in the form of drama or narrating something of the past needs great dedication. It requires extensive study and analysis of all aspects relevant to this. Successive films have been made on Adolf Hitler; the mysterious man. The Documentary Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial released in 2024 is another effort. But Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial is a documentary having enactment of some events.

As a documentary Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial consisting of 6 episodes; Origin of Evil, The Third Reich Rises, Hitler in Power, The Road to Ruin, Crimes against Humanity and The Reckoning tries to shed light on several aspects of life of Hitler and the NAZI party. Scholars like Francine Hirsch; Professor of History with specialization on Russian and European affairs at University of Wisconsin-Madison, Devin Pendas; Professor of History at Boston College, Alexander Richie; author of Warsaw 1944, , Benjamin Carter Hett; author of the Death of Democracy, Richard J. Evans Author of The Coming of the Third Reich, Christian Goeschel; an author of several Books on Hitler, and such others express their opinion on Hitler.

The series refers to the account of a Journalist who came to Germany in 1934 to cover the event of annual meet NAZI. He has stated that he had been there for six years. However, the Documentary began with a trial conducted jointly by Britain, USA, France and Russia. The trial was going on against the captured and surrendered NAZI leaders after the death of Hitler. Significantly, there was no representation from Germany to participate in the trial process except the NAZI leaders. This in some form or other reminds The Treaty of Versailles signed on June 28, 1919 which sealed the destiny of Germany and compelled Berlin to run the country at the behest of winning axis.

But the Documentary starts with an intentional approach of defaming Hitler. No commentator appreciated Hitler's talent. Remarks like "not a good student" " not a good painter", frustrated individual because of troubled past, reference to Hitler's parents, Hitler coming to Germany from Austria with fake identity, role played by Hitler as German soldier during First World War and others. Károly Kozma played the role of Adolf Hitler. The documentary shows Hitler becoming a politician from an army accidentally while arguing against someone in a Restaurant.

No doubt, this is a documentary. But it follows same approach; blaming Hitler for everything, calling Hitler war-monger, blood thirsty and enemy of humanity. This is surprising that all the commentators remained silent throughout hours-long discussion about USA, Britain and France. One of them of course says that World War-2 took place from the ashes of Treaty of Versailles. But as far as devastation caused by USA in Japan and Russia making worst human rights violation after entering into Germany, there has virtually been no statement. To prove Hitler an evil, they dismissed the ideas like Hitler's patriotism, German nationalism and others that may change the narrative. But the commentators admitted Hitler's oratory skill but portrayal of Hitler's speech shows mere insanity and hollow emotions to prove his point during his public speech.

But all these are not unexpected. This has been the saga for decades. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that after so many decades, Hitler is relevant and occupies a significant place in the arena of art particularly movie, drama, or documentary which is certainly exceptional. This Documentary also proves that there is an unusual attraction and immense curiosity about Adolf Hitler. There have always been dictators and the saga of conflict is nothing new. But one thing is true that Hitler lived as a king and courted death as a king. Despite power, nobody could ever attain the status of Hitler.

The story of World War-2 has been narrated several times. During the War, there were several important leaders across the world. But people are not interested to know about Hitler's contemporaries. Even despite being the exponent of Fascism and a close ally of Hitler, Benito Mussolini is hardly remembered. This proves like his speech, personality of Adolf Hitler has an intoxicating attraction. There is no reason to justify what Hitler did. After all, no point can justify war or conflict.

But if Hitler bears a significant position in the perception of common men and remains as the central theme of creative activity even 2024, the need is to perceive the German dictator with a different approach. Along with the negativities in Hitler, his positive qualities should also be highlighted. The rise of Hitler may be termed as the rise of evil. But this also shows the effort of an isolated and neglected individual to attain higher status. There is a long saga of struggle behind the rise of Hitler. This struggle can never be trivialized. After all, Adolf Hitler curved his destiny himself.

If the Documentary projected those facts that transformed Hitler to a ruthless ruler, the psychological issues behind this and the then socio-political reality both in Germany and Europe, this would have been worth watching. What were the factors that changed the perception of a boy who once wanted to become Father of Church? Who killed the artist within Hitler and transformed him into a villain? Why did Hitler prefer arms to music instruments? Without narrating child Adolf with painting brush and music instrument in hands, his devotion and extreme desire to associate with the Church, discussion on Hitler can never be comprehensive. But be as notorious, Hitler is ever present. The creative works made on Hitler have virtually immortalized as someone representing dark. The dramatic and cinematic endeavours or Documentaries on Hitler still attract people. Then who has immortalized Hitler as an evil, Hitler himself or those who have painted his character so far?

The Diary of West Bengal

What the Film Lacks?
The Diary of West Bengal, released in 2024 is certainly about present West Bengal. But the theme opens the wounds of Partition. However, the issue related to infiltration is relevant not only in West Bengal but other parts of India. The story tries to depict the uncompromising attitude of the Hindu community to preserve their religion and identity amidst all odds; it narrates the strife of the Hindu community to safe the dignity of women from the atrocities of Muslim community. This is true that Hindu community has always been under the threat of religious fanaticism and they sacrificed everything for the sake of the religious identity. The saga has been continuing till date.

But the film has not symbolically presented the issue. There is hardly any use of metaphor in the entire film to project the Hindus as victims because of upsurge of Muslims in West Bengal. This is where the film seems to lack certain attributes of cinematic presentation. No doubt, the films depict reality. But while dramatizing such things, effort should be made not to make compromise with creativity. The film could have attained larger acceptance if the story is narrated keeping in view what a film requires.

Similarly, as the title of the film is The Diary of West Bengal, there was opportunity to narrate other issues plaguing the masses of West Bengal. The challenges both in economic and social sector are always relevant. But the film has not done so. Rather, the film tries to project Hindus as victims and Muslims as perpetrators. The lack of holistic approach regarding comprising all aspects plaguing today's West Bengal is obviously a weak point of the film. The question remains whether projecting Muslims as the perpetrators against the Hindus and looking at things only from a communal perspective can be the only theme of a film. Similarly, contrary to what the film narrates, both Hindus and Muslims are victims of social and economic developments. So also, judging the entire Muslim community from a single parameter does not sound convincing. The film must have projected these aspects to make it more presentable.

In such films, one can hardy expect cinematic skill. The hue and cry keeps creativity out of the arena. Whatever the reality be, more sensible approach is expected from the film makers while narrating reality. The effort should be presenting reality as work of art. What the film lacks is to make balance for the sake of art and creativity. But the film makes no such effort which exposes what it lacks in the ultimate analysis.


Hitler Syndrome
The portrayal of Hitler has been a popular theme of Movies and Web Series. This particular Movie on Adolf Hitler was released in 2021. Someone who died way back in 1945 is relevant even after nearly 80 years. Countless Dramas, Movies and the latest Incarnation Web Series have been made on different aspects of Life and Rule of Hitler. Significantly, Adolf Hitler is always profaned withnegative approach. But nevertheless, if Hitler is relevant even today, this means there is soft corner for Hitler whose name has become synonyms with Opression.

Oppressive rulers were before Hitler and after him. Is it right to say only Hitler Villain and all others are saints. Was Hitler only responsible for World War-2 ? No doubt, 2nd World War was devastating upto then. But in 2024, this logic simply look baseless. Even if this is taken for granted, can one justify the nuclear attacks on Japan? How many films have been made on the worst catastrophe of human history happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

The international community formed United Nations after that. But has this delivered for global peace? The security challenges are multidimensional today. Apart from War Mongers, the non-State Actors are trying to sabotage global peace. The World had never been so insecured as it is today.

Then why only blame Hitler? No one can be totally good or entirely bad. Adolf Hitler was no exception. Our Hitler syndrome shows that in our sub- contious mind Hitler dwells whom we love but never ready to admit. Films should present Hitler both with negative and positive attributes. This is undeniable that what Adolf Hitler could is still unmatched. There was only one Adolf Hitler, one admits or not, reality is Hitler can be hated but never be ignored. Aren't we suffering from a Hitler Syndrome? Ponder.


Only Mistakes
The existing trend in Indian cinema is to dramatize and sensationalize an incident fictitious or real that took place decades ago. There is nothing wrong in this, But such experiment requires skill as it needs to recreate the past in a convincing manner so that the impression never becomes that viewers are watching something which has no relevance in the present comntext. Today's sensation is Crime Thrillers. But Crime Thrillers Films and Web Series drastically seem failing as this miss important point. The tone of crime and killing ultimately strings a tragic tune. But irony is that these films can hardly be categorized as tragedy. I am not referring to classical tragedy of Marlowe and Shakespeare, Similarly, despite mindless violence, deaths, conspiracy and intrigues, these films lack the standard what Webster did centuries back. If one writes dozen film-scripts in a year, creativity will be compromised.

The new Hindi movie Berlin 2024 can be termed if not crime thriller but it tries to depict conspiracy and intrigues among different wings of Intelligence Agencies of India and others. But the film seems to make both factual and technical mistakes. The list is long.

1. Inappropriate Title: Whatever be the logic one provides, the Title of the Movie can never be Berlin. Watching the movie proves the casual approach of the writer Atul Sabharwal who is also the director of the film. The film has no relation with Berlin or Germany. No doubt, the film depicts a restaurant named Berlin which has been projected as a place of conspiracies. But the pivotal theme is different. Similarly, many films have already been made different languages with the same name Berlin. This will restrict Hindi Berlin attaining identity no matter what OTT platforms say.

2. Boring Prelude- The Disclaimer section is too lengthy and boring. One does not need to read all the words in different version of Disclaimer. Viewers and film-censor board know this.

3. Factual Errors: It seems the writer did no homework about the international socio-political situation and geo-strategic affairs before writing the script. Naturally, serious factual errors are there which includes: i) Reference to Cold War ii) Russian armament in India in 1990s iii) India-US rift in that decade just like previous decades iv) Post liberalization in 1990 v) Fall of price because of ending Cold War and as the direct impact of liberalization.

All are factually wrong. These are just few examples. But this is not expected from an Officer who held top position in Indian Intelligence. Someone holding that position can give expert's opinion on such matters. But what the Film has done is just disgusting.

4. Imperfect Background: As the film tries to recreate an incident of 1990, the background should have been like that era. But films showed some items which came after one decades, the filmmaker seems keeps careless while using LED bulb, other electronic items, and devices that did not exist in 1990.

5. Lengthy and Boring Interrogation: this has made the film more monotonous. The film shows interrogation of a deaf and dumb almost 10 times. This creats distraction and such element can never revolve the wheel of action. This could have been minimized and replaced with some scenes relevant to the theme.

6. Unnecessary Characters- The film has too many unnecessary characters. It seems as if film the maker has tried to show the audience the entire demography of Delhi.

If a film makes such basic mistakes, it is bound to distract the attention of audience. But poor characterization is another weak point of the film. Except Aparshakti Khurana and Rahul Bose, no one seemed impressive. The effort of Ishwak Singh portraying the character of deaf and dump is relatively better. But this is surprising why veteran like Kabir Bedi and potential actress like Anupriya Goenka agreed to act in such a dull film.

These entire make that the film lacks potentiality. Writing, direction, plot, execution, cast and above all silly Mistakes have made Berlin 2024 a boring narrative. Don't waste time watching this.


Bankruptcy of Indian Cinema
Are Indian films simply trying to experiment with what others are doing? Is this acceptable? Several films have been made on Serial Killing. Today's Indian films claim depicting real criminal activities in India. Films can never be about depicting reality. Why will one watch films for reality? Why wouldn't one prioritize newspapers and electronic media? In fact, a writer throwing away creativity and narrating a so-called true story to make a film for sensation is nothing but intellectual bankruptcy. Narrating something as reported can never be a film script. So called crime thrillers may be liked by those who have crime fantasy. But such films suffer from same ailment as far as storyline is concerned.

The cat and mouse race between criminal and police has already lost appeal. This is mainly because the film makers seem to take crime for granted as the only theme to ensure success. But such concept of success is wrong one. If Indian film makers like their films to be relevant for the time being, then it is alright. If today's Indian cinema thinks, this will help them making films realistic, this can never happen. What will Indian films do if crime theme fails to impact the audience? This is bound to happen because of repeated use of same theme.

Here in such film character building can never happen. Viewers have nothing to do with the calibers of actors. Some actors can play certain roles and some can others. But intoxication to present the evil is so pre-dominant among the actors and actresses today, they hardly think about whether they can do justice in presenting a negative role. This means the existing trend of Indian films are making the performers stereotypical. If one does not recognize that he or she has become type character, what can be more unfortunate?

Question is prejudice of modernity as per the perception of Indian cinema today. Crime, military, fantasy, unnecessary addition of erotic elements, rampant use of abusive language, using English in every 4th line of dialogue and such others become the criteria of modernity, there is nothing to say. If film demands such things, these can be included. But how can all the characters speak same language in a film? Why are mostly 18+ and 16+ movies coming? Why can't today's film makers make films to impress audience of every age? This is not modernity but the illusion of modernity. These attributes can never help films to attain larger relevance and elevate the standard of Indian cinema. Indian cinema has many potential actors and actresses today. There are some who dare to experiment. Still then, if films depend on erotic elements and abusive language for viewership, this exposes creative and intellectual bankruptcy. The film-makers and actors must think out-of-box to elevate Indian cinema. This can happen if they stop following Hollywood. Hollywood can never be the role model. Making films following Hollywood or Korea can bring no good to Indian films. The important point is indigenous approach. But will the film-makers think so? They may or may not. But , closing eyes do not mean it is only dark around. Rests are awaited.

Sector 36

Larger Perspective of Indian Crime Thriller
In the context of today's Indian Movie or Web Series the term "based on a real-story" has been used repeatedly in recent years. There is nothing wrong in dramatizing a real story to make a film. If films are reflections of society in a given time, it means every film tries to delineate the same in some form or other. If there is only copy cut of a real story that means compromising with creativity. Obviously, projecting reality in a film needs craftsmanship. But that reality can never be just narrating an event with celluloid glittering. Another term that Indian cinema is using repeatedly is "psycho" or "psychopath". Shakespeare's contemporary Ben Johnson identified mental state as "Humour". In Elizabethan England meaning of "humour" was different. It means certain trait of characters that provides uniqueness to every individual. Ben Johnson's humour proves that psycho or psychopath does not specify a certain sector rather it is the reality with ever individual. Psycho is ever present in all. But as today's films use the term psycho and connect it with crime are wrong approaches. But it is natural that a film will try to project what people want to watch.

As crime thriller has attained larger popularity in India, several films have been made on this. Sector 36 released in 2024 is another one. However, Sector 36 falls in the category of "Serial Killing" a different dimension of crime. Serial killing or such mindless slaughtering of the innocents is done because of whim, revenge, superstition and such others happen because of a perverted mentality. But Serial killing can never be characterized as psycho. This will be defaming human emotions. If all are psychos, why only serial killers be attributed with this?

As was expected, Sector 36 has not disappointed the viewers. However, the story of Sector 36 is nothing new. This is bound to happen if a writer throws away creativity while writing film-script and narrates a story just to create sensation. Like other films, Sector 36 suffers from the same ailment. Only celluloid sensation of crime and killing can never be a film script. Naturally, the plot seems swimming with the tide.

Here in such film character building a virtual non-entity. But this is true that despite melodrama, the actors have really performed well. But Vickram Messey does not seem a right choice. Question is not Messey's potentiality. Rather the question is presenting character in a befitting manner.

On the whole, Sector 36 is another addition of Crime Thriller in Bollywood. But is it justified to use a theme repeatedly? The viewers will enjoy watching this. But my apprehension is losing relevance and acceptability of a theme in certain theme. Indian Cinema must see Crime Thriller in Larger Perspective.

VideoCam Scam

What Pours Cold Water?
A Movie or Web Series cannot impress all. In fact, nobody perceives the Celluloid portrayal satisfying all. But there are some basic requirement which should fulfill minimum expectations of the viewers no matter making Thrilled or the larger one. It is confusing whether the term aestheticism can be used in the context of Movie for obvious reasons. The otherwise vague term aestheticism has been nurtured on the fertile ground by the exceptional creative genius for ages.

The Web Series Video Cam Scam released in 2024 highlights a very important issue; the menace called " Sextortion. The racket running Honeytrap to earn money. The Cyber insecuty is a global problem today. This is more relevant for the Third World countries. Indians also fall in the trap of fadulents quite often. Significantly, India is yet to initiate and ensure Cyber security ; there is hardly àny adequate efficient manpower or Infrastructure to deal with the Cyber crime in India.

The theme of the Web Series is Impressive. At least it sounded Impressive at the beginning. I'm not interested whether Hollywood has done so or not . Even if Hollywood has already made Movie and Web Series on the same, who cares and for why?

The theme of Web Series Video Cam Scam is obviously new one. The Web Series comprising 6 Episodes presents prostitution in a new form. This refers prominently the Crime committed with perverted approach , blackmailing one shooting asking for ransom and as a result some of them committing suicide. Now a Police Officer falls in the trap This is what attracted me to watch theWebSeries Video Cam Scam. But I watched the first 4 Episodes brilliant innovative indeed. Really the idea impressed me. But inconclusive effort seemed in building character. There is no big name. But they are good Actors and seem to have potential future.

But the way Web Series ended is utterly disappointing. Neither the writer nor the director seem to have hold on the theme. The ending has poured Cold Water on this beautiful Web Series. Nevertheless, entertaiing . One may watch.


New Vista in Indian Movie
Like any other art form Film Making is a Tireless Experimentation that keeps on going in a ceaseless manner like the tides of a Sea. But this was never true in the Context of Indian Cinema. This will be wrong to say that Indian Movies never presented life with realistic perspective. Some Movies obviously did. But this is undeniable that Movies have largely been predictable in the Celluloid arena comprising Movies in Different Indian Languages. There is no need to make one understand if he or she thinks that projecting Life facing the hardship of Poverty or presenting the phase that evolved after Partition are only realistic Endeavors to provide realism. Bollywood Movies are marked with typical presentation of romance and relationship, songs and extravaganza. This ailment is not only of Bollywood , this is what that appeared as Saviour for regional Movies as well. No doubt, India won one Oscar. But if today's generation likes to perceive reality from different dimensions and not as Satyajit Ray, Mrinal Sen,, Rwittick Ghatak, Shyam Benegal, Kalpana Lazmi or such others, will it be right approach to steward their perception only because of the whim of a section who thinks only great films were made in the past? How philosophy does a Movie afford? Is it right to search an Actor having the potentially of Hollywood or others in Indian cinema? Did Hollywood ever rise above melodrama in any age? These are relevant questions. Artistic perception can be countered with logic but never be imposed. What is there in romanticizing poverty? Today's generation asks. Should we keep them silent?

Anyway, this is obvious that Indian cinema has never made such extensive experiments in the past as it is doing today. But our fantasy is nostalgic and we have not learnt to respect the present so far. Our approach has never been conclusive when we judge a Movie or make comparison. Similarly, we hardly know what and how much we want from a Single Movie. This is surprising that we never hesitate to appreciate a Hollywood gossip or Movies that have so-called global presence. But in Indian Movie we search stereotypical realism. How can realism be ever relevant? What reality is universal? If others can throw it away, why not Film? This is ridiculous.

The Movie Ulajh released in 2024 better spells out all these. If Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, International Narrative become theme of a Movie, this bears appreciation. The Film revolves round all these and the potential challenges that come on the way. This Movie presents intrigues and Strategic aspects not as isolated but as Integral parts which revolves the wheel of action. Could we imagine such a theme in Indian cinema even a decade back? Similarly, the plot refers to emotions and sensibility not anything isolated but inseparable part of the Characters which helps in Character building. This is really unique as the Film depicts Intelligence Agencies of major nations playing on the chessboard and the process inviting peril. Naturally, it provides the Movie attaining climax. The anti-climax is also unique that ends with a metaphorical refence of cat which is black. The plot is well-knitted and the element of Suspense keeps hooked.

This Movie uses a Sufi song in a manner it seems that the depiction of idea is impossible without this song . This is praiseworthy that after a long time Indian Movie has put Into proper use of a song having relevance. Remarkable.

The Movie once again proves the Calibres of today's Actors. There is no big name. But those who acted in the Movie have done justice with the characters. This Movie seems to me a path-breaker and pathfinder. It proves the cinematic genius of the entire crew. Really, the concept of Movie has taken a paradigm shift today and we must hail. This Movie is far beyond mere thought provoking or philophical Narrative. The Movie literally opens a new vista. Remarkable and must watch one in 2024. I must recommend to watch.

Flight Attendant

Worthless and Rubbish
There are some basic requirement to make a Movie or Web Series presentable. This can never be amalgamation of some heterogenious events. The New Web Series in Hindi The Flights' Attendendents released in 2024 falls in this category.

The Plot of the Story seems just old wine in new bottle. Domestic violence against women and housewives becoming rabels is not new. Nevertheless, it is true that there are Opportunities to explore.

The most boring part of the Web Series is its storyline. The Writer has not made any effort to improvise. The Web Series has been categorized as a Crime Thriller. But such a monotonous story can never be attributed as a Crime Thriller.

The plot goes on with total compromise with cinematic requirements. It is lengthy without any substantive reason. Up to Episode-4, the Web Series fails to build the story. There are some heterogeneous events keep on going which is bound to distract attention. The Web Series keeps on flickering between the past and present and in this process loses hold on the Narrative. The plot hardly makes any effort to express the reason behind crimes. Similarly, how, when and why it shifts from domestic violence to flight cabin, this remains obscure.

The Web Series proves that the Actors and Actresses lack qualities. It is doubtful whether they were aware of the roles that they performed prior to shooting. Naturally, the Web Series ignores not only in character building but selecting the right persons to perform the roles. This is hard to believe at a time time when Bollywood is dominated by the potential Actors and Actresses. The plot gives no importance to the element called Suspense and only depends on Sensation.

The Web Series is full of erotic scenes and vulgar language. These may be used if the plot demands so. But here it is opposite. The Web Series can hardly prove the relevance of these. Miidless inclusion of Erotic scenes and abusive element can have no place. The Vulgar language if not avoided but could have been minimized in the Web Series.

It seems that the Film maker has done any home work. The Web Series is complete Rubbish. Hence, I must not recommend anybody watching this and waste time.

Inspector Nalinikanta

Nalinikanta 2: Substantial Loopholes
Bengal has grand legacy of literature based on Crime Thriller. The Iconic Detectives like Feluda, Bomkesh, Kiriti and such others are house hold names. But the way Satyajit Ray has built image of Pradosh Mitra alias Feluda is simply brilliant. After all, a person of Ray's status who was a prolific fictional writer created the character of Feluda and the craftsmanship of Ray in image building is bound to impact the Audience. Ray has made this character Immortal. More importantly, Ray's readers are mostly children which compelled him to be more cautious.

The recently released Season-2 of Nalinikanta was much awaited one. This is mainly because of Rajatava Dutta; a great actor in modern Bengali Cinema. But watching this proved to be Disappointing. The Web Series consisting of 6 Episodes have some serious loopholes.

The plot of the Film keeps shifting between Kolkata and Darjeeling. However, there is nothing wrong in this. Similarly, the plot includes a past. This is also natural. But despite such efforts, watching this seemed wasting time for the following reasons: 1. The sub sections do not seem well connected at all in the Web Series.

2. The Web Series is lengthy but without any reason.

3. Dialogues have been repeated too frequently.

4. Unnecessary reference of Food Items and Food restriction.

5. Dining Table has always been a favourite sequence in Bengali Movie. But its new age acceptability should be assessed.

Apart from these, it is hard to find the substantive as far as the plot is concerned. If Movies and Web Series are dramatic presentation of literature, its quality is poor. This rather exposes the state of present Bengali Literature.

But the Web Series used theories and calculation from Science. The Dialogue perceiving equation or whatever be from Physics and Mathematics just to display Intelligence can never be accepted. The Web Series does not narrate Crime or Investigation from psychological perspective. Here, both criminals and police are experts in Science. Naturally, reference from Botany and Chemistry even the someone researching about certain aspect of Chemistry come for obvious reasons.

Thus, the Web Series has done the same mistake as the Film did by including Classical songs as playback. If the plot narrates and tries to teach the audience Science, this is worst compromise with Creativity. If understanding scientific facts and botanical names of poison become must, this is bound to distract ordinary viewers. The Web Series should have ended where it began or at least with a reference with inputs why and for what the man was digging. Thus the Web Series has failed to maintain coherence.

If the Strong Part of the Web Series is Rajatava Dutta, in reality it has proved to be the weakest. The Web Series exposes that despite potentialities, Rajatava Dutta is more a Type than Round actor. He is competent in portrayal of evil. But it seems the potential actor lacks something serious to impact with such roles. The Actor should be selective at this phase of his career.

On the whole, loopholes in plot and poor characterization have made the Series a boring Narrative.

Fusion Podcast: Mirzapur season 3

Mirzapur Season-3 Bonus Episode
The Bonus Episode or the Episode 11 of Bollywood Crime Thriller Mirzapur Season-3 tells many things. The Bollywood Crime Thriller Web Series released its Season-3 in July, 2024. But after releasing Season-3, the producers realized that a significant section of Viewers were Disappointed because Dibyendu Sharma was absent in the 3rd Season of the Crime Thriller Mirzapur. This proves the popularity that Dibyendu gained in such a short period. The Actor deserves credit for his overwhelming popularity and relevance in a Web Series despite playing a Negative Role. There is no doubt in the fact that playing Negative character is always hard. But harder is certainly gaining popularity projecting a Evil. Bollywood has been dominated by Iconic villains in every decade. But one can hardly imagine such popularity of an actor who plays negative role. Naturally, Dibyendu is trendsetter. In fact, Bollywood always did hero'worship. The Potential Actors who performed in negative roles have hardly came in the limelight. But this age is different. Today's viewers don't judge one's performances wearing spectacles if glamour.

Considering all these, the decision of releasing One extra episode only to project Dibyendu is justified. The Episode 11 of Mirzapur Season-3 released as Bonus Episode on August 30, 2024 to show Dibyendu Sharma once again in Mirzapur Season-3. This is unique one. In the history of Indian Cinema, this hardly happened. At least, I can't remember such things happening in the past. This is really unthinkable for an Actor who plays or has played negative roles.

This in itself is a historic achievement for Dibyendu and the Actor deserves credit for this. It not only shows the fan base of Dibyendu but his potentially as an actor. Dibyendu is very young considering his contemporaries. At a time, when gems like Manoj Bajpayee,Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Pankaj Tripathi Kay Kay Menon, Anurag Kashyap, Rajpal Yadav and such others dominating Bollywood, this is a rare success for Dibyendu. This potential Actor is too young and almost his whole career is before him. But his performance displays his inherent potentiality and maturity as an actor. In case of projecting Evil, Dibyendu is a perfectionist.

But what is there in Episode 11 of Mirzapur Season-3 released on 30th August, 2024? This is also interesting. The monologue of Dibyendu in this Episode shows how he perceives character and theme of a Movie or Web Series. The Monologue rather displays Dibyendu's ethical stand point in a Society dominated and exploited by the Criminals. As he is no longer a part of Mirzapur and not a contender for the Kursi, he got the leverage to speak frankly. He used the opportunity and shared many things about his view on individual, character-building, theme, and many important aspects of Film Making. This proves that he can be a Good Director. No doubt, Dibyendu addressed his fans and followers. But hearing such insightful opinion about Film making from a youngster like Dibyendu is startling experience. Congrats to him and all good wishes for the days ahead.


Murshid Kay Kay Menon Shines
The New Web Series Murshid proves once again that Kay Kay Menon can play any role with Uttar Perfectionml. He is no doubt one of the brilliant Actors of Bollywood today. Menon can make a dull theme attractive and worthy to watch.

The plot of the Film is not new. There is nothing new in this Web Series that repeats the theme of rivalry among gangsters to dominate the underworld of Mumbai. The Bollywood has experimented the theme repeatedly. The Web Series no doubt tries to depict the underworld Gangster-Police-Politician cocktail in a different way. The projection of an underworld having humanistic approach is also not new taking into consideration the Films made so far. However, in some points the Web Series tries to prove reality of Mumbai and the inherent crime and mafia rule r convincingly. The Coriography and site Selection for some scenes to shoot exposes personal life of those involved in the Crime World of Mumbai. But the Web Series by no means a Crime Thriller and the element of Suspense is missing.

Kay Kay Menon takes forward the entire action in this Web Series. The character Murshid has been projected as a Gangsters with great Accountability for the society. Kay Kay Menon has made the only difference in in this Web Series. This is not a negative character. But Menon has performed in an excellent manner. However, portrayal of Robinhood is nothing new in Indian cinema. But the performances of Menon gives elevation to the Web Series. Menon has been simply brilliant in whatever role he has played during the last few years. Both his dialogue delivery, facial expression and gesture have been excellent during this Web Series.

But Kay Kay Menon Shines and outshines others For the Menon-fans. Menon has really proved . To watch Menon playing a brilliant role, one may watch and enjoy.

IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack

IC 814: Absolutely Disappointing
IC 814: Absolutely Disappointing Documenting history in a film always needs more responsible approach than history itself. The saga of Kandahar Hijack was one of the most challenging issues from the security, diplomatic and strategic point of view for India in a world emerging afresh. This was the phase when India gripped with political uncertainty because of coalition compulsions of successive governments. The Kandahar episode took place amidst all these and this would not be wrong to say that India faced that challenge in the best possible way the country had at that time. This is true that during that time India had neither logistics nor trained manpower to deal with such situations. So also, unlike today the then India was a bit isolated from the mainstream global affairs for various reasons. However, this is also true that India hardly got the support of international community in a matter related to humanitarian crisis.

The new Web Series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack should be seen as an effort to make today's generation heed about one of most challenging diplomatic and strategic issues that India faced just on the eve of the new millennium. This is true that a film cannot strictly follow the entire account of history. The process of recreating history and presenting it in a film needs to include some imaginary incidents and characters. However, this does not ratify in any way that anybody can be allowed to alter the basic aspects. The new Web Series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack has just the same mistake. Hence, there are some factual errors in the context of narrating the story. What are those errors?

1. The way the Web Series IC 814 has narrated the character of the pilot from the perspective of Indian people and Indian media is utterly wrong.

2. The Web Series show country and Media did not appreciate the courage of the captain during the crisis. He smartly landed the craft at Amritsar airport. He tactically delayed the process of refueling so that Indian arm force got time to restrict the craft entering into a foreign airspace. Similarly, it was the captain who readily sent the message to Indian authority informing them about the hijack.

3. There was no public opinion against the role played by the captain during the crisis. Similarly, the Indian media never tried to project the courageous pilot as a villain.

4. Rather, criticism and anguish of the family members and Indian media continued through the entire period regarding security lapse and intelligence failures. . Apart from these factors which virtually defame the role played by the pilot during the crisis, sequences of some incidents have been altered.

1. The Hijackers dropped the demand of money and the dead body of Sajjad Afghani as the dialogue began. India did not persuade Taliban to do these. Taliban considered these as anti-Islam and compelled hijackers dropping these two demands.

2. The Web Series has trivialized India's strategy to conduct military action to rescue the passengers. From day one since Indian negotiators had reached Kandahar, India's stand point had been to find out ways to escalate to rescue the force. But Indian negotiators did this tactically and there is virtually no report of Taliban displaying aggression or compelling Indian negotiators to admit their view point on the gunpoint.

3. The role of Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) of Pakistan has not been properly depicted in this Web Series. The fact is: as Afghanistan was cut off from the rest of the world, it was ISI that kept on informing the hijackers what was happening in India.

The National Security Adviser NSA Chief Ajit Doval has shared his experience in the media describing everything. He gave detailed reply to the queries related to Kandahar Hijack. But the Web Series have completely ignored these.

Another weak part of the Web Series is its poor characterization. Except the pilot nobody seemed impressive.

Those who played the role of Indian negotiators proved that they are wrong choices for such characters.

The Web Series fails to prove what role Naseeruddin Shah actually played. Naseeruddin is no doubt a great actor. But in this role he never looked impressive.

On the whole, the Web Series is Absolutely Disappointing. I must not recommend to waste time watching this.

Kaantaye Kaantaye

Really Thrilling to Watch
Really Thrilling to Watch Crime Thriller is new age sensation in the context of both films and web series. Along with the global trend, Bengali Crime Thrillers that got released in recent past with uniqueness have been successful Endeavors. But this will be wrong to say that Bengali Movie and Web Series are imitating others. In fact , those Thrillers in Bengali attained success that haven't compromised with the indigenous aspects. After all, Crime and Detective Stories hold an important place in Bengali Literature. The long saga of such Stories and Novels includes some Great names including Satyajit Ray.

But the main component that has made the Web Series interesting is the art of Storytelling. The credit definitely goes to Narayan Sanyal; a prominent writer in Bengali. Similarly, dramatic presentation of the story is unique. The Web Series maintains Suspense all through which keeps the audience hooked till the end. Another important aspect is befitting presentation of the environment from Kolkata to Darjeeling and symbolic presentation of rain, Thunderstorm and landslide on the backdrop of which action goes on. However, it takes bit more time to begin the anti-climax.

No doubt, reputed Actors there in this Web Series including Saswata Chatterjee. But Actors hardly matter in such strong story.

One of the Great Thrillers in Bengali in recent years. Really, Thrilling towatch it.

Phir Aayi Hasseen Dillruba

Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba: Just Average
Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba: Just Average The craze for crime thriller is continuing both in Movies and Web Series across the world. The same is true in the context of Hindi and other regional Movies in India. Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba is a new addition to this. This is the Season-2 of Haseen Dilruba that got released in 2021.

But the most striking thing of the movie Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba is: using a duet of Melody king; One and Only Kishore Kumar the Great and Legendary Ashaji. Title song of " Ek Hasina Thi, Ek Diwana Tha" from the Film Karz came in 1980. The Movie ends with the same song. In 2024, if a Hindi movie needs a song of Kishore Kumar to keep the narrative going, what else needs to prove the Greatness of Legendary Kishore Kumar as a playback singer? Melodies of the Maestro Kishore Kumar are ever-relevant all-time greats of Indian cinema. This shows how Great Kishore Kumar and his contemporaries elevated the art of playback singing. Unfortunately, today's singers have drastically failed to retain their legacy. Today, playback singing as an art has declined to an unprecedented low.

Plot and Outline The Movie Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba is the Season-2 of Haseen Dilruba that got released in 2021. The art of storytelling and retaining suspense make such Movies successful. Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba has both the elements. The action is straight but full of diverse aspects connected with the central theme. The tricks and conspiracies really make the Movie more presentable that keep hooked the audience throughout the Movie. The Movie passes through several turn and twist and up to the last scene the mysteries do not get unveiled.

But the film has certain negative points as well. One must not get deceived by its Title. Like the earlier season, this one narrates the story of some cheaters. But the cause of cheating is not clear. Rampant use of the erotic scenes without reason hardly makes any sense. Similarly, repeated use of the lines from the Hindi detective novel of a particular writer creates boredom. So also, a detective novelist defining love, romance and relationship does not sound convincing.

Cast and Characterization: 1. Sunny Kaushal is a right choice for the film. In fact, it is Kaushal who makes difference in the film. The presentation of the character of a psycho has been presented with great skill and dedication by this young actor. This film proves Kaushal as a matured actor. Really brilliant!

2. Bhumika Dube has been brilliant in the character she has played.

3. Taapsee Pannu's performance has been average.

4. Vikrant Massey's role has not been impressive at all. Massey is no doubt a good actor. But his portrayal in negative role does not seem that much impressive.

5. Jimmy Shergill is no doubt an iconic actor. But in this movie his character seems unnecessary addition. The potential actor has not got opportunity to show his talent during the movie. At this phase of career, Shergill needs to be more selective.

Final thought: The movie has certain good qualities of a crime thriller. The element of suspense has been well retained till the end. But there are certain points that make audience disappointed. This is mainly because of melodramatic climax. Average film.

Alag Alag

Alag Alag: Only Reminds Kishore Kumar; the Great
Alag Alag: Only Reminds Kishore Kumar; the Great The shades of the Monarch of Melody Kishore Kumar the Great is too large to imagine. Understanding the Great Kishore Kumar is just next to Impossible. The Baritone Male Voice that keeps on echoing here and there everywhere makes us feel his unseen presence. What a Singing Voice! How Melodious! What a Deliberation! What a way of presenting emotions! He is just incomparable.

He was the soul of many actors. Kishore Kumar's songs ensured stardom, but the Kishore Kumar-Rajesh Khanna pair was really special. The Rajesh Khanna starrer Film Alag Alag is another great Music-based Movie the songs of which are equally popular even today. "Kabhi Bekasi Ne Mara" Dil Mein Aag Lagaye", "Kuchh Humko Tumse" are the evergreen hits of Bollywood Music Legacy and of course Kishore Kumar. The Song "Is Jeevan Ki Yehi Hai Kahani" by none but Queen Melody Great Lataji makes it more presentable and provides the Film elevation.

Without having any formal Music training, how Kishore Kumar sang all those songs make us surprised. Kishore Kumar's genius is God-gifted. So long man will breathe and ears will listen, Kishore Kumar's songs will remain unparalleled. Really, genius like Kishore Kumar the Great takes Birth only once. No-one was before him, no body can ever be after. Songs film Alag Alag: Reminds Kishore Kumar and the Greatest Singing Voice the world has ever produced. He was really the soul Bollywood's First Superstar Rajesh Khanna.

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