
IMDb member since December 2023
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The Three Dogateers

Spoof Adventure at the Holidays
Three Dogateers makes Christmas movies list every year. The endeering spoof of Arfus, Barkus, and Wagos protecting "The King" and "Castle" is hysterical. For anyone who has ever lived with a dog, getting to see into their thoughts is funny. Who would think that 3 pampered mutts could combat 2 thieves and a devious dog catcher? And we get to see a sensitive common guy become Santa, bringing goodness to the world. Gotta love it!

Arfus is the brave knight who thinks valiant thoughts and encourages the best in others. Barkus is all normal dog who thinks of his stomach and supports his pack. Wagos is the prima donna purebred who, when it counts, does that brassy thing needed.

Recognize that this is a B-Grade Holiday Spoof and Home Alone fans, Three Musketeer fans, Santa fans, and dog lovers will not be disappointed.

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