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Intriguing Psychosocial Drama
Woven with shades of Romeo and Juliet, there's something eerie and unsettling in this tale of enemies to lovers. The cinematography, devoid of over the top CGI enhancement, felt raw and real, bringing in a weight of truth to the story.

The characters came absolutely alive, full of malice, anger, hate, interest, and rage. I love ghat neither was wholly good, wholly bad. Also, their chemistry was off the charts - superbly played by the actors.

The second half and the path to forgiveness felt slightly rushed. But their decent into madness and idealism, hoping their love meant something, had some impact on their families, left my chest hollow. The ending, albeit abrupt and cruel, felt perfect. It was realistic.

And so the hate between different religions and cultures persists, unless us, the viewers, decide to reflect and stop the cycle.

Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya

Intelligent Metropolis-esque Film Masked as a Rom Com
Since Metropolis hit the screens in 1927, the eternal debate of man vs machine came alive on the silver screen. At the pioneering onset of AI technology, Teri Baaton Mein Aise Uljha Jiya surges with fresh relevance and takes on the mantel of this eternal debate. What I love most about this movie is that behind the comedy, catchy songs, suave dances, and atmospheric ambience, it makes the viewer truly think. Furthermore, it doesn't supply the viewer with answers, but rather guides us along the path of considering multiple perspectives so form our own conclusions.

The movie starts out with a hot-shot robotics engineer who's got a conscious when it comes to questioning the ethics behind his field. There's a degree of fear in what he's capable of creating, as depicted by one of his nightmares. At the same time, he's a bit of jerk to humans - turning his nose up at the women at work who ask him out and calling people "fake."

Joke's on him.

However, it does bring up an excellent question about human nature and what it takes to form a relationship and care for someone. Is it really as simple as the partner sharing similar likes in banal things, like colors and exercise habits, or even a partner impressing someone with courage, such as not complaining when driving recklessly or taking a drag on a cigarette? If AI and robots could do this, would we fall for them? Although one may like to not think so, we all know the answer - relationships, even marriages, have been formed on less.

The movie brings up another fantastic insight - a glimpse into the darker side of humanity. Across time, there has been war between "us vs them." Who "them" is fluctuates depending on who is in power and declares "them" to be the "other." This could be a different caste, religion, socioeconomic standing, gender, culture, language, and etc. The list goes on. Either way, our leading man, having found himself caring for a robot; having found himself caring and having romantic inclinations for "the other" without realizing she was "other," begins to belittle her. He plays up stereotypes about robotics, such as the jerky arm movements from years ago and the monotone voice when talking to his friend.

This hits deep at the rot in humanity. The mix of microagressions and bias entrenched in human thought.

The movie stop here but flushes it out further. Having our main character come to the realization that his former opinions on "the other" were wrong and feeling love for another is sometimes wholly out of our control; humans have emotions and a complex neurophysiological wiring after all.

Once our main character accepts his feelings (missing and finding he cares for the robot), he introduces her to his family under the guise that she is part of the "us" and not the "them." The movie does a fantastic job at flushing out culture shock "from the point of view of AI/robot" and attempts at assimilation. Although these scenes are peppered in comedy, they hit home for anyone who has even had to live, interact, understand, or even attempt to assimilate to what one considers the "other."

Naturally, the climax of the film centers around man vs machine. However, what I love and find highly intelligent about this movie is that it doesn't clear-cut who is exactly right and wrong. It showcases the intended violence of humans (both verbal and physical), enacted through the robot as a mirror to reflect back on society. Afterall, robots and AI are processing systems made by humans, so who is really at fault?

Is it better to love a human full of faults but with emotions/empathy, or an AI/robot who has an essence of purity/nonjudgemental processing and can border on becoming an "übermensch." The film dangles this question in the air to tease viewers as we walk about a world that's rapidly expanding on use of AI/robotics daily.

Ae Watan Mere Watan

Uncomfortable Glimpse into Radicalization
The story itself is bold, intriguing, and offers an important glimpse into history. It's a story that should be told and brought to light.

Unfortunately, the writing and way the story was told fell flat for me. Despite the close-ups, deep glimpses into the character's eyes, and creation of atmosphere, there was only one scene that stands out to me. One were Usha hides under a burka when the police search for her and Kaushik shows her his shaking hands when she reappears. The rest of the movie felt like the same message and image on repeat: stand up for revolution and freedom. After a while, the same scene and message on repeat is just flogging a dead horse.

What I found frustrating was the message, despite coming from the right place, did not shed any new ideas or perspectives on the plight against colonialism. Instead, it amplified stereotypes. It was the stereotyping in the film and the characters that unsettled me the most. John Lyre, the British man hunting down the revolutionaries, is portrayed as ruthless, cold-hearted, and intense to the point that he feels more like a cartoon than a human man bred to view himself as superior (pure) and take pride in his country (points that could have been paralleled and contrasted with Usha's purity and pride in country, but were entirely missed). Usha, on the other hand, is portrayed as self-righteous, ego-centric (her ideas being the purest above all others'), naive about the impact she had on relationships with family and friends, and ruthless in her intensity to revolutionize India.

The most unsetting point was the way the movie glossed over radicalization. The ability to influence and spread one's beliefs (such as through a radio) comes with intense responsibility. Usha never questions once the possible myriad of outcomes that could happen... including igniting a rebellion that may fail/may lead to needless loss of lives and bloodshed. Especially since the film stated (but did not show) that she was a Gandhian.

Overall, I look forward to learning more about Usha and appreciate the movie from bringing her plight to light.

Hasee Toh Phasee

Neurodivergence and Romance
Creative story with a clear message and plot. I highly enjoyed the character development between the two main leads, as well as the palpable charisma and chemistry that sparked on the screen. It was lovely to see a film about a neurodivergent character without the film being solely about the way her brain is wired, but rather about someone finding her inspiring, someone to confide in and trust, and someone with whom to experience joy within the world by their presence.

A reminder that our life is ours and ours alone, and to share it with those who can see and challenge both our minds and souls.

Munna Bhai M.B.B.S.

Power of Allied Health Workers in a World that Bows Down to Healthcare Hierarchy
Despite Munna Bhai M. B. B. S. being ultimately a top-notch comedy, this film eloquently critiques family expectations, societal expectations, and healthcare as a whole.

I have always found it fascinating (and infuriating) how a hierarchy exists in the medical world - even outside with society's views on respecting doctors (the title) and not recognizing the roles of others in the medical field.

Munna Bhai, despite cheating his way into medical school for all the wrong reasons, ends up spotting many of the flaws in the health system and ridiculous hierarchy that comes with being "M. B. B. S." Instead, he assists the nurses, earning their trust. He thanks the environmental health worker and recognizes he has one of the most important jobs, get's the grunt work, and thanks him for mopping the floors and keeping the hospital clean.

Additionally, he self-discovers the roles of allied health without realizing what they are and naturally implements them throughout the hospital, earning the respect of his fellow med students and professors. For example, taking of the role of an Occupational Therapist and assisting a pt with what appears to be something like locked-in syndrome groom himself. Additionally, he plays Speech-Language Pathologist, spending time talking to the patient as a person and figuring out how this patient can communicate (in this case, blinking for "yes"), and he takes on the role of Recreational Therapist, playing board games with patients and brining them entertainment, keeping them living life.

Overall, delightful and excellent film.


Modern spoof and Critical lense on Fairytales
I am torn. On one hand, I appreciate and see the filmmaker's attempt to capture just how wild and ridiculous fairytales can be, portrayed in a modern world, nonetheless - from curses on orphans, unrealistic charm from princes, all the other stereotypes for families and villains.

The problem is the acid-trip like plot, despite following the lack of cohesion most fairytales have, lacked the clear message most fairytales reinforce with striking clarity.

I did enjoy that the sister, the character who'd been bullied and shoved into the sidelines of the viewer's eyes, became the true hero of her story - lending a juxtaposition of reality in the crux of otherwise fairy-tale unrealistic scattering.


Artistry and Socioeconomic Reflection
"Our works in stone, in paint, in print, are spared, some of them, for a few decades or a millennium or two, but everything must finally fall in war, or wear away into the ultimate and universal ash - the triumphs, the frauds, the treasures and the fakes. A fact of life: we're going to die. "Be of good heart," cry the dead artists out of the living past. "Our songs will all be silenced, but what of it? Go on singing." Maybe a man's name doesn't matter all that much." - Orson Welles

This story takes a whole knew look at that message conveyed in "F is for Fake." The hero in this story questions and learns this lesson about art the hard way. One may be the most talented artist, richest man in the world, or hungriest man without a roof - but ultimately choosing to be good and do right is what matters in the end. Obviously, easier said than done if one lives in a system that is set to keep one from climbing up out of one's "class."

Additionally, our hero, an artist who can copy money to a tee, even to the point of tricking the machines, deals with that fine question of what is real and what is fake if it is art? His ego, his desire to be a name remembered amongst thousands of artists whom people have barely heard of (or would readily even believe were artists), gets in the way and causes his downfall. That greed for fame, wealth, and the fake respect that comes with that image.

This show has prompted me to reflect on what I have myself fell for in believing to be real because of the image I was shown; and what I found found to be real and why... I will be thinking about this show for quite a while and look forward to the next season.

Satyaprem Ki Katha

Unexpectedly Heavy and Eloquent
The start of the movie felt like any old rom-com. The kind where the boy, albeit charming, has little in life going for him and dreams of wedding the popular, rich, and attractive girl.

Then the bomb-drops in the middle of the film, prompting me to reflect on my own eyes as a viewer. Despite the slight rolling of eyes I did at the patriarchal dominance in the beginning (such as the boy complaining about doing chores because he's jobless and didn't pass his law exams, or the boy being told by his father to sneak out to introduce himself to the girl of his dreams while her parents weren't around, or even feeling slight happiness for the character when everything mysteriously works out for his dreams to come true).

The subtle message behind this movie is brilliant. It amplifies the boy's voice and story at the start, keeping the girl's story as that of nothing more than sweet mystery and intrigue. Despite allowing her moments of both physical and verbal cries for us, the viewer, to break away from the boy's dreams and see the world through her eyes.

In the second half; we receive the answer to her mystery, and get to watch her agency and identity grow and expand. I love that we see the boy reflect on his actions in the first half as well, recognizing the moments and actions he'd done that were wrong.

Overall, intriguing plot about self respect, fighting for one's life and confidence, and the importance in changing the harmful patriarchal thought-processes about women, as well as rape.


Valiant and Top Quality
I new nothing about Captain Vikram Batra and only the rudimentary history about the conflict he fought in prior to watching this film. The cinematography, acting, script, and plot kept me rooted to my spot, hoping against hope for a safe outcome for the hero of this story.

What I loved about this tale is the way they portrayed this soldier, Vikram Batra; a man who chose to live life in the moment with an extreme amount of courage - whether it was confronting a young women with his feelings, marrying her on the spot during and R&R, standing up for himself against neighborhood bullies, or giving all the life he had during battle. Every stereotype I've not realized I've maintained in my head about soldiers was uprooted and broken (the rules-oriented to a tee, flat affect, withholding emotions, and etc. Type of stereotype).

Turns out true courage comes from not wasting a moment of life, making friends with all you deem worthy, spending time to care about acquaintances, taking simple and pure joy when life offers it, sharing that joy with others, and respecting oneself and other.

This film has provided me with much food for thought and I will be looking into this moment in history further.

Kal Ho Naa Ho

Etched in my Heart and Mind
Months later and I still cannot get this story out of my head. The ending had be through half a box of tissues.

The beginning starts as a classic rom-com with charming yet a little bit cookie-cutter characters: shy but intelligent young woman, her sort laidback and girl-crazy guy friend, and the charming boy who movies in next door. Only, the story builds up the "sap" in these characters to a tee before pulling the rug out from under the audience and dropping us squarely back in the realm of reality.

After all, what would life be without heartache and the reality of health conditions. Despite the pain, this movie captures the message of self sacrifice and loving every minute of what life gives you, making realistic decisions, and continuing to live and love life even after the worst has happened.

English Vinglish

Phenomenal Opus of Foreigner Experience
This movie had me on the edge of my seat, not only rooting for Sridevi in the main heroine's role, but also enraptured and pointing at all of the smallest details of what it's live to live in a foreign country and attempt to learn the language.

Each scene is steeped in what can only be first-hand experience, which the cinematography captures so acutely well. For instance, the first time one tries to use the transportation system in the country and tries to pronounce the name of the intended stop to people on the vehicle or train to ensure you're going to the right destination. Or moments of being yelled at in a foreign language because you're taking too long trying to decipher/understand something (in the case of our heroine, it was ordering a sandwich - for me, it was paying for groceries and not bagging fast enough or knowing that I had to pay in cash). Either way, the movie chose and encapsulated scenes so relatable that it took me right back to those similar experiences. I imagine if one has not had the experience of living in a foreign land, this movie would spark both empathy and a deeper understanding of what it's like to walk in such shoes.

In regards to English, and having formally been in the position of an English Teaching Assistant, it kills me a bit to see the impact of colonialism that my mother tongue has around the world to this day. The fact that knowing English is seen as a sign of "intelligence" and ultimately what makes the main character's family change their tune of putting her down to feeling respect for her also eats at me. However, the message our character delivers in the end, in English nonetheless, is not about herself or her journey in learning English, but rather what she has learned that is actually important in life - family, love, forgiveness, and respect.

What I did love about the heroine's journey to learn English was that she viewed foreign language learning as an opportunity to learn about herself, make friends, stand up for herself, and grow in both her confidence and her identity.


Spectacular Artistry and Dance
A story woven through two time periods (modern day and British Colonization) and two cultures (traditional/rural and western/urban). I found the juxtaposition of the two quite clever and the respect for cultures handled well. The story is captivating, revolving around a young woman's ambition to perform a tradition dance of a forbidden story in her village, and a young man's ambition to take his dance team to a world-wide competition. Although the plot was simple to guess from here, the story itself still held some unexpected plot twists and provoked thought about the concept of identity and the meaning of honor in both a modern and traditional culture.

Ultimately, I love that the story promotes hard work, ethic, mutual respect and understanding, and to be ambitious about reaching for one's dreams.

Kapoor & Sons

Eloquent Story of Love, Family, and Forgiveness
I did not expect to find tears streaming down my face across the later half of the movie all the up until the end. This movie hit on a nerve, a raw truth, and takes one back to such a moment where life seems to dangle suspended in midair. The moment of holding one's breath before the reality of whatever horrific event one has experienced crashes and permeates like poison into one's body. That heart-wrenching choking feeling of either physically losing a family member or the mental idea of who you thought that family member was and stood for in your mind. This movie addresses it all.

I found the narrative to me incredibly sophisticated, weaving the relationships between brothers, sons, parents, and spouses seamlessly. It tactfully remained unbiased towards each of the family members, letting their stories and choices unfold before the viewers eyes for judgement.

Ultimately, it captured the hurt, pain, grief, and happiness in both forgiveness and love. I imagine that this will be a movie that stays close to my heart for a while.

RRR (Rise Roar Revolt)

Action Hero Movie with Friendship at its Core
I love everything about this movie, but especially it's message about the love between friends. Despite the majority of the movie revolving around violent and grotesque action sequences, the underlying current about the trials, tribulations, and love in friendship elevates this film to a masterpiece in its own right. It not only sets up the bonds of friendship and ties them in thick knots right before the audiences eyes, but also allows the influences of historical events (mainly colonialism) to try to fray and cut at those bonds which we, the audience, have grown to care about.

Although the violence is galore and the action scenes somewhat over-the-top, the cinematography and plot behind the scenes is just so cool and moments are so fueled with a folklore-like quality that the excess of the scenes works and flows well. I was on the edge of the seat for the entire film!

Months later and certain scenes still stick with me, as well as the music.

Overall, excellent and universal message - what do friends do when they find themselves on opposite sides? And, what matters justify breaking the bonds of true friendship?

Brahmastra Part One: Shiva

Percy Jackson mixed with Indian Culture
Incredibly creative idea - a take on bringing Hinduism mixed with Indian mythology into the modern world. A bit like the Percy Jackson stories but creative in its own right.

The strengths of this movie included the music, energy in the cinematography, lovely filming locations, and intriguing premise. I look forward to seeing the next film.

Although the movie was enjoyable as a whole, the plot was a bit stitched together here and there with scenes feeling rather separate from each other. Additionally, the dialogue and chemistry between the two leads felt a little repetitive, less believable, and fell flat at times (mostly due to the writing). Nevertheless, for a superhero-esque action film, it was fun!

Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam

The Woes of Miscommunication
Moments within this movie shined and held my heart in its clutch; other moments had a bit too much sap and unbelievability in the plot that took away from the main message of the story. Nevertheless, the acting was outstanding - and the topics universal and timeless.

Miscommunication is a funny thing. It's always in retrospect that one can reflect and just maybe pinpoint the breakdown. Oftentimes though, one domino falling leads to the next. The film captured the cascading effect of one miscommunication after the next so well. As of member of the audience who knows the truth of the matter, this made it painful to watch these miscommunications, one after the other. A true testament to the film and actors for being able to spark that pain and care for the characters within.

The film also handled jealously, nativity, and self-loathing quite well. One scene, I believe, will stick with me for awhile - the character of Shah Rukh Khan talking to a statue of a horse head, telling the inanimate object all he yearns to say to his estranged wife. Had me holding my breath till the very end!


Somewhere between the flowing cinematography, captivating music, and spellbinding performances is magic. A sort of incantation that wove suspense into every scene. I found myself holding my breath in hope till the bitter end. Despite knowing the reality and likelihood of the outcome; the hope that coursed through every scene ate at me. A true testament to the hard work and talent of the actors. I think what enchanted me the most was that this movie, despite it's fairy-tale quality, remained rooted in the trenches of unrelenting reality - showing the consequences of choices (either made by family or by ourselves against our desires). The kinds of choices that are realistic and not the day-dream choices we typically see in movies (realistic decisions such as following a parent's wishes instead of our own). This movie captures the pain, anguish, and numbness that comes with acting on other's choices, not our own, and having to live with the consequences -and hope.

Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge

A Moral Compass that has Spellbound me
It's been months (almost a full year) since I've watched this film, and I still can't stop thinking about it. Despite being someone with no relation to India, or even true understanding of its religion, cultures, and transitions at the time, I found myself hooked on the universal themes told and expressed in nothing short of pure brilliance throughout this film. It was more than a story of enemies to lovers, or even a tale between westernized first generation young adults and their parents' culture. It was even more than a story about clashing cultures. I think what captivated me was it was ultimately a story about love for family vs love for another. That is an experience that anyone can experience throughout this world, no matter where one is from or where one was raised. To take this theme a step further, it pits the two against each other and asks a simple yet life-altering question, if you had to choose, which would you choose? And if your family or loved one had to choose, which would they choose for you?

I think what haunts me about this film is that it gets the answer right. It follows a moral compass that is discussed so rarely nowadays. It answers this question by having its characters take the harder path, the right path. Which ultimately reveals that selflessness is the answer to true love. A lover recognizing and respecting that the family is more important. And the family recognizing that true, selfless love is more important.

Now, almost a year later, this film has galvanized me to reflect on myself and the way I view love. Even more so, it's inspired me to try to learn Hindi, look up and follow current news from India, and seek out a multitude of Indian films. I am ashamed of how little I knew or thought I understood about a culture other than my own before. I owe it to this film for opening my eyes and heart to curiosity and love.

Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-leela

Captivating Retelling of Romeo and Juliet
The filmography absolutely captivated me - the lighting, pacing, movement, and grit - all of it! There were moments that felt like they were straight out of a fairy tale, and other moments that felt raw and harsh. The swing between each extreme added an extra weight to the story we all know. Although this tale has been told multiple times and in numerous ways, I believe this will be the version that sticks with me. The charisma between the actors felt palpable; the playful banter and looks seeped with charm. I appreciated the fleshing out of the characters too, and the way the story uniquely made not only their love and propensity for peace a strength, but also managed to highlight their innocence and playfulness as strength too - all without taking away from their intelligence. With just enough twists throughout this tale to keep the story fresh, I held on to hope for an alternative ending other than the one that's been immortalized. Nevertheless, the expelrtful suspense managed to break my heart all over again.


Modern Spin on Robin Hood
The core message in this movie broke the fourth wall and struck a universal message to the audience - if one is fortunate enough to live in a democracy, or a place where your voice and opinion counts, then go vote, go lead, and go make an impact out in the world in person. I found it rather clever to reveal this message through a modern retelling of Robin Hood (stealing/hoodwinking those in power and giving to the citizens in need). If I had one criticism, it would be that the plot jumps around a bit between different points of view and flashbacks/modern day. Despite enjoying all the content and story, I found it ultimately distracted from the heart of the story at times. That being said, I'm still thinking about this movie, it's message, and the way it's galvanized me to pay a bit more attention to all that's happening around me on both a local and international scale; as well as what role and impact I can make on my community. Despite the patchwork of stories, the sheer charm and performance delivery of SRK's characters had me on the edge of my seat, rooting for the heroes at the end. Left the theater unable to wipe the smile off my face.

Tiger 3

Action-packed and entertaining
I had the entire theater to myself, which was a first time, rather fun and usual experience, but the movie deserved a packed house. That being said, I was thrilled to see an Indian film have an airing slot for 4 days in a row in my city's main theater in the States. The action sequences were creative and fluid, the plot intricate with some moments being deeper and others acting as more of a cushion. If I had to be picky, I would have loved some of the subplots to play out for longer, such as the suspense and suspicion we felt radiating from Tiger at the start of the film. That being said, I rather enjoyed the cameos and the tie-ins with former characters from the Tiger franchise. Those moments humanized the larger-than-life, action hero, and brought him back in small moments to the brawny and sometimes blundering spy that radiated charm in the first film. I think it was the banter between all those characters (more so than the action) that had me leaving the theater with a wild smile plastered on my face. Also, always a fan of the music!

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