
IMDb member since October 2007
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    16 years



If you're in the mood for watching something silly and irreverent, this is your show. Although it's been done ("It's About Time" September 11, 1966 - April 2, 1967), a sit-com about cave people adjusting to modern times has a 'Beverly Hillbillyish' kind of charm to it. In this show though, the boys were often more hip and open minded than the "saps" (pronounced 'sayps'), the modern humans with whom they dealt with. As others have said though, there's only so many places you go with this kind of subject matter and it's probably better off that it was cancelled after one season. Also, if you want to watch this with your children, be wary! It often resorts to adult humor and sexual situations to get a laugh, which is one of its drawbacks in my opinion, because children are drawn to shows like this.

Room 222

Having gone to a public school in the 70s, I can say that this show was a fairy tale at best. Teachers who were truly concerned about students instead of their salaries and benefits, racially tolerant students who were interested in the betterment of mankind. Hahh! You might as well say that Nazi prison camps were like Stalag 13 on Hogan's Hero's.

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