
IMDb member since September 2023
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Love Without Walls

Hard to watch but a must watch
There but for the grace of God - a saying that is never more true than this film. A tale of true love in adversity, homelessness, addiction, modern slavery, music and a bottle of wine! The cast are superb and the storyline is absolutely accurate, despite what some critics say (I say this from a professional point of view - much as I wish it were not true, nothing depicted in this film is not happening in Britain today) You are invested in the characters from the get go and the film takes you on the rollercoaster that is homelessness, with some surprising twists, and one or two important cameos. The music is good too (not my taste but very accomplished). I didn't take my eyes off the screen and would happily watch this again. Now available on demand - I suggest you demand it.

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