
IMDb member since January 2023
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    1 year, 8 months


Best Bugs Forever

i had great fun with this show
Dude, the show might be for kids, but i actually had fun watching it. It contains a few funny moments that are just fun to listen to. Even the episodes have potential, i rated all of them with 10/10, including the show. It had the best finale that i could have ever watch. It was so BEAUTIFUL, not even ''TEEN TITANS'' which is my favorite show didn't have such a good ending at this one (i won't spoil, go watch it if you don't know what i mean). Really good. Have you seen the episode where eddie broke his shell and he became anxious. It was really funny. Or when mo is a clown and is scared by rejection and mocking. The one when pebbledash moves in her own home, the one with the undercover agent mo was charmed by, louie is in love with jade and even more. Really suitable for kids, and maybe adults too.

Miraculous anime

It should have been concepted as it was...
Why did the 3D show even happen? I'm sure it would have been better as an anime. I mean look how cute Marinette is, and Adrien is actually Felix here, which is my favorite character. Dude, they have even concepted the akuamatized people. Mime and Pigeon look really cool, not kidding. And those colorful images in the show look really great. Why did you cancel this, because Disney wouldn't accept an anime show? If I owned Disney, I would have totally approved it. I just love the plot of it, because i watched the 3D show, and it has a good plot, but still better as an anime. Really! And also, I adore the art style. Love this lost conception, hope it will come back. Respect.

Tomb of the Mask

OMG, it's cute and fun.
I played this game after i saw the commercial, and it looked pretty nostalgic. It remembered me by the old Sega Genesis and NES games. So i played it and now i'm obsessed with it. The game is about this cute mask mascot who goes through a labyrinth every level and must not touch the spines, but get the dots 'til you reach the end, if you're lucky enough to. Also, there are more masks you can play with, so see how you win one of those. "Happymagenta UAB" and "Playgendary", you need to create a sequel to this game, if i will ever see that "tomb of the mask 2" or "the sequel" is here and the description says it was suggested by a fan on IMDb, i wouldn't know how to react. Respect, keep up the good work.

James and the Giant Peach

I thought this movie was going to be a disaster when i got it compared to the book which was full of adventures. But...
I changed my mind immediately after watching it on DVD. This movie came out the year i was born, i.e. '96. My parents, knowing i'm a huge fan of the book, decided to get me the movie too, because why not? It happened in 2004, i was 8 years old. I wasn't excited, those characters didn't look good at all. Until one day my family wanted us to watch a DVD movie tonight. My parents have collected a lot of DVDs over the years. And everyone decided to watch the newly purchased DVD called, James and the Giant Peach. My bad opinion changed immediately after watching it. Actually the characters if you focus on them are not bad at all. The movie was changed quite a bit from the book but i didn't mind, i actually think they were an improvement. Miss Spider is my favorite character, i still have a crush on her. You have to watch this movie don't listen to the haters you can watch the movie on youtube or disney +. I recommend it, it's one of my favorite movies.

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