
IMDb member since July 2007
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The Suspect

This should be called " The Case of The STUPID POLICE "
My god, the police is so stupid! I have watched a lot of cop shows and this is about the STUPIDEST couple of police who cling to one idea and lack the power of deduction. That black cop is dumb and his assistant is worse. She never gives him and alternate views she just agrees with him I'm everything other than looking like a 15 year old with no experience. They seem to believe everybody but JOE.

How can these cops be so nice to everybody but not give Joe the benefit of a doubt? The believe a well known psycho and they do not even worry about him..



A good series with a slow starting like the
I like this series because, even tough I cannot stand Ukraine, but I like Russians, it is a well done film, starting with an expose of the two main characters, the woman cop and the guy cop. So the first two episodes are an introduction these two personalities, their backgrounds and tgeir quirks. Then you get into the story which is about missing children who have been abducted..two as a start... then in the middle of the series you get introduced to the criminal who is doing all these abductions and you get to see his background. No one knows why he is doing what he is doing as he doesn't ask for money. The cops are frustrated as they cannot get any information anywhere until tgey get hold of the stupid naive nanny of one of the abducted kids who finally gives them information. That is where I am at...and I won't give you any more info or I'll give it all must see this series as it is a well constructed story even tough it's grim...

John Wick: Chapter 4

I got bored
Too much of something becomes boring.. killing a lot of people becomes boring after a while.. what's the point?

Hollywood is so satanist that they try to be ale your light as much as they can.. the Cabal of s about murder and depression, destruction and chaos.. tgat of is why God decided that enough is enough when it comes to all the bad in the world.. I we are heading towards peace and Love and no amount. Of evil can destroy it this time. I am kind of glad it's the last one in the series because all that killing is counter productive... I mean what's the point? You live and then you die..!!!!!

You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger

I hate Woody Allen movies!
First off they are all alike. Then he always puts that stupid jazz song in the background..very annoying. Everybody thinks he is a genius..I don't ..he is embittered old Jewish director who married his adopted sick is that..and all the people in his movies are really a version of awful can that Be?

The stupid gullible mother, the selfish daughter who married a loser, the selfish father Alfie who goes thru what every old man goes thru at a certain age thinking that can attract a younger woman, thecstupid son in law..that actor who plays it looks really bad and gained a lot of weight.. never liked him anyway...

overall the movie is okay but it is typical Woody Allen and he always deals with relationships and cheating..his writing is not that good and.his characters are so .

Haul Out the Holly

this Christmas Story sucks
There is NO chemistry at all in this story, its messy, there is not story its just a hodge pige of events.. I dont know who wrote this but its BAD! I dont have to say all the bad things this video has..Just because you have our favorite actress you are under utilizing her..she shouldnot have been in this movie..its BORING!, There is nothing here and no actorI like other than time give her a better script!

Usually I watch a lot of Christmas movies, not just Hallmark movies but this one is at the bottom of my list. I changed the channel. I coukdn't watch anymore. What a waste of a budget.

The Assistant

The boss are all Khazarian Mafia
The movie industry sucks. It has the rudest people who treat others like crap. They take advantage of people. Harry Weinstein was a rude Jewish director who crossed a lot of boundaries. I am glad they finally put him in jail. He deserves every bit of it. This ugly guy who plays the boss in the movie reminds me of him.

I wouldn't work for Hollywood if you paid me. People are nasty and mean. I dislike it so much I don't even watch American films. They are crappy anyway.

I liked this movie. I was hoping this girl would turn in her resignation and quit and let the bimbo from Idaho try and do everything she does.


Horrible Woke Script, good acting
First off I could not like that ugly Jewish professor..he got on my nerves. Only reason I watched this POS is because of Elizabeth Moss, but even so, the woke script written by someone who doesn't know what they are doing really did it in. I watched the whole thing just to see if it would get better, but it got worse and worse.

Was this written by Margaret Atwood..? It says so at the end of the movie. I consider her work a piece of junk.!


Yet another WOKE movie. ..
There are too many of them out there and they are so stupid.. these scripts nobody wanted by unknown writers are all coming out in these movies because these streaming companies like Netflix and Hulu are spitting them out one by's pure trash...

Locating Silver Lake

LA is for the lost and lonely
I don't know if this is a depiction of Hollywood. It just touches the surface. LA as a whole is the dumping ground of the wannabes. I lived near Universal Studios in the Apartments on the hill but wasn't an actress wannabe like a lot of those that lived there. I had friends in Silver Lake a nice but gay community. I lived near my work, so the best place in LA to me was still Pasadena. I'll pass on the rest. LA used to be good in the 80' and 90's. Now it's a mess thanks to bad management by Democrats who know how to tear down a city and care more about illegals than it's own citizens.

This movies starts out good but it could have gone deeper. The writer barely scratches the surface and makes Seth a gay man who is totally into control into the prime character. He should have showed us his satanist side. You could tell from that scary black woman in his group. All the people are under his spell, which is sad. They are lost souls pulling together in a lost loveless city.

Glad the main character left town at the end.

Senior Year

Should be called The State of WOKE
What's with all this WOKE nonsense where everything has to have liberal overtones. I couldn't give a damn who I offend and the most offensive people are liberals with their high and mighty attitude.. even tough Rebel is funny, the whole movie stinks of WOKEISM which is so typical and f Netflix movies!!!

The Manor

70 years old?.. I am 70 and it's not that old!!
This is insulting. That age is still young for people these days. They should have used people like in their minds d eighties not 70!! I have decided not to watch it because of that! Get better writers next time.. it was probably written by a 30 year old!!!


What a rotten actor!
Christoph Waltz.. I cannot stand the man! He epitomizes every slimy, beleaguer, phony, squint , man! He always plays characters who are himself.. he just plays himself in every slimy role.. he brings out the ugly. From day one, when I first saw himI could not stand. Him!

Being the Ricardos

Worst Series I have ever seen
Stupidly written. The characters have no proximity to being like the real people. The script is confusing and has no bearing to the life of Lucy and Ricky. As good as the actors are these roles do not fit them and the story is not believable. Had to stop watching in the third episode it was so bad!!


Was in Luxor
I was in Luxor like 15 years ago. It's was a beautiful city. I also stayed at the Winter Palace, a beautiful hotel. What I want to know is, how can a surgeon staying in an expensive hotel dress like a hippy and look like she is dying? The skinny woman looks emancipated, worn out and never smiles..she looks bored about everything..weird movie.

Peur sur le lac

What a stupid theme for these tv series
After all the Covid mess for two years, this stupid tv series focuses on a virus? That is all we need...MORE FEAR!,



THE GLOBALISTS ( the bad guys ) are trying to kill 7 out of 8 people!!



What a movie!
Everybody is corrupt: the dumb Gypsy's, the Dangerous Mafia and.the Corrupt Vatican.. Italians are the worst! They can be the most corrupt and deadly, especially the gypsies.

And tge movie starts with an orgy? I can't stand any of the characters..the are all awful nonhumans!!

In the Cut

Because I can't stand Mark Ruffalo, I gave it a 3.
Who cares if this movie is directed by famous director Jane Campion, if I don't like the subject or the actors, or the mood, it gets a low rating. It is one of the last movies that Meg Ryan looks like herself before she starts to do plastic surgery and mess her face.

It seems like a date drama with some nasty scenes and way too many black people in it in the seedy part of New York.

Only watching it because I was curious about the subject, even tough I hate watching that dumb Mark Ruffalo.


What a predictable movie
First off, I can't stand Alyssa Milano. She has that " I know better " Hollywood attitude I cannot stand..and she also Carrie's it in this movie. There is absolutely no talent in the whole movie. The writing is awful and predictable. The casting is terrible and the plot is neglectful. The culprit is obvious from the very beginning. This is a typical movie by formula and it belongs to the Lifetime channel, not in Prime Time or Netflix.

Milano is of that age that she should play an actress with romantic inclinations , she should play a mom, not a dominatrix or a sexy writer. It doesn't suit her. I always have thought of her as a B actress for television. The fact that she turned into a liberal feminist activist turns me off even more.

She should forget about acting and do something else...

The Madame Blanc Mysteries

Why does every series these days have to be about LGBT?
It happens in every foreign series I watch these days, without a fault. The story does not follow the description of the series. Mrs. Blanc is not looking for her husband's murderer, instead she gets involved in the towns requirement for her help, and her being nearly broke you would think the main cop would hire her for all her services instead of her giving it away.

The guy who is driving her around gets involved as well, tough he doesn't have any redeeming factors. Plus, her funny ponytail and mum's dresses don't make her look like an art connoisseur that she claims to be. The fact that her husband messed around with a witch art dealer who " steals and kills" everybody that gets in her way, makes it boring after a while where the only thing you see are her creepy long red nails!

The 40 Year Old Virgin

What a dumb movie!
Stupidest movie I have ever seen!!!! The whole premise is disgusting. It's about a bunch of do nothing guys who have not amounted to anything abd one of them is a 40 year old virgin.. yeah right! Guys like that is the only thing they want to do is sex! They don't have brains for anything else.. maybe drugs! And Judd Apatow? Hate all his movies!

The Bank Job

Based on a real. Story
Glad to see so many well known faces, like David Suchet, Jason Stratham, and others..they all look so young...and the pictures I gathered were of Princess Margaret, she was so wild in the. 70's.

Jason has hair!!! And his beard is dark.... I have always liked his movies... Then there's Saffron Burrows...

Wonder Woman 1984

What a piece of CRAP
I have NEVER been so outraged in my life as this nonsense you call a movie. Most of the time, these so called movies are meant for brainwashing, this one DEFINITELY DOES but it's SO BAD I couldn't even watch half way thru it..

My suggestion is BURN THE DAMN FILM it's not even worth a penny of my dime!!

The Greatest

The writing in this movie is terrible
I. Don't know how the actors could stand playing in this movie. The writing sucks. Both great actors, Susan Sarandon and Pierce Broznan are seasoned but to do this story they had to pear down, and they were trying, believe me but the story makes no sense, it doesn't not exude Ny feelings from the viewer. I was left cold and not caring about this family at all.. The mother is obsessed with her son, and neglected the younger one, that is typical of parents who have a favorite...that story have been told so many times, it's boring. There is also no surprise in the movie..something we did not expect..nothing..

Pretty run of the mill...typical boring American movie. I think I'll go back to watching European cop movies.


That Eddies. Is the worst kid EVER..I hate this show!
I have never been annoyed over a monster of a child who is the monst unruly, nasty, foul mouthed, ugly 11 year old whose mother never disciplines him and whose father is a child himself. A worthless man who lives with his fat mother and can't even get a decent job.

Queer Eye: DJ's on Repeat
Episode 6, Season 5

What's with the bushy beard??
This guy has an ugly bushy beard, and instead of getting rid of it..HE KEPT IT! UNBELIEVABLE!.. of all the fixes he needed to do, the tattoos and the beard were the worst ones and he kept those!

No large improvements in this episode...too much talking, not enough action...whatever.. It was annoying!

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