Kirk Pedersen

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Janeane Garofalo

Now, before I saw this special, I'd figured she was just your average comedian who had transfered her career over to film, and that the comedy thing was on the back-burner.

Boy, was I wrong.

This special (which, admittedly, she wrote three hours before airtime) was an absolute riot. The stories (dogs, summer blockbuster-films, relationships, gay pride, etc) were very entertaining, as her razor-sharp wit and sarcasm is excellent for delivering jokes.

Not too many comedy specials are worth watching, as they are often just ego-trips for the comedians; but this effort is hilarious and seems very random and out of real life, which is the best kind of comedy.


Excellent depiction of one of our finest.
Pierre Trudeau was one of our greatest leaders, love him or hate him, and this documentary helps endear him to a younger generation, people like me, who weren't alive when he was Prime Minister of Canada.

The film takes you through his terms as PM, with a keen eye for detail. Portions include the invoking of the War Measures Act, which sparked controversy all around the world; his marriage to his first wife, Margaret, the catastrophe with the FLQ, and much more.

The acting in the series is top-notch, except for Polly Shannon, who turns in an uneven performance as Margaret. She's often either very excited or very down-in-the-dumps, which was realistic, but she didn't really capture the essence of Margaret, or so I think.

Colm Feore, who looks nothing like Trudeau; turns in a great performance as the man himself. Despite the non-resemblance of the two men, Feore has all of the famous quotes, body movements, and mannerisms of the former PM done to a T.

Patrick McKenna, who many Canadians remember as loveable-dope Harold Green on 'The Red Green Show' turns in a solid performance as Duncan. This was one of his first serious roles, and he did an excellent job.

I think that Pierre himself would have enjoyed this miniseries, as it is brilliantly lit, shot, and edited.

Even though he is widely regarded as 'Eastern Canada's' PM; Trudeau was the man that people around the world identified as Canada during the 1970's, and he was a fine ambassador for our country.

The CBC, a government-controlled operative, does a great job in showing us the trials and tribulations of Trudeau's life. This is easily their best film since 'White Lies'.

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