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The Good Wife

Hollywood Has Given Up
Hollywood has given up on creating uplifting TV. They have decided to create series that are designed to mock anything and anyone that desires to uphold traditional moral values and ideals. They want you to think everyone around you is corrupt and consumed with sex. Anyone that may not be corrupt can easily be corrupted. Anyone not being sexually promiscuous needs to be ostracized. Welcome to what you are going to experience as you invest hours of your life to The Good Wife. There is nothing good about this series. You may think there is something redeeming in each character. You going to be disappointed. This show will change you. You won't like what you become.

Star Trek: Discovery: Stormy Weather
Episode 6, Season 4

All Aboard the USS Co-Dependency
Not single set of characters in the series that doesn't exhibit unhealthy codependency.

And now we have robot worker droids that have the ability to scream in pain.

Add to that a neurotic ship's computer. It doesn't take long to figure out where in the world of Isaac Asimov/Arthur C. Clarke the writing for this season is going.

And let's look at how the structure of community aboard ship works in the new starlet. An androgynous civilian is permitted to be on-board a starship on a dangerous mission. Why? Because its asexual partner can't function emotionally without it. Apparently this civiliian is given free reign of the ship. Permitted to have unquestioned access to the bridge. It has no other purpose for being there. So what happens in time of crisis as the crew begins to experience mortal peril? The wannabe guardian to the trill symbiants decides it wants to play a game with the ship's computer. Would be silly to do otherwise during a crisis.

It gets worse. So ship is trying to escape the void. The neurotic computer asks the Captain, who is in obvious physical distress, if she would like to hear the computer sing a song. So we see the ship starting to be ablaze with fire. And I guess the neurotic computer decides to exhibit a sense of humor by choosing to sing a torch song! And it proceeds to sing the worse rendition of a song popularized for decades, 1400 years before, by Ethel Waters, Billie Holiday, and Lena Horne. Even Dean Martin's comic rendition of this song had more soul to it than the depressing chalkboard scratching utterings of Zoran.

Star Trek: Discovery: Forget Me Not
Episode 4, Season 3

Welcome to the 31st Century
One of the standard themes of ST was the pursuit of personal growth and betterment for the sake of growth and betterment. Apparently those standards go out the window in the future.

STNG introduced the concept of the Trill and got people thinking how a relationship with a Trill would go if the host became became the same sex as the partner. DS9 introduced the idea that lesbianism was big deal amongst a Trill and its partner.

STD goes the next step. Apparently the standards for qualifying to be a Trill host went way down hill. We don't know how old Grey was, but one would think a Trill host would have to be a legal adult. Evidently Trill thinks pursuing 15-16 year old androgynous earthlings with emotional issues is a good thing.

This isn't future betterment. This is regression.

The Contractor

Disappointing... looking for a redemption story
The redemption story never comes.

When the movie starts it looks like it's going to be a great story about supporting our veterans after they experience being discharged from the service. Alot of focus on faith and family. They even put in a special needs character who you can't help but feel empathy for. We empathize for the lead who we find is haunted by the memories of his soldier father and doesn't want to become the same absent father to his son.

Then it turns into a mess that makes the people of faith look like self centered dupes who will straight up murder anyone for the sake of paying the bills. They make the atheist character who only believes in science and loves his family look like the altruistic victim of a shadowy force who we never actually see pulling the strings.

So what happens? The man of faith murders innocent people, innocent police officers, murders comrades, threatens to murder a widow and her son, and goes on a murderous revenge mission. The movie ends and there is no redemption story. No justice done.

Yah the social engineering is evident.

Star Trek: Discovery

Discovered a way to catch up on my sleep.
I had to try to watch the premiere 4 times before I could see it without falling asleep.

Every episode has managed to put me to sleep at some point.

The attempt at social engineering is overly blatant.

They introduce characters that draw your attention, then destroy any appeal they had.

If this is the future of space exploration, I hope the Vulcans never make 1st contact.

The most interesting idea they present is the willingness of humans to eat life from other planets.

The writers stumble over themselves trying so hard to present an "enlightened" society. But they constantly have their star character referring to other species as aliens. They learned nothing from Undiscovered Country.

The do a great job of maximizing the fiction that you don't realize they've ignored science.

Christmas on Cherry Lane

Who wrote this?
Worst script ever! I'm still reeling over how bad this was. Not a single thing about any of the characters that could be considered redeemable. The one character I thought I might relate to turns out to be whiny and the one the rest of the family dumps on. There's too many characters. There's no cohesive moment in the film. I watch one scene and I can't wait for it to end. But then I'm tortured by another scene that's worse than the previous scene. The Etsy mission impossible commercials had more compelling characters and story lines. Never have I felt so much hope that Christmas would be ruined for every character.

Out of the Blue: A Film About Life and Football

A Fun Documentary to Watch
Did you see the Fiesta Bowl on January 1, 2007? If you saw this game then you know how this DVD ends. Now is your chance to see the motivations behind the players, coaches, and local fans that led to this victory which continues to be on the minds of fans everywhere. David Hoffman put this tribute to the Boise State Bronco's undefeated season together in what must have been a whirlwind of 5 months. In my opinion they should have taken at least another 3 months to be able to fit more content.

If you are not a college football fan, then you probably won't think too much of this DVD which contains very little actual football content (but enough to make you cheer). Just about every memorable play from every game of Boise State's 2006 season is spliced into this DVD. But these only serve as reminders of what Boise State accomplished on the football field.

The real impact is in what the players and coaches were able to accomplish in their lives. The message behind "Out of the Blue" is not just about winning football games on a national stage. This DVD hits on the tragedies and triumphs in some of the key players lives. However, as many local fans have commented, it just seems to be missing so many great personalities that stood out during this season(apparently they didn't transfer well onto film).

For non-fans of Boise State, or just interested parties, I believe you will see a bit of what the Boise State football program is about. It touches on their humble beginnings and quickly jumps to the past 3 seasons. Again, there are just so many personalities involved in that time it seems a shame to skip over them. Boise State may not have the history, legends, or championships that Big 12, Big 10, Pac-10, SEC, or ACC schools have, but what it has accomplished in a short amount of time has impressed fans new and old everywhere.

If after viewing this DVD you find you want to know more about how Boise State got going and where the players and coaches come from, I strongly recommend getting a copy of the book, "Blue Magic" by Brian Murphy and Chad Cripe, sports writers for the Idaho Statesman. I also recommend obtaining a copy of the "Pefection" DVD which offers highlights and commentary to every game of BSU's 2006 season as well as great bonus material, such as the motivational video shown to the players prior to their Fiesta Bowl appearance. Also available is the Fiesta Bowl DVD so you can see the complete game minus commercials. (Many of those who tried to TiVo this discovered that they missed the overtime period completely.) The plan for the producers of this DVD is to sell the story to a major motion picture company and see if any will produce a feature length film in the vein of "Remember the Titans" or "We Are Marshall". We'll see if the spirit and impact of Boise State's undefeated season is enough to rate it's own feature film before that time.

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