
IMDb member since July 2022
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Midnight Mass

All talk
I kept putting this off until my good friend, now my enemy, blabbered how great this show is and how it is his cup of tea.

I am well aware of her poor taste but okay, I watched it all. What I noticed was how I hated certain characters and loved a few of them. But none could be compared how TALKY the lead characters can be. Some as much as fifteen minutes, just BLAH BLAH! Clearly those are time and episode fillers. And the ending just happened and the antagonists didnt suffer as much as I want to.

8 episodes looong which couldve been done in a 2 hour movie. If you are a fan of mega lengthy nonsense dialogue that has no relation to the plot, then punish yourself with this show.

Sarinjaui Syopingmol

Dumb look, rinse, repeat
Great start. Actioner with zero romance. What's not to like?

White boy Jinman quite okay. Oh but the niece is an expert on that shocked dumb expression from start to finish. Episode 1 showed a lot of promise. Little Jian was a treat. Good actor. The rest of the episodes were just filler episodes. 8 episodes toooo loooong. A two hour movie is enough. The bad guys were very unlikeable (a korean production tecnique). The young Jian friend you could just wring his neck. But Jian who look so clueless with that stupid look, I found myself hoping she gets killed. Mountain of story loopholes another korean tecnique. Flashbacks poorly done too.

I would not be back for s2.


Unhappy viewing
Half of it is boring. I'm not young and i seldom get bored. However there were a lot of lengthy filleq scenes here where the cast just talks nonsense.

Both characters are just so dumb making idiotic life choices. Then sure, blame everything on the next guy. How can they expect not to pay for the consequences for their actions?

And the characters. Steven is okay. But there are some asian actors who are just bad and cringey. The female lead is just so flawed and uneasy on the eyes. And I'm asian!!

I can see why some people love this but i can see right through it. All of them should thrown in jail.


You must really love flashbacks
My review for the first six episodes. So, as all korean shows, the first episode will show a lot of promise. Its exciting. Then. Goes real slow and bland. These action drama shows are my favorite genre however i found myself falling asleep many times.

And did I mention "action"? No. Its not an action show. Its a thriller whodunnit drama crime show without the thrills. Main character is okay but the female lead, who is the youngest and a student (before) acts like she's the wisest out of all.

Lastly, kdrama writers just love their flashbacks. Its an integral part of story telling. I know. But only if done right. If it switches back and fort so often, and the flashback scene is longer than the present scene, then its a problem. And of course it ends in a major cliff hanger.

Sky Rojo

Just going around in circles
An honest review of season 1 and 2. The first several episodes i'd give it a 7/10. It was fun, fast paced and showed a lot of promise. Then at second half of season 1, i was thinking, wait, nothing is really happening here. Its fast paced but nothing is getting resolved. There is no story progression.

Season 2. Okay. I at least have to know if they improved somehow. Guess what? Its more of the same cat and mouse chase where nobody wins. Same old plot going in circles. And by the end of season 2, i came to hate coral's character altogether. Her acting was bad like a kardashian on drugs. She's not attractive anymore but more of mosquito in need of squishing.

And no. Im not watching season 3.

Make My Day

Marnie drags!
Ah where to begin. Two episodes in, I was like, oh yeah! Lots of military scifi action. Animation is bad. Not really my cup of tea. But the premise of the story/plot is interesting.

Then the next couple episodes. The main character is weak. Though has tremendous potential. As always in japanese animé. Then the huge drama that comes with the Marnie character. Boy! This girl can cry! Again, thats japan for you. Want to inject a much needed drama? Make one or more characters wail and scream as loud as she can an cry an ocean of tears in the longest possible scene. I hope she gets eaten. But nah. She's the drama.

Then the rest of the episodes. Which are just filler episodes. Not much fun for me. But if you're a fan of extended loud crying in a very dated animation style, still a big no.

Keullining eop

Insider trading takes a backseat.
I came in believing its a fun comedic romp of rags to riches thru the world of stock trading. But sadly, its about the life of a cleaning lady who desperately navigates life's downs (sorry no ups). She spends a lot of time wallowing in self pity but never realizes she's the cause of all the hardships she encounters.

Yes. She's just so cluelessly dumb and a pathological liar. She lies to everyone all the time. She's the root cause of all her problems by lying and being dumb. The bad guys, are way too cunning for her and win almost all the time and will barely lose at the very last minute.

So, front and center is the protagonist's life struggles and insider trading, which is supposed to be the meat of the show takes a huge backseat.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

A nice neat sitcom
First off, dont believe all the low reviews. They're coming from marvel fanboys who expected to see the typical marvel stuff from the movies to tv. Well, I'm not really a fan of that so I lowered my expectations coming in. And after binging all episodes, I thought, this is different. Its a sitcom!

Its just hard not fall in love with Jen Walters. She just wants a comfortable life and come to terms with the pros and cons of her alter ego. The last episode was a letdown I admit. Dont expect her to go all out smash like her cousin. If you love sitcoms then give this a go. Just leave your marvel expectations at the patio.

Halloween Ends

Mike Myers takes a backseat
I loved all the Halloween movies including the bad ones. And, as the last movie, I was hoping to get Michael as much as I can. Disappointing as Mike only shined for a brief moment during the last quarter of the movie. Some disturbed and deeply traumatized kid took over a huge chunk of the movie. For a moment I thought, wait, could this guy be the new serial killer? Is he gonna takeover the franchise? And the grand daughter. I was thinking someone who's educated as her would be so dumb as to falling for a loose cannon like Mike wannabee.

I liked part 1 and 2 of the trilogy. Mike on a rampage and I was expecting at least double the body count on his last hurrah. But he took a huge the back of the bus.

Won Deo Umeon

Good guys never win
Starts out good but quickly irritates. The hero is just so dumb and weak and it wasnt entertaining anymore in the second half. Main character is funny and strong. But quickly becomes unfunny, weak and just overall clueless and it just doesnt work anymore.

Its like the antagonists are too strong and powerful and are unconvincingly rushed to be beaten at the last minute at the last episode and you spent the entire season just waiting for the good guys to win.

If you want your shows where the bad guys win 99% of the time, you'll probably like this. But i prefer a strong protagonist to keep the fight balanced.


Better without em
Slow burning but pretty decent monster alien flick. Would be a better movie without the annoying em. Complete opposite of OJ. And she doesnt act like a ranch girl but a street punk who talks too much. Other than that, I did enjoy it.

Car Masters: Rust to Riches

Garage that sells trash
No way in hell that concept car and bike would sell for 280k. No self respecting rich guy (hey he's got 280k to burn) would ever buy this. Hell i'd rather buy a porsche 911, a harley road king and a ford raptor.

Very poor workmanship. Rust in corners, crooked gaps, wavy body work, sharp raw edges, etc. And they target high end clients? Yes its fake.

But hey there is some entertainment value.

The Wheel of Time

A pretty good adventure show if you miss lotr. This one feels of lower budget but upped the sex and violence a bit. Rosamund and Daniel are superb. The rest, well... Most annoying character for me is nynaeve. Does she really have to berate the lead every chance she gets. I get that she has some issues, but 24/7? Really? And Rand too? Also it wouldnt hurt if Josha and Marcus would close their mouth once in a while. Nobody wants to see their dentures all the time.


20 years outdated
25 years ago, found footage, handy cam, shaky cameras were something new and people were awed by this new style overnight. It did not last long as some found that it was just lazy film making and some were just plain nauseating.

This movie was probably done by those kids who grew up, or should i say, never grew up. It was so predictable, unscary, weak characters, weaker plot and brought nothing new to the table. Young kids who never heard of the blair witch project may like this movie and find it ground breaking. But from someone who has been around, this is just a waste of time.

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