Reviews (16)

  • The concept is incredibly exciting and intriguing - a thriller set in the magical, mysterious world of the theater. Visually, the series is beautiful. The dialogues are well-written and subtly witty. The characters are thoughtfully crafted, contributing to the overall depth of the story. However, certain motives remain unclear, leaving the storyline incomplete.

    Milica Janevski is outstanding, overshadowing all other actors, even the seasoned veterans and renowned stars! Milica Mihajlovic and Katarina Gojkovic are excellent! Jelena Ilic is a yet-to-be-discovered jewel in Serbian cinema, and I hope to see her in many more roles in the future. Aleksandar Sreckovic Kubura, although not my favorite, is actually an excellent actor. Unlike many who always play the same character, he truly knows how to create unique, realistic, and distinct personas. Izudin Bajrovic is delightful in his small role - warm, vibrant and authentic. Pavle Mensur is actually a pleasant surprise for me.

    On the ither side, it's time someone finally says it - Voja Brajovic is an overrated actor who mumbles in his speech. Gordan Kicic is employing a wide range of acting tools and techniques, but his character lacks authenticity - it feels more like a showcase of acting skills, rather than a genuine portrayal. At times, Nada Sargin falls into the trap of overacting and exaggerated drama, giving off a slightly caricatural vibe. Jelena Djokic is mesmerizing, but unfortunately she is portraying always the same character. And her speech articulation is terrible.
  • The series is visually beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, enjoyable to watch. The plot unfolds too slowly. If this is a thriller, it often lacks tension and suspense.

    While Hana Selimovic has moments of brilliance, her overall performance is stiff, unnatural, with bad speech articulation and enunciation. When it comes to Dragan Bjelogrlic, I feel like he plays his ego-ideal with a touch of narcissism. It seems like he's gotten too immersed in the role of a dangerous tycoon and it seems somewhat artificial, immature, almost juvenile. Jelena Djokic's beauty is mesmerizing on screen, but she has difficulties with diction and articulation. Vuk Jovanovic is somewhat bland - he doesn't make a distinct impression. Svetozar Cvetkovic, as usual, brings the same approach to every character he portrays.

    Miodrag Krivokapic is masterful, a classic-style actor. Dubravka Kovjanic is a top-notch actress, and she also has an incredibly beautiful voice. It's a shame that she is not on screen more often. Branislav Trifunovic is good in his portralyal - he seems authentic and natural. Ivan Djordjevic, is truly talented - he can handle various roles exceptionally well. Klara Cvetkovic deserves praise - it's uncommon to see a child actor in Serbian TV series who genuinely knows how to act. This girl is spontaneous, authentic, and you don't feel any cringe while watching her. Even though she is, of course, the child of actors.
  • Seson 1:

    The plot is getting more interesting with each passing episode. However, something seems very unrealistic - I'm not sure if it's the dialogue, the acting, or the direction, but there's a discord somewhere. The romantic narrative involving Aleksandar and Jelena in the initial season feels completely implausible and forced, with her actions notably lacking in logic and narrative justification.

    Natasa Ninkovic disappointed me. Despite being considered one of the greatest divas, her performance here feels artificial, unconvincing, over-affected and sometimes even hysterical. Nina Jankovic is stunning, but her acting is somewhat shallow. Aleksandar Filimonovic is quite unconvincing. Jelisaveta Orasanin is notably lacking depth in her acting skills. Andrea Rzanicanin simply doesn't know how to act - she is a disgrace to the profession. Milica Sipovac is stiff and lacks authenticity. Slavko Labovic "acting" is painful to watch - cringe! Miodrag Radonjic's lack of talent is almost comical. On the other hand, Vuk Kostic, who is often considered a mediocre actor, is not so bad. Perhaps because I didn't expect anything at all. He's not even the worst actor in the cast. Occasionally, he appears distant, almost robotic, but there are instances where he truly shines!

    While I may not personally appreciate Mirjana Karanovic, she convincingly brings to life the character of a cold, unscrupulous, and ruthless police director. Tihomir Stanic is an acting veteran with flawless diction! Uliks Fehmiu is truly masterful in his portrayal. Elizabeta Djorevska is a good actress of the old-fashioned style. Aleksandar Djurica is a revelation for me - his acting is natural, authentic and unpretentious. Predrag Bijelac is very charismatic. Marko Janketic is among the better actors of the young generation - authentic, with a rich range of acting skills, and you simply trust him. Katarina Radivojevic is a good actress and I would love to see her on screen more often. Ivan Djordjevic is quite solid in his small role.

    Season 2:

    The second season is significantly less dynamic - the story unfolds at a slower pace, resulting in much less tension and excitement. There are moments when it becomes boring to watch.

    Tihomir Arsic is absolutely brilliant. It's been a while since I last watched him and I am happy to see him back on screen! In the second season, Marko Janketic takes it to the next level - the character he portrays is fully vibrant, natural, and authentic. Despite my initial negative opinion about Milena Vasic, she pleasantly surprised me. This role suits her well. Slavko Stimac is very good. Natasa Ninkovic is much better in the second season - she has more to work with. In the first season, she was constantly playing drunk, intoxicated character. Uros Jovcic's portrayal of a young lawyer in a caricatural miniature role is excellent. Bojana Stefanovic manages to steal the spotlight in her brief appearance. She's truly an outstanding actress, and it's a shame she's not more present on screen. Radoslav Milenkovic is, as usual, absolutely brilliant in his brief appearance. Marko Gvero is incredibly charming in his minor role as a field cop. While I didn't have a particularly high opinion of Andrija Milosevic's acting skills, he does a good job in this role. Milos Petrovic Trojpec is a breath of fresh air, exuding authenticity and natural charm.

    Vuk Kostic disappoints in the second season. His acting appears limited to embodying the "tough guy", but when it comes to emotional scenes, it becomes uncomfortable to watch. He is struggling to express emotions. Miodrag Radonjic is even worse than in the first season. He poorly delivers text lines with meaningless, dull facial expression. Mina Sovtic has an unusually enchanting face, but her speech and diction are terrible - not something one would expect from a professional actress. Isidora Simijonovic is beautiful, but she also struggles with speech articulation (not just in this role). It seems to be a common issue among many young Serbian actors.
  • The series kicks off intriguingly, drawing the viewer into its world. Tension is built up gradually. Perhaps a bit too slow - the actual thriller begins to emerge in the 6th episode. First five episodes are are overly stretched. And, there's something not quite right - the story feels oddly disjointed and fragmented. Some aspects of the story feel hollow. It's unclear whether the problem lies in the script, direction, or editing... From the sixth episode onwards, the quality of the series significantly improves - it is tense, filled with dynamic and unexpected twists. But, the conclusion feels unsatisfactory, as if the narrative fizzled out like a deflated balloon.

    Mirjana Jokovic is a diva, and I'm thrilled that she's back! However, the true star of this series is Ermin Bravo - it's been a while since I've seen such an excellent performance. Marija Pikic, playing the role of a mother who has lost her son, is heart-wrenching - her sorrow is profound, authentic, and genuine. Isidora Minic, although not making a strong impression on me at the beginning of the series, shines in the final episodes! Nebojsa Milovanovic delivers a nice performance in his role - it's both natural and authentic. Nikola Glisic is excellent - a true breath of fresh air. Djordje Mitrovic, in the role of the young inspector, is a real discovery for me - he acts precisely, naturally, and he's both charming, and good-looking. Bojana Stefanovic performs well in her limited role. It's unfortunate that she doesn't get more screen time. Borka Tomovic is excellent - impeccable diction (which is rare among younger actors), precise, and authentic acting. Jelena Puzic shines in her small role - she is spontaneous, natural, authentic, vibrant and charming. Vahid Dzankovic, as always, delivers a heartfelt, sincere, and moving performance, skillfully conveying emotions through his acting.

    On the other side, Danica Nedeljkovic is very bad, to the point that it's uncomfortable to watch her "acting". Her unnatural performance and awkwardness are cringeworthy to witness. The role was probably secured and given to her through social connections, as there's no apparent reason for this casting otherwise. Ana Franic appears overly artificial and unnatural, which is quite unpleasant to watch. Uliks Fehmiu, although a great star, didn't manage to make a great impression in this particular role - his performance seems flat and lacking expression.
  • Jasmila Zbanic has proven herself as an excellent screenwriter, once again reaffirming her talent. Creating characters with depth and sincerity, she captures the essence of real people. The dialogues feel genuine and real.

    The story is filled with small details that will bring a smile to your face, touch your heart, or perhaps bring a tear to your eye. It's all done with subtlety and balance.

    Notable highlight of this show is remarkable cinematography and visuals, portraying both exterior and interior scenes, that evoke a strong sense of (yugo)nostalgia. Sometimes, it's the small details - like a pot on the table and worn-out tiles in the kitchen - that add a touch of authenticity.

    Selma Alispahic, portraying the mother of the boy who took his own life, displays subtle emotions that resonate deeply. Her performance is truly remarkable and will be remembered as a standout achievement in acting. Bravo! Kemal Rizvanovic is excellent, spontaneous, authentic - a real breath of fresh air on screen! Jelena Kordic Kuret is spectacular - it's my first time watching her I am delighted by her performance! Izudin Bajrovic is a top-notch actor - he portrays the pain of a father who lost a child, all in a subtle and authentic manner. Jasna Djuricic is a diva - we always expect the best from her, and she consistently delivers.

    On the other side, Lazar Dragojevic is too old to be a high school student (and it is evident).
  • This series may not be the pinnacle of Serbian cinematography, but it is certainly decent. The storyline is intriguing - concept perhaps stronger than its execution, but definitely worth watching.

    The fate of women in the Balkans is inherently tragic, and during periods of war and turmoil, it becomes even more poignant. This series adeptly captures and portrays this harsh reality.

    Petar Zekavica delivers a masterful performance as the cold German officer. His attractiveness and charisma make him an outstanding choice for the role.

    Regarding Jovana Stojiljkovic, I have mixed feelings. Although there isn't enough variability in her expressiveness, she brings depth and emotion to her roles, effectively portraying women's suffering. In a way, it seems like she consistently portrays the same character. But you ... believe her. Despite playing in a similar vein across projects, she maintains authenticity.

    Viktor Savic pleasantly exceeded my expectations. Initially, I doubted his acting abilities, but he infused the screen with warmth and authenticity.

    On the other hand, Zlatija Ocokoljic is an unfortunate choice for the "femme fatale" role. Her face and artistic expression don't align well with the demands of such a character.
  • Season 1:

    I can't find anything positive to say about Ratko Dmitrovic. So, I was very skeptical about the series based on his book. However, this story is intriguing. Despite the excessively slow pace at which it unfolds. The story is unnecessarily stretched across 12 episodes. Everything could have been condensed into 8 episodes, resulting in a more dynamic and higher-quality narrative.

    There are many other issues as well. Dialogues are sometimes entirely unrealistic and clichéd. CGI is unbearable to watch. UNBEARABLE. Additionally, I get the impression that the creators don't believe the audience to be overly intelligent (which might be true, given that this is a series for a broad audience). Certain things are explained as if for a simpleton. The camera work is sometimes so poor that I believe this wouldn't even pass as a student film project. The music is not used appropriately - at times, it's unnecessary and intrusive, while in some scenes, it's sorely lacking. The opening credits design is cringe-worthy, releasing something like that in the 21st century is simply unbelievable.

    Episode 3 is almost like a parody (CGI at its lowest point). It requires superhuman patience to watch it until the end.

    The cast is rather uneven. On one hand, there are accomplished actors delivering top-notch performances, while on the other, recognizable names grapple with acting challenges or unknown actors demonstrate why they are unknown. As a result, scenes featuring both exceptional and mediocre performances start to resemble a parody.

    Aleksandar Radojicic is a breath of fresh air, proving to be quite good in his role. Miroslav Krivokapic once again confirms his talent, although, unfortunately, he remains an underrated actor. Momcilo Otasevic pleasantly surprised me, as I initially considered him a soap opera actor (He's not Marlon Brando, but he acts quite decently, considering the standards of young contemporary ex Yu actors). Danica Radulovic is very charming and radiates warmth and unobtrusiveness. Vahid Dznakovic has a remarkable talent, his performance brings a refreshing authenticity. Aleksandar Sreckovic Kubura, though not my favorite, has showcased his acting proficiency once again. Aleksandra Balmazovic is truly delightful in her comedic portrayal, a small yet entertaining gem. Katarina Madirazza lights up the screen with grace and beauty. Tijana Curovic, although significantly less known and recognized than Anica Dobra, delivers a much more captivating performance in the role of Professor Miskovic's wife.

    On the other side, Milena Radulovic appears the same in every film or series - expressionless, stiff, and artificial. Who led Isidora Jankovic to believe she could act? Her performance appears unnatural and forced, leaving the audience uneasy - probably the biggest embarrassment on the Serbian acting scene. Irfan Mensur's performance is on the borders of comical. I won't even comment on Sanja Radisic's full-blown melodrama acting. Svetozar Cvetkovic - while he excels in some scenes, there were moments that left me disappointed.
  • This is actually several series within one. They changed actors, cinematography and narrative style.

    Season 6 (episodes 1-4) is unexpectedly dull. Elisabeth Debicki is charming and impeccably embodies Diana. Imelda Staunton is, undoubtedly, a first-class actress. Dominic West also delivers a standout performance. The young actor embodying Prince Harry (Fflyn Edwards) is outstanding - genuine and warmly authentic.

    However, I find the actor playing Prince William (Rufus Kampa) quite unconvincing. His bizarre head tilting, exaggerated hunching and peculiar vibe give the impression of some autistic spectrum disorder, very far from the young Prince William we all remember. This significantly dampened my overall impression.

    A particular issue in the sixth (and somewhat in the fifth) season is the racially insensitive portrayal of the Al Fayed family.

    My favorite season is the second, especially the story of Princess Margaret. Vanessa Kirby is mesmerizing - when she appears on the screen, she captivates you. My favorite episode is 'Beryl' (one of the best depictions of a love story I've seen recently).
  • In the first few episodes plot is painfully slow and drawn out. Later, story becomes intriguing. Episode 8 is a masterpiece. It is emotional, touching, nostalgic, like a strange, misty dream... an episode you'll be thinking about long after you've watched the series.

    Constraint of budget in the production is, unfortunately, apparent and visible (budget-friendly set design and bunch of unknown actors).

    Vahid Dzankovic is exceptional! It's been quite a while since an actor has left such a profound impression on me. I hope great future and many high-profile roles are ahead of him. Ivana Vukovic is beautiful, with a captivating screen presence. Marija Petrovic, portraying the character of little Sonja, delivers a truly spectacular performance! Zoltan Devai is brilliant in his miniature! Stefan Vukic and Ivana Jovanovic are delivering fine performances. Natasa (Solak) Tapuskovic, to be frank, left me somewhat disappointed. However, I must add that her character speaks mostly in English, which undoubtedly adds an extra layer of complexity to her role.
  • Suspenseful, emotional, yet doesn't lack funny moments.

    The storyline unfolds at a somewhat slow pace, yet manages to captivate the audience's attention. What sets "Deca Zla" apart is its deliberate avoidance of explicit sex scenes and the absence of gratuitous violence - a refreshing departure from the prevalent trend in contemporary Serbian cinema, which often leans heavily on showcasing excessive bloodshed and nudity.

    A significant flaw lies in the predictability - by the 7th episode, I accurately predicted almost every twist and turn.

    Radovan Vujovic delivers an outstanding performance. Jana Milosavljevic is impressive, flawlessly sheds her Eastern European accent. Her performances in this series is truly noteworthy. Nikola Kojo, as expected, delivers a consistently strong performance. Ana Franic, in her limited role, shines brilliantly. Mihailo Laptosevic, who takes on the role of the antique dealer, might have a limited time on screen but his performance exudes authenticity, warmth, and brilliance. Emina Muftic, portraying Munevera, is truly enchanting.

    On the other side, Anica Dobra is a major disappointment. Jovana Stojiljkovic seems to fall into the trap of consistently displaying the same facial expressions and diction, as if she is perpetually playing the same character, regardless of the role. And does she really need to be featured in a sex scene in every film or show she appears in? Milica Janevski is good, but sometimes overacting. Slaven Doslo - his acting skills seem ... lacking.
  • 13 November 2023
    The series starts off well - story seems interesting, easy to follow, and captivating. Dialogues are dynamic, authentic, and unpretentiously funny and characters quickly draw you in.

    However, the quality of the series goes up and down from one episode to the next. Some parts are really good, showing the show's potential, but there are moments that fall a bit short. The script occasionally descends into complete mess. Sometimes it feels like the genre shifts into satire or even mockery, and I'm not sure if it's intentional (Tasmajdan shooting scene). Nevertheless, the script is sprinkled with small, refreshingly funny details and juicy twists that compensate for its shortcomings.

    Gordan Kicic and Ljubomir Bandovic are excellent, as usual. Vukasin Jovanovic is brilliant, definitely a rising star. Vaja Dujovic and Ana Mandic are delightful. Their performance exudes spontaneity, authenticity, and warmth. I didn't recognize Rade Milenkovic in the first episode. His ability to transform into the creepy character is simply amazing. I have mixed feelings about Nikolina Friganovic's acting, it is like a rollercoaster - moments of brilliance followed by disappointing downturns. And sometimes she slips into her native accent and elongations. Jelena Stupljanin's acting feels forced, exaggerated, and unconvincing, which surprised me as I considered her to be a good actress.

    The opening credits are dreadful / the aesthetics do not align with the genre at all.
  • Every moment of this cinematic time capsule is mesmerizing!

    The cinematography is excellent, effectively capturing the essence of the 70s atmosphere in every frame, with keen attention to detail in recreating the ambiance of that time. Every frame feels like a journey to the past.

    Rasa Bukvic in the leading role is excellent, as well as Milos Timotijevic. Boris Milivojevic, in a small role, once again shines brightly. Mirko Vlahovic's miniature is like a hidden gem in the show. Miki Manojlovic as usual falls into the territory of overacting with a somewhat mannered style.

    A must-watch for those seeking an immersive and visually stunning trip down memory lane!
  • The storyline is intriguing and keeps your attention... until the very end. Unfortunately, in the last episode everything falls apart, there is a lack of resolution or explanation. The series falters in its conclusion, leaving the audience without any satisfying resolution or clarity. The potential for a more profound exploration of the central narrative seems unrealized, leaving a void in the overall satisfaction of the storytelling. It's unfortunate that the series stumbles in its conclusion.

    Nevertheless, the historical episodes depicting the construction of Block 27 in Socialist Yugoslavia are outstanding - the cinematography is excellent, the narrative is tense and exciting. The spirit of the time is completely captured.

    I would have liked to see more time devoted to this aspect, perhaps even making it the central narrative of the story. I believe it would have added much more excitement and depth to the overall plot.
  • I really enjoyed this! Nice thriller, juicy twists, great for binge watching.

    I must admit that my expectations were modest at best, but this series managed to exceed them in ways that left me impressed.

    Story is excellent, except for the last episode, which is slow and somewhat unfinished.

    One of the standout features of this show is its nuanced exploration of complex psychological themes. The portrayal of childhood trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is both poignant and realistic, drawing the audience into the characters' emotional struggles.

    Anjelka Prpic emerges as a revelation in her role, delivering a performance that goes beyond expectations. She is actually very good actress, which is pleasant surprise for me.

    Toni Mihalovski, Ljubomir Bandovic and Rade Milenkovic are outstanding (as usual).
  • Worth your time? No!

    Funny? No!

    Feministic? No!

    Well written? No!

    Well directed? No!

    Guilty pleasure? Not even that!

    This movie is simply ... unbearable to watch! Annoying and pointless. Dumb and stupid. Definition of cringe.

    Awful soundtrack. Bizarre script. Trying way too hard to be funny relevant. And failing.

    I kept looking at the time to see when it would be over. And I did not even get halfway through before turning it off.

    There are some funny jokes. And Beanie Feldstein is good (as always, even in this rubbish movie). Nothing more.

    I did not expect much, but I am still very disappointed. Overhyped. Don't waste your time on this.
  • Submarines are excellent setting for murder mystery (no way out, tension...)

    A little bitt disappointing ending, but overall great TV show. Thriller/mystery parts is amazing, personal/drama - ok, but a bit boring.