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Reacher: New York's Finest
Episode 6, Season 2

Fight of flight
The episode includes ridiculous fighting strategy like stepping in front of machine gun fire and predictable outcomes. Unworthy of Reacher or the previous episodes. He and his team are not supposed to be stupid. This was too close to what you would expect from a 5th season of a tired TV series.

I expect anyone living in NYC will wonder about the empty streets and how someone can drive across multiple blocks and boroughs to come help someone who is chased in a car. The chasing car passengers were shooting with guns that have infinite bullets at full automatic. No police reacted. No collateral damage in the city.

Too much for my suspension of disbelief.

I hope we can get back to what separates Reacher from the others, clever ruthless tactics and outsmarting the enemy. The trick with improvised suppressor was different at least.


Does not treat the audience as slow minded
The story is as complex and as well done as Primer. I generally don't like time travel stories but at least this was different. Yes, it's complex but there is the charm. Loose one line, and you might loose the whole thread.

More of this, less marvel universe, please!

Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny

At times there was some rock but roll it did not
I was hoping for a funny movie with some good rock. There was, I feel one good moment with the devil who surprisingly can act. OK, I must say The music was loud but not classic. Jack and Kyle would have done better if they had relied on classics instead of their own music. Pity. When they used other people's music, the result was much better. The best instance of this in the whole film was Bach with a twist. That almost made me a fan for the Tenacious D.

Jokes were lame and not inventive. Possibly the best one is the beginning telling about JB's childhood.

It could have been sooo much better. Next time, boys, please.

The Favour, the Watch and the Very Big Fish

Different brand of comedy: it is funny and witty
This movie is certainly not everyone's cup of tea. Mine it is, big time. Rarely have I seen a movie that I liked more than this one. I wonder why others don't like it. What is it they don't see that I see? Or is there something that bothers them but not me? The pace is slow, yes, but there are a lot of details and twists to keep me easily entertained. And the pace is certainly faster than in Greenaway's movies. When I saw it the first time, I couldn't wait to see what weird happens next.

The movie is more strange that intellectual. However, I think it cannot be enjoyed by Americans who expect to enjoy a film also (only ?) if they leave their brains home. You might say there is something European in the whole thing.

Hotel Rwanda

Sometimes a story alone makes a movie
There are movies that even though their quality as a movie may not be more than average, the story makes it better. In this case, there is no greater story. The madness and the kindness of human kind. What is anything that may happen compared to this. If this was not a true story, no one would believe it.

It makes me wonder what would I have done in a similar situation. Would I have run with the other westerners or would I have stayed and died to protect my Rwandan friends? I would like to believe that I would have stood against hatred and killing.

The unshown tragedy is that the whole division between Tutsi and Hutu is artificial. It was Belgians who originally divided the Rwandans to the upper and lower class to mirror the society they were used to in their own country. Then they increased the division by educating only the upper class that they called Tutsi.

The whole story is so unreal that it could be written by Orwell. But it wasn't. This really happened and people really are like this. Horrid.


Frankly, I expected more
Since the movie came out, I haven't heard much anything but good things about it. Therefore, I was surprised by how mediocre a movie it really is.

It is understandable that Holleywood could not present the historical events without serious simplifications. How else could the American public understand it. Blacks are fighting for their freedom with pure hearts. The only trouble maker is just angry at the world and settles down before the end. The whites are either assholes or enlightened moral men with iron back bone. This is so far from real life it makes me puke.

Let me first tell you what annoyed me about the movie: at the time when American government is more than ever using blatant violence to secure their own interests around the world, this kind of glorification of war and killing sickened me. If the American civil war really had been about values I might excuse it, but it was not. It was about cotton, molasses and grain. Southern states had it, northerners didn't. That's what the blacks were fighting for, not their freedom.

The men they were killing weren't their true enemies, for the most part. Just a bunch of other poor folks. There is no Glory in war. Just killing and dying with more or less bravery, but glory, no.

As normally in war movies, dieing was too clean. War is not clean. The bullet rarely seeks the heart. Slaying someone with a bayonet certainly is not clean and bloodless.

I am not squeamish. I like a good action movie, even a splatter once in a while, but they are not serious. Glory took itself much too seriously to be a mindless action movie.

The movie could have been so much more. There were elements for great drama in there, but the writing took all the short cuts available to it. Such pity.

Why did I then give it as much as 7/10? Because Glory is not a bad movie, just a disappointment.

Sin City

Has and has not
What it has is ... well... looks. Some would say that there is a story too, but not really. Plots in movies have been reduced to such simple lines, that one is tempted to call a few twists and turns exiting.

From the description of others, I expected more graphic violence. This certainly is not children's movie, but neither are the original cartoons for kids.

Sin City is visually so stunning that I am almost willing to forget its simple story. The truth is, however, that towards the end of the movie I was hoping for something surprising to happen. It didn't. At least not at the same level as the visuals. Too bad. If Tarantino had written the story, the movie could have been truly amazing. Now, the movies is 2 points short of perfect.

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Badly acted, terrible plot, horrible dialog, but good special effects
What else can I say other than that I am disappointed. You fellow evaluators have overrated this movie far above its appeal. I certainly now understand why Lucas had to start from episode IV and not the special effects operas before it. BUT I would rather exchange the effects to better depicted characters, better dialog and good acting. There is none of this in the movie. Ian McDiarmid as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is the best actor of the bunch. Hayden Christensen, I am sorry, but if you can act, you didn't do it in this movie.

There were elements for suspense, surprise, tragedy, and even comedy. All of them were lost unused. I haven't seen such a bland movie in a long time. Pity. I really wanted to like this movie. That's probably why I give even 7 out of 10.

Behind Enemy Lines

American gun ho bullshit
I actually liked Owen Wilson better in this action role than in his comedy roles. His comedy roles have been so stereotypical that it was actually nice to see him doing something else than his one and the same comedy role

The movie itself was that typical, American gun ho bullshit that looks like a military recruitment commercial. As other commentators have pointed out, the military "facts" were horrible. The one attempt at taking a look at the local people and events that might have been interesting, was cut short. There was no insight to how the local's feel about Americans and why.

The ending, as pretty much anything in the middle, was predictable.

As I said, I did like Owen in this new role and I did like the visuals. Nice special effects.

I just wish I would have required to use my brain to understand the movie. The situation in Bosnia is certainly complex enough to allow a more complex plot.

Barton Fink

Good acting, haunting atmosphere, but...
Good acting, haunting atmosphere, but I cannot help myself. I found the movie boring. I didn't find it entertaining. I didn't find it deep. I didn't find it interesting. Worst of all, I was bored. Good acting and imagery does not manage to keep me entertained. Sorry, Coen brothers. To me, this is my least favourite film from you. I hesitate to say it is bad, because others obviously liked it. I just didn't.

I much more prefer Miller's Crossing or Arizona Baby. Fargo? Jaa, it is excellent too. Why? There is a story. Apparently I need a story in the movies that I like. Need I tell you that I am a great Tarantino fan.

If only had there been a little suspense. Or something to relate to. And those who think I don't like other than mainstream movies, I simply adore "The cook, the thief, his wife and her lover"

Tanoshî Mûmin ikka

This series is first about the atmosphere and then the plot
The first commentor complitely missed the point. It is, however, refreshing to see someone who apparently did not like Moominland stories.

The Japanese TV series is amazingly close in atmosphere to the original books. Much of this is assumably because of the author, Tove Jansson, spent a lot of time looking over how her characters are treated by others.

Let's look at it from this point of view: isn't it nice to see a show where each character is an individual. Not everyone is either picture book good or simply bad. Amidst all the adveture, dangers, monsters, comets, and unexpected events there is an overall atmosphere of love and acceptance the characters feel for each other. This is completely opposite from Pokemon that I would not let my children to watch.

And one more possibly important item: Moominland stories are children's stories that adults like to read and watch as well. Children, at least in Finland, are simply hypnotized by them.

My only wish is that these will come out on DVD before my children have grown up.

The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover

I saw this film three times in the theatre
It has been a while when I last saw this film. When it came out to cinemas, I simply loved it. It somehow amused me that every time I went to see it, large part of the audience left before the end.

Visually, the movie is stunning. As a story, it touched me. Yes, the story is simple, shocking, brutal, and maybe even pointless. Not that many twists and turns but still... In brutal, pointless world, it is ecouraging to see brief moments of love. Was this the message of the movie? Who cares. To me movies are experiences, not pieces of something to be analyzed.

This film haunts me. I remember only one other movie to have blown me away like this: Pedro Almodovar's "Matador". I must see both of them again and again.

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