
IMDb member since December 2001
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    IMDb Member
    22 years



Crazy and funny
The film is really a lot of fun and nothing else but fun. It is like a comic strip on the screen, and in that regard it could be compared to some of the everlasting favourites, like "Who framed Roger Rabbit", or "Zazie in Metro". It's a pity it hasn't been translated to English, or at least the copy I've seen wasn't, but I sincerely hope that someone will realise its potentials.

Lots of the remarks are familiar to anyone who ever lived in the old Yugoslavia, and represent classic ways of always-ready-comments-to-anything.

Highly recommended, once the English subtitles are made available. And, for the Serbian community around the world: gledajte ga, smejacete se!


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Brilliant - a real masterpiece!
I love reading books ever since I was a child and I enjoy movies just the same. As it goes, I was disappointed so many times when seeing a movie after reading the book it was based on. (There were very few exceptions.) I have also seen, end enjoyed, most (if not all) of the great movie phantasies created during the 20th century. And, I don't remember saying the word "masterpiece" about the movies too often.

Now this movie brings together all potentials to be the most successful of all time: - based on the book already a revolution in its popularity - manages to convey to the viewer the same atmosphere from the book, and even enhances it using the balanced amount of animation - had an agressive advertising campaign - employs the cream of the British acting.

There is certainly more, but I feel this should be enough for a quick review. And, I must say, I feel almost guilty for trying to analyse such a remarkable piece of art - I should really say only 6 words:


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