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A film more prescient today than upon it's release. A Principled Prosecutor ensuring correct and Just Courtroom procedure.
This film is more prescient than ever, considering many District Attorneys no longer follow their own guidelines. Here we have a very Principled individual whose primariy concerned with ensuring Right, Justice and legal proceedings are upheld. A District Attorneys primary responsibility being clearly stated in their own guidelines, the right and proper administration of Justice, winning being a secondary consideration.

This film is worthy of one's time. The grittier feel and technique contributed to the realism and conviction, certainly assisting in the effective communication of the films central message. Another two films based on true miscarriages of Justice have also benefited from similar gritty techniques, The Wrong Man understandably being the least gritty of the three.

The actors, certainly in the central roles, acquitted themselves with aplomb both emotionally and with conviction. I have rated this film a 10/10 for all of the above reasons, but probably its central message and increased prescience today moved it from a 9/10 to 10/10.

The Enforcer

Dirty Harry with his humanity finally exposed.
Whilst not your typical Dirty Harry movie, certainly one well worth seeing. I must admit that my initial reaction was underwhelming. However, as the relationship and interaction between Dirty Harry and his female partner develop from his initial dismissiveness to acceptance and finally respect my reaction became favourable.

This was more a character based Film. Therefore I can understand why someone expecting the typical action which this genre of film normally delivers would be disappointed.

The closing scenes are unforgettable, partly due to the very effective acting by Clint Eastwood and Tyne Daly.

The final scenes Cinematography was also undoubtedly a large contributory factor, certainly to this individuals emotional response.

Only one film has elicited a similar emotional response, "On Her Majesty's Secret Service". Once again, the very final scene.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service

James Bond tempered by Humanity and Caring True Love, with Audience gasping ending.
I first saw "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" upon it's first Cinematic release. After the previous James Bond Films, one was initially trepidatious. Thankfully, any doubts soon evaporated regarding the Films overall integrity. The occasions which irritated, were probably decided before Filming actually occurred.

The Title design and certain early lines breaking the fourth wall were somewhat disconcerting, possibly an attempt to secure Audience identification and secondly humour with line "This never happened to the other guy". But to this then twelve year-old teenager, it indicated the insecurity of a production team with apparent uncertain convictions regarding the films ability to achieve success purely on its inherent qualities and merits.

The ambience of the opening scenes, being unlike anything I had previously experienced in a James Bond Film, relieved any remaining trepidation. The Film was certainly different, obviously Cinematic, yet also conveying that particular emotional state of lonesome-ness. The necessary conviction in the effective communication of complex emotions and conditions, actually required both an untypical 'Bond Girl" and sensitive human "James Bond".

The action scenes were, as with previous James Bond Films, very effective. Though undoubtedly assisted by the appropriate ambience the, less incredulous, special effects were more believable. For once, the acceptable limits of the Audience's credibility was not being tested. Rather, it was the Audience's trust and faith in a more character based Film that was being tested.

Judging by the Audience's reaction, few people would have left the Cinema Theatre disappointed. We have all viewed at least one Film that has become Formative in our life, this was one.

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