
IMDb member since November 2021
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America's Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders

Appalled at the outdated views of the coaches and lack of compensation for the women
I started watching this show because I thought it would be inspiring to see athletes (similar to Cheer) compete and perform and train (in dance) to be their best selves. Once I began watching I was immediately turned off to hear how litttle these women are paid for their time, dedication and efforts. As someone who grew up dancing I know how difficult it is to find a career in dance and this show proves that these women are truly not valued. They give their blood sweat and tears to this team (after having to work their real jobs during the day) just to receive so little compensation to be on one of the most famous cheer teams in the world. I was appalled.

Then there was more.... They analyze every part of their bodies, don't want them to be fit (just skinny), bring them up then tear them down. Cut 2 brown girls first (more specifically one was so entrancing to watch and had the most beautiful fit body - of course that wasn't why they said they cut her buuuttt I'm just making my own assumptions).

Anyway I get that these women need to look good in the costumes. But it's 2024- time for some different (still fit still thin) body types. Athletes, bootys, boobs, short hair..... they exist and people like them. These old women with old views should retire. Makes me sad to see.

American Horror Story: When the Bough Breaks
Episode 3, Season 12

The progression is too slow, characters aren't likeable
I can't empathize with a main character who has little to no redeeming qualities and can't seem to find joy in a single aspect of her life. This is really not scary and feels very typical with the same type of "oh you're going crazy" things that are occurring. I gave it 3 full episodes and I don't think I will be continuing with this season.

I thought maybe because it was adapted from a book it may be more cohesive than previous seasons and not make so many strange turns like they do sometimes, but I feel like almost nothing has even happened.

I usually love Emma Roberts, and maybe it's the direction, but she is just not interesting or likeable in this series. Her character is very vanilla and I have a difficult time understanding how she would even be a celebrity.

Do I like Kim Kardashian? Absolutely not, but it's not even her that has ruined this for me. Maybe the book is better.

Jane Fonda & Lily Tomlin: Ladies Night Live

Some funny moments
Too many of these comedians hung up on pandemic jokes. It's getting old- try something different. The ones who went in a different direction were actually funny .

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