
IMDb member since November 2001
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    22 years


A Time to Heal

Just what I needed to watch!!!!
ON Thanksgiving Eve, I just happened to have turned on this movie and was amazed at how close to home it hit. This is the one year anniversary of my husband's fall from a ladder, resulting in brain surgery. I have lived through EVERYTHING that Jay in the movie did; the emotional roller coasters, the coma, the ventilator, the trach, the endless therapies, both in and out-patient. On and On!! But what REALLY hit me was his struggle with "just wanting his wife back". Even tho I said the same prayers "to just let him live" and "I'll push him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life if necessary", I now, too, struggle with acceptance of this new person I'm married to and the anger, short-temperedness that makes me feel SO guilty.

The movie allowed me to CRY for hours; sometimes for remembering how horrible it was to go through, and sometimes to sympathize with Jay's inability to handle it as Jenny improved. Some days I want to give up and divorce him, but I keep telling myself to stick it out and learn something from this ordeal. Thank you making a movie that so closely pictured my life and situation. I'd love more information about the writer and WHY she wrote it.

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