
IMDb member since October 2001
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    IMDb Member
    22 years


My Spy

A great and really funny comedy and great acting teamwork to make it possible.
Its been rare to find a good movie during the last year filled with reruns and horribly bad plots carried by nice CGI alone. Instead TV-shows have stepped up and really set new standards in quality in all categories. Especially in the writing department not forgetting about the main purpose. To tell a story, an epic story and the way its being told depends on the actors and the allocated funds which have been very generous among the best made.

Watching the trailer gave me a very good approximation of the movie and what to expect. There are plenty of jokes to go around so its not one of those trailers showing everything thats good in a movie and then you find out the rest is trash. =) My rating is based on the genre and is only relevant for comparing the same types of movies aiming towards giving the audience a great story taking some liberties with realism from the get go. Not trying to portray how CIA works in reality, not even remotely close. So ignore the laws and regulations found in real life and instead enjoy their version of CIA from a comedy standpoint thats not stupid but instead hilarious and a backbone for the predicament facing the character played by Batista.

The plot is great when it comes to creating a seamless flow of interaction between the main characters. The girl helps out a lot with her acting skills which are really good for someone her age and she makes the duo come to life and creates the basis for many of the really funny scenes and jokes. If your looking for a feel good movie with a lot of scenes so funny its impossible to not laugh hard.😀😄 While at the same time with a good flow and no dead time in-between scenes, you should definitely see My Spy.

Transporter 2

An insult to the viewer
Can be summarized as the most unreal action movie ever made and with a bad story too. The director must see the viewers as complete idiots. If you like to waste 1,5 hours of your life this movie is for you. This is a movie you should get paid for seeing. An example. In what world can you crash a yet plane with full speed into the sea and then just swim away? And his bullet proof car is really ridiculous. There is no material know to man that being about 3 mm thick and transparent can take hits from machine gun bullets and leave no mark. The same goes to the paint job on the car. Bullets leave marks on every car. But if its a bullet proof car the difference is that they don't get to the driver!

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