
IMDb member since October 2021
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    3 years



The twists,the plots,the characters,they're very good,very nailbiting stories that inspire me to be a good writer myself and with hope that one day I write the show. Ocre Moving Pictures is doing a very excellent job in keeping us glued and shocked everyday,continue the great work.


Excellent Telenovela
This has got to be the best thing South Africa has ever been served,thank you Tshedza Pictures,thank you to all those who work on the show,we really appreciate it.

The River

Season 4 is bad,just bad
The writers of season 1 to season 3 are probably no longer editing and writing the story this season,the start was grippling like in every start of every season,it started with a disaster,like in every start of every season,the murder was somehow linked to Lindiwe,like in every start of every season, but this point is understandable coz she's Ms. Invincible of the show,as it progressed she obviously got out of harm's way like in every season, this season the stakes were like in every season BUT COME ON why'd she win,she's killed like 90 times before without any consequences,I'll be patient though,hopefully it improves.

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