
IMDb member since October 2021
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From Black

Entitled Mom Gets Her Genie Wish
What would you do to bring back a loved one from the dead? If you answered "ANYTHING" then this movie will have you constantly aggravated.

The protagonist of this movie is absolutely unbearable. She has the chance to bring back her child, but squanders the opportunity due to cowardice, entitlement, and ultimately selfishness.

Think of the movie Taken, where Liam Neeson has to infiltrate a human trafficking ring to get his daughter home safely. Now imagine instead he just has to play a game of Uno (and he doesn't even have to win, just play) but he ends up rage quitting halfway through because the guy next to him keeps playing Skip cards and Liam is fed up with it. That is essentially what this gal did.

Here is the list of tasks she must complete to resurrect the innocent child she allowed to perish whilst she was high on drugs.

1. Take 3 days off work. She clearly was up for Employee of the Month and didn't want to jeopardize that.

2. Sit in a circle. I get it, sitting with your legs criss cross applesauce can be rather uncomfortable.

3. Repeat words. What human would want to mirror a parrot without the benefit of being perched on a pirate's shoulder?

4. Consume yucky stuff. I mean, sure, people have eaten things 10 times nastier in Round 2 of Fear Factor for the chance of winning $50k, but can you put a price on your child's life? Apparently yes, and it's less than $50k.

5. Reward another grieving parent with this same blessing. Spreading kindness is not all its built up to be. Afterwards, you have to deal with tears of joy and feeling whole inside for the first time in your life.

Look, maybe there was more to her sacrifice, but if that's the case then it wasn't made clear. As things stand, the list of things she had to do was easier than a Sorority House scavenger hunt. I would have gone through her list just to get the AC fixed on my 2008 Mercury Sable.

Perhaps the point of the story is that a former drug addict can never redeem themselves, or a bad parent will always be unfit. Even if that is the case, her selfishness just overcomes everything else in the film and you'll focus on that alone. That ruined the entire movie for me... and oh yeah, the audio levels are way off balance. Positives? The main guy helping her was a really good actor, the special effects were spot on, and the jarring score was effective.

Low Life

I Watched a Movie about a YouTuber *WHAT HAPPENS NEXT WILL SHOCK YOU*
Don't you hate reviews on here where they write their own movie synopsis? The site already has that at the top of the page, guy.

This movie is absolutely bonkers and really fun. I tried to figure out why I enjoyed it so much and came to the conclusion that it's sensationalized realism. Much like a reality TV show or wrestling, you know what happens is ridiculously fake but it toes the line of reality just enough for your brain to talk you into it being acceptable. While many decisions are WAY over the top, the overall progression to the insane places the plot takes you is mostly earned through clever storytelling.

Unfortunately, what I'd deem to be the most pivotal choice is the hardest pill to swallow. It very nearly took me out of the movie, but the acting is SO good in this. And not even just the main guy is remarkable, all the side characters do a phenomenal job in selling their roles as well.

I would put effort into telling you this is well worth watching but if you're reading this you've likely already seen the movie... who really reads these reviews about random films to decide if they want to watch them? Nobody. So I will add a spoiler part in case the same thing that bothered you also bothered me and then you can feel validated and sleep easy tonight.


The idea that some average schlub punching someone in the face a couple times is "almost killing him" is laughable (I legit started laughing hard when they said that). That rationale for not calling the cops just did not work, even more so with them living in a state that is famous for not prosecuting criminals. I wish that had been fleshed out better.

Instead of the reporter saying "the sheriff doesn't like vigilante justice because of lower conviction rates", I think "the sheriff said you've been getting multiple death threats because of the people you've put behind bars" would have worked better. Then, the rationale for not calling the cops could have been "I can't risk even one day in jail! There's people in there that want me dead!" which his friends can sympathize with to explain their going along.

But that final scene with the lady teacher explains so much about him and why he does what he does (assuming I am interpreting it accurately) and just brilliantly wraps it all in a bow in the span of just 10 seconds. It's a strong, strong finish to an already powerful script.


A Snob, A Sheep, & A Normie
Plot: Three gals who would likely never be friends take a road trip to... the woods? Here, they are stalked by a masked killer looking for internet clout.

Cast: Heather is a "fake on the outside" girl who is obsessed with social media. Riley is a "sad on the inside" girl who always sides with Big Tech, Big Government, and the Mainstream Media (basically the opposite of punk rock). Sam is a "down to Earth" girl with a recently troubled past. The supporting cast consists of a bumbling moron who works as a park ranger, a highly accurate and efficient killer EXCEPT when it comes time to kill a lead and he turns into a bumbling moron, and another bumbling moron who works as a park ranger.

Visuals: I enjoyed the camera work in this film. The cuts were spliced together nicely and there were some really cool shots, like one into a tent.

Audio: The underlying music made this nearly unwatchable. While it is intentionally jarring, that doesn't change the fact that it's... well, jarring. If you purposefully cook a bad burger then people are going to say it's a bad burger, right?

Performances: The acting was pretty good and much better than I expected it to be. I assume the goal of the writer was to make you hate Heather and Riley and they do a dayumed fine job of portraying that. Fortunately, Sam is a very likeable character and she ends up becoming the primary protagonist by the end.

Overall: I feel this movie would have actually been good if The Wolf had been more effective. There are no stakes once you see the killer would rather give 10 minute speeches like an 80s spy villain to the leads than, ya know, be a killer. When all of the lead characters survive by the end of a Horror film, you kind of know the movie has failed its audience.

Halloween at Aunt Ethel's

Surprisingly Humorous
I am shocked by all the 1 star ratings. I wonder if people just don't know how to properly set expectations. I found the movie to actually be pretty funny. There was some lowbrow "easy" comedy that worked (apathetic lovemaking) but also some witty moments (choke out, mystery apple). I legit laughed aloud a few times. Aside from the chuckles, the acting was okay (I even thought the main boyfriend guy was really good). The props and gore were completely serviceable. And if you're a fan of the mammories, there's plenty to go around. All in all I was glad I found this movie and enjoyed it more than 90% of the other low budget horror films I watch on Tubi. Listen, if you want an A5 Wagyu steak, don't eat a fast food burger. You should know from the jump a low budget horror will have a low budget taste. Name me 10 other low budget horror comedies that are better... name me 5... I bet you can't even name 3. And I had nothing to do with this movie, you can check my other reviews.


After witnessing the Tubi Original titled Titanic 666 (lol gets me everytime) I was certain this would be another unbearable experience. It wasn't. They actually threw money at some competent folks on this one.

The only gripe I have for this film is the never ending plucking of that Zeus forsaken guitar. I was hoping there'd be an after credits scene revealing the bloodbath that must have poured from that musician's fingers in order to accomplish that feat. Even during serious conversations, he was just tirelessly twanging away.

The 1st Act is so slowwww and when accompanied with that guitar, you may throw in the towel. However, the 2nd Act is pretty intriguing and the 3rd brings a satisfying conclusion.

The setting is unique for this genre. The acting was shockingly good. You assume the characters will be very one-note, but they end up having some depth. The plot reveals information at a solid pace to keep you engaged. While the twist feels a bit forced and confusing, it was still well written enough to enjoy. Overall, this felt like a really long episode of The Outer Limits (that's a compliment).

One last thing that apparently even writers never know, and I hope one person reads this and it sticks with them so they can pass it on somewhere in their life... when referring to a hanging, the past tense is HANGED not HUNG. So if someone was executed for a crime, you would say that they HANGED him.

(I rate movies based on expectations. You can't put Sharknado on the same scale as Jaws.)

Green Ghost and the Masters of the Stone

A Millionaire's Mother's Day Gift
My friend and I are the only 2 people in the theater which is always a great feeling as we can speak freely (not a slam by the way, this happens to us a lot where we live). We're only watching this because a Texas rule is to consume anything with Danny Trejo in it.

About 10 minutes into the movie, the plot, effects, and acting make us say "Why is this in theaters instead of a free streaming service?" We begin to deconstruct what's happening. As children, the 3 main characters are all the same age, yet as adults, Charlie is 15+ years older so now we've moved on to "Why is this guy the lead?" We start wondering if this is a regular guy who's so rich that he managed to fund a film just so he could see himself on the big screen. We begin Googling... turns out that is in fact the case. A real life, rich car dealership owner is starring in his own film. Wow!

Looking at this movie in a vacuum, it's average at best. The effects are decent enough. The fight choreography is serviceable. The acting is just plain fine. The tough pill to swallow is the storyline. It is remarkably choppy and jumps around with charcter actions not being earned, and the plotholes will take you out of it all completely.

This quickly exposed itself as a passion project by a wealthy guy with a big ego... then we had the rug pulled out from us. The ending credits revealed that irl Charlie was in fact raised by an irl Nana and you are shown a myriad of heart warming pictures of them as they grow older together. It ends up being a really sweet homage to what looks to be an amazing woman by an eternally grateful guy. And I mean, if most of us could give our mother figures the world, we would. The fact this guy actually did it is commendable and you can't fault him for that. I'm sure there's still some ego there (c'mon, guy, you gave yourself first and second billing in the end credits lol) but at the same time, he didn't give himself a 25 year old love interest which is always the case with these. So I don't know, maybe this is 100% sincere. Ultimately, the film resonated with us as a touching Mother's Day gift one week prior to the occasion and made us more appreciative of our own moms who we routinely overlook. And a movie that can do that is a win in my book.

Titanic 666

SyFy Channel Horror??
The one thing this movie should be is FUN. That is the major mistake the writers made. If they had gone full SyFy and replaced the ghosts with killer otters, it would have been significantly better. Instead, someone literally said "Hey Gary, let's make a Titanic but the villain is ghouls instead of glaciers."

You shouldn't make a SyFy channel style movie in the genre of horror PERIOD. Entertaining horror needs to have an actual attempt at creating a feeling of fear, or be funny, or even just gory (for people who like that, but not my thing). As none of these exist here, the movie plays out more like a disaster genre film. We have an impending doom that requires us to collectively put our heads together to solve a problem in order to survive.

A schlocky premise is fine, but then to treat the entire plot and dialogue in a serious manner immediately betrays that premise.

On top of this dealbreaker, they double down with another reason for instant failure... no likeable characters. You can only pick 2 types of people in this video game: bland or insufferable. You have nobody to root for in a movie of which you already know the ending, so for what reason do I have to take this journey?

Acting is the same as all these D movies.

Ship effects are distractingly bad and would serve better to not be shown at all. I'm not sure why the set designers think the steering room of a cruise ship would look like a Naval battleship. Horror effects are that of a SeaWorld haunted house, which isn't bad, but not film-worthy. I actually like the plot but it is about as poorly executed as possible.

And yes, I managed to not make any nautical puns throughout this entire review. You're welcome, ya dinghy.

(I rate movies based on expectations. You can't put Sharknado on the same scale as Jaws.)

Slay Belles

More Jinx Than Minx
Going into this you kind of know exactly what the tone will be, and it never bores you but it also never fully wows you.

The storyline itself I found really clever and the acting is solid aside from the characters with smaller roles. The effects and costumes were decent and the town was really neat (assuming that place really exists, hopefully). It was actually comical to see the running theme of almost every female being... blessed. However, most of the spoken jokes don't really make you laugh and you can see a lot of them coming, but there are some chuckles to be had. The zany camera shots can make some parts hard to watch and there are some really out of place musical interjections that just don't work. The twist at the end was outstanding If you are a horror fan, the movie is 100% worth your time.

It was also cool to see Hannah Minx, the original e-girl and one of the first true YouTube stars.

Konnichiwa! *peace sign* Au revoir, Pee-wee!

(I rate movies based on expectations. You can't put Sharknado on the same scale as Jaws.)

The Seance

The reason I watch unknown Horror movies
I am not a writer by any means and am proudly left-brained, but the guy who did this is a natural for crafting dialogue. Any horror fan knows it's nearly impossible to have a completely unique idea within the genre, so other elements are essential to keeping your interest, and the conversation between the two heroes is witty, fleshed out, and most importantly, realistic (except one part). Even the science behind the happenings sounds reasonable enough to a layman like me. While you will likely get annoyed with the constant naysaying from the gal, it's obviously necessary to the plot so you just have to accept that. The horror elements in particular are REALLY good at points as you build emotional connections with the reason for everything as opposed to the norm of "me demon, me bad." When a person is going towards an area they probably shouldn't, you really feel it and the eerie elements are well executed, especially with the main villain who looks like something to truly fear.

That being said, once the side character supernaturals are revealed, you can sense the low budget nature of it all and it would have served the film better to just NOT show anything, or keep it as out of focus shots, as the "Shakespeare in the Park" vibes you get from the spirits dampers things. Another small offset is when the heroes are immediately resigned to doom and just start joking about it all. While the lighthearted banter is the solid backbone of the story, it needed to keep the stakes high at the appropriate moment.

All in all though the acting was spot on, the dialogue beguiles you, and the horror elements will meet 100% of your daily-recommended allowance. I really hope the writer continues in this field, but to be honest he would knock a rom-com out of the ballpark...just don't cast Jimmy Fallon for that one!

Side note: It's really aggravating there was a teen horror flick with a similar name released in the same year, making this nearly impossible to find via search engine. I hope this gets entered into some festivals and gains noteriety.

(I rate movies based on expectations. You can't put Sharknado on the same scale as Jaws.)


Best Movie You've Never Seen
I wish I had a social media following solely to put this movie out there for more to see. This is one of those flicks that really surprises you as to the caliber of it all. The jokes are clever and well timed, the acting is soild, the story is original, and it keeps you engaged throughout every minute. I would like to thank this film for giving my friends and I some new inside jokes, with a side hug.

Like Dogs

Feel Like A 90s Housewife
The premise of this movie is intriguing enough... like so much typical Horror. You then slowly wade your way through thinking you may have an idea as to where things are going... like so much typical Horror. Then, a twist in Act 2 makes you think they've written themselves into a corner and now you are certain you'll hate this movie... like so much typical Horror.

BAM BAM BAM... you are now pummeled over the head with so many silly and convuluted twists, each one-upping the last. While you accept the premise has been rendered meaningless and the character motives are unearned, you no longer care.

As someone who has never watched a soap opera, I now get the appeal. I actually want this to be a new Horror genre. This is exactly the kind of movie you want to watch and enjoy with friends. However, if you're like me and don't have any, then just act like I'm there with you. Sorry about the heavy cologne. And you're out of toilet paper.

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