
IMDb member since October 2001
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Okay, now here we have some kind of woman that is suppose to be a god (?) and she's suppose to kill all the eeeevil Norks or something like that. They tried to mix Mad max and Conan and OH MY GOD this is bad. If you want a big laugh or if you are into S&M, this might be a good movie for you...

Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story

Great movie, but not a biography though
This is a great movie. Nice action scenes, nice soundtrack, nice photo...But it's not a biography of the greatest fighter of all time: Bruce Lee. I am a big fan of Bruce and I know his life from A to Z, and this is not what I saw in that movie. I could tell all the mistakes I saw in the movie but here's just a few: In the movie: he is a unique child Reality: He had one brother and two sisters and he didn't live with his father only, he had his mother. He didn't leave Hong-Kong because of the cops (what the?...) he left because he wanted to be famous. And please! What is that story of the ghost from the depts of hell?!?!?

No, if you want to make a great action movie, good, go ahead, the right way to do it. But if you want to make a bio of a true legend, please tell the true story.


The Musketeer

A big joke...
What the?!?! Where in the nine hells did the creator of this movie took his ideas? Everywhere but from the three musketeers, I think... That's the worst, and I mean, the WORST adaptation of the musketeers I've ever seen... The anime series were better than that! ONE good point about the movie: the stunts. That's all.

Highlander: Endgame

Stop changing the rules!!!
Please, whoever did this movie, stop changing the rules of the immortals!!! Your version was better than the second highlander (yuk), but I didn't liked to see Connor ran away from the action like a sissy... And there's a lack of action too... It could have been better if you had stayed in the mood of the first and the third version... Well, too late now.

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