
IMDb member since August 2021
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The Novice

The Black Swan of 2021
The Novice was an interesting film. Any film or movie that shows the downfall of a character intrigues me cause it makes you wonder why it happened. The only problem i had with The Novice was that the plot was rather stagnant. Right off the bat you can see the main character start to get obsessed and while not a terrible thing, having some sort of build up would've been good. Without spoiling anything else, the last thing i'll say is that the ending completely caugth me off guard and left me kind of disappointed becuase i feel like nothing got resolved or nothing got answered. Overall not that bad of a film.


Overall strong with minor flaws
I will admit the only reason I watched this show recently was because Katelyn Nacon was in it but it had me hooked from the start. The choice of actors were good although some didn't perform as well as others did. The plot was AMAZING and the suspense factors was on point as well.

The BIGGEST problem I had with this show had to be the dialogue. This was some Twilight level dialogue here and combined with some actors not doing that well it was cringey at times. I'm not blaming the actors entirely tho cause we all know that bad writing is as big of a problem to.

The big thing I've come to realize watching the show is that in my opinion Rowan, Hailey, and Alysia are just as much of the antagonists in this series as the Empty's are cuase those 3 all had a part in Dunbar's death. I will say tho Character development in this show is absolutely AMAZING!

All in all with a little better writing this show could've been perfect.

The Hunger Games

Great film with even greater potential
The Hunger Games was a rather great film in my opinion, but it definitely could've been better. The first thing is I feel that this movie is rather quiet as in sounds and talking. Secondly, how you gonna make a movie based around violence but not show any major scenes or gore? Thirdly which is a big one is I wish that Gary Ross would've developed the other character more tbh. Characters like Cato, Clove, Foxface, Rue, and Thresh could've been made SOOOO much better if we knew more about them and even got more screen time.

All in all The Hunger Games is a great film but it could've been even greater.

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