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Decent Thriller
Not bad for a low budget horror flick. Cobweb is a typical, somewhat predictable thriller. It's entertaining though. It held my attention the whole time and the actors who played the 3 main characters (Peter and his parents) were all really good and believable. The ending scene was a bit lackluster and nonsensical in my opinion, but other than that, I enjoyed this movie. It's creepy and maintains an element of suspense despite the fact that I figured out the plot twist before it was revealed. The cheesy special effects towards the end were a bit off putting, almost comical really, but that's to be expected in these sort of b rate horror movies. If you're a horror fan like I am and you've seen the worst of the worst, you won't hate this. If you're hoping for something truly scary or disturbing, you'll be very disappointed. Overall, Cobweb is just average. Mediocrity is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, I appreciate an easy fun watch like this one. It's giving Goosebumps / The Haunting Hour but with a few curse words and a bit more violence / gore lol.


It's Ok
I'm a horror lover and I'm especially a zombie fanatic, so I've seen just about every zombie show and movie at this point. I'm sure this makes me more critical when it comes to films in this genre. I also watch Korean films and series pretty often. Train To Busan was not bad, but in my opinion, it's not a must-see either. It's a decent zombie flick that attempts to tug at your heartstrings. It failed to do that for me, but I did really like a few of the characters. The actors all had great chemistry with each other. I also liked that we see the zombie virus affect animals in this movie. We don't see that enough in the zombie genre. As for things I did not like about Train To Busan, the first thing that comes to mind is how highly unrealistic most of it was (not including the obvious fact that zombies are not real). The characters' reactions were ridiculous at times. They made a pregnant woman do some nearly impossible things swiftly and silently. What they accomplished in "2 minutes" in the tunnels would have to have been more like 5 - 10 minutes at least. Unless I'm watching something in the high fantasy genre, I find it distracting when multiple things are way too far fetched. Also, why was the zombies' eyesight so poor but they can run fast, climb, and hear very well??? We don't get any kind of explanation for the virus other than a couple of vague mentions of a power plant or something contaminating a river, but it really made no sense. I would rather there be no explanation than a poorly written / executed one. Some scenes drag on for way too long to the point where it's just annoying and a waste of time. I didn't completely hate the ending, but it was lackluster at best. Some of the acting in this movie was actually really good and believable while others not so much. Overall, Train To Busan showed promise but was pretty anticlimactic in my opinion. It's entertaining enough, but could have easily been improved.

Melloga Chejil

Love It!
It has one of the best pilot episodes I've ever seen. So many shows don't have a strong first episode so we come to expect that and we tend to be overly generous at times, saying you have to watch the first few or even the whole first season before judging a series or knowing if you like it. This series reminds me of 2 American tv shows we have here in the U. S. called The Bold Type and Good Trouble (a spinoff of The Fosters). I like Melloga Chejil (aka Be Melodramatic) more. While the dynamics are similar, it's better than several other shows I've seen with this type of story and characters. Melloga Chejil is a romantic comedy, but it also touches on some heavier darker subject matter as well. It's cute, funny, and uplifting while also being just enough realistic and relatable especially in the more serious / sad parts. It's like a coming of age story but for adults lol I also plan to watch Thirty - Nine soon which seems to be a similar concept. Overall, Be Melodramatic features great acting, lovable characters, some heartbreaking moments, and a good amount of silly scenes to make you smile. The actors all had great chemistry with each other which always makes a series more enjoyable. I found this show highly entertaining and recommend it to anyone looking for a (mostly) lighthearted K drama or fans of rom-com movies. You will laugh, possibly cry, and reflect on your own life while watching it. I think that's really special when a show can make you feel and think about so many different things from different perspectives without making it feel like too much. It's real, but in a bearable way that's actually fun to watch unfold. You still get that escape from reality we all look for in TV and films, while still being grounded in reality. It's relatable and modern without being insufferable. This is something many series and movies attempt to accomplish these days, but few actually execute it well. Melloga Chejil does a great job. I would have liked to see at least one more season just because I wanted to see more development of certain storylines and characters. There was a lot of great potential there if they had more time. The ending wasn't bad at all, but I didn't like Jae Hoon's ending and Dong Gi's ending lol.


It Was Ok
I'm usually not into shows about aliens or outer space (with a few rare exceptions), but I watched Glitch anyway in support of Jeon Yeobeen because I'm a fan of her. I saw some clips of the show online and it looked like it might actually be entertaining. Glitch has some really funny scenes as well as some relatable ones that tug at the heartstrings. I love a good urban fantasy series, thriller, or mystery. Glitch has those elements of sci-fi and suspense. That being said, I also lost interest at some points because some storylines seemed to drag on with no real substance while others felt rushed and unfinished. There were so many plot holes. I was left a bit confused on a few things after finishing the whole series. I don't think there will be another season, so there will never be any further explanation. All of the actors had great chemistry so I enjoyed that aspect of the show. There was potential with the church / cult storyline, and I typically like movies and shows about religion and the occult, but Glitch really fumbled it. This show had the potential to be a lot better, but I was left feeling like it was kind of pointless. There's only 10 episodes and each was so chaotic with too many things going on and side characters with their own agendas. Glitch fails to develop these characters and storylines enough. It all falls flat. Some of the characters also did some really dumb things which annoyed me because they're all supposed to be grown adults aged 30+ lol Overall, the show is highly unrealistic and frustrating at times, but it's mostly entertaining if you can get passed all that. I think if the ending had been better, I could say it was a good show. The ending especially was anticlimactic. It was bizarre and confusing in a frustratingly lackluster way not a cool thought provoking way. I found myself thinking things like, "That's it?" and "What was that even supposed to mean? What was the point?" . Glitch could be quite enjoyable if you don't take it seriously at all and you're not a critical viewer. If you're watching it for the aliens, you'll be disappointed. It's not nearly as much about aliens as you'd expect. Give it a chance if you like K dramas with a supernatural twist. This show isn't for everyone though.

Neoui Sigan Sogeuro

Worth Watching
Sometimes, I prefer to watch shows and movies without reading the synopsis or watching the trailer so I don't go into it with any real expectations. That's what I did with A Time Called You. I had seen part of the trailer on instagram but that's it, so I knew almost nothing about the story until watching it unfold. From what I did know, I didn't initially have much interest in A Time Called You, but decided to give it a chance in support of Jeon Yeo-been since I'm a fan of her. This is not a series I typically would have watched and it took me a few episodes to get into it. I started to enjoy it more around the middle of the third episode. In my opinion, that's when it gets more interesting and suspenseful. It's all a bit confusing though. You definitely need to watch all the episodes and truly pay attention / keep track of the little details to fully understand the timeline and plot twists. I've noticed a lot of people online saying they didn't get it even after finishing it or stopped watching it because it doesn't make sense. I felt the same way at first, but I promise it gets better! The only exception being if you're only into lighthearted mindless TV series then you won't like this show no matter what lol A Time Called You is intricate and complex. It also has some heavier / darker subject matter than I would have expected. It unfolds beautifully though! I really became attached to the characters and their development by the end. The ending was bittersweet but I didn't mind it at all. Apparently, this series is a remake / the Korean version of a Taiwanese series called Someday or One Day or something like that. I think there's a Chinese version as well. I haven't seen the original so I'm not sure if A Time Called You did it justice or not but judging it on its own, it's really good. The comedic relief and cute heartwarming moments in this show are great. I would have liked to see more development / explanation of certain characters and storylines, but this K drama is still enjoyable as it is. A Time Called You is an interesting mix of a romantic comedy and a YA sci-fi drama so if you're into those types of genres and tropes then you will probably enjoy this series. Some moments were heartbreaking and some were hard to make sense of at first, but this show is actually pretty good.


Hoping For Season 2!
Vincenzo is definitely entertaining. This series has a good balance of comedy, action, and drama. The episodes are surprisingly long, but I didn't mind at all because each one is fun to watch from start to finish. The writers did a nice job implementing real world issues while still remaining an obviously dramatized fantasy. It's both realistic and highly unrealistic at the same time without being insufferable. I really enjoy this show and I hope there will be more episodes! Great performances by all the actors in both the hilarious and the serious scenes. It's rare that every character in a show is believable / convincing to me. I also like that this show is equally enjoyable for any gender. It doesn't try to appeal to one more than another. All ages (12+) could like this. I honestly did not have high expectations for this show going into it, but by the middle of the first episode, I was hooked! If you grew up watching the cartoon Hey Arnold, you will probably agree with me that some of the main characters (the ones who live in Geumga Plaza) remind me of the dynamics and shenanigans in the boarding house on Hey Arnold lol My only complaint with this show is that sometimes they spent a ridiculous amount of time zoomed in on different angles of the same characters' reaction to something. It's common in K Dramas. I know it was for dramatic effect. The music playing during those moments emphasized it as well, but when it goes on for too long, it's less impactful and more corny lol anyway It seems like there might never be another season since it's already been 2 years since the first season aired and the actors have been working on other projects. There still has not been an official announcement of whether the series is over / cancelled or renewed. The ending of season 1 was pretty good but still left so much I would love to see unfold if the show continues. From what I've seen online, the producers never planned on Vincenzo running for more than one season but the cast seemed willing and eager to keep it going (at least that's how they felt shortly after season 1 wrapped but idk about now since Song Joong Ki has relocated outside of South Korea and has started a family). Overall, Vincenzo is one of the less corny cringeworthy K Dramas and it's a pretty great show in general.


I'd rate it between 6 and 7 if I could
I knew almost nothing about the show before I started watching it so I didn't have any particular expectations. Zombieverse is a fun watch if you have a good sense of humor. It's hilarious at times which is what I love about it. The main reason I gave it a chance was because I'm a huge horror fan especially when it comes to anything in the zombie category. That being said, fellow zombie fans will more than likely be disappointed in this series. It's corny and unrealistic especially when it comes to the zombies and the survival aspect of the show. Some of the characters are insufferable at times but if you can get passed the obnoxious unnecessary bits, it's entertaining. There's a bit of suspense in each episode, making it just exciting enough that I care to see what will happen next. Zombieverse as a whole is pretty ridiculous but it's meant to be lighthearted and not taken seriously so if you can accept that then you might find the show enjoyable. I like that it pokes fun at actual reality shows and celebrities / social media influencers. I don't mind zombie comedies as I'm a fan of Shaun Of The Dead (a dark comedy) and Z Nation (a dark comedy drama) and both take place in a zombie apocalypse type situation. If you're watching it purely for the zombie factor, Zombieverse leaves quite a bit to be desired. If there is a second season, perhaps it will be more satisfying in that sense. I will definitely watch it if there is another season. We're left with multiple unanswered questions at the end of season 1 so there is definitely potential for more. I personally hope the show doesn't get cancelled because I would like to see where it could go. The funny moments in this series make it worth continuing to watch because sometimes mindless tv is self care but I'm also interested to see some character development. There was a similar tv series from the UK about a fictional reality show / game show that takes place during a zombie outbreak. I think it was called Dead Set or something like that. Dead Set had more drama and action. Zombieverse is the more innocent, more animated / gregarious, Korean version of that show.

Red Rose

Pretty Good YA Thriller
Writing this just after finishing season 1 and there have been no official announcements yet of whether or not there will be another season. I would rate it a 7.5 if I could. Like another reviewer mentioned, Red Rose is like Black Mirror with added teen drama. I'm happy to say I don't mean that in a negative way though. I didn't have high expectations for this series so that might be why I was pleasantly surprised, but Red Rose is actually pretty entertaining. It got more suspenseful as it went on. It's surprisingly dark as well. Not an original concept whatsoever, but executed well enough that I didn't even think about how repetitive the "dark side of technology and the internet / social media" trope is these days until after seeing other people's reactions to it. I actually thought they were going in a much more paranormal / supernatural direction with it for most of the season. I'm still wondering if they'll revisit the Ouija board incident with the main characters' mothers. They made it seem important only to completely abandon that storyline. If there is another season, I'm wondering if they will end up revealing that incident somehow led to Gloria's (Rochelle's mother) suicide. I didn't find the show to be very scary, although some viewers say it is. It's a bit creepy but I enjoy that as a horror fan. There's been a lot of people online making fun of the score / soundtrack but I actually liked it lol There were a few plot devices that felt out of place in my opinion but I was able to look passed them for the most part. Taz is the character that provides most of the comedic relief but I find him truly obnoxious at times. Patrick suddenly revealing a secret relationship with Roch seemed so random and I actually didn't believe it at first. It was like the extra dramatic (yet lackluster at the same time) version of the Zach and Hannah plot twist in 13 Reasons Why. Cringeworthy. My only other real issue with the show is the character's' reactions to things sometimes. Frustratingly dumb, unrealistic, and confusing. This refers to the teens as well as the adults in this show. Overall, aside from those minor annoyances I had, I do enjoy the show and hope there will be more. Red Rose definitely has potential and somewhat left off on a cliffhanger at the end with the guy in Tokyo. I'm interested to see more development with our main character's' relationships as well as The Gardener's backstory and endgame. I'm a little annoyed with what happened with Wren and her dad at the end so I hope we will get better closure if the show doesn't get cancelled.


Pretty Good For A Disney Teen Movie
Prom is a family friendly coming of age movie. It's cute and heartwarming. There's some funny moments and a couple of sad scenes as well. It's a good mixture of rom-com and teen drama. I like that it was decently realistic unlike a lot of teen shows and movies these days depicting every high school student as a drug addict or ridiculously promiscuous. I watched Prom for the first time while I was still in high school myself and found it genuinely entertaining. I've watched it again as an adult in my 20s and still found it enjoyable. It's sweet and uplifting without being too corny. It's diverse without trying too hard. Prom is not the most profound story or the most original concept but it's not bad at all by any means. It's not very complex it's just a feel-good kind of film. It's nostalgic once you're older and it's relatable in your high school years. I don't have any bad comments about it but it's also not the best or my favorite in this genre so I'm giving it an 8.


I expected to really enjoy this movie. The subject matter might be uncomfortable for a lot of people but I found it somewhat relatable. The plot seemed promising but the execution was awful. Pointless. So many plot holes. Decent acting but that wasn't enough to save this film. Unintentionally comedic at times because it was so ridiculous. So many moments in this movie felt out of place and we never get any explanation. I don't mind things being left to interpretation but this movie also had a very clear message so it must not have been meant to be interpreted as anything other than what we are shown? It's confusing and not in a thought provoking psychological thriller sort of way. Disappointing. Not creepy enough or suspenseful enough in my opinion so it felt a bit lackluster for a thriller / horror movie. It's certainly not the worst film I've ever seen but it's not a must-see. I won't be watching it again or recommending it to anyone else. I would love to see a movie with this concept done well. This one was a fail.

I See You

I'd give it a 6.5 if I could
Heard about this movie from a video on tiktok that described it as a must-see psychological thriller but not scary. I'm a huge horror fan so I wouldn't have minded it being scary. Anyway, I haven't watched a good thriller in a while so I was intrigued. Halfway through, I stopped watching because I found it to be much more boring and cringe than suspenseful or thought provoking as a psychological thriller should be. It also gave me a headache because I get motion sickness from camera shaking etc and there's some "self filmed" scenes in this movie. I turned it off but decided to give it another chance and finished watching it later. It did get better and while the "plot twists" were not shocking whatsoever, they weren't unbearably predictable either and made the movie entertaining. The acting and dialogue / script were not great. At times, eye roll inducing. Multiple plot points with potential for interesting storylines that they make seem very important only to be underdeveloped and abandoned. Not one of the worst I've seen, but definitely not a must-see like I was told it was. I can't imagine any cinephile or anyone who regularly watches actual psych thrillers would consider this film great. If you're bored, you won't hate yourself for watching this. If you get scared very easily or have a hard time figuring out legitimately psychological movies, you might really enjoy this. I don't mean that as an insult, just a general statement lol Overall, I'd rank I See You as slightly below average in general and for this genre.

Emily in Paris

It's Ok
Emily In Paris is highly unrealistic but entertaining. I'm saying this as an American who has traveled and visited outside the U. S. but so far has never lived in a different country. From what I've seen online, some French people find the show obnoxious and insulting while others say it's ok the way the show pokes fun. I can see how some might find certain scenes offensive but overall, I don't think the show is all that problematic. I don't think it's meant to be taken too seriously. It's only a bad thing when it comes to ignorant viewers who think the show is realistic lol Anyways, Emily In Paris isn't bad if you like RomComs. There's a bit of drama but it's certainly not a soap opera whatsoever. It's mostly silly and sweet. This show could easily pass as satire although I'm really not sure if that's what they were going for originally. I've watched all 3 seasons that are currently out and I'll probably continue watching any future seasons. This show is definitely not going to be everyone's cup of tea. It's very cliche and predictable. It's a bit repetitive as well. It's not terrible but not great either. To me, it's just ok. I enjoy watching it, but it's not one of my favorites, nor is it anywhere near the quality of my favorite series. Give it a chance if you love Lily Collins, romantic comedies, Hallmark holiday movies (but EIP is a lot more sexual), or the typical "chick flick". For anyone else, you'll either be like me and be pretty neutral yet positive about it or completely hate it lol.

The Cured

Decent Zombie Drama
The Cured isn't bad whatsoever in my opinion. I think a lot of the people on here giving low ratings and bashing reviews are people that went into it expecting more of a typical zombie movie with lots of action and gore. The Cured is a drama that deals with a zombie-esque virus. There's some action and gore reminiscent of a typical zombie flick sprinkled in there especially towards the end, but it's not necessarily the main focus. This movie is more about humanity in general. Relationships, loyalty, power struggles, remorse, regret, politics, forgiveness, hope, etc. I found it to be entertaining and an interesting new take on the zombie genre. The Cured came out in 2017 but references many things similar to what happened in the recent pandemic that started in 2020. Businesses shutting down and slowly starting to reopen, people forced to stay home, not being allowed to travel even if it's where you're from, fear of the unknown, the riots / protests over injustices and prejudice, etc. Overall, this movie was enjoyable. A few things in the ending kind of annoyed me, but didn't completely ruin the whole experience for me. It seemed like they set it up to potentially have a sequel at some point. I doubt there will be one since it's been 5 years and they haven't announced anything, but also because Ellen Page is now Elliot Page. If you like slow burn drama thrillers, give The Cured a chance. If you're like me and you're a zombie fan in general, you might like it. The acting is good and the plot had potential. The execution could have used some work especially in the ending. It was a solid attempt though. Not my favorite zombie movie of all time (I've seen almost all of them by now lol) but also nowhere near the worst.


Love it
Imposters is fun to watch if you don't take it too seriously. It's entertaining for sure. There's some action, suspense, drama, and romance with plenty of comedic relief. Yes, some aspects were totally unrealistic, but I think the actors did a pretty good job of selling it anyway. The storylines were enjoyable to follow and the actors were so believable as their characters that I was surprisingly not annoyed at all by any of the little plot holes. I found every single character to be at least somewhat likable which is rare for me. I think that's probably why I was completely willing to overlook the minor flaws and did so quite easily. I wish the show had gone on longer. At least one more season would have been good since season 2 leaves some pretty major loose ends. I loved the complexity of these characters and their relationships. I liked watching their growth and evolution throughout the whole series. The moral dilemmas, the epic but complicated friendships, and the surprisingly deep philosophical quotes sprinkled in there really made this show great for me. There's some pretty good funny moments too. I'm one of those people that absolutely loves a good show or movie about all things morally ambiguous especially if it includes the art of manipulation / persuasion, seduction, high stakes crimes and the ability to be a "ghost" in the sense of disappearing without a trace and evading capture / consequence. I appreciate good writing though. There are plenty of thrillers and action movies that attempt such storylines but fall flat fast. There were clearly some at least decent writers working on Imposters. Season 1 came across as low budget at times and it probably was, but it wasn't bad by any means. Overall, I say it's worth watching. I think this show could appeal to several different types of viewers. It really is too bad it's over. I feel like it had the potential to last a while.

Lantern's Lane

Not Good But Not The Worst Either
Lantern's Lane has a few moments with decent suspense. The whole movie is so predictable which made it feel a bit boring. So many aspects of this movie were just cheesy and cringeworthy. The script was horrible and unrealistic. Multiple things that take place in this movie (specifically the characters' reactions to things) were highly unrealistic and the actors' performances weren't nearly believable enough to help with that. This movie wants to be a thriller so bad, but it is a somewhat entertaining slasher flick. Lantern's Lane is definitely not a must-see, but it's not the worst horror movie out there. There's absolutely nothing original or creative about it, and I felt the whole time that they were obviously trying too hard, which was kind of distracting. It a B rate type of film. Straight to DVD kind of thing. It's fine if you weren't expecting much to begin with. I think the only reason myself and other fellow horror fans wouldn't hate this is because there are many similar movies in the genre that are so much worse lol.


Surprisingly Good!
I recently binged all 3 seasons of t@gged and I've been rewatching it when I turn the tv on for background noise. I wasn't expecting much from a teen drama that got canceled especially one starring several social media influencers. I actually love it though! It's not the most original concept. Definitely similar to some other series we've probably all seen or at least heard of. It's kind of like Pretty Little Liars mixed with the Scream movies (I haven't watched the tv show) , and a dash of Skins or Euphoria. It's executed well and the soundtrack is good too. Almost all of the actors were believable in my opinion. I love that all of the main characters actually look and dress like real high school students unlike so many ridiculous shows these days. Their use of social media is realistic as well which was refreshing to see compared to a lot of tv series and movies depicting teenagers especially here in the US. Overall, it's fun to watch. I quickly became attached to the characters and their development. I was genuinely sad when I finished it, knowing there won't be more. I've seen people online trying to petition for another season or a movie. I wouldn't mind if they bring the show back but it's been so long since they filmed the third season in 2017 that they would most likely have to do some sort of time jump. Tagged is worth watching if you like mysteries, teen dramas, thrillers, or slasher flicks. It's kind of dark and they portray some pretty heavy issues and topics so trigger warning. If you plan on watching it, just know there's a lot of text messages and social media notifications that are important to the storylines so you'll have to do some reading, but I personally didn't mind it. I found this show to be really entertaining and I see how it could be relatable to a lot of Gen Z and millennials. Anyone older than that might find it enjoyable if they're into similar genres or looking for something to watch with their teens. I'm giving a 9 out of 10 because some things throughout the show made me roll my eyes and sigh lol but mostly I really liked it and I don't have any major issues with the script, acting, or plot. Underrated for sure! So many teen shows in similar genres have gone on for much longer and had tons of success, but in my opinion, t@gged is one of the few that deserves some hype.

Cruel Summer

Surprising Gem
Slow-burn teen drama with plenty of twists and turns. When I first saw ads for Cruel Summer before it premiered, I wasn't interested at all. I rolled my eyes and kind of forgot about it. I don't remember why, but I eventually decided to give it a chance one day. The entire first season was already on Hulu and it had been announced there would be a second season. The first episode surprisingly reeled me in and I was hooked. It's a mystery with lots of drama. I like the concept and it's executed well. The marketing for it wasn't so great in my opinion, but the actual show is fun to watch unfold. A lot of reviews on here claim that it's too slow and hard to get through, but I found every episode entertaining from start to finish. I'm looking forward to watching season 2. Great casting. The script and overall writing is better than a lot of shows in the same genre. The pacing was done well. The music selection fits perfectly. The show is a bit dark in general, but especially that very last scene of season 1. That was a nice little surprise to add in there. It added to the complexity of Jeanette's character. It also made it clear that everything wasn't wrapped up perfectly like it seemed. There's still secrets and darkness lurking within people even after you think the whole truth has come out. That short moment was powerful and showed how powerful or rather manipulative Jeanette really is. She's innocent of what Kate accused her of, but not truly innocent at all. She's actually pretty cruel when you think about it. Cruel Summer isn't groundbreaking or anything like that, but it's enjoyable for sure. I feel like this show would mostly appeal to teens and young adults, but I could see people in their 30s or older enjoying it as well. If you like watching the ID channel (Investigation Discovery), mysteries, or dramas in general, you might really like this series.

Locke & Key

Entertaining & Has Potential
Writing this after finishing season 2 and I'm glad to know they've already filmed season 3. I enjoy the show. When season 1 first came out, I was expecting something a bit similar to Goosebumps / The Haunting Hour, and potentially not as fun / nostalgic to watch as those. I was pleasantly surprised that it was more than just a kids show. I wouldn't actually even consider it a kids show now that I've watched it. It's mostly family friendly, but I probably wouldn't leave very young children (under 10 or 11 years old) alone to watch it completely by themselves. I didn't know until recently that Locke & Key is based on a series of graphic novels. I've never read them them so I can't compare the show to them, but the show is pretty good. Entertaining for a wide range of ages especially if you're into syfy, urban fantasy, or teen dramas. There's some action, adventure, humor, magic, romance, and heartwarming / heartbreaking family moments. I'm looking forward to watching the third season. I kind of hate when shows I like only have 10 or less episodes per season lol I definitely think this show has potential to last several seasons. I hope it does! So far, I don't have any major issues with the plot, script, acting, or special effects. Locke & Key isn't groundbreaking or anything like that, but it's a fun series to watch unfold. Their magic system is intriguing to me. It's not the same old typical creatures or conduits we've all seen a million times in slightly different variations. I like that it's original and a little unique in that sense. I would like to see more backstory of certain characters for sure. I also feel like the main characters seemed a little more dynamic and complex in the first season than the second season. Hopefully, this series continues to improve as it goes on. Overall, it's worth watching if you're looking for something for the whole family to enjoy together or if you're simply into YA / middle grade fantasy dramas.

Palo Alto

Easily Improved
From what I've seen online, this movie is based on a book / collection of short stories by James Franco. The adaptation should have been a TV series not a movie. There clearly wasn't enough time to develop the characters and storylines the way they should have. Palo Alto is a pretty good film. It just feels very unfinished. The characters and plot are decently complex and compelling. I would probably watch it if they ever end up making a show. I enjoyed pretty much all of the actors' performances. The soundtrack is good and fits well. I didn't mind the way it was shot other than some parts feeling rushed which lead to certain scenes feeling a bit out of place. There's also a few minor plot holes / unanswered questions that kind of bothered me. Palo Alto the movie had potential, but I do hope to eventually see these stories unfold as a series even if it's a limited series like they sometimes do on Netflix and Hulu. The movie is worth watching if you really like dark coming of age indie films or teen dramas. It's one of the more realistic YA movies about American teenagers. The ending was anticlimactic, but as a whole, Palo Alto did leave me wanting more.

Prisoners of the Ghostland

Ridiculous Waste Of Time.
This movie was so bizarre and not in a cool, quirky, or psychological thriller kind of way. It was surprisingly boring considering how out there it is. All the humor was very immature and ignorant / borderline racist. Mostly slapstick comedy if you can even call it that. Eye roll inducing for sure. This movie was pointless and never really made sense. Nicolas Cage has done several strange lackluster movies in recent years which is extremely disappointing because I think he's talented. Prisoners Of The Ghostland was nothing but lazy terrible writing and flat ridiculous boring characters. The acting was awful as well. Maybe that was supposed to add to the comedic aspect of the film? To me, it was just annoying. This is not a movie I would typically ever watch but my aunt rented it from Redbox and my grandparents wanted to give it a chance. I was ready to turn it off within the first 10 minutes but ended up watching the whole thing with them. It never got any better. I was glad when it was over. Adding this to the list of worst movies I've ever seen. It's listed as "action" , "syfy" , and "thriller". There's some action but it's definitely not a thriller. The only syfy aspect was the ridiculous unexplained costumes and zombie like creatures. Overall, this movie had no substance. I would call it terrible storytelling, but there's really no story to be told. Idiotic concept and equally poor execution.

Level 16

Nothing Profound But Definitely Enjoyable
Not an incredibly original plot, but Level 16 is executed well. It's entertaining from start to finish. It feels like a storyline that would be used as an episode of The Twilight Zone. It's nothing special, but it's certainly not bad at all. I liked it. It's definitely reminiscent of some other works. You'll probably be able to figure out where it's going quickly if you've seen similar films / tv series in this sort of genre. I would say Level 16 is a little dystopian, a bit of a thriller, mixed with a dash of YA coming of age drama. The script and the acting are pretty good. It's not exactly a must-see in my opinion, but it's worth watching if you're into movies like it. I wish it was a little longer. I would have liked to see what happened to everyone afterwards. The ending wasn't lackluster though. Overall, this movie is pretty good and I enjoyed it for what it was.

The Rental

The Rental was a waste of an hour and a half of my life that I'll never get back. Not a single likable character. No explanation for the killings or why the killer is obsessed with stalking couples, families, and friend groups in rental properties. The kills were quick, generic, and underwhelming. This movie never felt suspenseful which was disappointing. Nothing thrilling or interesting whatsoever. Small cast and every single character is irritating, boring, or both. All their relationships felt forced, but maybe that was just bad acting? They constantly mentioned how supposedly intelligent Mina and Charlie are but they don't act like it. They kept saying they have to be smart to do their jobs and how hard it was. They make it clear that they're the breadwinners. They emphasized the importance of their careers so much but never told us what they do or even what industry they're in. So many questions left unanswered like was Taylor the caretaker in on it the whole time? He said it was his brother's place but then why would his brother kill him? Why was he killing anyone though? Why do we never see his face? It didn't make it feel creepy or ominous just because they purposely didn't show his face. It just felt like they were trying too hard. Where was the dog when they couldn't find him? The cute dog was the only entertaining thing about this movie and he was actually talented lol you could clearly see he was well trained for movies / tv. Overall, this movie was just dumb. The ending made no sense. How is the killer renting these properties, getting tours, meeting the owner or people who work in the building, and then able to somehow sublease it online and have them come stay without anyone noticing or asking questions??? It's also unclear if at the end he's killing people in their apartment or if they're on vacation? I was bored pretty much the whole time. So bored that I almost didn't mind the plot holes and confusion because I just didn't really care that much. It's like the writers or the director couldn't decide if they wanted it to be a slasher flick or a drama. They certainly did a poor job of blending the two. The Rental is listed as being in the categories of drama, horror, and mystery. That's laughable. Not completely sure why, but I was expecting more from Dave Franco. Maybe it was just awkward directing his real life wife Alison Brie? I don't really care why this movie sucked, I just know that it did. It's not like I was expecting anything incredible or Oscar worthy, but seriously, what was the point of making this movie???

The White Lotus

Not For Everyone, But It's Truly Great Work.
Witty, addictive, hilarious, and a bit dark. The White Lotus is truly modern day satire at its finest. If you don't like or understand satirical comedy, you will probably hate watching it. I loved this show! Very well written and executed. So much fun to watch. Definitely weird and eccentric but also incredibly "woke" without feeling forced. I find that people who don't enjoy satire usually just don't get it and they're what's being made fun of so of course they can't / don't appreciate it. This series is VERY specific to current times and they did an excellent job of depicting realistic people of different ages / generations and races / ethnicities relating to relevant themes of today. This show is relatable for many reasons and for many different types of people. They added just enough general comedy and drama. There's a little bit of a mystery that leads to a twist at the end. The pacing was surprisingly perfect. I thought for sure the end would seem rushed because it's such a short limited series with many different story lines and main characters. I kind of wish it went on a little bit longer because I feel like certain storylines and characters could have / should have been developed more and I would have liked to see that.

Don't Blink

Worth Watching
Don't Blink was pretty good for what seemed to be a low budget thriller. Different for sure. A little campy. I didn't mind that we don't get closure or true resolution at the end. We don't really get any answers or explanation at all, making it seem more strange, creepy, and ominous. It simply remains a bizarre mystery which is sometimes more fun than when everything is wrapped up perfectly before the movie concludes. I watched it on Netflix with my sisters a few years ago. We don't always share the same opinions on movies or tv shows but we all ended up liking this one. I say give it a chance! I would watch it again. I wouldn't say it's one of the best "scary" movies I've ever seen or one of the best movies I've seen in general, but it's intriguing for sure and decently entertaining. I do wish we had gotten a little more backstory and answers to a few questions like how did the place even get built with those crazy disappearances going on? Or did the builders have to constantly look at each other??? LOL I think the writers relied a little too heavily on the fact that they weren't planning on giving an explanation at the end and letting it just stay a mystery. We're supposed to just accept its creepy magic I guess. Still an enjoyable movie though.


A lot of the bad reviews on here are from people who judged too harshly for the type of show this is. It's not meant to be taken too seriously. It's marketed as young campy teen horror drama and that's exactly what you get from this series. You will definitely be disappointed if you were expecting anything else. Freakish was enjoyable. Cringey at times. The writing, acting, and special effects are not amazing, but I've definitely seen much worse (especially from this genre). This show was fun to watch and got better as it went on. There's some humor sprinkled in. There's a decent amount of realistic gore for a show like this. I went into watching it with pretty low expectations and surprisingly liked it. It's nothing special, but it's entertaining (especially if you're into zombies or teen dramas). I wish there had been at least one more season since it ended with so many cliff hangers and unanswered questions. I think there was some good potential for season 3 and possibly more after that. In my opinion, they did a good job with the storytelling and pacing considering the episodes are pretty short. I wouldn't have minded longer episodes though. I also realize that some people intentionally judge this show harshly because the cast almost exclusively consists of social media influencers and former child stars from Disney and Nickelodeon. Pretty much everyone tends to be very opinionated about people in their position to say the least LOL. The worst aspect of this show was Natalie's pregnancy. Not written / executed well at all. It always ended up feeling out of place. It's not really talked about enough at all and felt unrealistic the whole time. Just forced and awkward. It seemed like an afterthought despite it being revealed pretty early on in the first few episodes. I think it was meant to be used as a plot device to challenge and complicate things for the characters but it just completely fell flat and wasn't believable at all to me which I found to be a bit distracting and annoying. As a diabetic who knows several other diabetics, everything that happened with Lashawn's health was completely unrealistic which was also a bit distracting and annoying because they made it such a huge plot point yet for such a brief period of time? The girls' hair and makeup always looking freshly done during the apocalypse was so unrealistic it was both eye roll inducing and somewhat funny, but not a huge deal. Overall, Freakish wasn't anything great, but not terrible either.

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