
IMDb member since December 2006
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Candy Cane Lane

A Heartwarming Surprise
I'm glad I ignored the reviews and gave this movie a shot over Christmas. It turned out to be the ideal family-friendly film that was enjoyable for everyone. It hits that sweet spot of not being too childish and also isn't violent. It also has straightforward and easily understandable storytelling and dialogue, which was great for my non-native English-speaking parents who are difficult to please when it comes to movies. They really enjoyed it.

The pacing is spot-on, and the storyline is well-structured with a good dose of humor. It isn't laugh out loud funny, but I had a few chuckles - that's fine for me as I don't need to roll on the floor laughing to enjoy myself. The characters are all great. Some scenes are a little cringy, due to the clichéd direction they take, but that's fine for these types of movies.

My only criticism is there was one scene with the Elf making reference to Christmas not being about Jesus, she was a bad elf, but IMO it's best not to include offensive things like that.

Overall it's a wholesome, feel-good movie.


A Riveting Tale with Room for Improvement
While I was initially disappointed by 'Oppenheimer's' departure from Nolan's signature fantasy time-travel themes, it's still a great movie.

'Oppenheimer' delivers an impressive portrayal of a true story. The film excels in its storytelling, compelling acting performances, and captivating cinematography that deftly plays with light and darkness, all while embracing a distinct 1940s aesthetic. The seamless integration of visual effects and music enhances the overall experience, effectively building suspense that had me on the edge of my seat. Moments of humor artfully contribute to a well-rounded emotional journey.

However, similar to Nolan's past work, like 'Tenet,' there were instances where the dialogue proved challenging to discern, highlighting the need for improved audio clarity. While the commitment to historical accuracy is commendable, there is a noticeable lack of diversity among the cast. Additionally, certain instances of nudity felt gratuitous and could have been omitted without diminishing the story's impact.

In summary, 'Oppenheimer' shines through its compelling storytelling, stunning visuals, and skillful suspense-building, despite minor setbacks.

The Shape of Water

Grotesque yet beautiful movie
Guillermo del Toro's "The Shape of Water" is a visually stunning film that seamlessly blends fantasy, romance, and drama. With amazing cinematography, captivating characters, and a touching love story, it leaves a lasting impact. The unique connection between Elisa and the amphibious creature challenges societal norms, conveying a powerful message of empathy and acceptance. The film's thought-provoking themes and exceptional performances make it a captivating masterpiece, reminding us to find beauty in the most unexpected places. "The Shape of Water" is a triumph in cinematic storytelling, deserving of all its accolades.

Selling Sunset

Season 6: Disappointing Chapter in an Otherwise Enjoyable Show
I must admit, I couldn't bear to watch more than two and a half episodes of Selling Sunset Season 6. It was truly insufferable, especially after enjoying seasons 1-4. Unfortunately, I missed Season 5.

Selling Sunset Season 6 fell short of expectations, lacking the charm of previous seasons. The forced and petty storylines, along with unlikable new cast members, Chelsea and Bre, left much to be desired. The overall plotlines were underwhelming and somewhat depressing, with situationships, inflated egos and petty/illogical arguments. The reliance on glitz and glamour alone is not enough for longevity. IMO it's time for Selling Sunset to take a well-deserved hiatus, reflect, rejuvenate, and consider bringing in fresh and engaging personalities and storylines.

The Mummy

Just because you prefer the first version of this movie, it doesn't mean this is a bad movie. If you give it a bad rating for that reason, it results in an IMDB rating which in my opinion doesn't align. This is NOT a 5/10 movie.

I haven't watched the first movie, so I can only judge this on its own. And on its own it is an AMAZING movie. The storyline, graphics, set design, makeup artistry, casting, acting... it's all brilliant.

To rate specific things, the script was great. It had a good balance between funny and serious. I like the relationship between the main characters. The lady who played the mummy was fantastic. The pacing was on-point, and kept me on the edge of my seat. It wasn't predictable, there were a few good twists and turns.

I'm glad I followed my instincts to watch it.

The Next 365 Days

I only started enjoying it from halfway through.
Pros + I like the characters & where they're going with the storyline. + Cinematography, locations, clothes, cars.

  • Takes too long for the main storyline to start. I ended up skipping loads. - Main basis of the storyline is good, but its a little too basic. They could have done more in the tineframe. - Too little dialogue. - Too many pointless sexual scenes.

The Box

Introduced too many concepts
The first half of the movie is epic. But then the genre abruptly changes halfway through, and it goes downhill from there. It turns from a drama into some sort of sci-fi.

And it doesn't feel like the first concept has been fully explored before incorporating this new element. Shame as the premise is good, and could have been explored in a better way.

There are some positives though. It has great acting. I also like the set and cinematography.

365 Days: This Day

The storyline starts 30 mins in...
...but doesn't really get going until 40 mins in. The beginning part of this movie consists of filler scenes with a loud soundtrack on top.

Pros + Amazing scenery + I like the soundtrack (abeit played too often)

  • Takes too long for the storyline to kick in
  • Storyline so basic & unrealistic to the point it's comedic.

  • The sex scenes aren't sexy, they're just uncomfortable
  • Dialogue dull & uninspiring

Michele Morrone (Massimo) is a good actor. I'd like to see him in something else with a decent storyline.

Anatomy of a Scandal

Excellent cinematography, storyline, casting & acting. The storyline was really engaging, I'm surprised that anyone can say it was boring. Maybe it dragged on for too long, but the nature of the content being covered was interesting. And it's addictive so you may want to keep watching.

As a side note, I usually struggle to find a show that my parents can watch too (i.e. Not sci-fi / childish / gruesome) & this was great for that.

Only critiques are that it was too long (should have been around 4 episodes), there was too much swearing, and the dialogue was a bit overly complex & verbose (wordy) at times (it was fine for me, but if English isn't your first language it might be a bit complex in places to follow).


I almost didn't watch this because of the negative reviews, but I really enjoyed this. The beginning's a bit slow, but it picks up quickly. And it's not the standard home invasion movie.


I like the concept, not the execution.
80% of the movie is shot in the protagonists car, and he's making & answering calls for that entire time. Gets boring real quick. The actor is great though, but there's only so much he can do just sitting in a car.

I would love to see the concept done again, but with a better storyline.


Why is no-one talking about how GROSS this is?
  • body parts and matter being cleaned off places
  • graphic, often aggressive sex scenes, sometimes in dirty places / circumstances
  • disgusting storylines inc. Sex with a dead body

I'm surprised if anyone can eat food whilst watching this.

On top of that, the main characters are unlikeable & most storylines would literally never happen. It should be advertised as a dark comedy.

The Voyeurs

Be patient
The beginning portion is okay. It doesn't start getting really good until the last 25 mins. I think they should have added more of that type of drama a bit earlier, and spread out (so that we're constantly on the edge of our seat).

Overall, if you don't mind risqué movies, and are into thrillers, I would say watch. Please note, it's very sexual, so not family friendly.

Selling Tampa

A poor man's 'Real Housewives of Atlanta'
I should like this but sadly don't.

Pros: + diversity factor (features black people) + visuals are beautiful: scenary, women & styling

  • storylines are boring, and consequently, so is the dialogue
  • doesn't focus enough on selling houses
  • difficult to connect with the women; they seem like they're acting i.e. Fake and over the top. The only person who feels real is the lawyer.

Really bad.


Brilliant gangster movie
+ Brilliant lead + Great storyline, kept me on the edge of my seat + A lot of it felt convincing & believable, but then again I'm a Londoner

I would love to see a sequel.


YES! Gripping, modern-day thriller.
I love:
  • the concept of this show i.e. Funny, murderous guy, living in the age of social media and millennials; and the fact it touches on current day topics & trends
  • the storytelling (the script & voiceover style)
  • the casting, which is spot-on (in particular I like the acting from Penn & Victoria Pedretti); and I like that it's very diverse

My order of preference is: Season 1, 3, 2.

S1 is my fav because of the chemistry he had with Beck & the writing is top-notch.

S2 is a bit too slow paced in the middle portions.

S3 is dramatic & kept me guessing.

No Time to Die

Brill but no Casino Royale
*The Good*

1. Re the action scenes: the concepts, stunts, cinematography & locations was just wow, really breathtaking. Some of those scenes alone would have gotten a 10/10. The opening scene in particular was strong. And more broadly, I liked the style of filming throughout.

2. The casting & acting was spot on. As always, Daniel Craig did a great job. Re supporting cast, notably I liked Lashana and the Bond girls (both Lea and Ana). I also liked Rami - although I never felt fully immersed in his character; I just kept thinking that it's Rami acting (I can't pinpoint exactly what the issue was, but he wasn't a scary villian).

3. It doesn't feel like a typical Bond movie, but to me, it's not a negative point. Because characters can develop over time & the character has aged 15 years from 1st movie to last.

*The Bad*

1. I think the storyline was too convoluted. They were perhaps overambitious with the storyline; trying to combine multiple objectives for Bond's character & tie up loose ends. Whereas I always find the best movies are the ones with 1 clear aim which runs throughout & a clear 3 part structure (i.e. Beginning, middle, end).

2. For some reason it also felt like there was *a lot* of dialogue (and I'm the type who's typically really into movie dialogue).

3. Too long. I generally think that producers should try to stay around the 2 hours mark.

Overall I enjoyed it. Although if you're a major Bond fan, I would go in with low expectations as not to be disappointed.

Terrorism Close Calls

content is good but too drawn out
There's a lot of unnecessary facts, filler scenes & repetition which drag out a 20 minute story into 45 mins. Which makes it hard to watch, I only got through the 1st episode:

1) Drip fed information. E.g. Instead of saying "we searched this place and found XYZ", they would literally drag this out into 2 minutes with a reconstruction & pointless info on voiceover before eventually saying what was found.

2) There are several interviews that should have been trimmed / removed completely.

3) They keep repeatedly referencing other terror attacks. Whilst they're relevant, they're not directly related to the particular incident being covered, so I would have cut those segments down.

It would have been more engaging if they kept it short & succinct.

The Hit List

Great concept but it just doesn't flow. I couldn't get through 20 mins.

  • The first glaring error is Marvin & Rochelle. If someone just reads a script & doesn't add anything more, it becomes bland (maybe the show needs a comedian). They're also very rigid & don't seem relaxed (Marvin especially) - which makes the whole thing feel overly formal & not fun.

  • The show doesn't really get going. It's feels overly structured, literally: play, stop, talk (on repeat). It doesn't have a natural flow. I skipped loads, just wanting to hear the songs. And there are loads of awkward pauses.

  • Every episode should kick off with a bang. For example, the first round could be a quick fire round, with tunes playing (and no pauses for talking) & any contestant can buzz in to guess.

Brand New Cherry Flavor

Disappointing from mid-point, but brilliant overall.
*Pros* The main actress (Rosa, playing Lisa) is amazing! It was a very demanding role, which she nailed & completely sold the story. Boro, Lou and Alvin (the funny producer man), were also brill. -- The premise is solid, and time is taken towards enabling us to really resonate with the main character. -- I like the cinematography; and filming locations. -- The hair, makeup & fashion departments deserve a shout out.

I really enjoyed it & it's addictive. And would recommend if you like this genre. Especially if you like AHS.

*Cons* In episodes 1-5, the character's behaviours and motivations made sense & were moderately realistic. And that's what made it so engaging. However, from ep. 6 onwards, characters would behave in ways that are unusual / illogical / counterintuitive. (However, I appreciate that sometimes this is necessary to push the story forward.) -- A lot of plot holes and unanswered questions. -- I think they could have benefited from making the main character more compassionate in some situations involving innocent parties. -- I would have slightly toned down the gruesomeness; it started to get predictable that if we see something gross... someone is going to eat it.

Malcolm & Marie

Great acting & cinematography, but the story didn't go anywhere
Zendaya and JDW. In particular I think that JDW really nailed that role. Zendaya was great too, she's super talented - but I wasn't feeling her in this particular role.

To provide some context, the dialogue felt out of place for both characters, as it didn't really feel like dialogue that normal people would say. Mainly for Zendaya in particular - the nature of the content that she was saying didn't match. It would have suited another actress.

The arguments go around in circles, which is true to reality - but it's the type of thing that can get annoying to watch (& boring). I was really hoping for a big ending, but the story peeked at around the middle, and there was nowhere for it to go.

It wasn't terrible, and I can see why some people would like it. It just wasn't for me. It's different to most movies, so you may want to watch it because of that aspect.

Blue Miracle

Great family movie
Nowadays it's very difficult to find a movie that you can watch with all the family, and one that isn't too childish such as cartoons.

This movie is perfect! The storyline is easy to follow & the premise is great. It's a nice Christian movie, but not overly so - for those who may not be religious.

The characters use a lot of Spanish lingo (and none of my family speak Spanish). However, it's not a big deal as the gist of the conversation is understandable. My mum was able to follow & English isn't her 1st language.

Just to mention, I think it's a low budget movie & most of the acting is mediocre; it's not Oscar worthy. But it gets the message across & fulfils the goal in terms of a suitable family movie. Would defo recommend if that's what you're looking for.


I like JDW but he's not right for this type of movie.
On paper, this should be a great movie. But in reality, 20 mins in I was alternating between 1.25x and 1.5x speed due to boredom.


This type of movie really needed someone who can nail a slow paced movie, with *high level* emotion i.e. Life / death situations. However, the camera often lingers on JDW and he's not giving us enough; the facial expressions doesn't align with the tears.

He & the woman have no chemistry; whilst they have minimal scenes together, it doesn't help.


This is difficult to assess when you can't connect with the characters. However, the 'man on the run' premise has been done so many times & significantly better. It's predictable & I wasn't on the edge of my seat.

Overall it gave me low-budget movie vibes. I would only recommend if you're a JDW fan and want to follow his career.

Kill Bill: Vol. 2

Only complaint is that it was 20 mins too long

I like the style of filming, the storyline & script (however the script occasionally drags). It's structured really well. The incorporation of martial arts is brilliant. The main character's an amazing actress & supporting cast are great too.


Excessive talking to the point where characters were actually rambling. I think they should have cut some out & kept the movie under 2 hours.

Overall, great movie; they should make it a trilogy.

Black Widow

Great movie, but stop forcing people to do fake accents!
I think it was a great movie, which has all the elements that you would expect from a typical movie, and more. Specifically: great storyline: took time to set the scene & on character development; clear & easy to follow -- good pacing (for the most part) -- great action scenes & I'm in awe of the stunt team! -- casting on point: all the cast fit the roles well; notably I loved the fact the cast was heavily female & they also did well on the diversity front -- beautiful filming locations & cinematography.

*Minor critiques* I would have given a higher rating if not for the following reasons: Storyline: at the end I kinda felt unfulfilled & I can't put my finger on why. Perhaps they could have done more to make us despise the villian (him sitting in his office pressing a button, doesn't feel that ruthless for a marvel villain); which would have perhaps made the ending more satisfying. -- Pacing: there were some scenes that I think could have gone more quickly, such as the segment with everyone at the mum's house. -- Casting: happy with this generally, although I found the forced accents really distracting; and I think it would have been better to either cast people who actually have that accent, or find a reason for the character to have their own accent. -- Cringy script: I could sense the pauses in the script for when we were meant to laugh. But it's not a big deal :')

Overall, I really enjoyed it. I would suggest to watch it if you don't mind a slower paced movie & you're a marvel fan.

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