
IMDb member since April 2021
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The Umbrella Academy

Season 4 - disappointing
Well. This turned out to be an even bigger disappointment than the final season of Game of Thrones.

Like the rest of the world, I binged seasons 1-3 in preparation for the final season. On 8th August, I settled down ready for another binge session but ended up like a rabbit in headlights but I was invested. I had to keep watching.

It went from entertaining to desperately trying to make a bit more money out of the franchise with the most ridiculous plot lines that made absolutely no sense whatsoever (I know, it's fiction) but from episode 1 it felt flat. I only stuck it out due to a sense of loyalty

So, we find out what really happened to Ben, what the Jennifer Effect is and who old Reggie was with in the final moments of the last season but the rest is just a jumble of nonsense and I was glad when it stopped to be honest

Marigold and Durango? Did I miss this in previous seasons other than a fleeting mention that made no sense?

If the Umbrellas had to destroy themselves to put the timeline back as it should be, then Allison and Diego & Lila's kids shouldn't exist! Remember the grandfather paradox? And what the hell was the script with Reggie and Abigail? No explanation whatsoever.

This season was messy and left more questions than answers

Poor form and hours of my life wasted when I should have been left feeling as though I'd just got off a roller coaster with old friends that I will never see again and feeling both happy and sad. Instead I just felt cheated.

Big Legend

World's worst army ranger
Did he get kicked out of the army for gross stupidity? How many times he had a clear shot and didn't take it was making me howl. And what the hell was in that bloody great rucksack if it wasn't food?

3 stars for the scenery.

The Tourist

Confused, is this a drama, thriller, comedy....
The BBC seem to swing from brilliant to wtf??? I had high hopes for this but to be honest, I haven't a bloody clue what's going on. Started off brilliantly but could have been over in two episodes. The only reason I kept waatching was to see if Helen dumped Ethan's ass!


This kept me amused for almost 2 hours and I was impressed that so many people with such serious injuries could keep going, never mind the lack of ripped open feet from running on rocks all day.. What most impressed me though was that Jen managed to keep her pink plastic star earrings in, after all, if you're going on a revenage rampage, you might as well do it in style, right?

Horizon Line

Totally predictable
Only helped by the appearance of Alexander Dreymon who would have done better to just stand in his Uhtred of Bebbanburg costume for 90 minutes.

False Positive

Dreadful storyline, very predictable and a bit of a let down considering Justin Theroux qas starring in it. Also the scene between John and Adrian was totally unnecessary.


Just finished season one
And to be honest, I'm nto sure I can be bothered with season 2. Dorothy was OK to start with but began to grate after a while and the way she spoke to/about her husband drove me insane

There were times when I was struggling to make sense of what was going on and didn't find some of the scenes to be necessary. It all just left me feeling a bit 'meh'

Defending Jacob

Great series to binge watch
Sadly, the ending let it down...or maybe it's just me. I like a nice clear cut ending and this fell short. So many films and series seem to be doing this nowadays. I don't want to use my own imagination for the ending. I want it explained to me...I need to know if Jacob really did kill Ben!

I haven't read the book but am wondering if it's worth doing so for a better ending?

Lisey's Story

First class cast...
But the sort of jumbled rubbish we've come to expect from Stephen King. The storyline jumps about more than a flea on a dog and none of the characters are relatable. I had to restart watching 3 times to try and grasp what was going on but still no clue. I'm not on episode 5 but it's really just background noise while I'm doing other things.


Wasn't sure about the content at first
Once I started watching, though, I couldn't stop. Some parts of it were just downright silly but on the whole I was a good watch. I did wonder if she would actually go out there, not just for the story, but because she had fallen for Bilal. Her boyfriend came across as a bit of an arse though, surely he knew what she was doing?

Long Way Up

Having watched The Long Way Down and The Long Way Round, I was really looking forward to this series. Sadly, I gave up after just 2 episodes. I was basically just a search for the next charging station.

Mare of Easttown

Off to a flying start
Kate Winslet was, as always, faultless, and Guy Pearce still has that 'Mike' charm but the plot and the script left me wanting more from it. Nothing that hasn't been done before, sadly.

The Beast Must Die

Hard going
With the cast list I was expecting great things from this but I'm finding it extremely hard work. Whether I'll make the third episode or not remains to be seen.

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