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Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F

A fun, humorous and redeeming sequel
As a big fan of the first 2 films and being disappointed with the 3rd, I didn't expect much from this one. I was stunned how well directed this movie was. A lot of cues and call backs to the first two movies is somethibg that I really appreciated. Also bringing back majority of the original cast was really nice and great to see. Taggart and Rosewood still have that on screen chemistry without missing a step decades later.

It's def the best sequel since the 2nd movie.

I applaud Netflix for this one.

I'll def be watching it again soon!


Don Jon

This film tells a good life lesson of how addiction kills relationships
A pretty raunchy movie to say the least. However, there's good lessons in it. You have a womanizing man who meets the woman of his dreams and makes him want to give up his womanizing ways. Scarlett Johansson is absolutely breath taking in this film yet this stunning gorgeous woman isn't enough to make this man cold turkey his porn addiction for whatever reason. It's a bit laughable to be honest but addiction is real and you can lose valuable things in life because of addiction and at the end of the day he wasn't willing to give up his porn for this gorgeous woman who had feelings for him. I think Julianne Moore is a great actress. Always has been but she can't hold a candle to the beauty of Johansson. It's not remotely close but she was the woman who "got" him. She understood him and didn't have a problem with his addiction at that stage. I believe that's the only only reason he let things flow with her instead of the girl of his dreams because that girl "asked a lot" and apparently he didn't think she was worth it and just let her walk. So I personally wasn't a fan of the ending, even though it did represent real life issues, but I was still pulling for him to shake that addiction and marry his dream girl.

The Stay

Let me just say Misha and Chris got what they deserved
Yup I said it. I said it. There would be significantly more faithful and trustworthy people in the world that when you take an oath before God and exchange vows with a person who you are suppose to spend the rest of your life with that if you stray from said person and indulge in infidelity, you shall be killed. If this was an actual law, there would be a whole lot of people staying loyal for a lifetime or just avoid marriage altogether. So yeah I don't blame the husband for snapping at all concerning his "best friend" and especially his wife, who was insufferable to deal with and the type of woman who thought her S-T don't stink. I was absolutely waiting to see her meet her demise. The other wife, although innocent of any wrongdoing, just looked completely out of place tbh. Overall it was a decent tv thriller. Seen better, seen worse.

A Teacher

How lust easily can be mistaken for love in some eyes
The woman teacher seducing and having an inappropriate affair with young student boy of hers is something that has been happening far too often. Even if it was appropriate between two consenting adults, the power of lust can really strap you down in a bondage like feeling that you cannot escape especially when you are with a person that makes you feel a certainly way intimately. You crave it again and again and again. This is precisely what happened to this teacher. She knew it was wrong but the feeling this young boy gave her could not being removed from her head. Make no mistake if you have experienced being with a person multiple times where it was so fire together, so passionate, so hott, inevitably someone is going to get clingy every time. It never fails. So It's easy to understand her downward spiral.

The Burning Bed

A well directed and produced TVfilm.
I find myself watching a lot of movies since the pandemic(On Tubi) that are based off of a true stories. Most of them usually are pretty decent but this one is one of the better ones that I've seen. As a grown man, I found myself getting angry that this sweet, loving mother would continue to get battered by her piece of s-t husband for no good reasons whatsoever. I think I am being generous calling him a POS to be honest. The guy was scum of the earth material who really made you hate him, yet she still repeatedly gave him multiple chances to clean up his act. I even found myself upset at the in laws because they saw this battered woman in the flesh and they went on as if they didn't care much. That's my point. When you are watching something that you are getting emotionally invested into, you know you're watching a good movie. Good acting all around, good direction and well produced.


Disturbing film about A man who is more ill than his actual mother
This is what can happen to people with years upon years of loneliness, isolation and for David it's pretty obvious he hasn't hadn't any relationship with anybody since his youth. I'll say at least 20 years. I'll go as far to say I believe he also was a 40 something year old virgin. With that said, I really liked Lisa and I was rooting that David wouldn't screw things up with her but ultimately he was already too far gone. What kind of state of mind does someone have to be in to get lost and have a video tape control their life?

The acting performance here was well done especially by the lead. I was just disappointed David didn't snap out of it and realize he finally finally hit the jackpot with Lisa after all the long months of waiting. The movie is called Rent-A-Pal for a reason though. It's more about the man on the tape than it is about the woman he met unfortunately for him.

Bad Match

Who's really the psycho here ; Riley or Harris ? I mean seriously
Riley really wasn't that bad. Sure she was crushing hard on Harris and wanted him exclusively to herself so bad she may have came off a bit clingy but that's what's suppose to happen when you become intimate with someone. Harris on the other hand was just a womanizer who couldn't control his d-khead. His life deserved to be turned upside down and most viewers will find themselves NOT rooting for this guy. Not only was the guy screwing and discarding every woman he met but he overall clearly wasn't a very bright man. Word to the wise ; When your freaking lawyer is blowing up your phone, YOU MIGHT WANT TO TAKE ONE OF HIS CALLS. Harris got what he deserved in the end for being an idiot.

Riley may have been a bit loopy but she was in fact innocent all along of all he accused her of.

Splinter Cell: Double Agent

The og DA is better than Chaos Theory
Despite the fact CT is recognized as the goat in the splinter cell series, I beg to differ. I had played the 360 version way back in 2006 and thought it was good but nothing special. Im just now playing the original Xbox version of DA in 2023 and all I can say is WOW it's a fantastic game. I tried replaying CT(first time in 15 years) right after I beat DA and it just didn't do it for me. I personally found the story of infiltrating the terrorist group(JBA) to be more engaging and with the critical choices you have to make in the game is outstanding. The hit detection while shooting is also 100% better than CT. For whatever reason, you constantly miss headshots at point blank range repeatedly. Nevertheless, I know I'm in the minority but Double Agent(ver 2) is my personal pick of best Splinter Cell game.

Halloween Ends

Should be called "Corey's Halloween"
For a movie that promotes the final showdown between Laurie and Michael, it's very head scratching that Myers doesn't make his first on screen appearance to almost 45 mins into the film. That was a really bad sign. The movie really centers around Corey, not Michael nor Laurie for that matter. It's about his severe struggles with reality and how he continues to unravel from a freak babysitting accident. The film does do a decent job of making you root for the guy and all the people who were pricks to him look to get their comeuppance. But again, way too much time was spent on Corey and not Michael and Laurie. The last scene though was a very creative way to put everybody's mind at rest that this time Michael is certainly NOT coming back. I would say the movie as a whole was disappointing but I'd be lying if I said I was expecting it to be great before watching it. Most people I'm sure would agree.

Curse of Chucky

A decent job of going back to its roots
After the couple pure comedies that were bride and seed of Chucky, this movie aimed to get back on track with edge of your seat suspense and horror. In some ways it succeeded and others it still fell a bit flat. Overall I still enjoyed the movie more than the previous couple. I watched it when it first released back in 2013 and am just rewatching it for a second time in 2022. I honestly feel the same about now as I did then. It's a pretty decent watch. I really liked how they delve deeper into Charles Lee Ray's past for the first time and you get to learn more about him. Was really good stuff to see. Brad Dourif was really made for that part and even his real life daughter does a good job as Nica. If you are a fan of chucky it def has some tense moments and interesting stuff to see. It's the ending that had me scratching my head and the reason I didn't score this film higher than a 6/10.

The Stepfather

Another cult classic
I didn't see The Stepfather(1987) until 2020 on Tubi and immediately understood why it not only has a cult following but also was eventually remade. Although I heard the remake was poor compared to the original, I really enjoyed The Stepfather. Terry O'Quinn was very believable in his role as the Menacing dad who does his best to play nice nice with his new wife and step kid. Stephanie is so feisty,smart and adorable at the same time. Susan the unsuspecting wife/mom tries to encourage both her daughter and husband. With all that said, I believe the most important character in the movie is Jerry's slain ex wife's brother who is trying to track him down. A very well done suspenseful movie that I've watched at least 3 times in 2 years.

Fatal Beauty

If you enjoyed Beverly Hills Cop, this is for you!
I didn't know what to expect on this one but while channel surfing it caught me eye a bit so I gave it a shot and glad I did. With an underrated cast and a vibe that just screams 80s buddy cop action flick, I immediately was hooked. Whoopi was entertaining in the lead role. Sam Elliot and Ruben Blades were witty. Brad Dourif...The man I grew up watching terrorizing people as a killer doll. He was one year shy here before he went on that multi film rampage which would earn him millions no doubt was great in his antagonist role. I'll def be watching this one again.

When a Stranger Calls

A Cult Classic
They just don't make suspense and horror flicks like this anymore. Most movies now rely on blood and guts for shock value opposed to a slow suspenseful build with good storytelling. It wasn't until this past year in 2022 I saw this for the first time and was really blown back by it. I completely understood after all this time why it's still held in high regard, why it had a sequel and a remake in the early 2000s. If you love old school suspense with jump scares, this one's for you!


Moral to the movie; Stay away from marriage
People are so very damaged from life. There's not one exception to that in this world. Every single person has had a toll taken on them in one way or another. Every person also has secrets and darkness that comes along with them. That's precisely why it's not a good idea to marry someone because there's 99.9% chance you don't know every little secret about the person you are marrying. Both women in the movie are bats-t crazy but at least Mara is much much easier on the eyes. It's quite the double revelation at the end of the movie but overall I found myself rooting against the wife throughout the entire watch.

Last Night

Marriage is NOT for everyone including these 2
Every man knows it's extremely difficult to control two heads on his person instead of one. That's something women can never understand. It's very hard no matter how much you love your partner. Then you have women who love to play these games with themselves(Even when married) and pretend they are only dressing up and going out to make "themselves feel good". Here's a woman who was literally wearing grannie pannies the night before bumping into her old flame and then proceeded to put on the cutest and sexist pair of undies she had along with a stunning dress that her own husband had probably not seen her in since they were newlyweds just to impress a man who wasn't her husband. Just think about that for moment. You're wearing things you don't even do for your own husband or not in a long time. Yeah They both had no business being married obviously. Here's the number one thing I gained and took from this movie ; If you really want to feel alive and keep your life exciting, stay away from marriage. People get really dull, jealous and stop doing(or wearing) things they did before they exchanged vows. It's all down hill from there. If you're someone who can't help but get married, don't play dangerous games and stop acting like you don't know what you're doing. You should not be ever leaving your house on your own personal time to spend time with another man or woman. Unless you're completely open and honest with your spouse, that has no business ever happening whatsoever. Marriage isn't for you if you ever find yourself needing to go out with another man or woman who isn't your wife/husband. A lot of people should feel the same way too after seeing this movie.


Fate is only what you make yourself
It's a cute yet very frustrating movie to say the least. If you meet someone and it's clear as crystal that you have that spark together, don't start playing games for no reason just to see if you're "meant to be". Beckinsale has always been a beautiful woman but she was asking for the mental and emotional turmoil she experienced after she ran off the guy who she really was interested in years earlier and why ? Who the hell does that ? Yes it's a movie but make it make sense. She was a single woman looking for love and then proceeded to start playing games with the guy who seemed perfect for her and each other. Moral of the story; If you are sincerely interested in someone and it's mutual, see how far it goes together immediately. Do not play games with people.

Sleepless in Seattle

Meg Ryan in The Obsessed Stalker(The actual real title)
A very far fetched and illogical movie that has some cute moments in it but overall it fails to suspend one's disbelief for multiple reasons. First of all no woman would leave her finance who treats her well for a man she's never seen with her own eyes in her life. It's one thing to be touched emotionally by a stranger's story. It's an entire different thing when you travel across country to literally begin stalking that person and their family. That's Meg Ryan's character. Maybe if this was an ex significant other who you're trying to get back with would make a lot more sense but ultimately it's laughable what's going on in this movie. Tom Hanks is still great to watch as he always is but not his best movie by a long shot. Not really sure why it's a "cult classic" tbh. I'm now off to watch "You got mail". Hopefully that one is a better overall and believable movie.

First Kid

Sinbad brings the laughs as usual
I'm very surprised I didn't see this movie around the time when it came out. I was always a fan of Sinbad's work. He will go down as the funniest clean comedian imo. Definitely an entertaining watch between Simms and the president's son. Being able to see how they couldn't stand each other at first and then see a friendship blossom. I'll def watch it again soon.


Another 80's timeless classic
Whether it's Predator,Aliens,Terminator,Robocop or Die Hard to name a few, the 80s just had IT when it came to great sci-fi/action flicks. So much so that Hollywood continues to try to duplicate the magic those movies created in the past recent years. For me personally though, I continue to just rewatch these classic movies yearly I loved so much while I was growing up and for me personally they have aged really well.

Secret Window

A predictable yet still somewhat enjoyable thriller
Who is more likely to snap in a real-life marriage love triangle ? The cheater, cheatee, or the outside lover? If you're smart enough to figure that out, this movie plays out just about exactly as you would expect it to.


A timeless classic that never gets old
It's not just one of the best movies from the 80s but still holds up very well in 2022. An outstanding sequel and hell of a cast put together for this sci fi thriller/action film which is truly iconic. Obviously Ripley is the star but Hudson,Hicks and Vasquez really steal the show. Newt, Bishop, Apone and Drake were underrated in their roles as well. Can't forget about the cowardice, snake-like Burke either who really makes you despise him. Fantastic movie with plenty of thrills, action, humor and story that will have you revisiting time and again if not already.

Adventures in Babysitting

A super fun and ADVENTUROUS movie
Hard to believe that as an 80s kid that I am, this cult comedy got passed me. I grew up on the likes of Ferris Bueller, Teen Wolf,Honey I shrunk the kids, Back to the Future and Karate Kid to name a few. Ironically Elizabeth Shue also starred in the latter as well as BTTF 2/3. This movie was so well done, so funny and to be honest as soon as I saw Chris Columbus was the director before watching I knew it was going to be good because he did other cult classics such as Home Alone and Mrs Doubtfire. I'm super nostalgic so my 39 year old self really enjoyed this one and def will watch it again soon!

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

All time classic
The greatest action movie ever made. I'm a big fan of A lot of Arnie's movies growing up like Predator, Terminator, Commando, etc but T2 is his finest hour. The standout from all the rest. There is no greater action/scifi flick than this movie right here imo.

There's certain scenes that still give me goosebumps when I hear and see them. Just a phenomenal movie.

The Shawshank Redemption

A timeless, tireless classic
One of the greatest films of all time. It absolutely has aged like fine wine. Never gets old. There's not a whole lot of movies that are on par with the excellence of Shawshank Redemption.

Pretty in Pink

Good movie although the ending is a head scratcher
Let me just say I grew up watching the likes of Mannequin and Weekend at Bernies so I really dig Andrew McCarthy. I was rooting for him to get Molly Ringwald's character when I first saw this movie but in all honesty Blane was just kinda blah. It was really Duckie(Cryer) that stole the show and should've ended up with Andie. He was so in love with her since they were young and he wanted to marry her.(He even told her dad that) So it's a bit confusing as to why them finally being together wasn't the end result especially when Andie and Blane were COMPLETE opposites with red flags everywhere. Nevertheless though, a cute and funny movie.

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