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The Slumber Party Massacre

5.6? Please....
I'm writing this review in 2023. I know a lot of horror fans use IMDb but obviously they don't review the films. You need to show some respect for an absolute horror CLASSIC that should be seen by ALL horror fans, and should be in most fans top 20 horror films of all time list. It's in my top 10! This is prime Roger Corman. Low budget, lots of gratuitous nudity, (seriously, give us group showers scenes back) and some really good kills! It launched the career of scream queen Brinke Stevens and has hit cult status at this point. This film should not only NOT be below a 7/10, it should be worshipped! THIS is top notch, cult classic, drive in cinema at it's finest!

Dead Ringers

Stop comparing genius
After reading 90% of the reviews I wonder what the hell, everyone else is watching that I'm not. The biggest complaint on here, is it's not the same as Cronenberg's. I'll be the 1st to admit that Cronenberg is God and everything he makes is a masterpiece. This shouldn't be compared to that. It's a REMAKE. As in, similar story beats from a different perspective. This was wonderful and I DO agree that Rachel Weisz deserves every accolade for her performance. I gained a lot of respect for her after this series that I never had before. I mean, I knew she was good, but WOW! The little nuances in body language and facial contortions that define the twins is astonishing! Great series! Don't listen to the ghost of Ebert who trashes all genre films and series. 100% worth your time!

Evil Dead

Best horror movie of the last decade
I write this review, after watching Evil Dead Rise today in 2023. I don't know what other reviewers watched, but this film is almost perfect! From the opening scene that IMMEDIATELY subverts expectations. (love the Ted Raimi cameo) This film tells you right off the bat, that they aren't playing around and this isn't your campy, typical Evil Dead film. You know in the first 6 minutes that this is gonna be brutal, and if you can't handle that, just watch something else. I say I write this after seeing Evil Dead Rise for a reason. I love this Evil Dead film! No offense to Bruce or Sam but I not only enjoy this film more than the original trilogy, it's in my top 10 favorite horror films of all time! Rise definitely took more aspects from this than the original trilogy, and even though I enjoyed it immensely, I still like this one more. There are seriously frightening moments in this that Rise just doesn't provide. And to have Rise at what will probably end up a 7.1 or so and have this at 6.5 is a disservice to this film. I've been a hard-core horror fan for over 43 years and as one, I've been desensitized to scare factor in film. This film has it in spades! And 10 years and a requel later and I still think this is the greatest horror film made in the last decade! And I will die on this hill defending it!

Another Dirty Movie

Offensive for the sake of it
I'm watching this in 2023 for the 1st time and if you know the world we live in now, you know this will make so many people cry if they watch it now, like me, for the 1st time. Man, the jokes are offensive! Like REALLY offensive. And I LOVE it! I'm so happy I waited until today to finally watch it. It's comedy and it doesn't just attack one group. Yes, there's anti-semetic jokes, and sex jokes, and racist jokes and, honestly, if you're offended, you probably shouldn't watch comedy in general... Or go outside... Or function as a normal human... The best comedies are those that push boundaries. Develop a sense of humor people! You want equality and you get it, then you complain it's offensive. Ok, then you DON'T want equality? Make up your mind.

Jeepers Creepers: Reborn

C'mon guys, really?
Seriously 1 out of 10 on almost every review? This is Jeepers Creepers not Citizen Kane. What did you expect? This was better than 90% of ALL Troma films and I LOVE Troma! I feel like Ebert and Maltin just created 100 accounts so they could all write the same review 100 times about how much they hate horror films. This was by no means a masterpiece, but it was better than a lot of horror films I watched in 2022 (here's looking at you Halloween Ends). I would say this foes an even better job at rebooting a franchise than the last Wrong Turn movie that kinda had a lot of the same problems as this one that people didn't whine about as much. Look man, I like Ghoulies 3: Ghoulies Go To College. Like I said, Troma fan! Totally down with bad movies! was bad but not as bad as these reviews. I doubt even a fraction of these reviewers are even horror fans.

Terrifier 2

You haven't been paying attention
People's biggest complaint about this is that it's too long and so many parts don't make sense. If you've seen the 9th Circle or All Hallows Eve you would see that Art has always been of a demonic variety. (Hell, even the title the 9th circle should tell you how he was conceived) Art is a demon pure and simple. In All Hallows Eve 1st segment he even kidnaps a woman to be raped by Satan, which should tell you all you need to know. He's an instant unkillable icon like Jason or Freddy and it's nice to have a new one since Sam from Trick R Treat is the last one I can think of. From a horror fanatics standpoint, this rocks! And let's talk for a second about Damien Leone's special effects work. Jesus, you would think he studied under Tom Savini. His work is AMAZING! Almost like Robert Green Hall (RIP) who true horror fans know about and respect greatly. I can't really say a negative thing about this film. It was miles above the original, and it gave us a final girl to root for. It's ambiguous because ITS SUPPOSED TO BE. Learning everything about a character makes it less scary and boring! Wanna know more? Watch Terrifier 3, or 4, or 5 or however far Damien wants to take it! True horror fans are here for the ride, NOT the destination! Keep up the great work and THANK YOU for giving us Art the clown!

Halloween Ends

Not a Halloween film
More problems here than can actually be mentioned in 1 review. So we introduce a character in the last film of a trilogy and we make that character the main story beat? Like really? This is only 1 step above Jason Goes to Hell, ONLY because yeah, Michael's in it. (For about 20 minutes.) And yeah, I also get that this is 4 years later but damn.... 4 years ago Michael does Michael like things and literally slaughters half a town of people beating him to death but is suddenly overpowered by a 21 year old kid half his size? And then, the majority of deaths are done in a quick style method from Great Value Michael Myers? I actually lost faith in Jamie Lee also! She's been a proud supporter of the franchise since the beginning. NO WAY, she didn't read this script and think this was a proper send off! I watch bad films ALL the time. I'm a fan of them... But this.wasnt just ANY franchise. And everyone involved in this should be ashamed of themselves! This was a dumpster fire! Troll 2 was better than this film! (told you I liked bad movies!)

Fright Night

My introduction to horror film
I watched this film back in '87 when I was, in fact, 7 and it kicked off a love for horror that I still have, to this day! Idk what it is, about this film that attracts people to it, but I've nailed down through the years that what makes it special, is its one of the 1st horror films. With a protaginist, that ALSO loves horror film! And one of his favorite late night horror hosts also becomes a main character. It not only sparked my love for horror, it also sparked my love for horror hosts. Svengoolie, Elvira, and Joe Bob have shaped my love of films and really my entire life! Tom Holland had something special here, and he knew it! This film is perfect in every conceivable way!

Crimes of the Future

A return to body horror by the master
The best thing about a Cronenberg film is it gets panned by critics and fans upon release and then 30 years later when they finally understand his genius it becomes a cult classic, hailed as a masterpiece. People who say they didn't like it because it didn't make sense should just stick to your Blumhouse films and not watch it. It's ok if your not smart enough to enjoy it. Few are.

Death House

What robots review movies here?
So the main complaint of every horrible review here of this movie is it makes no sense and has a terrible plot. Guys, it's a horror movie not Citizen Kane! True horror hounds will find a lot to like here. Plot? Who cares? Wooden.acting? Who cares? Bad story? Yes, and honestly who cares? It's got what every great late night drive in horror movie needs. Joe Bob Briggs calls them the three Bs. (if you know what I mean, and I think you do) I give it a 5 out of 10 for no other reason than that. And as a TRUE horror fan for life I enjoyed it. I can't say I like Chopping Mall or C. H. U. D 2 Bud the Chud and not say this didn't entertain me on some horror level. And to be quite honest it probably deserves a higher rating from me just for the AMAZING casting! Like seriously spectacular job there. I feel like maybe Danielle Harris missed an opportunity here but she was probably filming something else who knows? I'll never understand why films like this get bad reviews from "supposed" horror fans. It's like the reviewers either only like arthouse or mainline horror franchises. Sorry, but that makes you a horror movie dabbler not a true blue horror movie lover. If you grew up watching shows like USA Up All Night and Monstervision and you enjoyed the exploitation films they'd show than I think you'll like this one. To all the troll reviewers here maybe go watch some Troma films before you call this trash. I enjoy both and this was solid.

New Year's Evil

I just wanna point out that this is the year 2022, and in all horror circles this is considered a cult classic. The music alone is worth a watch. People that review these movies need a revoke on their horror card.

The Dallas Connection

Cult gem!
Does the plot make sense? No. Was it well written? No. Is it full of hot women and nekkid breasts? Oh yeah! And, fun fact, it's labeled under Tubis cult classic category. Because it's AWESOME! It's a Sidaris film and anybody who loves drive in cinema knows what they're in for.


Better than 80% out there
After seeing this a couple times I gotta say, this is a solid horror film. Is it perfect? No, but let's get real, we're horror fans, what is? This has a solid story, solid acting, and, my God, atmosphere for days. It's better than 80% of the slow burn or mumblegore horror produced in the 21st century so do yourself a favor if you like horror and give it a watch!

Hatchet II

Good ole fashioned fun
The original Hatchet broke the mold for what modern day slashers could be. This one expands on the mythos by "setting the rules" of the Victor Crowley legend. This film is what cements Crowley as a slasher icon and sets this series up as a cult classic!

The White Lotus

Time for an honest review
I'm not gonna lie, I originally started watching this for the eye candy that is Alexandria Daddario AND Syndney Sweeney, but after 2 episodes it hooked me in and I HAD to finish it (if only to see who dies from the 1st 5 minutes of the 1st episode)

The Sleeper

Don't listen to the haters
This was a low budget, terribly acted film with lots of Black Christmas vibes. I rated it 6 stars for one reason.... The cameo from the man, the myth, and the legend Joe Bob Briggs! If you've seen the majority of films played by him on The Last Drive In or Monstervision and you think this sucks, I gotta ask if you're even mutant family material!

Trick or Treats

Don't listen to the haters
When you watch this objectively as a horror comedy that was intended to be over acted and ridiculous, you'll see how funny it ACTUALLY is. I mean, for God's sakes, why does the father put on lipstick to escape the asylum in drag when he was planning on knocking out the guard anyway? I can see Joe Bob playing this on the Last Drive In some Halloween special...

I Know What You Did Last Summer

Average in every way
Reading these other reviews, I'm starting to realize that people who say it's "woke" don't actually understand what "woke" is. Nothing about the premier felt forced or out of place. Newsflash! Teens do drugs and have sex with each other. It's called life. The production. Alyeska are good. The acting is serviceable. The problem I see is the "twist" in the 1st episode. It's different, but I can see it being harmful down the road. Especially with the character development of the main actress. For now I rate it a 5 for being exactly what it is, average. Maybe some slick writing will change my mind in future episodes.

I Spit on Your Grave III: Vengeance Is Mine

Not as bad as you read
Apparently only pansies who aren't familiar with exploitation film, rate these movies here. The 1st half is a straight up run of the mill, abuse drama. It builds tension, reintroduces you to the protagonist, etc. The 2nd half is where the exploitation comes in. And it's solid! Don't let the reviews deter you. Worth a watch for sure!

A Classic Horror Story

Not an original idea... That's the point...
The biggest complaint I see is its been done a hundred times before.... Um, yeah.... It's right there in the title....

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Absolutely perfect! After 37 years it still contains relevance! A true example of a cult horror film that hits mainstream status.

The Howling

Considering that this film came out the same year as An American Werewolf in London, and SOMEHOW it gets a 7.4 star review while this gets a 6.6 is a travesty! This film is a masterpiece! It's transformation effects more than rival AAWIL, plus they're done by Rob Bottin who goes on to do The Thing (I know, what an amateur!) This film goes from slasher, to supernatural, to monster movie at a frenetic pace of 91 minutes! Why Joe Dante isn't spoken with the same reverence as John Carpenter I'll never know. He's a master!

Castle Freak

Forget the haters
For any negative reviews, I gotta ask... Did you forget B movies from the late early 90s? Barbara Crampton didn't, and thats why she produced this...This is a love letter to exploitation film from that era. The Lovecraft references alone are worth their weight in gold. Thanks for expanding an already classic (in my book)

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