
IMDb member since November 2006
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    17 years



emotional violence
this film is as terrifying as anything ever released. it takes events from modern headlines and carries them to horrible, but utterly believable extremes. performances, photography, editing, score, sound design, direction are all spot on.

i live in a neighborhood where people literally get stabbed in the street, and this film scared the hell out of me. it creates a tension that is almost unbearable, and then it breaks your heart. the genius of this film is the degree to which you empathize and grow to love the protagonist(s.)

i was skeptical when i was told about how people supposedly fainted in the theater when they saw it. after watching this film, i absolutely believe it. there is one scene in particular that made me dizzy.

don't watch it alone, and don't watch it if you think horror films are supposed to make you laugh. this film will make you cry.

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