
IMDb member since February 2021
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    3 years, 7 months



Yeah, I'm disappointed that making this stereotypes to man's for many people isn't fun but same script but with a women's in it would be a hit. For me watching this was at the same level of enjoyment that watching straight "romcom" if I can be honest.


First of all I don't know who said to killer2 that this movie is about MMA, maybe he should read and not judge just looking on Mr Khalidov.

And now I can say that movie is ok. Not one of those who take me on my knees and make me think about it next few days but first half it's pretty deecend. From secund part something goes wrong, looks like screen writers didn't know how to end so make some shortcut thinking that nobody noticed. So it's not bad but it's not movie for everyone.

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