
IMDb member since October 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years


Aatish: Feel the Fire

Simply one of the best Indian Action Flick i've ever seen
Simply one of the best Indian Action Flick i've ever seen. It has everything a story needs to catch the viewer once and twice and trice and so on until you actually wear out the Video Tape and DVD .. like i did. I've literally seen this Sanju baba Film approximately over 100 (hundred) times in Video and DVD. Actions, Mobsters, Revenge, Love, Friendship, Brotherhood, Drama.. everything a perfect Action Film. You can see the talent of Sanjay Gupta and the influences of Japanese movies, like A Better Tomorrow and others, had on this director before he shot Aatish. Sanjay Dutt was Dashing in the Role of Baba. Music was fast and catchly. Honest to God i knew every line said in this movie! Simply Great!

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