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Harry & Meghan: Episode #1.3
Episode 3, Season 1

Nothing new!
Three episodes in, and there's absolutely nothing new! It's all a repetition of things they've said before - even the photographs and videos are from before!

I was anticipating something current, but it appears that this deflated tire has nothing left to offer.

I need 325 more characters before this review will be accepted, but this series is so incredibly vapid that that will be a very, very, very difficult task! It may be an impossible task, but if you're (surprisingly) still with me, let me tell you how I was disappointed with this series. As I said, it's a repetition of everything they've already disclosed. They really don't do anything, so their personal lives are boring.

I'm out, no episode four for me! Thanks for nothing.

The Peripheral: Jackpot
Episode 4, Season 1

I gave "eights" ratings for the first three episodes, then this episode came out of the shadows and is so boring in comparison!

*Those* are going to be the driving plot for the future dystopia?! People are absolutely saturated with them, and watch these fiction series - especially sci fi, **for escape**!

I'll finish the series regardless (only four episodes left), but I have to express my extreme disappointment with these writers, that unless there's a drastic change soon, have.squandered an absolutely brilliant start to what could have been a fresh classic.

Imo, even The. Mandelorian had one bad episode, so I hope this one was a glitch...

The Gray Man

For all the action scenes, pretty boring!
Eleven books in the series, each a gem, they could have picked any one and had a hit. Instead, nothing *NOTHING* in this movie is even remotely close to anything in the books, plot or characters.

Instead, we get a jumbled mess of forced James Bond, Ethan Hunt, Jason Bourne, and John Wick, all rolled into one. I love each of those characters, *but not here*!


Where has all the sci fi gone?!
To put it in perspective, The Expanse (10/10) had to shop to extend their seasons after SyFy cancelled them, and had to beg for a rushed/very short final season to give fans a bit of closure. Moonhaven is ponderous to watch, and these days get all the life and financing, regardless of fan response.

Resident Alien: Old Friends
Episode 1, Season 2

Edge? Hello...edge? Edge?! ....
So boring! This could be the lamest episode so far, and for the new season entrée, that's disappointing. He is supposed to be a brutal alien, mission to kill all humans, and now he's like a guard dog for the planet?

Really - is there anyone out there that doesn't already know what's going to happen for the rest of the season?

I will give it one more episode to fix it, then I'm bailing.

The Expanse: Why We Fight
Episode 5, Season 6

Wasted precious time on boring dialogue
Having read the book series, why are they wasting pecious screen time on the kids and reanimation of dead things on Laconia, when it's *completely irrelevant* to the story left for the tv audience?!

More important would have been showing the Laconians building their alien proto molecule space ships!

The kids in the book timeline are two books away from the screen progress.

Completely disappointed in this whole final season, after giving solid 10s for each of the first five :(

The Book of Boba Fett: Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa
Episode 3, Season 1

Just one simple question...
Where - where in the whole Star Wars universe, has anything like the four bedazzled power rangers and their bedazzled scooters appeared?!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

So *lame*, and a great big fail.

The Book of Boba Fett

All that's missing is Jar Jar, and a trombone playing a few comical "wha wha whaaa"s
Three eps in, and a boring plot that drags on and on - Boba trying to be recognized and respected, and he continues to just look lame.

No one can shoot, mercy for every single enemy, Boba can't seem to fight without others stepping in to help (he hasn't used even one of his suit gadgets, yet!), he has hired some Power Ranger wanna be's, and he's going to tame a rancor...?! :(

Also disappointing is that the episodes barely break a half hour!

I'll watch a couple more, but I have a feeling this series is best suited for either Saturday mornings, or after school specials.

The Expanse

Oh, my!
I've just finished reading the series book finale, "Leviathan Falls", and there is no way that the series closure can be completed with only one episode remaining as I write this.

I do, however, see a path to satisfy the viewing audience, until hopefully another network picks this up for future episodes...

If my fellow Expanse fans are left with a hunger for more, I suggest the books for a story ten times larger than what its video budget restraints left out.


Very interesting.
An extremely hostile environment, the kids all happy and dressed in bright, clean clothes, a bare existence, but they are all very happy! I could have watched another hour.

Locke & Key

Halfway through S1 and all of S2, you will groan, "You idiot!", often in each episode
If you want to watch a somewhat similar series that has zero frustration for the audience, I suggest The Lost Room (2006) - still holds an 8.2 rate here at IMDb.

I was impressed by the general plot of this one, and it started off fairly promising, but extremely poor writers squandered a chance of legendary.

Instead, this progressed into a low, nonsensical "background noise while multitasking " level of entertainment.

What a shame.

Star Trek: Discovery: Kobayashi Maru
Episode 1, Season 4

These writers/directors have not improved at all, since the end of the last season!
I was anticipating for even an iota's worth of improvement in script or acting direction, to give me some hope that the show would have a future for me.

Negative! All the fans' criticism *especially about S3's finale!* was completely ignored.

That's it, moving on. I'll just wait for the next Star Trek series for any semblance to the Roddenberry vision, however long down the road that may be...

No Time to Die

Its mission was to gently condition the audience for the change.
As a huge Daniel Craig/Bond fan, I was disappointed at the vapid plot to this one, his finale. I did realise though, that a reoccurring conversation throughout was about his replacement...and exactly what we're supposed to expect in the next installment as such.

I will hope that the decision makers will instead start a new spy series, a new, unique character as the centerpiece, and let it succeed on its *own merit*, instead of leeching off of decades and decades of an unrelated, successful, "similar in name only" character.

The Walking Dead: Out of the Ashes
Episode 5, Season 11

The true test for TWD level of content...
If this season was actually Season One of TWD, there is *no way* that there would have been a Season Two!

So boring, so predictable, I see no entertainment value in TWD, anymore.

Bailing, three seasons too late.

The Bite

For the hysterical and gullible.
The content is so outdated already that it should be shelved as "too irrelevant".

Really bad acting, this plot has actually been done previously by at least two movies that I'm aware of.

History of the Sitcom

A pathetic, scary footnote to update (2021)...
A pathetic, scary footnote for 2021 - So many of these comedians, notably Jerry Seinfeld et al, refuse to perform at any of today's college campuses because the students have lost their sense of humor. With so many social agendas, there are too many people that are sitting on the edge of the seat ready to be offended and attack.



Vin! Please, no more F movies!
Focus on a better Riddick role, and let Bruce Willis or Eric Roberts continue with this sinking franchise...


Not even for background noise while multitasking!
What a bore!

Zero entertainment content. It's a joke that the descriptor of "thriller" is used for Pig. Dark, depressing, humorless, lots and lots of stretches where no one talks. When there is dialogue, it is soft and monotone.

All the rave reviews are just bizarre and suspicious.

Gunpowder Milkshake

Just a very badly made movie :(
I have enjoyed *every one* of these actresses in past performances, and I was so looking forward to some outstanding entertainment, but this was awful!

Bad directing, bad dialog, bad script, lame attempt at comedy, unoriginal ideas heavily "borrowed " from John Wick plots, and Tarantino style which is the worst of it.



Disappointed once again by a very nonsensical sci fi
I always wonder how writers and directors can be so careless and sloppy when putting these productions out. I love any sci fi that can stimulate the imagination or pushes past the edge of science reality, but this one is frustratingly, completely unscientific and illogical!

~3/4 of Earth's surface is water, and they sent a spaceship that can't float?! (that gave me a laugh) The mudders kill Blake's Capt but she makes friends with them? The mudders have a big bonfire at night, but there's zero plants, let alone trees, anywhere on Earth!. I wonder how the mudders made their bows/arrows, too. Everyone has good condition (cotton?) shirts and pants, and tarps for capes...From where?! All day it's relentless fog and rain but at night we see stars. Earth has long been destroyed, but they still have a boat with diesel fuel? The mudders are portrayed as savages, yet they could navigate that boat after they escaped, to return directly to their settlement? Scientifically, a viable human population needs ~4,000 to 10,000 people to ensure genetic diversity to avoid inbreeding (=doom!) There were only a few dozen total, both colonies. If Earth's surface is devoid of land animals and plants, what will the rest of the Keplers eat once they get here?

There were some other annoying details, too, to add yourself.

This was completely unsatisfying, once finished. Three stars for the decent actors.

A Quiet Place Part II

I started cheering for the monsters
Nothing makes logical sense in this sequel, just like the first one.

Why did they go barefoot everywhere? Why did they spend so much time and effort hauling beach sand for miles-long paths? In the opening scene, how did everyone instantly realise that sound attracted the monsters? If hydro was out, how was the harbour all lit up? Why have a cryptic song on the radio instead of just broadcasting information about islands and monsters that can't swim, and later about the cochlear implant weapon? Since the teenagers saved everyone, why weren't they put in charge? Why couldn't one monster get through the convertible car roof?

Every minute watching this, I found myself tempted to watch something else.

Without Remorse

After reading the reviews from several sites condemning this production, I finally watched and assessed, for myself. *Awful*.

I also realised that a long-time partner to several of Tom Clancy's books, Mark Greaney, has one of his "The Gray Man" books in the early process of a Hollywood film production. Something tells me that that, too, will be unrecognisable to the faithful readers...


Netflix movies are getting as bad as Asylum : (
I'm more disappointed in myself watching to the end, than the quality of the movie.

When you see the obvious plot finish in the first five minutes, you can stop watching. What you are thinking will be the cure, it is - and there's nothing more to be entertained by.

Army of the Dead

Just another example that Hollywood has lost its mojo!
This was so bad that it necessitates the revival of the word, *stinker* to describe a bad movie.


Over 3,500 reviews, but I still feel compelled to vent my contempt!

Marvel Studios: Legends

Shameless commercials
Nothing but hype marketing, meant to keep the fanboys giddy during this Hollywood drought.

It's bits and pieces we've already seen, stitched together. It's actually funny how some zomboids have gotten so excited over this! ...or, weird...

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